Sheriff_JanMade by Page 1 of 22 Otsego Monthly Report 2017 Printed on February 1, 2017 Incident Start Date/Time Initial Call CFS #Final Incident Case Number How Reported 911 Hang-up Total: 28 01/01/17 03:24 911 Hang-up 2017000050 911 01/01/17 04:00 911 Hang-up 2017000053 911 01/01/17 20:01 911 Hang-up 2017000237 911 01/02/17 17:37 911 Hang-up 2017000462 911 01/02/17 17:46 911 Hang-up 2017000468 911 01/03/17 16:14 911 Hang-up 2017000729 911 01/03/17 16:17 911 Hang-up 2017000732 911 01/04/17 14:26 911 Hang-up 2017000983 911 01/06/17 14:57 911 Hang-up 2017001526 911 01/07/17 20:07 911 Hang-up 2017001820 911 01/08/17 23:51 911 Hang-up 2017002086 911 01/09/17 10:37 911 Hang-up 2017002164 911 01/10/17 14:43 911 Hang-up 2017002466 911 01/12/17 13:39 911 Hang-up 2017002962 911 01/12/17 21:11 911 Hang-up 2017003082 911 01/17/17 09:26 911 Hang-up 2017004174 911 Hang-up WCSOP17001645 911 01/17/17 09:44 911 Hang-up 2017004179 911 01/17/17 13:23 911 Hang-up 2017004234 911 01/18/17 17:48 911 Hang-up 2017004610 911 01/19/17 13:50 911 Hang-up 2017004813 911 01/20/17 12:20 911 Hang-up 2017005120 911 01/24/17 14:07 911 Hang-up 2017006225 911 01/24/17 15:32 911 Hang-up 2017006242 911 01/29/17 01:12 911 Hang-up 2017007407 911 Hang-up WCSOP17002777 911 01/29/17 17:04 911 Hang-up 2017007550 911 01/29/17 17:08 911 Hang-up 2017007551 911 01/30/17 04:00 911 Hang-up 2017007674 911 Hang-up WCSOP17002869 911 01/30/17 08:34 911 Hang-up 2017007708 911 911 Open Line Total: 11 01/17/17 14:40 911 Open Line 2017004256 911 01/19/17 06:59 911 Open Line 2017004730 911 01/19/17 20:44 911 Open Line;2017004939 Domestic Disturbance WCSOP17001921 911 01/21/17 10:44 911 Open Line 2017005382 911 01/21/17 10:45 911 Open Line 2017005383 911 01/25/17 15:41 911 Open Line 2017006542 911 01/26/17 15:47 911 Open Line 2017006787 911 01/26/17 19:02 911 Open Line 2017006840 911 01/26/17 20:03 911 Open Line 2017006853 911 Made by Page 2 of 22 Incident Start Date/Time Initial Call CFS #Final Incident Case Number How Reported 01/29/17 12:56 911 Open Line 2017007481 911 01/30/17 13:11 911 Open Line 2017007787 911 Abandoned Vehicle Total: 1 01/05/17 15:05 Abandoned Vehicle 2017001256 Abandoned Vehicle WCSOP17000475 Phone Abuse Total: 1 01/25/17 15:06 Abuse 2017006537 Suspicious - Circumstances WCSOP17002481 Other Agency Assist Total: 13 01/03/17 05:11 Agency Assist 2017000600 Agency Assist WCSOP17000236 Phone 01/05/17 13:45 Agency Assist 2017001241 Agency Assist WCSOP17000465 Phone 01/06/17 13:13 Agency Assist 2017001499 Agency Assist WCSOP17000571 Phone 01/07/17 03:09 Agency Assist 2017001673 Agency Assist WCSOP17000641 Phone 01/07/17 03:25 Agency Assist 2017001674 Agency Assist WCSOP17000642 Phone 01/09/17 15:35 Agency Assist 2017002237 Agency Assist WCSOP17000844 Phone 01/11/17 08:17 Agency Assist; MVA -2017002623 MVA - No Injuries WCSOP17001016 Phone 01/11/17 09:21 Agency Assist 2017002637 Warrant - Arrest WCSOP17001022 Phone 01/15/17 01:23 Agency Assist 2017003603 Agency Assist WCSOP17001421 Phone 01/20/17 01:09 Agency Assist; Traffic -2017004991 Agency Assist WCSOP17001933 Phone 01/22/17 04:40 Agency Assist 2017005598 Agency Assist WCSOP17002168 Phone 01/28/17 02:25 Agency Assist; Check 2017007189 Agency Assist WCSOP17002684 Phone 01/29/17 21:06 Agency Assist 2017007605 Agency Assist WCSOP17002844 Phone Alarm Total: 1 01/14/17 23:43 Alarm 2017003589 Alarm WCSOP17001416 Phone Animal Total: 11 01/06/17 11:47 Animal 2017001487 Animal WCSOP17000562 Phone 01/06/17 23:11 Animal 2017001632 Animal WCSOP17000621 911 01/19/17 06:33 Animal 2017004725 Animal WCSOP17001838 Phone 01/20/17 16:55 Animal 2017005203 Animal WCSOP17002026 01/21/17 13:40 Animal 2017005418 Animal WCSOP17002100 Phone 01/24/17 00:16 Animal 2017006095 Phone 01/24/17 17:50 Animal 2017006284 Phone 01/29/17 13:18 Animal 2017007485 Animal WCSOP17002807 Phone 01/30/17 10:30 Animal 2017007735 Animal WCSOP17002889 911 01/30/17 13:12 Animal 2017007788 Animal WCSOP17002908 Phone 01/31/17 08:33 Animal 2017007994 Animal WCSOP17002979 Phone Animal - Abuse Total: 1 01/29/17 17:10 Animal - Abuse 2017007552 Animal - Abuse WCSOP17002827 Phone Animal - Barking Dog Total: 3 01/05/17 12:58 Animal - Barking Dog 2017001226 Animal - Barking Dog WCSOP17000455 01/09/17 15:12 Animal - Barking Dog 2017002229 Animal - Barking Dog WCSOP17000839 Phone 01/28/17 04:13 Animal - Barking Dog 2017007195 Animal - Barking Dog WCSOP17002689 911 Animal - Bites - Attacks Total: 1 01/27/17 13:09 Animal - Bites - Attacks 2017006999 Animal - Bites - Attacks WCSOP17002627 Phone Made by Page 3 of 22 Incident Start Date/Time Initial Call CFS #Final Incident Case Number How Reported Assault Total: 1 01/16/17 14:00 Assault 2017003964 Domestic Disturbance WCSOP17001562 Phone Burglary Total: 2 01/12/17 15:44 Burglary 2017003002 Burglary WCSOP17001181 Phone 01/23/17 11:51 Burglary 2017005911 Suspicious - Circumstances WCSOP17002265 Phone Check Welfare Total: 7 01/07/17 13:18 Check Welfare 2017001743 Check Welfare WCSOP17000668 Phone 01/12/17 06:56 Check Welfare 2017002889 Check Welfare WCSOP17001128 Phone 01/16/17 09:24 Check Welfare 2017003912 Death Investigation -WCSOP17001535 Phone 01/18/17 21:08 Check Welfare 2017004660 Check Welfare WCSOP17001820 Phone 01/19/17 10:31 Check Welfare 2017004766 Check Welfare WCSOP17001854 Phone 01/23/17 17:06 Check Welfare 2017005990 Check Welfare WCSOP17002293 Phone 01/25/17 09:40 Check Welfare 2017006459 Check Welfare WCSOP17002448 Phone Citizen Aid Total: 4 01/14/17 18:59 Citizen Aid 2017003531 Citizen Aid WCSOP17001390 911 01/20/17 20:16 Citizen Aid 2017005263 Citizen Aid WCSOP17002042 911 01/20/17 20:27 Citizen Aid 2017005268 Citizen Aid WCSOP17002044 911 01/24/17 10:07 Citizen Aid 2017006174 Citizen Aid WCSOP17002351 Phone Civil Complaint Total: 12 01/01/17 12:36 Civil Complaint 2017000122 Civil Complaint WCSOP17000040 Phone 01/02/17 14:27 Civil Complaint 2017000401 Civil Complaint WCSOP17000143 Phone 01/06/17 13:56 Civil Complaint 2017001514 Civil Complaint WCSOP17000580 Phone 01/06/17 19:55 Civil Complaint 2017001592 Civil Child Custody WCSOP17000607 Phone 01/09/17 10:44 Civil Complaint 2017002167 Civil Complaint WCSOP17000806 Phone 01/16/17 14:03 Civil Complaint 2017003965 Civil Complaint WCSOP17001561 Phone 01/16/17 15:04 Civil Complaint 2017003981 Civil Complaint WCSOP17001574 Phone 01/16/17 16:24 Civil Complaint 2017003994 Civil Complaint WCSOP17001579 Phone 01/18/17 16:53 Civil Complaint 2017004590 Civil Child Custody WCSOP17001791 Phone 01/23/17 20:08 Civil Complaint 2017006046 Civil Complaint WCSOP17002309 Phone 01/24/17 17:20 Civil Complaint 2017006271 Civil Complaint WCSOP17002387 