ITEM 4.6 Prairie Festivale F 0 C1TY 0 Ot I N 9SOT DEPARTMENT INFORMATION! Request for City Council Action ....................—,....... II ATI DEPA-kfME T: v. ...._ ...... ._ __ .._ . _.. .... _ _ _.... F E L E TOR: :._:::....... ..... :._.n.{.............. .......................... I r1 TII DATE Legal Andy MacArthur May 13, 2013 P ESE TEi (: REVIEWED BY' ITEM #: City Attorney City Administlrator Johnson 4.6 A FNDA ITFm DETAILS RECOMMENDATION: Council approval of attached Resolution Establishing the Otsego Prairie Festival as a City sponsored and managed event. ARE YOU S EES I NG APPROVAL of A CO NTRA T' IS A PUBLIC HEARING REQUIRED' No. No. BADS ROUNDMUSTIFIDATION The City has determined that the Otsego Prairie Festival will be sponsored and managed by the Citythis year. The attached resolution officially establishes the Festival as a City sponsored and managed event for 2013 and sets forth the City's contributions to the Festival and the reasons for those contributions. City staff recently met with the City's insurance agents and they thought that the resolution was a good idea in order to officially establish the City's relationship to the Festival and clarify ghat is being provided by the City. SUPPORTING DOCUMENTS: x ATTACHED Q NONE Resolution No. 201.3-20 MOTION: (Please word motion as you would like it to appear In the minutes.) Motion to Approve Resolution No. 2013-20, Establishing The Otsego Prairies Festival As A city Sponsored And Managed Event. BUDGET INFORMATION FUNDING BUDGETED; ❑ YES NA NO ACTION TAE ❑ APPROVED AS REQUESTED o DENIED n TABLE] ❑ OTHER (Listchanges) CITY of OTSEGO COUNTY of WRIGHT STATE OF MINNESOTA RESOLUTION No, 2013-20 RESOLUTION ESTABLISHING THE OTSEGO PRAIRIE FESTIVAL AS A CITY SPONSORED AND MANAGED GE EVENT WHEREAS, the previous sponsors and organizers of The Otsego Festival (Otsego Festival, Inc.) are not organizing a Festival in 2013; and WHEREAS, the Otsego City Council hereby determines that a similar event titled Otsego Prairie Park Festival will he organized and presented by the City in 2013; and WHEREAS, organization of the festival and Funding of the Otsego Prairie Festival will utilize City employees and funds; and WHEREAS, the City Council has authorized the formation of a. Committee o help advise the City on the organization and promotion of Otsego Prairie Festival; and WHEREAS, the City has directed that the City Parks and Recreation Manager ager act s the City employee responsible fog• organizing the evert with the advice of the Committee and City Council* NOW TH RE, FORE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of Otsego, Fright County, Minnesota esota as follows: 1. The Otsego Prairie Festival is hereby established as a City sponsored, managed and promoted event to oceur in Otsego Prairie Park on September 1 2013. 2. The City Park and Recreation Manager is hereby directed to organize and promote the event for 2013 on behalf of the City and with the advice of the Committee and approval of the City Council, 3 , The City Council hereby contributes $5,000.00, City staff time, and access to City facilities to the Otsego Prairie Festival for 2013 and specifically finds that the Otsego Prairie Festival will help to promoteCity of Otsego and provide recreation for its citizens and the public in general. ADOPTED this 13t" day of May, 2013 by the Otsego City Council* Motion to Adopt made by Council Member and seconded by Council Member IN VOR: OPPOSED. CITY of OSLO Jessica Stoeka p, Mayor 'ami Loff, City Clock 2