ITEM 5.1 Update on Code EnforcementotTY 0 S2O Request for g City Council Action DEPARTMENT INFORMATION ORIGINATING DEPARTMENT: REQUESTOR: MEETING DATE: Planning City Planner Licht 13 May 2013 PRESENTER(s): City Planner Licht AGENDA ITEM DETAILS RECOMMENDATION: REVIEWED BY: ITEM #: City Administrator Johnson 5.1—Connell City staff recommends the City Council take no action related to the assessments in 2011 and 2012 for unpaid administrative citations issued to the property owned by Patric Connelly. ARE YOU SEEKING APPROVAL OF A CONTRACT? IS A PUBLIC HEARING REQUIRED? No. I N o. BAC KGROUNDMD STIFICATION: Mr. Patric Connelly, 8620 Palmigren Avenue NE,, came to City Hall on 15 February 2012 and spoke with two members of City staff regarding assessments to his property in 2011 and 2012 for unpaid Administrative Citations for violations of the City Code. Mr. Connelly stated that he became aware of the assessments as the escrow payment on his mortgage increased significantly in 2013. Mr. Connelly was given contact information for City Planner Licht but did not contact this office. Mr. Connelly appeared at open forum at the City Council meeting on 25 February 2013 regarding the 2011 and 2012 assessments. The City Council directed him to contact City staff to discuss the issue. City Administrator Johnson phoned him on 26 February 2013 and said she would have City Planner Licht follow up. City Planner Licht attempted to call Mr. Connelly on 26 February 2013 but did not speak with him. Mr. Connelly again called City Hall on 18 March 2013 and talked to City Administrator Johnson and was transferred to City Planner Licht. Mr. Connelly again appeared at open forum at the City Council meeting on 22 April 2013 regarding the 2011 and 2012 assessment. The City Council requested that City staff provide additional information regarding the issue for discussion at their meeting on 13 May 2013. We offer the following comments: Code Enforcement Process. The City has established administrative enforcement of the City Code (including the Zoning Ordinance). The goal of any code enforcement action is to maintain compliance with the standards and requirements of the City Code to protect public safety, health and welfare and maintain land use compatibility. Cities including Otsego undertake administrative code enforcement as an alternative to civil or criminal court actions that typically is less confrontational, leads to quicker resolution of violations and is more cost effective. The process does not directly involve the City Council in the process for the issuance of penalties or consideration of appeals, except as related to violations conditional use permits or interim use permits approved in accordance with the Zoning Ordinance. Administrative code enforcement procedures are outlined in Section 2-5-3 of the City Code as follows: Complaint. Enforcement of the City Code isdone only |nresponse toacomplaint brought to City stafPs attention. The identity of the person making the complaint remains anonymous as once the City makes aninspection ofaproperty and determines aviolation exists, then the City is in effect making the complaint to the property owner. Administrative Notice. Ifasaresult ofaninspection City staff finds that aviolation of the City Code exists onaproperty, anAdministrative Notice |uissued bmUS Mail identifying the property and the specific violation ofthe City Code. The Administrative Notice states that the property owner has up to 15 days to abate the violation or an Administrative Citation will be issued. If property owner contacts City staff regarding the Administrative Notice prior to the expiration of the grace period, an extension of up to 30 days may be granted to allow a property owner additional time if necessary to abate the violation. City staff is not required by Section 2-5-3 of the City Code to issue an Administrative Notice to deal with extreme cases but does so to provide a warning to the property owner that their prompt action is required. Administrative Citation. City