Phone 01/25/17 14:04 Civil Complaint 2017006515 Civil Complaint WCSOP17002472 Phone Civil Process Total: 11 01/10/17 10:05 Civil Process 2017002411 Officer 01/20/17 09:16 Civil Process 2017005070 Officer 01/23/17 15:06 Civil Process 2017005958 Officer 01/23/17 16:17 Civil Process 2017005979 Officer 01/23/17 17:28 Civil Process 2017005997 Officer 01/24/17 10:40 Civil Process 2017006185 Officer 01/25/17 11:10 Civil Process 2017006478 Officer 01/27/17 11:45 Civil Process 2017006977 Officer 01/27/17 12:00 Civil Process 2017006981 Officer 01/30/17 08:54 Civil Process 2017007712 Officer 01/30/17 15:33 Civil Process 2017007823 Officer Made by Page 4 of 22 Incident Start Date/Time Initial Call CFS #Final Incident Case Number How Reported Commercial Fire Alarm Total: 1 01/06/17 13:48 Commercial Fire Alarm 2017001513 Commercial Fire Alarm WCSOP17000578 Phone Commercial General Alarm Total: 17 01/02/17 02:19 Commercial General 2017000312 Commercial General Alarm WCSOP17000100 Phone 01/05/17 05:09 Commercial General 2017001146 Commercial General Alarm WCSOP17000425 Phone 01/08/17 13:08 Commercial General 2017001961 Commercial General Alarm WCSOP17000732 Phone 01/09/17 21:06 Commercial General 2017002309 Commercial General Alarm WCSOP17000877 Phone 01/12/17 13:41 Commercial General 2017002963 Commercial General Alarm WCSOP17001164 Phone 01/12/17 16:37 Commercial General 2017003020 Commercial General Alarm WCSOP17001190 Phone 01/13/17 01:38 Commercial General 2017003114 Commercial General Alarm WCSOP17001222 Phone 01/15/17 03:49 Commercial General 2017003616 Commercial General Alarm WCSOP17001426 Phone 01/16/17 20:51 Commercial General 2017004069 Phone 01/17/17 02:19 Commercial General 2017004125 Commercial General Alarm WCSOP17001623 Phone 01/18/17 17:01 Commercial General 2017004595 Commercial General Alarm WCSOP17001792 Phone 01/19/17 18:54 Commercial General 2017004902 Commercial General Alarm WCSOP17001909 Phone 01/20/17 05:50 Commercial General 2017005017 Commercial General Alarm WCSOP17001946 Phone 01/23/17 22:03 Commercial General 2017006077 Commercial General Alarm WCSOP17002315 Phone 01/24/17 13:35 Commercial General 2017006216 Commercial General Alarm WCSOP17002366 Phone 01/28/17 10:40 Commercial General 2017007235 Commercial General Alarm WCSOP17002705 Phone 01/29/17 16:55 Commercial General 2017007548 Commercial General Alarm WCSOP17002824 Phone Court Order Violation Total: 1 01/05/17 14:36 Court Order Violation 2017001248 Court Order Violation WCSOP17000469 Phone Criminal Damage to Property Total: 11 01/14/17 08:15 Criminal Damage to 2017003376 MVA - Hit & Run WCSOP17001321 Phone 01/17/17 05:18 Criminal Damage to 2017004132 Criminal Damage to Property WCSOP17001629 911 01/17/17 08:01 Criminal Damage to 2017004158 Criminal Damage to Property WCSOP17001638 Phone 01/17/17 12:18 Criminal Damage to 2017004226 Criminal Damage to Property WCSOP17001664 Phone 01/17/17 15:35 Criminal Damage to 2017004271 Criminal Damage to Property WCSOP17001680 Phone 01/17/17 17:02 Criminal Damage to 2017004298 Criminal Damage to Property WCSOP17001694 Phone 01/21/17 10:40 Criminal Damage to 2017005381 Criminal Damage to Property WCSOP17002084 Phone 01/27/17 09:51 Criminal Damage to 2017006947 Civil Complaint WCSOP17002607 Phone 01/28/17 11:06 Criminal Damage to 2017007240 Criminal Damage to Property WCSOP17002708 Phone 01/30/17 13:05 Criminal Damage to 2017007780 Criminal Damage to Property WCSOP17002900 Phone 01/30/17 15:07 Criminal Damage to 2017007816 Criminal Damage to Property WCSOP17002921 Phone Disabled Vehicle Total: 4 01/06/17 07:00 Disabled Vehicle 2017001429 Phone 01/11/17 11:47 Disabled Vehicle 2017002669 Disabled Vehicle WCSOP17001037 Phone 01/19/17 07:44 Disabled Vehicle 2017004735 Disabled Vehicle WCSOP17001841 Phone 01/31/17 08:40 Disabled Vehicle 2017007996 Disabled Vehicle WCSOP17002981 Phone Disorderly Total: 2 01/28/17 16:58 Disorderly 2017007307 Disorderly WCSOP17002736 911 01/28/17 18:32 Disorderly 2017007328 Disorderly WCSOP17002743 Phone Made by Page 5 of 22 Incident Start Date/Time Initial Call CFS #Final Incident Case Number How Reported Domestic Disturbance Total: 8 01/01/17 06:31 Domestic Disturbance 2017000066 Domestic Disturbance WCSOP17000023 Phone 01/06/17 22:07 Domestic Disturbance 2017001623 Domestic Disturbance WCSOP17000616 911 01/10/17 13:42 Domestic Disturbance 2017002456 Domestic Disturbance WCSOP17000941 Phone 01/20/17 03:48 Domestic Disturbance 2017005007 Domestic Disturbance WCSOP17001943 911 01/21/17 16:43 Domestic Disturbance 2017005472 Domestic Disturbance WCSOP17002125 Phone 01/27/17 02:14 Domestic Disturbance 2017006899 Domestic Disturbance WCSOP17002595 911 01/27/17 20:57 Domestic Disturbance 2017007127 Domestic Disturbance WCSOP17002667 Phone 01/29/17 14:10 Domestic Disturbance 2017007501 Domestic Disturbance WCSOP17002812 Phone Drugs Total: 1 01/28/17 20:57 Drugs 2017007360 Drugs WCSOP17002759 911 Dumping Total: 1 01/16/17 09:29 Dumping 2017003915 Dumping WCSOP17001548 Phone Fight Total: 2 01/07/17 02:13 Fight 2017001666 Fight WCSOP17000637 911 01/22/17 02:25 Fight 2017005595 Fight WCSOP17002166 Phone Fire - Burn Permit Total: 1 01/15/17 12:58 Fire - Burn Permit 2017003684 Phone Fire - Electrical Total: 1 01/21/17 19:49 Fire - Electrical 2017005511 Fire - Electrical WCSOP17002140 911 Fire - Gas Leak Total: 2 01/09/17 11:47 Fire - Gas Leak 2017002181 Fire - Gas Leak WCSOP17000816 Phone 01/14/17 14:21 Fire - Gas Leak 2017003459 Fire - Gas Leak WCSOP17001356 Phone Fire - Other Total: 3 01/03/17 20:25 Fire - Other 2017000800 Phone 01/09/17 21:24 Fire - Other 2017002314 Fire - Other WCSOP17000881 Phone 01/21/17 21:10 Fire - Other 2017005528 Fire - Other WCSOP17002147 911 Fire - Structure Total: 2 01/07/17 17:20 Fire - Structure 2017001787 Fire - Structure WCSOP17000686 911 01/12/17 21:10 Fire - Structure 2017003081 Fire - Structure WCSOP17001211 911 Fire - Vehicle Total: 1 01/12/17 04:51 Fire - Vehicle 2017002880 Fire - Vehicle WCSOP17001124 Phone Fraud - Checks - Cards Total: 1 01/19/17 19:00 Fraud - Checks - Cards 2017004905 Fraud - Checks - Cards WCSOP17001913 Phone Fraud - Forgery Total: 2 01/03/17 17:41 Fraud - Forgery 2017000760 Fraud - Forgery WCSOP17000297 Phone 01/21/17 11:46 Fraud - Forgery 2017005397 Fraud - Forgery WCSOP17002089 Phone Fraud - Internet Total: 1 01/13/17 10:01 Fraud - Internet 2017003155 Fraud - Internet WCSOP17001241 Phone Made by Page 6 of 22 Incident Start Date/Time Initial Call CFS #Final Incident Case Number How Reported Gun Incident Total: 1 01/03/17 13:16 Gun Incident 2017000677 Suspicious - Circumstances WCSOP17000266 Phone Harassment