ITEM 4.2A 4.22.2013 Minutes1 T E hA d- _ 2,Ak OT E O CITY COUNCIL MEETING OTSEGO PRAIRIE CENTER Aril 22,. 2013 :00 PM Call to Order: Mayor Jessica Stockamp called the meeting to order at 6:39 P I6 Doll Call: Mayor Jessica t cl rnp; r dimembers: Vern Heidn r, Doug Schroeder, Tori lrlenvld and Jason Warehirne. Staff: Lori Johnson, City Administrator; Roti Wagner, City Engineer; Andy MacArthur, City Attorney; and Sandy . ndenf lser, Special Licensing. Pledge of Allegiance: Mayor St ckamp led in the Pledge of Allegiance. 1. Open Forum. Patric Connelly, 8620 P l gree Avenue HE, Otsego stated he was at the City Council meeting n February 25, 2013 and was told that the City Administrator would get back to h« on March 11, 2013 and has not heard anything. He said he was once transferred to City Planner Dari Licht who he said blur hire off saying he was avoiding the City's Citation letters. City Administrator for Johnson corrected Mr. Connelly saying that he was contacted immediately and was then transferred to City Planner Licht. City Administrator Johnson also said that the City would send a written synopsis if he wanted one. A correct notice was seat out with a correct address on it. City Administrator Johnson and City Planner Licht have made numerous phone call attempts with no contact. City Attorney MacArthur said that he had the right to appeal on the first notification. This would have had to have been done when the first citation as given. This nearer happened. CM Heidner said that a seconded letter goes out before any monies are assessed. He stated that he was sent a letter with the wrong spelling of his name and wrong address and that the letter was found later In his newspaper box and was not aware of this. He said that his escrow has increased so much that his house payment has gone up and he is now going into foreclosure. CM Heldner asked if the vehicles were still there and Mr. Connelly assured hire that they had been removed in February, 2013, Staff will get a copies of the letters seat to Mr, Connelly and brought back to the not City Council meeting on May 1, 2013 along with the tax records for 2011 and 2012. City Attorney MacArthur will look at this information also. . Consider agenda apvoval. City Administrator Johnson requested Item 3.7 be removed from the Consent Agenda. CM Heidner motioned to approve as amended, Seconded by CM Schroeder. All in von, Motion carried,. 3. Consent Agenda. (Non -controversial iters).. .1 Approve Claims List. 3,2 Approve City Council Meeting [Minutes. A. April 8, 2013 Meeting. 8, April 8,. 2013 Special Minutes. 3.3 Received Commission Meeting Minutes. A, Police Commission Meeting March 12, 2013. HPC March 12, 2013, C, Parks and Recreation Commission ission lurch 13, 2013* D. Parks and Recreation Commission Special fleeting March 1 , 2013. 3. 4, Approve advertising for Recreation Program Assistant. 3.5 Approve West WVVTF Digesters. 3,6 Approve Plans and Specifications for 2013 Street maintenance and authorize Advertisement for bids, CM Heidner motioned to approve the remaining items,, Seconded by CM Schroeder. All in favor, Lotion carried. , City Council Reports and Updates. A Consider Clement and Nona D rken raid claim list iter. CM D rkenwald stepped down for this iter. Cts Schroeder motioned to approve. Seconded by CM Heidner. All in favor. Motioned carried. H Heidner said he did not receive and email from Parks and Recreation Manager Ross Decant regarding Item 3.4., approving advertising for recreation program assistant. Are they going to require a background check and how many hours are they hiring for? City Administrator Johnson said that the background check process would take place and that extra staff* would only be needed if someone is out ill or if more staff is needed. A quarterly report on Parks and Recreation is requested. , Staff Reports and Updates. 11 Parks and Recreation Commission Application. One additional application has been received for the empty seats on the Parks and Recreation Commission. Do you want to set up interviews at 6:30 PM before the next City Council Meeting on Monday, M ay 13,. 2013? Mayor Stocka rn p said yes. CM Schroeder motioned t set special meeting for Monday, May 1r 12013 at PM to interview for two open seats on the Parks and Recreation Commission. Seconded by Mayor Stockamp. All in favor. lotion carried. City Administrator Johnson noted that the closing date to accept applications for the Finance Director position is May 16, 2013 at 5:00 Pik and asked if the pay range should be included to solicit applicants, City Administrator Johnson said everyone received the information on the house fire in Otsego. Mayor Stockamp said the family is has been put up in a hotel but are in need of chit dren"s clothing and other donations and that Mom"s Club is helping accept donations. City Administrator Johnson said Elk River Fire Department was assisted by Big Lake Fire, Albertville Fire and Rogers Fire Departments, and that she is still waiting for the fire report, Mayor Stocky p thanked the City of Otsego's Public Works Department for stepping up to help where needed. Discussion on funding for trails. Wright County Commissioner Mark Daleiden said the City should apply for a Legacy Fuad Grant, noting that this grant is speciflcally dedicated to trails. rr. Daleiden urges the City of Otsego to apply. Vern — remember when Mark was Fere — r Adjourn. CNS Darenwald motioned to adjourn. Seconded by CM Warehi e. All in favor* Motion carried,, Adjourned at 7:19 PISS Mayor Jessica Stoar ATTEST: Tar i Loff,, City Clerk Minutes taken by Sandy Un enfelser