ITEM 4.8 Pay Estimatesrte= { tTY OF Ot MINNESOTA DEPARTMENT E{ T INF ATI [ Request for City Council Action _ ......._..._...._......_.. ORIGINATING DEPART E _ ._.... _.._........_._..............._.....__....._._...._.__.__._.____..__..___.._.........._....:: R: ._.. _ __ __ _ ..................... _ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ MEETING DATE: Public Works City Engineer Magner May 1, 2018 PRE ENTEF s : REVIEWED BY: ITEM #: Consent Agenda City Adm i nitr t r Johns n 4.8 AGENDA ITEM DETAILS RECOMMENDATION: City Staff Recommends payment in the amount of $76,744.80 for the Repair of Various Buildings. Payment Is to Erickson Builders. ARE YOU SEEKING APPROVAL OF A CONTRACT? IS A PUBLIC HEARING RE UII ED No No BAS ROUND1JUSTIF{ ATION: Erickson Builders Inas completed the replacement f roofs for the West Pretreatment Building and the West Blower Building. The material for siding the West Buildings Is on site. SUPPORTING DOCUMENTS: X ATTACHED NONE 0 Pair Estimate # MOTION: (Please word mo on as you would like it to appear In the minutes.) Motion to approve payment to Erickson Builders in the amount of $76,744.80 for the Repair of Various Buildings. BUDGET INFORMATION FUNDING: BUD ETED: X YE 0 LMC Insurance 0 Serer Fund ii NO 0 tater Fund ACTION TAKE! ❑ APPROVED AS REQUESTED ❑ DENIED ❑ TABLED o OTHER (List changes) COMMENTS: PAY ESTIMATE CITY OF OTSEGO Repair Va r1ous City Bufl ing Apol 1 , 2013 Honorable Mayor & City Council City of Otsego 8809 Nashua Avenue NE Otsego, MN W30 R, Repair Various City Buildings Contractor. Eftkson Buildler an Co., Inc. contract Amount: $261,318.00 Award Date: November 14, 2412 Completion Date: Jane 1, 2018 Clear Honorable Mayotand Council Members., The follovilng wo rk has been co mplete d on the above -referenced protect by Erickson Build e re and 0 o{, Ino. F CONTRACTOR ITEM NO. 1 ITEM DESCRIPTION East Blower Building + irzast G13T Suffdiftg ESTIMATEQ QUANTITY 1 i UNIT LUMP IJ1 LUMP SUS! CONTRACT UNIT PRIGS CONTRACT AMOUNT $121390.00 12j390.00 0 1913D5.00 10,306.00 WED T DATE 1.00 0.75 EXTENSION 121300.00 14,478,75 EXTENSION East Control 1 LUMP §UM 27J68.00 27,16B.00 0.75 204376-00 4 East P kr atmentiDisinfe #ant/W Building 1 LUMP SUM $13,541.00 15 1 1541.0 1.00 9 541.00 East Chemical Building 1 LUMP Sum $9,039,00 92039.00 0.75 $ 6,779.25 0 West Pretreatment Bulldft 1 LUMP SUM $3.60 23 385.00 0.60 11882.60 7 West Control B u i1cring I LUMP SUM $31,418.0DI31 418.00 0.0 $ 15,709,DO 8 West UV BuIlding I LUMP UM $16,001,00 11s,001.00 0.50 8,000.50 West Bl"Of 130ding I LUMPSUM $18,848.00 4 16M.00 0.50 $ 8,324.00 10 West We]19 4 Pum Lljous 3 1 Gump Uhf $18,435.001 S 10 435.1gD 0.00 - Total Bid Schedule W 486t310.00 0.0( $ .00 Rid Aphoehila "R" , Rnnf iamijac ITEM ITEM DESCRIPTION TIMAT O UNIT CONTRACT UNIT CONTRAOT AMOUNT U EDTO EXTENSION NO. ITEM DESCRIPTION QUANTITY UNIT PRICE CONTRAOT AMOUNT DATE EXTENSION and profit For remval of and disposal of d t rioraled wood Vest LIV Building, Roof ShsathlnfiIngle Roof Systm f]emol Won and Ne+ir Sheathin lShIngle Roof System roof deck and replace vAth n oNy deck 11 Be ac ent 1 LUMP P SUM 1 # 0.0{} 0,460.00 $3.60 - Nest Pretreatment BuildIng Proof Sheath fn0l hingle Roof U-2 Total Cast per SF to Include materials, labor, overhead and New heaathing hIngle Rauf Systemy� +I and profit For removal of and disposal of detegora#ed wood 1 {}DefrioNtion stern Re oorar►�ent ■�f�] LUMP m J%'y� $14,816-00 f+(. %[7� 14 610, 1 �/y{ /yf 14 816.00 West Control Building Roof 6heathingl$hIngle Roof 1 LUMP SUM $23,501 $ 23.E System Demolition and New Sheathtngftlngle Roof 3 Systern Reol a c rent 1 LUMP Sl. M $23,M2.00 23842,00 t West Blower Bullding Roof heatbIN/Shingle Roof System Demolition and Now Sheathing#Shingle Roof System 14 Replacement 'I LVLAP SUM gO 604,00 20,604.00 1 20 004.80 16 1EestWe1)# 2 Pump House 1 LUMP stjM $3,296.00 329000 1 0,48.04 Total Bid Schedule "B" 73,008.00_-.. 