Total: 3 01/13/17 18:23 Harassment 2017003247 Neighborhood Dispute WCSOP17001281 Phone 01/26/17 10:48 Harassment 2017006728 Harassment WCSOP17002543 Phone 01/30/17 10:39 Harassment 2017007739 Harassment WCSOP17002891 Phone Info Total: 3 01/01/17 01:37 Info 2017000027 911 01/03/17 14:03 Info 2017000690 Phone 01/24/17 02:59 Info 2017006115 Squad Damage WCSOP17002329 Phone Intoxicated Person Total: 2 01/07/17 01:06 Intoxicated Person 2017001652 Intoxicated Person WCSOP17000633 911 01/23/17 00:32 Intoxicated Person 2017005833 Intoxicated Person WCSOP17002238 Phone Juvenile - Complaint Total: 8 01/01/17 09:59 Juvenile - Complaint 2017000090 Juvenile - Complaint WCSOP17000031 Phone 01/06/17 18:11 Juvenile - Complaint 2017001573 Juvenile - Complaint WCSOP17000601 Phone 01/12/17 12:40 Juvenile - Complaint 2017002954 Juvenile - Complaint WCSOP17001158 911 01/15/17 22:31 Juvenile - Complaint 2017003819 Juvenile - Complaint WCSOP17001500 Phone 01/19/17 18:54 Juvenile - Complaint 2017004903 Juvenile - Complaint WCSOP17001908 Phone 01/19/17 20:53 Juvenile - Complaint 2017004944 Juvenile - Complaint WCSOP17001920 911 01/23/17 11:50 Juvenile - Complaint 2017005910 Juvenile - Complaint WCSOP17002264 Phone 01/30/17 09:36 Juvenile - Complaint 2017007720 Juvenile - Complaint WCSOP17002883 Phone Juvenile - Runaway Total: 1 01/06/17 20:46 Juvenile - Runaway 2017001602 Juvenile - Complaint WCSOP17000611 911 Lock Out - Lock In Total: 2 01/08/17 15:08 Lock Out - Lock In 2017001986 Lock Out - Lock In WCSOP17000745 Phone 01/22/17 18:14 Lock Out - Lock In 2017005758 Lock Out - Lock In WCSOP17002224 911 Lost - Found Property Total: 2 01/16/17 10:18 Lost - Found Property 2017003924 Lost - Found Property WCSOP17001544 01/18/17 18:53 Lost - Found Property 2017004626 Lost - Found Property WCSOP17001805 Medical - Abdominal Pain Total: 2 01/02/17 08:39 Medical - Abdominal 2017000338 Medical - Abdominal Pain WCSOP17000109 Phone 01/23/17 13:40 Medical - Abdominal 2017005935 Medical - Abdominal Pain WCSOP17002277 Phone Medical - Allergies - Stings Total: 2 01/13/17 23:32 Medical - Allergies -2017003316 Medical - Allergies - Stings WCSOP17001296 911 01/25/17 16:17 Medical - Allergies -2017006552 Medical - Allergies - Stings WCSOP17002488 911 Medical - Breathing Problems Total: 6 01/04/17 01:05 Medical - Breathing 2017000856 Medical - Breathing Problems WCSOP17000326 911 01/05/17 04:19 Medical - Breathing 2017001144 Medical - Breathing Problems WCSOP17000423 911 01/11/17 04:49 Medical - Breathing 2017002601 Medical - Breathing Problems WCSOP17001006 911 Made by Page 7 of 22 Incident Start Date/Time Initial Call CFS #Final Incident Case Number How Reported 01/12/17 01:16 Medical - Breathing 2017002849 Medical - Breathing Problems WCSOP17001099 911 01/13/17 14:13 Medical - Breathing 2017003190 Medical - Breathing Problems WCSOP17001255 911 01/25/17 19:27 Medical - Breathing 2017006599 Medical - Breathing Problems WCSOP17002503 911 Medical - Chest Pain Total: 5 01/03/17 08:51 Medical - Chest Pain 2017000629 Medical - Chest Pain WCSOP17000242 Phone 01/04/17 22:56 Medical - Chest Pain 2017001106 Medical - Chest Pain WCSOP17000408 Phone 01/16/17 09:17 Medical - Chest Pain 2017003909 Medical - Chest Pain WCSOP17001532 911 01/25/17 12:15 Medical - Chest Pain 2017006493 Medical - Chest Pain WCSOP17002462 Phone 01/31/17 07:35 Medical - Chest Pain 2017007982 Medical - Chest Pain WCSOP17002974 911 Medical - Choking Total: 1 01/05/17 16:14 Medical - Choking 2017001280 Medical - Choking WCSOP17000484 911 Medical - Diabetic Total: 2 01/23/17 22:56 Medical - Diabetic 2017006087 Medical - Diabetic WCSOP17002321 911 01/24/17 11:10 Medical - Diabetic 2017006192 Medical - Diabetic WCSOP17002356 Phone Medical - Fall Over 6 Feet Total: 1 01/03/17 10:20 Medical - Fall Over 6 2017000642 Medical - Fall Over 6 Feet WCSOP17000246 Phone Medical - Fall Under 6 Feet Total: 7 01/06/17 07:32 Medical - Fall Under 6 2017001434 Medical - Fall Under 6 Feet WCSOP17000543 Phone 01/08/17 05:51 Medical - Fall Under 6 2017001910 Medical - Fall Under 6 Feet WCSOP17000718 911 01/20/17 17:01 Medical - Fall Under 6 2017005205 Medical - Fall Under 6 Feet WCSOP17002027 Phone 01/23/17 05:36 Medical - Fall Under 6 2017005850 Medical - Fall Under 6 Feet WCSOP17002246 911 01/26/17 18:39 Medical - Fall Under 6 2017006833 Medical - Fall Under 6 Feet WCSOP17002571 911 01/30/17 20:58 Medical - Fall Under 6 2017007902 Medical - Fall Under 6 Feet WCSOP17002947 911 01/31/17 01:32 Medical - Fall Under 6 2017007953 Medical - Fall Under 6 Feet WCSOP17002961 Phone Medical - Overdose - Poisoning Total: 1 01/17/17 17:02 Medical - Overdose -2017004299 Medical - Overdose - PoisoningWCSOP17001692 Phone Medical - Psychiatric - Behavioral Total: 9 01/05/17 10:27 Medical - Psychiatric -2017001195 Medical - Psychiatric -WCSOP17000447 911 01/05/17 22:03 Medical - Psychiatric -2017001369 Medical - Psychiatric -WCSOP17000517 Phone 01/08/17 02:28 Medical - Psychiatric -2017001900 Medical - Psychiatric -WCSOP17000713 Phone 01/13/17 12:17 Medical - Psychiatric -2017003175 Medical - Psychiatric -WCSOP17001250 911 01/17/17 10:32 Medical - Psychiatric -2017004188 Medical - Psychiatric -WCSOP17001652 Phone 01/17/17 10:37 Medical - Psychiatric -2017004191 Medical - Psychiatric -WCSOP17001653 911 01/23/17 09:46 Medical - Psychiatric -2017005883 Medical - Psychiatric -WCSOP17002253 911 01/23/17 19:48 Medical - Psychiatric -2017006041 Medical - Psychiatric -WCSOP17002307 Phone 01/30/17 13:09 Medical - Psychiatric -2017007786 Medical - Psychiatric -WCSOP17002903 911 Medical - Seizure Total: 1 01/22/17 07:35 Medical - Seizure 2017005614 Medical - Seizure WCSOP17002172 911 Medical - Sick Total: 8 01/02/17 20:06 Medical - Sick 2017000522 Medical - Sick WCSOP17000205 911 01/11/17 11:09 Medical - Sick 2017002662 Medical - Sick WCSOP17001034 911 Made by Page 8 of 22 Incident Start Date/Time Initial Call CFS #Final Incident Case Number How Reported 01/16/17 07:12 Medical - Sick 2017003876 Medical - Sick WCSOP17001518 911 01/18/17 12:18 Medical - Sick 2017004500 Medical - Sick WCSOP17001753 911 01/18/17 15:17 Medical - Sick 2017004552 Medical - Sick WCSOP17001776 911 01/19/17 09:45 Medical - Sick 2017004755 Medical - Sick WCSOP17001848 911 01/30/17 08:00 Medical - Sick 2017007701 Medical - Sick WCSOP17002877 Phone 01/30/17 12:28 Medical - Sick 2017007769 911 Medical - Stroke Total: 3 01/17/17 06:51 Medical - Stroke 2017004138 Medical - Stroke WCSOP17001631 911 01/21/17 15:51 Medical - Stroke 2017005454 Medical - Stroke WCSOP17002120 911 01/26/17 21:20 Medical - Stroke 2017006862 Medical - Stroke WCSOP17002583 911 