staff again inspects the property after the grace period stated on the Administrative Notice has passed to determine if the violation has been abated. |fCity staff finds that the conditions on the property have been brought into compliance with the City Code, nofurther action |staken and the file closed. ]fthe violation has not been abated and there is there is no evidence of efforts to abate the violation, an Administrative Citation is issued via US Mail that imposes afine of$2OOupon the property. The Administrative Citation states that the property is being cited for a specific violation of the City Code that must be corrected immediately to avoid additional penalties as each day a violation exists constitutes a separate offense. The property owner has 15 days from the date of the Administrative Citation to pay the penalty or submit in writing a request for an Administrative Hearing to appeal the Citation. The Administrative Citation also states that failure to pay the penalty will result in collection action by the City orassessment ofthe unpaid fines and related coats. Appeal. Aproperty owner may appeal anAdministrative Citation on the basis of whether violation of the City Code exists orthat City staff bmisinterpreting the City Code. The property owner cannot challenge the validity ofaCity Code provision through the appeal process. Upon submission ofawritten request for anappeal, City staff will contact the property owner to discuss the reason for their appeal to determine if the issue can be resolved. IfCity staff and the propertyownerdonot agree onacounseofactio n,anAdrn|n|s2rat iveHear|n@iascheduled. The Administrative Hearing is conducted by Hearing Officer contracted by the City. City staff prepares areport regarding the violation for which the Citation iaissued and the Property Owner has the opportunity to present their own information or dispute what is presented by the City. In that the goal of the Administrative Code Enforcement Process is abatement of violations of the City Code, the Hearing Officer has the authority to stay the Administrative Citation and allow the property owner additional time to correct conditions upon their property. mAdditional Citations. As stated above, each day a violation exists upon Gproperty isaseparate offence for which an Administrative Citation may be issued and, after issuance of an Administrative Citation to a property for a violation of the City Code, City staff will schedule additional inspections todetermine ifthe violation continues toexist. Additional Administrative Citations are issued after these inspections when the violation is continued. City Code Violations. City staff received a complaint regarding junk vehicles accessory buiIding in the rear yard of Mr. Con n el ly's property. An inspection of the property was done and the vehicles were visible from the 85th Street right-of-way. An administrative notice was issued on 5 April 2011 for unlicensed inoperable vehicles stored outdoors in violation of Section 20-16-16 of the Zoning Ordinance. City records indicate there was no response to the Administrative Notice after which seven citations were issued between May and October in 2011 and 14 citations issued between November 2011 and August 2012 for failing to abate the City Code violation. In a phone conversation on 18 March 2013, Mr. Connelly indicated that he took action after the 25 February 2013 City Council meeting and that the unlicensed/inoperable vehicles were no longer outdoors upon the property. This was verified by a site inspection by City staff on 18 March 2013. Assessment. The penalties imposed by the Citations issued in 2011 and 2012 were not paid and the City proceeded to assess the penalties plus administrative costs to be paid over like property taxes. Under Minnesota Statutes 429, the City must conduct a public hearing proceeded by published and mailed notice to consider the assessment of the unpaid penalties. The property owner is required file and objection with the City Clerk prior to or appear at the public hearing and file written in order to have standing for an appeal if the assessment is adopted by the City Council. 