37#068.40 �i PHd AnhPAiiIa 24113* - AItornaF& 4^ Anh= 41 An R I [aTnti It r%^f CAAbfiri* 17 1 1ESTIMATED N0. ITEM DESCRIPTION QUANTITY UNIT CONTRACT UNIT PRICE CONTRAOT AMOUNT USED T DATIE EXTENSION U-1 Total Cost per F to tncfude rr�ate al , labor, o e # and profit For remval of and disposal of d t rioraled wood roof deck and replace vAth n oNy deck 1 1 LUMP SUM $3.60 +80 U-2 Total Cast per SF to Include materials, labor, overhead and profit For removal of and disposal of detegora#ed wood of deck and replace wlfh new d 1 LUMP SUM $23,501 $ 23.E t Tof f Bid Schedule "'C" OT901-2013 - PE A i epalr Vadous City ButtdingS PE - 1 PAY ESTIMATE # CITY OF { T EG Repair Various City 13ulldings hannea Ordar Na_ I CONTRACTOR ITEM NO, ITEM DESCRIPTION ESTIMATED QUANTITY UNIT CONTRACT UNIT PENCE CONTRACT AMOUNT VSED T DATE EXTENSION I GuUer and Ommapq.uts � 130 LF 11300.00 0 $300.00 10' Profit and Ovefhead 1 L $139.80 130.OD 0 S 1 �qnd Cost 2! $425.04 L X29.80 - 4 Buildi ng PaTrniUs - 7651 Lan caster Ave. 1 LS 1 855.' 4 1 1 5.74 6 Buildim P r itf - $850 l andol h Ave. 'I L $1,r020.00 '�#02 .40 f 4,0 0.00_ Change Ord or No. 1 4J34.34 "Charia Order Insurance Item 2,616,74 ITEM NO. ITEM DESCRIPTION 8TIIl ATED QUANTITY UNIT CONTRACT UNIT PRICE CONTRAGTAMOUNT US C T DATE EXTENSION 4 Repair rotten wood near bottom sill on Westside of the East G (3T 6ulIdIng see attach ed pkAvre 1 L $300.00 360.00 1 360.00 Add house wrap to the north and West side of the East BT Building see attached l tures 1 L $425.04 425.00 1 S 425.DO 3 Overhead and Profit 10% 1 L $70.04 S 79.00F 1 79,00 4 Bondi °a117'.0 750.00 4,760.00 0,50 17.OQ 47.401 Change rderNo. � 889.00 r.hnnna nrrinF?rr% 881.00 ITIEM 'I 3'10.30 P 111ATED 76 008.00 CONTRACT MIT R USED T 4t134.3 No. ITEM DESCRIPTION QUANTITY UNIT PRICE CONTRAGT AMOUNT DATE EXTENSION West UV Building RP -109 Replace _A $ , 7,595,29 e 1 siding on the Nvest eleva Uon (270 sq. ft.) 1 th0 north el eLatj oa J2 0 s. ft I 1 L 750.00 4,760.00 0,50 S 2,375,00 Nest Bkwer BulldIng (ISP -'I 10) Replace aIi siding on the Nvest eletlatiw ( 24 sq. #t. 2 Do not rep[amm sloirmon the nom I 7 $. ft 1 L $4,410.00 41410.00 .50 2,20 .00 West Pretreatment SulIdIng PP -1X37) Replace WI skiing on the great elevedcn {1 236 sq. ft. 3 Do not r � suit ani ete�ra err 9 & T L 10,4 5.00 40 1 .OQ 0.60 Jam',207.50 West Control Building (RP-iOB F e ace a I I siding on th eviest 63vatim (373 sq. ft.) 4 Do not re PLAce sidin ora th a rtofth elevy nt 314 s , ff. 4 Lp.BO 0.00 5 Pro act Management 16 HR $65.00 1.040.00 8.00 20.00 5 Overhead and Profit 101 1 LS $2,002.00 2062.00 0.50 $ 11031.00 Bondir 21'0 i L 54. }0 54.00 0.50 227.00 Change Order ND.. BEd Schedule 'IN' Bid Schedule "JB1" Bid Schedule "C" Change Order No. I Change Order No. 2 Change Order No. TOTAL Total Work Completed to Date LESS Pay Esti niate #I LESS Pay Estimate LES-° #ETAIA(3E; T 01-2013 - PE - I apalf Vaflous City Buildings PE -2 23.131.00 -1 1'1, 85.60 'I 3'10.30 = 76 008.00 $ R i •Yr- $ 4t134.3 �R � 881.00 2311311.00 J 289,464.34 -1 1'1, 85.60 $ 37,068,00 YM 2x07,5.74 i •Yr- $ 881.00 11,6 5.60 161,905.74 J 1611906.74, 318.28 43,246.37 _A $ , 7,595,29 PAIS ESTIMATE #3 CONTRACTOR CITY OF OTSEGO Repair Various City Buildings WERECOMMEND PAi TOF: APPROVALS: CONTRACTOR: ACTOR: I k SON D S AND CO., INC. Oelli ieat` Centras or, I certify that all items and amounts are correct for the work completed to date. Signed: r� TlUe: Date �w ENGINEER: HAKANSON ANDERSON ertifleation by Engineer: Were a payment for work and quantiUes as shown. Ay [rte;44 Me:. � � .i+r� ..� Date < OWNER; CITY OF OT EGO Signed: Tift Date OTROI.201 - PE - RePaIr Vadous City Buildings PE -3 ___76,744-80