Medical - Unknown Total: 3 01/01/17 01:26 Medical - Unknown 2017000024 Medical - Unknown WCSOP17000005 Phone 01/17/17 02:04 Medical - Unknown 2017004124 Medical - Unknown WCSOP17001622 911 01/23/17 22:08 Medical - Unknown 2017006079 Medical - Unknown WCSOP17002317 911 Missing Person Total: 1 01/02/17 11:24 Missing Person 2017000369 Check Welfare WCSOP17000128 Phone Motorist Aid Total: 2 01/10/17 22:35 Motorist Aid 2017002560 Phone 01/20/17 04:26 Motorist Aid 2017005009 Vehicle Off Road WCSOP17001944 911 MVA - Car Deer Total: 6 01/01/17 16:45 MVA - Car Deer 2017000181 Phone 01/02/17 08:49 MVA - Car Deer 2017000339 Phone 01/03/17 19:29 MVA - Car Deer 2017000785 MVA - Car Deer WCSOP17000305 Phone 01/09/17 06:48 MVA - Car Deer 2017002123 MVA - Car Deer WCSOP17000795 Phone 01/14/17 02:47 MVA - Car Deer 2017003351 MVA - Car Deer WCSOP17001311 Phone 01/14/17 21:51 MVA - Car Deer 2017003570 MVA - Car Deer WCSOP17001405 Phone MVA - Hit & Run Total: 1 01/20/17 15:22 MVA - Hit & Run 2017005176 MVA - Hit & Run WCSOP17002014 MVA - Injuries Total: 3 01/13/17 23:39 MVA - Injuries 2017003320 MVA - Injuries WCSOP17001298 01/17/17 16:05 MVA - Injuries 2017004281 MVA - Injuries WCSOP17001687 01/19/17 06:51 MVA - Injuries 2017004727 MVA - Injuries WCSOP17001839 MVA - No Injuries Total: 21 01/02/17 17:47 MVA - No Injuries 2017000469 MVA - No Injuries WCSOP17000174 01/03/17 16:08 MVA - No Injuries 2017000726 MVA - No Injuries WCSOP17000285 01/04/17 15:14 MVA - No Injuries 2017000992 MVA - No Injuries WCSOP17000368 01/05/17 13:24 MVA - No Injuries 2017001236 MVA - No Injuries WCSOP17000464 01/06/17 08:34 MVA - No Injuries 2017001448 MVA - No Injuries WCSOP17000548 01/10/17 07:12 MVA - No Injuries 2017002376 MVA - No Injuries WCSOP17000903 Phone 01/10/17 18:56 MVA - No Injuries 2017002523 MVA - No Injuries WCSOP17000972 01/11/17 11:56 MVA - No Injuries 2017002670 MVA - No Injuries WCSOP17001039 01/12/17 13:12 MVA - No Injuries 2017002958 MVA - No Injuries WCSOP17001161 Made by Page 9 of 22 Incident Start Date/Time Initial Call CFS #Final Incident Case Number How Reported 01/12/17 13:56 MVA - No Injuries 2017002965 MVA - No Injuries WCSOP17001166 01/14/17 12:41 MVA - No Injuries 2017003435 MVA - No Injuries WCSOP17001341 01/14/17 13:28 MVA - No Injuries 2017003449 MVA - No Injuries WCSOP17001350 01/14/17 17:26 MVA - No Injuries 2017003509 MVA - No Injuries WCSOP17001377 01/15/17 11:04 MVA - No Injuries 2017003660 MVA - Hit & Run WCSOP17001445 01/20/17 05:47 MVA - No Injuries 2017005016 MVA - No Injuries WCSOP17001950 911 01/20/17 06:03 MVA - No Injuries 2017005019 MVA - No Injuries WCSOP17001951 01/20/17 09:25 MVA - No Injuries 2017005074 MVA - No Injuries WCSOP17001967 01/24/17 15:10 MVA - No Injuries 2017006238 MVA - No Injuries WCSOP17002377 01/25/17 07:55 MVA - No Injuries 2017006443 MVA - No Injuries WCSOP17002439 01/31/17 14:24 MVA - No Injuries 2017008052 MVA - No Injuries WCSOP17003003 01/31/17 18:00 MVA - No Injuries 2017008104 MVA - No Injuries WCSOP17003025 MVA - Unknown Injuries Total: 1 01/02/17 17:24 MVA - Unknown Injuries 2017000455 Neighborhood Dispute Total: 1 01/14/17 14:32 Neighborhood Dispute 2017003465 Neighborhood Dispute WCSOP17001360 Noise Total: 3 01/14/17 19:04 Noise 2017003534 Noise WCSOP17001393 911 01/26/17 06:57 Noise 2017006687 Noise WCSOP17002533 911 01/26/17 06:58 Noise 2017006688 Off-Road Vehicle Complaint Total: 1 01/11/17 09:17 Off-Road Vehicle 2017002634 Off-Road Vehicle Complaint WCSOP17001020 Phone Open Door - Window Total: 2 01/10/17 13:43 Open Door - Window 2017002458 Open Door - Window WCSOP17000944 01/14/17 00:18 Open Door - Window 2017003328 Open Door - Window WCSOP17001302 Parking Total: 6 01/01/17 09:09 Parking 2017000079 Parking WCSOP17000027 01/08/17 20:48 Parking 2017002055 Parking WCSOP17000773 01/09/17 12:05 Parking 2017002187 Parking WCSOP17000820 01/12/17 18:56 Parking 2017003058 Parking WCSOP17001201 01/12/17 20:02 Parking 2017003069 Parking WCSOP17001207 01/27/17 16:57 Parking 2017007063 Parking WCSOP17002649 Phone Call Total: 1 01/25/17 13:28 Phone Call 2017006507 Phone Call WCSOP17002471 Other Probation Check Total: 2 01/18/17 10:39 Probation Check 2017004477 Officer 01/18/17 10:56 Probation Check 2017004481 Officer Public Works - Utilities Total: 1 01/27/17 14:01 Public Works - Utilities 2017007014 Public Works - Utilities WCSOP17002631 Phone Repossession Total: 1 Made by Page 10 of 22 Incident Start Date/Time Initial Call CFS #Final Incident Case Number How Reported 01/27/17 03:41 Repossession 2017006902 Residential Fire Alarm Total: 3 01/14/17 16:30 Residential Fire Alarm 2017003491 Residential Fire Alarm WCSOP17001370 Phone 01/15/17 09:11 Residential Fire Alarm 2017003641 Residential Fire Alarm WCSOP17001437 Phone 01/28/17 23:52 Residential Fire Alarm 2017007388 Residential Fire Alarm WCSOP17002766 Phone Residential General Alarm Total: 7 01/09/17 08:19 Residential General 2017002138 Residential General Alarm WCSOP17000797 Phone 01/13/17 09:10 Residential General 2017003147 Residential General Alarm WCSOP17001235 Phone 01/14/17 00:45 Residential General 2017003335 Residential General Alarm WCSOP17001304 Phone 01/15/17 16:42 Residential General 2017003731 Phone 01/23/17 15:56 Residential General 2017005971 Residential General Alarm WCSOP17002287 Phone 01/24/17 09:09 Residential General 2017006156 Residential General Alarm WCSOP17002344 Phone 01/31/17 09:30 Residential General 2017008007 Residential General Alarm WCSOP17002984 Phone Residential Medical Alarm Total: 2 01/24/17 07:08 Residential Medical 2017006133 Residential Medical Alarm WCSOP17002337 Phone 01/29/17 18:40 Residential Medical 2017007568 Residential Medical Alarm WCSOP17002833 Phone Robbery Total: 1 01/04/17 16:39 Robbery 2017001018 Robbery WCSOP17000387 911 SIA Area Watch Total: 105 01/01/17 07:05 SIA Area Watch 2017000068 01/01/17 11:49 SIA Area Watch 2017000112 01/01/17 12:24 SIA Area Watch 2017000119 01/01/17 13:38 SIA Area Watch 2017000131 01/01/17 15:50 SIA Area Watch 2017000163 01/01/17 16:38 SIA Area Watch 2017000178 01/01/17 17:49 SIA Area Watch 2017000195 01/01/17 20:43 SIA Area Watch 2017000252 01/01/17 21:55 SIA Area Watch 2017000265 01/02/17 15:46 SIA Area Watch 2017000418 01/02/17 16:20 SIA Area Watch 2017000424 01/02/17 16:47 SIA Area Watch 2017000433 01/02/17 17:35 SIA Area Watch 2017000461 01/02/17 21:02 SIA Area Watch 2017000532 01/02/17 21:56 SIA Area Watch 2017000541 01/03/17 01:45 SIA Area Watch 2017000569 01/03/17 08:03 SIA Area Watch 2017000616 01/03/17 14:59 SIA Area Watch 2017000703 01/03/17 15:24 SIA Area Watch 2017000712 01/03/17 16:08 SIA Area Watch 2017000725 01/03/17 