2011. Notice of public hearing to be held on 24 October 2011 to assess delinquent City Code violation fees and charges was published in the Elk River Star News on 24 September 2011 and mailed to the property owner on 6 October 2011. Mr. Connelly did not appear at the public hearing to object to the assessment of the unpaid Administrative Citations and the assessment was adopted by the City Council by Resolution 2011-56. The 2011 assessment appears on the 2012 property tax statement for the property, which. is mailed to the property owner. 2012. Notice of public hearing to be held on 22 October 2012 to assess delinquent City Code violation fees and charges was published in the Elk River Star News on 6 October 2012 and mailed to the property owner on 3 October 2012. Mr. Connelly did not appear at the public hearing to object to the assessment of the unpaid Administrative Citations and the assessment was adopted by the City Council by Resolution 2012-70. The 2012 assessment appears on the 2013 property tax statement for the property, which is mailed to the property owner. Status. At no time prior to 15 February 2013 did Mr. Connelly contact City staff regarding the Administrative Notice, Administrative Citations, Assessment Hearing notices or property tax statements related to the code enforcement actions taken by the City. Mr. Connelly has stated that he did not receive any correspondence from the City regarding violations of the City Code except for one envelope having Citation #0319 enclosed that was issued on 22 May 2012. Mr. Connelly claims this envelope, on which the numbers of the address were transposed as "6820" not 118620", was left in his outdoor newspaper box for several months before he discovered it. City staff that Mr. Connelly spoke with at City Hall on 15 February 2013 noted that this envelope, which he had with himwas in pristine condition, unwrinkled with no watermarks or other weathering. Moreover, City staff does not believe it plausible that the Administrative Notice, 21 Administrative Citations and two assessment hearing notices sent via US Mail to Mr. Connelly were not delivered or otherwise returned to the City. Mr. Connelly also noted that his first name was misspelled by adding a "'W" to the end, which City staff did inadvertently assuming the name had been shortened by Wright County as shown on the property tax records. This, however, again would not be a likely reason for a piece of mail to not be delivered, returned or otherwise mishandled by the US Mail. As stated above the unlicensed inoperable vehicles were no longer stored outdoors on the property after 25 February 2013 and before 18 March 2013 and the file is now closed. City staff in taking enforcement action related to this violation followed the procedures outlined in Chapter 2., Section 5 of the City Code. Furthermore, the unpaid Administrative Citations and related costs incurred 2011 and 2012 were assessed to the property to be paid over like property taxes in accordance with Minnesota Statues 429. At several points dUring the City -s enforcement effort or the assessment process, Mr. Connelly could have contacted City staff to resolve the issue but did not. There is no longer a basis or mechanism for the City Council to relieve the 2011 assessments that were paid in 2.012 or the 2012 assessments now due to be paid in 2013. SUPPORTING DOCUMENTS: © ATTACHED Ei NONE A. Site Aerial B. Administrative Notice V0451 C. Administrative Citation #x}255 (1 of 2 1) D . 