ITEM 4.4 2013 Dust CoatingOtCIT r HA f9 , N E Of nFPA T F T INM Ti Request for City Council Action .... _ vn _n__.... __ .. . ...:.........................:. MATIN DEPARTIVIE T: M .. ...._n........_.._._....N..v.........._.......n................ _........._. _.............._... v............ _. ...... _ _ ::: _ RE SUE T R: +11EETll Public Wori s Streets Street Maintenance Supervisor May 13, 2013 IS A PUBLIC HEARING RE UIRED I Brad Belau PRE ENTER s : REVIEWED BY. ITEM #, , . Consent Agenda City Adnninistrator Joh nson AaFNnA ITFM DFT ILS RECOMMENDATION: City staff recommends c rntracting with Envirotech Services Inc. to provide dust coating of certain gravel mads per city policy. ARE YOU SEEKING APPROVAL OF A CONTRACT? IS A PUBLIC HEARING RE UIRED I No No BACKGROUND/JUSTIFICATION: The Public Works Street Department has contracted in the past for dust control application to graver roads as defined in the `}Dust Control Policy" adopted by resolution in 2005. I have received a quote from Envir t ch to provide the service and estimate the contract amount to be $12,675. Envirot ch has been providing dust coating services for manyyears and has a good reputation. The Public Works sub - Committee discussed dust coating attheir April 16, 2013 meeting and considered requests from resident to include other gravel roads to the 2013 durst control project. The committee agreed t include additional roads to the project with the resident contributing $250 for 500 L.F. of durst control and recommended the 2013 Dust Control project be placed on the May 13, 2013 City Council consent agenda for approval. Ifapproved, the work is scheduled to be completed on May 22, 2013. SUPPORTING DOCUMENTS: x ATTACHED NONE 9 Dust Control Policy Evirotach quote MOTION: (mease word motion as you would like it to appear In the minutes.) Motion to approve the quote for 2013 dust coating of gravel roads with Ernvirot ch Services Inc. for $12,675. BUDGET INFORMATION FUNDING: BUDGETED: x YE 100-436 General Fund Durst coating $1.2,675 u N Private contributions estimated at $1,000 ACTION TAKE APPROVED AS REQUESTED ❑ DENIED D TABLED ❑ OTHER (Ust change DUST CONTROLPOLICY OR THE CITY of OSLO The City of Otsego has the following options for dust control payment. All options would be dependent upon those seeking dust control to approach the City in writing in a timely fashion and to agree in wr'ting to lump sum payment for dust control for that year; or, alternatively agree in the same document to assessment against their property if dust control was applied and no payment was received. The City could assess the amount over whatever tern the City Council determined to be appropriate. A City to pay 10 0% of dust control costs within the City, B City to pay % of the dust control and benefiting property owner pays for _% ofdust control. (This i could be an across the board leterTi nation that stood for all properties or the City Council could determine either on a permanent or yearly basis that particular gravel roads served more as collectors or were undergoing increased traffic due to periodic conditions life construction. Essentially the City would be treating dust control as a Class B improvement under the current assessment policy rather than a Class C improvement. Section --2 allows the Council to determine by resolution that a combination ofpolioies or a different policy is more equitable in a certain case.) Q Benefiting property owner pays for 100% of dust control. Payment for Application of Dust Control could be made through required upfront payment of all costs based upon an estimate by the City Engineer. In other words n application would be made until a formal written request and escrow agreement was signed. If the City Council were to determine that they would allow residents to pay for cosh overtime the Council should determine the appropriate number of years to spread the payment and the applicant would then have to sign a waiver- of assessment proceedings and waiver; of assessment hearing prior to any work being done which would benefit the property. Either an escrow Agreement or waiver would have to be executed and submitted to the City pr"or to April 1 of any given year. Cost and charges for preparation of roadbed and application for dust control would be assessed under the City' statutory authority. Benefit to the propefty owner would be pretty clear based upon before and after comparison, however substantial benefit high 41 assessment) would problematic sincethere would b very little com ansorn information and basis for benefit. Dust control most logically appears to correspond to a Class C improvement -under the City's current assessment ordinance. Class C projects are defined as improvements which are pn' arl y if not exclusively of benefit to property abutting or in the area of the improvement. By statute, a property does not have to abut an improvement to be assessed it only has to benefit from the a provement. Section 6-4-4. C Assessment Rules for Class C Improvemeats states that Class C improvement .sses r e is shall be applied on the frontage or by lot units or lot unit equivalents. Sectio. -4-2 allows the Cita to vary these rules by resolution for particular pr of ecs. X feet will be considered 1 lot unit equivalent for the basis of assessment. I lot unit covers 18 feet wide by X Feet long(considered both sides of gravelroad). The Council should review the information provided and establish by Resolution a policy if they determine that assessment should be determined on some other basis than the strict application of Class C which would call for all or the greatest percentage of the cost to be the responsibility ofthe individual property owner requesting dust control. www.envlrotechservices.com TO: City of Otsego TTN: Brad QUANTITY, Approx 17,000 Gallons 15,300 Gallons DESCRIPTION 763-238-0564 oadSav r 0 Magnesium Chloride) furnished and applied to various township roads Application rate of .30 gals. � Sq ' 8% Calcium Chloride furnished and applied Application rate of .27 gals. ! Sq Yd NIT PRICE Total:. '...:$141280,00 $0,880 Total $13,464x00 Cost Comparison allors(100 ftby 18 ft Ivid agne'si Chloride ::�5.100 -ft 4 Gallons (loo ft by IS ft Wide) Calcium Chloride $47,52 100 ft d .12� I1 Gallons . mile f id l r l 2,851 Gallons I anile by 18 ft Wide) Calcium Chloride $2,,508.88/ m Thank you for your interest. Please call with any questions. Sincerely, Stan Johnson 952-894-0012 sJohnson @envirotechservices.com PEOPLE HELPING PEOPLE IMPROVE THEIR ENVIRONMENT