18:50 SIA Area Watch 2017000776 01/03/17 21:37 SIA Area Watch 2017000823 01/05/17 07:38 SIA Area Watch 2017001158 01/05/17 08:57 SIA Area Watch 2017001176 01/05/17 13:04 SIA Area Watch 2017001228 Made by Page 11 of 22 Incident Start Date/Time Initial Call CFS #Final Incident Case Number How Reported 01/07/17 09:07 SIA Area Watch 2017001703 01/07/17 18:39 SIA Area Watch 2017001803 01/08/17 12:45 SIA Area Watch 2017001956 01/08/17 13:35 SIA Area Watch 2017001967 01/08/17 16:19 SIA Area Watch 2017001992 01/08/17 16:21 SIA Area Watch 2017001993 01/08/17 17:27 SIA Area Watch 2017002014 01/08/17 21:47 SIA Area Watch 2017002067 01/08/17 21:47 SIA Area Watch 2017002069 01/09/17 11:11 SIA Area Watch 2017002176 01/09/17 11:17 SIA Area Watch 2017002177 01/09/17 14:58 SIA Area Watch 2017002225 01/09/17 19:19 SIA Area Watch 2017002292 01/09/17 21:23 SIA Area Watch 2017002313 01/10/17 15:04 SIA Area Watch 2017002472 01/10/17 16:31 SIA Area Watch 2017002488 01/10/17 17:43 SIA Area Watch 2017002506 01/11/17 08:14 SIA Area Watch 2017002620 01/11/17 15:21 SIA Area Watch 2017002713 01/11/17 16:12 SIA Area Watch 2017002724 01/11/17 18:28 SIA Area Watch 2017002769 01/11/17 21:31 SIA Area Watch 2017002810 01/12/17 15:21 SIA Area Watch 2017002993 01/12/17 23:16 SIA Area Watch 2017003102 01/13/17 06:23 SIA Area Watch 2017003129 01/13/17 16:43 SIA Area Watch 2017003224 01/13/17 19:28 SIA Area Watch 2017003259 01/14/17 07:26 SIA Area Watch 2017003372 01/14/17 16:23 SIA Area Watch 2017003488 01/15/17 10:13 SIA Area Watch 2017003647 01/16/17 13:25 SIA Area Watch 2017003960 01/17/17 15:16 SIA Area Watch 2017004266 01/17/17 21:04 SIA Area Watch 2017004360 01/18/17 02:05 SIA Area Watch 2017004411 01/18/17 15:43 SIA Area Watch 2017004562 01/18/17 16:32 SIA Area Watch 2017004583 01/18/17 17:20 SIA Area Watch 2017004598 01/18/17 21:54 SIA Area Watch 2017004664 01/19/17 00:28 SIA Area Watch 2017004690 01/19/17 14:39 SIA Area Watch 2017004828 01/19/17 17:09 SIA Area Watch 2017004876 01/20/17 14:47 SIA Area Watch 2017005169 01/20/17 16:07 SIA Area Watch 2017005192 01/20/17 18:59 SIA Area Watch 2017005243 01/21/17 00:12 SIA Area Watch 2017005320 01/21/17 19:12 SIA Area Watch 2017005503 01/21/17 21:04 SIA Area Watch 2017005526 Made by Page 12 of 22 Incident Start Date/Time Initial Call CFS #Final Incident Case Number How Reported 01/22/17 09:52 SIA Area Watch 2017005643 01/22/17 14:26 SIA Area Watch 2017005699 01/22/17 14:27 SIA Area Watch 2017005700 01/22/17 15:54 SIA Area Watch 2017005717 01/22/17 16:54 SIA Area Watch 2017005736 01/22/17 17:19 SIA Area Watch 2017005743 01/22/17 19:10 SIA Area Watch 2017005770 01/22/17 20:31 SIA Area Watch 2017005796 01/23/17 07:01 SIA Area Watch 2017005861 01/23/17 07:45 SIA Area Watch 2017005866 01/26/17 14:42 SIA Area Watch 2017006769 01/26/17 16:38 SIA Area Watch 2017006811 01/27/17 01:51 SIA Area Watch 2017006892 01/27/17 15:10 SIA Area Watch 2017007032 01/27/17 17:46 SIA Area Watch 2017007078 01/27/17 18:19 SIA Area Watch 2017007092 01/28/17 13:13 SIA Area Watch 2017007260 01/28/17 15:01 SIA Area Watch 2017007283 01/28/17 15:56 SIA Area Watch 2017007297 01/29/17 01:11 SIA Area Watch 2017007404 01/29/17 15:29 SIA Area Watch 2017007521 01/29/17 16:54 SIA Area Watch 2017007547 01/29/17 17:58 SIA Area Watch 2017007562 01/30/17 01:29 SIA Area Watch 2017007656 01/30/17 14:17 SIA Area Watch 2017007800 01/30/17 16:40 SIA Area Watch 2017007836 01/30/17 21:57 SIA Area Watch 2017007920 01/31/17 15:27 SIA Area Watch 2017008061 01/31/17 16:07 SIA Area Watch 2017008076 01/31/17 18:30 SIA Area Watch 2017008113 01/31/17 20:53 SIA Area Watch 2017008153 01/31/17 21:42 SIA Area Watch 2017008166 01/31/17 23:31 SIA Area Watch 2017008188 SIA Business Walk Through Total: 25 01/01/17 17:17 SIA Business Walk 2017000186 01/04/17 14:55 SIA Business Walk 2017000989 01/05/17 11:24 SIA Business Walk 2017001210 01/08/17 18:02 SIA Business Walk 2017002019 01/09/17 17:51 SIA Business Walk 2017002270 01/10/17 12:03 SIA Business Walk 2017002431 01/10/17 17:30 SIA Business Walk 2017002504 01/12/17 15:37 SIA Business Walk 2017002998 01/14/17 06:25 SIA Business Walk 2017003365 SIA Business Walk Through WCSOP17001319 01/14/17 15:53 SIA Business Walk 2017003485 01/15/17 06:33 SIA Business Walk 2017003627 01/16/17 00:18 SIA Business Walk 2017003839 Made by Page 13 of 22 Incident Start Date/Time Initial Call CFS #Final Incident Case Number How Reported 01/16/17 06:15 SIA Business Walk 2017003870 01/18/17 18:14 SIA Business Walk 2017004617 01/19/17 04:18 SIA Business Walk 2017004711 01/20/17 07:29 SIA Business Walk 2017005034 01/21/17 15:33 SIA Business Walk 2017005450 01/22/17 11:18 SIA Business Walk 2017005657 01/22/17 17:50 SIA Business Walk 2017005749 01/23/17 06:35 SIA Business Walk 2017005856 01/24/17 16:13 SIA Business Walk 2017006256 01/25/17 11:58 SIA Business Walk 2017006490 01/27/17 08:00 SIA Business Walk 2017006926 01/29/17 06:24 SIA Business Walk 2017007434 01/30/17 06:28 SIA Business Walk 2017007681 SIA Citizen Aid Total: 2 01/03/17 15:00 SIA Citizen Aid 2017000704 01/27/17 14:58 SIA Citizen Aid 2017007031 SIA City Council - City Hall Total: 4 01/10/17 18:22 SIA City Council - City 2017002517 01/12/17 12:03 SIA City Council - City 2017002949 01/20/17 11:21 SIA City Council - City 2017005104 01/23/17 09:03 SIA City Council - City 2017005875 SIA Door Check Total: 14 01/01/17 14:48 SIA Door Check 2017000152 01/03/17 21:38 SIA Door Check 2017000824 01/11/17 18:03 SIA Door Check 2017002759 01/12/17 11:09 SIA Door Check 2017002941 01/13/17 15:25 SIA Door Check 2017003206 01/17/17 18:26 SIA Door Check 2017004319 01/18/17 19:07 SIA Door Check 2017004631 01/20/17 14:39 SIA Door Check 2017005164 01/22/17 17:27 SIA Door Check 2017005745 01/23/17 14:48 SIA Door Check 2017005957 01/24/17 01:08 SIA Door Check 2017006105 01/26/17 18:33 SIA Door Check 2017006829 01/28/17 16:21 SIA Door Check 2017007302 01/29/17 16:11 SIA Door Check 2017007537 SIA Foot Patrol Total: 10 01/03/17 00:17 SIA Foot Patrol 2017000561 01/16/17 05:13 SIA Foot Patrol 2017003863 01/19/17 18:11 SIA Foot Patrol 2017004893 01/20/17 23:25 SIA Foot Patrol 2017005312 Officer 01/20/17 23:50 SIA Foot Patrol 2017005315 Officer 01/24/17 00:49 SIA Foot Patrol 2017006101 Officer 01/26/17 15:01 SIA Foot Patrol 2017006774 Made by Page 14 of 22 Incident Start Date/Time Initial Call CFS #Final Incident Case Number How Reported 01/30/17 14:54 SIA Foot Patrol 2017007811 01/31/17 00:42 SIA Foot Patrol 2017007948 01/31/17 23:50 SIA Foot Patrol 2017008191 Officer SIA House Check Total: 1 01/23/17 02:52 SIA House Check 2017005841 SIA Other Total: 16 01/01/17 04:22 SIA Other 