2011 Public Hearing Notice E. 2012 Property Tax Statement P. 2012 Public Hearing Notice G. 2013 Property Tax Statement POSSIBLE MOTION IN Please word motion as you would like it to ;ppea r In the minutes. No action required. BUDGET INFORMATION FUNDING: I 13UOGETED: DYES NA I oNO ACTION TAKEN n APPROVED AS REQUESTED ii DENIED u TABLED u OTHER (List changes) COMMENTS: i -r CITY OF 0 cr ON THE GREAT RIVER ROAD 8899 ME Nashua A%,cnue Elk River, NIN 55330 (763) 441-4414 @ Fax: (763) 441-8823 A DO IMMY S-YftA- c-H::XV F W0TXC U To whom it may concern: E: X I E� I -r E� -I-) No. [ The following described conditions have been observed at your property: VAN Property Owner:-,- a Property Address: 0, 06 (, 'e- ( -Y)( -/ I oo Property PID NO: // � , � "5 "' - Said condition constitutes a violation of Otsego Code /-/) - P — - Y --- This Notice is to bring the condition to your attention and notify you that the above described condition must be remedied so that the property is in compliance with the City Code within fifteen (15) days from the date of this letter. Failure to bring the property into compliance will result in issuance of a Citation pursuant to Section of the City Code requiring payment of a civil penalty for failure to comply. The condition above is a Class violation of the City Code which calls for a civil penalty in the amount of $ "7uY,-), Please contact City Hall within the next fifteen (15) days so that City Staff can verify that you have eliminated the condition which violates the City Code. Otsego City Code Enforcement Officer CITY OF OTSEGO 8899 NASHUA AVENUE NE OTSEGO, MN 55330 PHONE: 763.441.4414 Property Information CITATION JE X I E3 I -r MR&O DO -3 CITY CODE VIOLATION Date Issued: ISSLIed By 4 05`7, 06L") (�) Property Identification Nun iber (PIS #): Street Address: Property Owner Information lam e,s , �', { L BLIsiness Name: SS: Add re Cit + Ok State: 'Ipj Zip Code City Code Violation(s) 13 Refuse (Sec. 20-16-15): "zf% I. / -, 0- '0 Unlicensed/Inoperative/Parked Vehicle (Sec. 20-21-4)- 1// 1PA 0 Grass / Noxious Weeds (Sec.5-8-2)- C] Home Business (Sec. 20-28 & 20-29): 0 Outdoor Storage, Sales or Display (Sec.20-16-16): E] Prohibited Dwelling Unit (Sec. 20 -16 -2) - El Sign (Sec. 20-37)- 1:1 Other C 0 MPLIAN CE REQ U I RED: The violation listed above exists upon the referenced prop e rty and must he corrected immediately in order to avoid additional Citation. Everyday that a violation exists on the property constitutes a separate offence. The penalty for the current violation as set forth above is $ 0-? You have fifteen (115) days from the date of this Citation to either pay the penalty in full or request a hearing before a City Hearing Officer. If pay mentIs not received within the fifteen (16) day period and the violation is not corrected, the City will add a late charge to any penalty as set forth in the City Code. Failure to pay may result in collection action by the it or assessillent of unpaid penalties and related costs aaainst the affected prooertv, The Otsego City Code available for reviews at City Hall, 8 899 Nashua Avenue NF, Otsego, M -N, 55330. +Z Fi[ M 1 P i 'fig. . ♦ i 1 ' ' +' ° 5 . • -. 315', r�`lr _rfr s�."� �� w ,_ � - AOL ' 1} +". `'P yr •_ P Y'��r• i� `rL� *x M`�`�1 r�r1P �si#�`` y .+C � # I P �• � it ' .. �ry r { ice' -,,•'r � t � � , r �.'. k � ` "� , . �� �'� {: � +•rt4� ~�a i� S fr? s 1'*� fii "1 1�,:' . _ Of AV: kIL WIT ... .'.� , d L �+-r..-.. ,�.>��++ - . " � oma.-�I�.+�'� - _�, ' i L g _ - •' I• ,�.. a I � - • � a j , .. . � . .. -=rte- � ,'7' 1 f y � } ', - 9 - r ti .t , A .J � ERIE IY 0 CITY OF 0 T S E G 0 8899 Nashua Ave, NE, Otsego, MN 55330 Phone: 763-441-4414 Fax: 763-441-8823 NOTICE OF HEARING FOR PROPOSED ASSESSMENT PROPERTY OWNER: PAI TICK CONNOLLY 8620 PALMGREN AVENUE NE OTSEGO MN 55330 PID #B- 118-052-004100 Notice is hereby given that the Otsego City Council will hold a public hearing at 7: 00 -PM, or as soon after as permits, on October 24, 201 1 at Otsego City Hall to consider, and possibly adopt, proposed assessments for delinquent escrow accounts. City Council adoption of the proposed assessment against the above referenced property may occur at this meeting in the amount as follows: Unpaid Administrative Fines and Charges: $'1,4K00 Assessment Administration Fee: 100.00 TOTAL PROPOSED ASSESSMENT: $1 P500.00 The owner of any property so assessed may, at any'time prior to certification of the assessment to the Wright County Auditor, pay