2017000056 01/01/17 05:00 SIA Other 2017000057 01/01/17 22:30 SIA Other 2017000277 01/04/17 01:54 SIA Other 2017000864 01/06/17 01:02 SIA Other 2017001396 01/09/17 02:33 SIA Other 2017002109 01/09/17 23:49 SIA Other 2017002336 01/10/17 04:15 SIA Other 2017002364 01/11/17 00:11 SIA Other 2017002571 01/11/17 22:44 SIA Other 2017002826 01/15/17 12:05 SIA Other 2017003675 01/20/17 00:09 SIA Other 2017004971 01/23/17 23:27 SIA Other 2017006090 01/24/17 21:11 SIA Other 2017006342 01/24/17 22:33 SIA Other 2017006365 01/30/17 17:02 SIA Other 2017007843 SIA Parks Total: 75 01/01/17 12:15 SIA Parks 2017000116 01/01/17 13:48 SIA Parks 2017000134 01/01/17 14:24 SIA Parks 2017000148 01/01/17 18:32 SIA Parks 2017000209 01/02/17 06:33 SIA Parks 2017000326 01/02/17 09:41 SIA Parks 2017000345 01/02/17 13:47 SIA Parks 2017000391 01/02/17 14:28 SIA Parks 2017000402 01/03/17 06:48 SIA Parks 2017000610 01/03/17 12:54 SIA Parks 2017000673 01/03/17 14:58 SIA Parks 2017000702 01/03/17 23:41 SIA Parks 2017000840 01/04/17 06:34 SIA Parks 2017000891 01/04/17 09:21 SIA Parks 2017000922 01/04/17 09:53 SIA Parks 2017000931 01/04/17 11:05 SIA Parks 2017000940 01/04/17 14:46 SIA Parks 2017000987 01/05/17 00:13 SIA Parks 2017001119 01/05/17 08:17 SIA Parks 2017001167 01/05/17 17:58 SIA Parks 2017001309 01/05/17 19:48 SIA Parks 2017001334 01/06/17 08:34 SIA Parks 2017001449 Made by Page 15 of 22 Incident Start Date/Time Initial Call CFS #Final Incident Case Number How Reported 01/06/17 09:06 SIA Parks 2017001458 01/06/17 17:54 SIA Parks 2017001568 01/07/17 06:11 SIA Parks 2017001679 01/07/17 06:33 SIA Parks 2017001685 01/07/17 10:29 SIA Parks 2017001712 01/07/17 13:05 SIA Parks 2017001740 01/07/17 15:08 SIA Parks 2017001761 01/08/17 10:20 SIA Parks 2017001932 01/08/17 13:15 SIA Parks 2017001962 01/09/17 14:54 SIA Parks 2017002223 01/10/17 04:25 SIA Parks 2017002365 01/10/17 10:03 SIA Parks 2017002409 01/10/17 13:33 SIA Parks 2017002453 01/10/17 15:00 SIA Parks 2017002471 01/10/17 17:53 SIA Parks 2017002511 01/11/17 06:24 SIA Parks 2017002609 01/11/17 07:05 SIA Parks 2017002615 01/11/17 09:11 SIA Parks 2017002630 01/11/17 14:58 SIA Parks 2017002703 01/11/17 15:00 SIA Parks 2017002705 01/11/17 16:17 SIA Parks 2017002726 01/11/17 21:49 SIA Parks 2017002817 01/12/17 06:22 SIA Parks 2017002886 01/12/17 08:16 SIA Parks 2017002905 01/12/17 08:39 SIA Parks 2017002909 01/12/17 09:58 SIA Parks 2017002928 01/12/17 14:50 SIA Parks 2017002982 01/12/17 15:43 SIA Parks 2017003001 01/12/17 23:15 SIA Parks 2017003101 01/13/17 07:36 SIA Parks 2017003130 01/13/17 08:43 SIA Parks 2017003142 01/13/17 13:31 SIA Parks 2017003182 01/13/17 15:24 SIA Parks 2017003205 01/13/17 17:23 SIA Parks 2017003238 01/14/17 17:22 SIA Parks 2017003507 01/15/17 14:31 SIA Parks 2017003702 01/15/17 17:52 SIA Parks 2017003753 01/17/17 15:17 SIA Parks 2017004267 01/18/17 00:30 SIA Parks 2017004395 01/18/17 08:49 SIA Parks 2017004454 01/18/17 15:42 SIA Parks 2017004561 01/19/17 15:02 SIA Parks 2017004837 01/19/17 15:31 SIA Parks 2017004847 01/20/17 14:51 SIA Parks 2017005170 01/21/17 14:07 SIA Parks 2017005428 01/22/17 17:35 SIA Parks 2017005747 01/23/17 12:54 SIA Parks 2017005923 Made by Page 16 of 22 Incident Start Date/Time Initial Call CFS #Final Incident Case Number How Reported 01/24/17 16:48 SIA Parks 2017006265 01/25/17 12:51 SIA Parks 2017006500 01/28/17 01:36 SIA Parks 2017007185 01/29/17 13:01 SIA Parks 2017007482 01/30/17 13:05 SIA Parks 2017007782 01/31/17 13:14 SIA Parks 2017008040 SIA School Check Total: 10 01/01/17 21:05 SIA School Check 2017000257 01/04/17 02:08 SIA School Check 2017000869 01/05/17 20:25 SIA School Check 2017001346 01/09/17 02:02 SIA School Check 2017002103 01/13/17 18:25 SIA School Check 2017003249 01/13/17 21:47 SIA School Check 2017003291 01/14/17 21:06 SIA School Check 2017003556 01/15/17 23:06 SIA School Check 2017003824 01/17/17 21:41 SIA School Check 2017004367 01/29/17 20:28 SIA School Check 2017007601 Sign - Light Repair Total: 1 01/12/17 04:09 Sign - Light Repair 2017002877 Phone Snowmobile Complaint Total: 1 01/14/17 10:58 Snowmobile Complaint 2017003413 Snowmobile Complaint WCSOP17001337 Phone Stolen - Vehicle Total: 3 01/16/17 15:47 Stolen - Vehicle 2017003987 Stolen - Vehicle WCSOP17001578 Phone 01/27/17 15:40 Stolen - Vehicle 2017007043 Stolen - Vehicle WCSOP17002642 Phone 01/28/17 00:01 Stolen - Vehicle 2017007167 911 Stoparm Violation Total: 1 01/20/17 09:08 Stoparm Violation 2017005067 Stoparm Violation WCSOP17001964 Other Surveillance Total: 2 01/19/17 09:04 Surveillance 2017004743 01/21/17 08:25 Surveillance 2017005366 Suspicious - Circumstances Total: 11 01/02/17 21:25 Suspicious -2017000534 Suspicious - Circumstances WCSOP17000209 911 01/08/17 13:16 Suspicious -2017001963 Suspicious - Circumstances WCSOP17000733 Phone 01/12/17 22:30 Suspicious -2017003094 Suspicious - Circumstances WCSOP17001214 Phone 01/19/17 14:17 Suspicious -2017004819 Suspicious - Circumstances WCSOP17001874 Phone 01/20/17 00:52 Suspicious -2017004987 Suspicious - Circumstances WCSOP17001932 Phone 01/20/17 19:14 Suspicious -2017005247 Suspicious - Circumstances WCSOP17002036 911 01/20/17 22:49 Suspicious -2017005303 Suspicious - Circumstances WCSOP17002056 911 01/21/17 10:37 Suspicious -2017005380 Suspicious - Circumstances WCSOP17002083 Phone 01/21/17 17:13 Suspicious -2017005479 Suspicious - Circumstances WCSOP17002129 Phone 01/22/17 00:39 Suspicious -2017005571 Harassment WCSOP17002158 Phone 01/24/17 18:40 Suspicious -2017006299 Suspicious - Circumstances WCSOP17002397 Phone Made by Page 17 of 22 Incident Start Date/Time Initial Call CFS #Final Incident Case Number How Reported Suspicious - Person - Vehicle Total: 10 01/04/17 22:22 Suspicious - Person -2017001100 Suspicious - Person - Vehicle WCSOP17000407 Phone 01/08/17 20:01 Suspicious - Person -2017002040 Suspicious - Person - Vehicle WCSOP17000767 Phone 01/09/17 16:11 Suspicious - Person -2017002250 Suspicious - Person - Vehicle WCSOP17000852 Phone 01/15/17 20:46 Suspicious - Person -2017003795 Suspicious - Person - Vehicle WCSOP17001495 Phone 01/17/17 11:13 Suspicious - Person -2017004205 Suspicious - Person - Vehicle WCSOP17001654 Phone 01/20/17 21:07 Suspicious - Person -2017005279 Suspicious - Person - Vehicle WCSOP17002049 Phone 01/21/17 14:58 Suspicious - Person -2017005441 Suspicious - Person - Vehicle WCSOP17002114 Phone 01/24/17 11:58 Suspicious - Person -2017006199 Suspicious - Person - Vehicle WCSOP17002358 Phone 01/27/17 05:20 Suspicious - Person -2017006908 Suspicious - Person - Vehicle WCSOP17002596 911 01/29/17 18:46 Suspicious - Person -2017007570 Suspicious - Person - Vehicle WCSOP17002834 Phone Theft Total: 4 01/01/17 22:36 Theft 2017000279 Theft WCSOP17000086 Phone 01/09/17 17:56 Theft 2017002272 Theft WCSOP17000861 Phone 01/20/17 08:25 Theft 2017005048 Lost - Found Property WCSOP17001958 Phone 01/21/17 16:31 Theft 2017005467 Civil Complaint WCSOP17002124 Phone Theft - From Vehicle Total: 1 01/18/17 19:27 Theft - From Vehicle 2017004640 Theft - From Vehicle WCSOP17001809 Phone Theft - Gas Drive Off Total: 5 01/15/17 17:32 Theft - Gas Drive Off 2017003745 Theft - Gas Drive Off WCSOP17001472 911 01/15/17 17:33 Theft - Gas Drive Off 2017003746 Theft - Gas Drive Off WCSOP17001474 911 01/19/17 14:57 Theft - Gas Drive Off 2017004834 Theft - Gas Drive Off WCSOP17001878 911 01/22/17 12:40 Theft - Gas Drive Off 2017005675 Theft - Gas Drive Off WCSOP17002191 911 01/27/17 12:52 Theft - Gas Drive Off 2017006997 Theft - Gas Drive Off WCSOP17002625 911 Theft - Identity Theft Total: 1 01/12/17 16:32 Theft - Identity Theft 2017003018 Theft - Identity Theft WCSOP17001192 Phone Theft - Shoplifting Total: 3 01/04/17 16:08 Theft - Shoplifting 2017001008 Theft - Shoplifting WCSOP17000379 Phone 01/13/17 09:48 Theft - Shoplifting 2017003153 Theft - Shoplifting WCSOP17001239 Phone 01/31/17 16:26 Theft - Shoplifting 2017008081 Theft - Shoplifting WCSOP17003014 Phone Threats Total: 3 01/08/17 13:48 Threats 2017001970 Threats WCSOP17000737 Phone 01/16/17 21:25 Threats 2017004081 Threats WCSOP17001606 Phone 01/28/17 09:11 Threats 2017007225 Threats WCSOP17002699 Phone Traffic - Complaint Total: 9 01/02/17 15:12 Traffic - Complaint 2017000411 Traffic - Complaint WCSOP17000147 Phone 01/15/17 13:03 Traffic - Complaint 2017003685 Traffic - Complaint WCSOP17001450 Phone 01/22/17 21:26 Traffic - Complaint 2017005806 Traffic - Complaint WCSOP17002233 Phone 01/24/17 20:53 Traffic - Complaint 2017006338 Traffic - Complaint WCSOP17002406 911 01/25/17 07:35 Traffic - Complaint 2017006436 Traffic - Hazard WCSOP17002434 Phone 01/25/17 16:31 Traffic - Complaint 2017006556 Traffic - Complaint WCSOP17002490 Phone 01/26/17 16:34 Traffic - Complaint 2017006810 Traffic - Complaint WCSOP17002564 Phone Made by Page 18 of 22 Incident Start Date/Time Initial Call CFS #Final Incident Case Number How Reported 01/27/17 19:53 Traffic - Complaint 2017007107 Traffic - Complaint WCSOP17002663 911 01/28/17 10:26 Traffic - Complaint 2017007231 Traffic - Complaint WCSOP17002702 Phone Traffic - Hazard Total: 3 01/11/17 23:58 Traffic - Hazard 2017002837 Phone 01/12/17 00:12 Traffic - Hazard 2017002839 Traffic - Hazard WCSOP17001095 Officer 01/16/17 18:05 Traffic - Hazard 2017004030 Traffic - Hazard WCSOP17001590 Phone Traffic Stop Total: 174 01/01/17 01:22 Traffic Stop 2017000023 01/01/17 15:27 Traffic Stop 2017000158 01/01/17 16:15 Traffic Stop 2017000171 Officer 01/02/17 06:07 Traffic Stop 2017000323 Officer 01/02/17 08:01 Traffic Stop 2017000334 Officer 01/02/17 13:34 Traffic Stop 2017000387 Officer 01/02/17 16:59 Traffic Stop 2017000439 Officer 01/03/17 01:56 Traffic Stop 2017000571 Officer 01/03/17 08:52 Traffic Stop 2017000630 Officer 01/03/17 15:47 Traffic Stop 2017000719 Officer 01/03/17 16:07 Traffic Stop 2017000724 Officer 01/03/17 16:58 Traffic Stop 2017000747 01/03/17 23:30 Traffic Stop 2017000839 Officer 01/04/17 02:57 Traffic Stop 2017000875 Officer 01/04/17 07:42 Traffic Stop 2017000900 Officer 01/04/17 08:09 Traffic Stop 2017000903 Officer 01/04/17 08:31 Traffic Stop 2017000907 Traffic Stop WCSOP17000342 Officer 01/04/17 10:42 Traffic Stop 2017000937 Officer 01/04/17 13:25 Traffic Stop 2017000966 Officer 01/04/17 23:24 Traffic Stop 2017001112 Officer 01/05/17 00:01 Traffic Stop 2017001117 Officer 01/05/17 00:55 Traffic Stop 2017001121 Traffic Stop WCSOP17000412 Officer 01/05/17 02:02 Traffic Stop 2017001130 Officer 01/05/17 02:26 Traffic Stop 2017001136 Officer 01/05/17 02:26 Traffic Stop 2017001137 Officer 01/05/17 06:41 Traffic Stop 2017001149 Officer 01/05/17 08:15 Traffic Stop 2017001166 Traffic Stop WCSOP17000435 Officer 01/05/17 17:35 Traffic Stop 2017001303 Traffic Stop WCSOP17000495 Officer 01/06/17 06:31 Traffic Stop 2017001425 Officer 01/06/17 10:55 Traffic Stop 2017001477 Officer 01/06/17 22:40 Traffic Stop 2017001627 Traffic Stop WCSOP17000618 Officer 01/07/17 07:31 Traffic Stop 2017001690 Officer 01/07/17 08:45 Traffic Stop 2017001698 Officer 01/07/17 17:07 Traffic Stop 2017001783 Officer 01/07/17 22:55 Traffic Stop 2017001862 01/07/17 23:30 Traffic Stop 2017001871 01/08/17 08:24 Traffic Stop 2017001919 Officer 01/08/17 08:52 Traffic Stop 2017001921 Officer Made by Page 19 of 22 Incident Start Date/Time Initial Call CFS #Final Incident Case Number How Reported 01/08/17 11:03 Traffic Stop 2017001942 Officer 01/08/17 11:22 Traffic Stop 2017001944 Officer 01/08/17 17:16 Traffic Stop 2017002012 01/08/17 20:22 Traffic Stop 2017002049 01/09/17 13:18 Traffic Stop 2017002196 Officer 01/09/17 16:47 Traffic Stop 2017002255 Traffic Stop WCSOP17000855 Officer 01/09/17 21:40 Traffic Stop 2017002318 Traffic Stop WCSOP17000882 Officer 01/10/17 15:30 Traffic Stop 2017002478 Traffic Stop WCSOP17000951 Officer 01/11/17 00:22 Traffic Stop 2017002572 Officer 01/11/17 15:13 Traffic Stop 2017002711 01/11/17 17:09 Traffic Stop 2017002746 01/12/17 06:29 Traffic Stop 2017002887 Officer 01/12/17 10:56 Traffic Stop 2017002935 Officer 01/13/17 06:13 Traffic Stop 2017003127 Officer 01/13/17 14:38 Traffic Stop 2017003194 Parking WCSOP17001266 Officer 01/13/17 17:02 Traffic Stop 2017003230 01/13/17 19:53 Traffic Stop 2017003263 Officer 01/13/17 20:38 Traffic Stop 2017003276 Officer 01/13/17 20:57 Traffic Stop 2017003277 01/14/17 08:56 Traffic Stop 2017003382 Officer 01/14/17 09:01 Traffic Stop 2017003384 Officer 01/14/17 09:16 Traffic Stop 2017003387 Officer 01/14/17 10:47 Traffic Stop 2017003411 Traffic Stop WCSOP17001335 Officer 01/14/17 16:47 Traffic Stop 2017003496 Officer 01/15/17 08:44 Traffic Stop 2017003638 Officer 01/15/17 13:30 Traffic Stop 2017003691 Officer 01/15/17 14:10 Traffic Stop 2017003697 Officer 01/15/17 15:10 Traffic Stop 2017003711 Officer 01/15/17 19:21 Traffic Stop 2017003776 01/15/17 22:07 Traffic Stop 2017003812 Officer 01/15/17 23:01 Traffic Stop 2017003823 Officer 01/15/17 23:43 Traffic Stop 2017003828 Officer 01/15/17 23:54 Traffic Stop 2017003832 01/16/17 00:07 Traffic Stop 2017003837 Officer 01/16/17 00:49 Traffic Stop 2017003843 Officer 01/16/17 02:29 Traffic Stop 2017003853 Officer 01/16/17 06:12 Traffic Stop 2017003869 Traffic Stop WCSOP17001514 Officer 01/16/17 08:55 Traffic Stop 2017003902 Officer 01/16/17 13:12 Traffic Stop 2017003958 Officer 01/16/17 19:00 Traffic Stop 2017004044 