the whole of the assessment on such property including interest accrued to the data of payment to the Otsego City Clerk, except that no interest or administration fee Shall be charged if the delinquent fines and charges to be assessed are paid within thirty (30) days from the adoption of the assessment by the City Council. The property owner may at any time thereafter; pay to the City of Otsego City Clerk the entire amount of the assessment remaining unpaid with interest accrued to December 31 of the year in which such payment is made, provided that such payment is made before November 15 or interest will be charged through December 31 of the succeeding year. An owner may appeal their assessment to the district court pursuant to Minnesota Statutes 429.081 'by serving notice of the appeal upon the Mayor or City Clerk of the City within 30 days after the adoption of the assessment and filing such notice with the district court within 10 days after service upon th e Mayor or City Clerk. However, no appeal may be taken on the amount of the assessment unless a written objection signed by the property owner has been filed with the City Clerk before the assessment hearing or presented to the Mayor at the assessment hearing, unless the failure to object was due to reasonable cause. CITY OF OTSEGO 1 B Tami Loff I City Clerk MAILED: October 6,2011 PUBLISHED: Elk River Star News on September 24, 2011 IV o-ot, Robert J Hilvala 'P WRIGHT COUNTY AU D ITORK REAS U R E R 2 10 SECOND STREET N.W. R00'%j1 230 BUFFALO, MN 55313-1195 763-682-7572 or 763-684-4540 % vww,co.wrfghLrnn.us CProper# ID#: R118-052-004100 Taxpayer ID Number 222126 PATRIC K1 CONNELLY 8620 PALMGREN AVE NE OTSEGO NIN 55330 A�& You may be eligible for one or even two refunds to reduce yourproperty tax Read the back of this statement to find REFUNDS? Out how to apply. EX101-r Property Tax SLI I iui[L for Taxes Payable in 2012 Description: Sect -22 Tvjp-1 21 Range -023 COUNTRY RIDGE Lot -010 Block -004 Taxes Payable Year: 2011 2012 Your Property Tax Values & Classification File by August 15. It this box is cher-ked, you owe delinquent taxes and are not eligible. F-1 EsUrnated Market Value: 184,000 177,600 Improvements Excluded: 2.293.10 Homestead Exclusion: 21,300 Taxab!e Market Value, 184,000 166,200 New Improvements/ 2,293.10 Expired Fxclusions.*: 4. Credits that reduce your property taxes Property Classification-, RES HIMSTD RES H%ISTD 1. Us a this amount on Fofni MI PR to see if you are eligible for a property tax refund. File by August 15. It this box is cher-ked, you owe delinquent taxes and are not eligible. F-1 2,363.76 2. Use these amunts on Form M 1 PR to seo if you are eligible for a special refund. 2.293.10 Your Property Tax and Credits Wright County Auditor/Treasurer 3. Your property (axes befc(e credits 2,293.10 2,363.76 4. Credits that reduce your property taxes CITIMORTGAGE, ING A. Agricultural market value credits M (A B. Other credits 5. Property taxes after credits 2,293,10 2,363.7 Cr PropeFff Tax by JurlsdiCtiDn 8620 PALMGREN AVC NE 6, County 655,09 677.78 7. City (CITY OF OTSEGO j 2011 Admill Citatiolls 566.41 647.61 8. State General Tax + Assessment Fee 9, School District (0728) A. Vo te r approved lev!es Q 765.46 684.02 B. 01hef local levies 281.14 335.08 10. Special Taxing Districts A. N18L HP_ 2012 Property Tax 19.37 B. 0 C' Assessments PENALTY: TOTAL: D. ID Number: 222126 11. Ron -school voter approved referenda levies zo 12. Total property tax before special assessments 2,293.10 2,363.76 Special Assessments on Your Property 13. Spedal assessments ffricipal S55040 Interest 101.84 128, 1,652.24 STORM WATER 30930-2 28.46/� YOUR TAXES HAVE DEL ACCTS 32130-0 1,601.84 n N CO SW DEBT get OO -0 22.00 Wright County A ud i [or/Trea s u re r ;0 -U:z 14. YOUR TOTAL PROPERTY TAX AND SPECIAL ASSESSMENTS 2,422.00 — — — — — — — — — — — — — 4,016.00 — — — — — - — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — PAYABLE 2012 2ND HALF PAYMENT STUB PLEAS E READ THE SACK OF THIS STATP,'ENT FOR IYPORTANT 1114'FORMATION TO AVOID PEUALTY PAY ON OR BEFORE: OCT013ER 1511 ffyour address has changed p!easa checkthls box and rn shmv the cba nge on the back of this stub. Property ID Number: R 118-052-004100 SECOND 1/2 TAX A MOUNT 1)Uff77 $ 2,008.00 PATRIC M CONNELLY Bill Number. 