Traffic Stop WCSOP17001594 Officer 01/17/17 14:04 Traffic Stop 2017004248 Officer 01/17/17 14:19 Traffic Stop 2017004251 Officer 01/17/17 14:36 Traffic Stop 2017004254 Officer 01/17/17 15:00 Traffic Stop 2017004264 01/18/17 07:44 Traffic Stop 2017004443 Traffic Stop WCSOP17001735 Officer 01/18/17 12:11 Traffic Stop 2017004498 Officer 01/18/17 13:25 Traffic Stop 2017004513 Officer Made by Page 20 of 22 Incident Start Date/Time Initial Call CFS #Final Incident Case Number How Reported 01/18/17 16:02 Traffic Stop 2017004569 01/18/17 16:36 Traffic Stop 2017004585 Officer 01/19/17 05:35 Traffic Stop 2017004719 Officer 01/19/17 13:44 Traffic Stop 2017004812 Officer 01/20/17 00:36 Traffic Stop 2017004980 Officer 01/20/17 02:33 Traffic Stop 2017005004 Traffic Stop WCSOP17001940 Officer 01/20/17 13:36 Traffic Stop 2017005141 Officer 01/20/17 13:57 Traffic Stop 2017005150 Officer 01/20/17 14:21 Traffic Stop 2017005161 Officer 01/20/17 14:35 Traffic Stop 2017005163 Traffic Stop WCSOP17002010 Officer 01/20/17 14:55 Traffic Stop 2017005171 Officer 01/20/17 15:15 Traffic Stop 2017005174 Traffic Stop WCSOP17002013 Officer 01/20/17 18:20 Traffic Stop 2017005225 Officer 01/20/17 19:03 Traffic Stop 2017005244 Officer 01/20/17 23:17 Traffic Stop 2017005310 Officer 01/21/17 00:06 Traffic Stop 2017005318 Officer 01/21/17 00:14 Traffic Stop 2017005321 Traffic Stop WCSOP17002060 Officer 01/21/17 00:41 Traffic Stop 2017005324 Drugs WCSOP17002063 Officer 01/21/17 18:28 Traffic Stop 2017005495 Officer 01/21/17 20:23 Traffic Stop 2017005517 Officer 01/21/17 22:33 Traffic Stop 2017005547 Officer 01/22/17 07:42 Traffic Stop 2017005616 Officer 01/22/17 09:23 Traffic Stop 2017005638 Officer 01/22/17 11:09 Traffic Stop 2017005656 Officer 01/22/17 11:23 Traffic Stop 2017005659 Traffic Stop WCSOP17002183 Officer 01/22/17 12:32 Traffic Stop 2017005672 Officer 01/22/17 12:57 Traffic Stop 2017005679 Officer 01/22/17 14:39 Traffic Stop 2017005703 01/22/17 16:07 Traffic Stop 2017005722 Officer 01/22/17 16:21 Traffic Stop 2017005729 Traffic Stop WCSOP17002207 Officer 01/22/17 16:29 Traffic Stop 2017005731 Traffic Stop WCSOP17002209 Officer 01/22/17 16:30 Traffic Stop 2017005732 Officer 01/22/17 16:53 Traffic Stop 2017005735 Traffic Stop WCSOP17002210 Officer 01/22/17 20:27 Traffic Stop 2017005794 Traffic Stop WCSOP17002231 Officer 01/23/17 05:06 Traffic Stop 2017005848 Officer 01/23/17 11:23 Traffic Stop 2017005901 Officer 01/23/17 11:40 Traffic Stop 2017005908 Officer 01/23/17 15:08 Traffic Stop 2017005959 Officer 01/23/17 22:01 Traffic Stop 2017006076 Traffic Stop WCSOP17002316 Officer 01/24/17 02:33 Traffic Stop 2017006111 Officer 01/24/17 11:31 Traffic Stop 2017006194 Officer 01/24/17 16:19 Traffic Stop 2017006259 Officer 01/24/17 19:07 Traffic Stop 2017006310 Officer 01/24/17 20:04 Traffic Stop 2017006326 Officer 01/25/17 01:33 Traffic Stop 2017006397 01/25/17 06:47 Traffic Stop 2017006427 Traffic Stop WCSOP17002429 Officer 01/25/17 11:14 Traffic Stop 2017006479 Officer Made by Page 21 of 22 Incident Start Date/Time Initial Call CFS #Final Incident Case Number How Reported 01/25/17 14:01 Traffic Stop 2017006514 Officer 01/25/17 19:04 Traffic Stop 2017006594 Officer 01/26/17 04:31 Traffic Stop 2017006669 Officer 01/26/17 06:17 Traffic Stop 2017006682 Traffic Stop WCSOP17002530 Officer 01/26/17 15:14 Traffic Stop 2017006778 Officer 01/26/17 16:09 Traffic Stop 2017006799 01/26/17 18:09 Traffic Stop 2017006824 Officer 01/26/17 18:39 Traffic Stop 2017006831 01/27/17 11:25 Traffic Stop 2017006969 Officer 01/27/17 19:51 Traffic Stop 2017007105 Officer 01/27/17 22:58 Traffic Stop 2017007155 Officer 01/27/17 23:09 Traffic Stop 2017007158 Officer 01/27/17 23:35 Traffic Stop 2017007164 01/27/17 23:58 Traffic Stop 2017007166 Officer 01/28/17 07:43 Traffic Stop 2017007207 Officer 01/28/17 12:10 Traffic Stop 2017007249 01/28/17 15:25 Traffic Stop 2017007291 01/29/17 11:18 Traffic Stop 2017007466 Officer 01/29/17 12:09 Traffic Stop 2017007474 Officer 01/29/17 15:22 Traffic Stop 2017007519 Officer 01/29/17 18:14 Traffic Stop 2017007565 Officer 01/29/17 18:36 Traffic Stop 2017007567 Officer 01/29/17 21:54 Traffic Stop 2017007618 01/29/17 22:47 Traffic Stop 2017007635 Traffic Stop WCSOP17002854 Officer 01/29/17 23:06 Traffic Stop 2017007638 Officer 01/29/17 23:40 Traffic Stop 2017007642 Officer 01/30/17 01:33 Traffic Stop 2017007659 Officer 01/30/17 02:37 Traffic Stop 2017007668 Officer 01/30/17 05:42 Traffic Stop 2017007680 Traffic Stop WCSOP17002874 Officer 01/30/17 16:46 Traffic Stop 2017007837 01/30/17 17:28 Traffic Stop 2017007858 Officer 01/30/17 17:36 Traffic Stop 2017007859 01/30/17 22:59 Traffic Stop 2017007931 Traffic Stop WCSOP17002955 Officer 01/30/17 23:13 Traffic Stop 2017007934 Officer 01/31/17 01:13 Traffic Stop 2017007951 Officer 01/31/17 11:12 Traffic Stop 2017008028 Traffic Stop WCSOP17002995 Officer 01/31/17 12:27 Traffic Stop 2017008036 Officer 01/31/17 15:31 Traffic Stop 2017008064 01/31/17 18:08 Traffic Stop 2017008107 Officer 01/31/17 19:08 Traffic Stop 2017008121 Officer 01/31/17 19:50 Traffic Stop 2017008134 Officer 01/31/17 23:11 Traffic Stop 2017008185 Officer Vehicle Off Road Total: 8 01/02/17 09:08 Vehicle Off Road 2017000342 Traffic - Complaint WCSOP17000110 Phone 01/02/17 18:50 Vehicle Off Road 2017000501 Vehicle Off Road WCSOP17000190 Phone 01/02/17 18:55 Vehicle Off Road 2017000505 Vehicle Off Road WCSOP17000192 911 Made by Page 22 of 22 Incident Start Date/Time Initial Call CFS #Final Incident Case Number How Reported 01/02/17 19:21 Vehicle Off Road 2017000511 Vehicle Off Road WCSOP17000198 Phone 01/03/17 21:39 Vehicle Off Road 2017000825 Vehicle Off Road WCSOP17000316 Phone 01/10/17 18:56 Vehicle Off Road 2017002524 Vehicle Off Road WCSOP17000973 911 01/11/17 09:26 Vehicle Off Road 2017002639 Vehicle Off Road WCSOWAR17001021 Phone 01/14/17 01:31 Vehicle Off Road 2017003341 DUI WCSOP17001307 911 Warrant - Arrest Total: 1 01/10/17 21:37 Warrant - Arrest 2017002553 Warrant - Arrest WCSOP17000981 Officer Warrant - Attempt Total: 11 01/02/17 09:38 Warrant - Attempt 2017000344 Officer 01/05/17 11:53 Warrant - Attempt 2017001215 Phone 01/06/17 19:32 Warrant - Attempt 2017001587 Officer 01/07/17 18:59 Warrant - Attempt 2017001808 Officer 01/17/17 13:13 Warrant - Attempt 2017004233 Officer 01/19/17 20:20 Warrant - Attempt 2017004930 Officer 01/25/17 19:05 Warrant - Attempt 2017006595 Officer 01/26/17 09:39 Warrant - Attempt 2017006714 Warrant - Attempt WCSOP17002537 01/27/17 09:46 Warrant - Attempt 2017006945 01/28/17 08:19 Warrant - Attempt 2017007215 01/28/17 08:54 Warrant - Attempt 2017007222 Total Records: 823