18881 PENALTY: TOTAL: C rn 8620 PALNIGREN AVE NE Q ID Number: 222126 OTSEGO MN 55330 R.Cept tF-j!!&S ReqljerC-J. Yo ---r cana%A c�--Ah)w rz��pt P -7s R-!-cc';4 ff 0-�i-;k is A --t K-j-ZeE-i e 0 **DO NOT PAY" YOUR TAXES HAVE MAKE CHECKS PAYABLE & MAIL TO: Robert J H 1 iva la BEEN SENT TO YOUR Wright County Auditor/Treasurer ESCROW AGENT 10 Second Street N.W., Room 230 CITIMORTGAGE, ING Buffalo, KI N 55313-1195 M (A PATRIC M CONNELLY 8620 PALMGREN AVC NE OTSEGO MN 55330 PAYABLE 2012 1ST HALF PAYMENT STUB PLEASE READ THE BACK OF THI S STATENIFNT FOR IMPORTAW INFORMATION TO AVOID PENALTY PAY ON OR BEFORE: MAY 1511 If your address h a § changed p'ease check thls box and show the change on the back of this stub. Q Property ID Number: R 118-052-004100 FULL TAX AMOUNT: $ 4,016.00 �1 FIRST 1/2 TAX AMOUNT DUE: $ 2,008.00 Bill Ntimber: 18881 0 PENALTY: TOTAL: 0 ' rrL ID Number: 222126 zo "DO NOT PAY" MAKE CHECKS PAYABLE & MAIL TO., YOUR TAXES HAVE Robert J Hiiyala n N BEEN SENT TO YOUR Wright County A ud i [or/Trea s u re r ;0 -U:z ESCROW AGENT 10 Second Street N.W., Room 230 (A CITIMORTGAGE, INC Buffalo, MN 55313-1195 rn PATRIC M CONNELLY 8620 PALNIGREN AVE NE OTSEGO MN 55330 R.Cept tF-j!!&S ReqljerC-J. Yo ---r cana%A c�--Ah)w rz��pt P -7s R-!-cc';4 ff 0-�i-;k is A --t K-j-ZeE-i e L otCITY OF MINNESOTA 9 NOTICE OF HEARING FOR PROPOSED ASSESSMENT PROPERTY OWNER: Patric Connelly 8620 Palmgren Avenue NE Otsego MN 55330 PID #: 118-062-004100 E X I e I -r F= Notice is hereby given that the Otsego City Council will hold a public hearing at 7:00 -PM1 on October 22, 2012 at Otsego Prairie Center to consider, and possibly adopt, proposed assessments for delinquent City Code violation fees and charges. City Council adoption of the proposed assessment against the above referenced property may occur at this meeting in the amount as follows: Delinquent Fines and Charges: $21800.00 Assessment Administration Fee: $ 100.00 POTENTIAL TOTAL ASSESSMENT: $2,900.00 In the event that administrative fines are not paid in full prior to October 17, the assessment administrative fee of $100.00 will be added to the assessment. Interest will be also charged on the assessment at a rate to be determined by the City Council when the assessment is adopted. The owner of any property so assessed may, at any time prior to certification of the assessment to the Wright County Auditor, pay the whole of the assessment on such property including interest accrued to the date of payment to the Otsego City Clerk, except that no interest shall be charged if the delinquent fines and charges to be assessed are paid within thirty (30) days from the adoption of the assessment by the City Council. The property owner may at any time thereafter; pay to the City of Otsego City Clerk the entire amount of the assessment remaining unpaid with interest accrued to December 31 of the year in which such payment is made, provided that such payment is made before November 15 or interest will be charged through December 31 of the succeeding year. An owner may appeal their assessment to the district court pursuant to Minnesota Statutes 429.081 by serving notice of the appeal upon the Mayor or City Clerk of the City within 30 days after the adoption of the assessment and filing such notice with the district court within 10 days after service upon the Mayor or City Clerk. However, no appeal may be taken on the amount of the assessment unless a written objection signed by the property owner has been filed with the City Clerk before the assessment hearing or presented to the Mayor at the assessment hearing, unless the failure to object was due to reasonable cause. CITY OF OTSEGO MW Tami Loff, City Clerk MAILED: October 3, 2012 PUBLISHED: Elk River Star News on October 6, 2012 City of Otsego 113400 90th Stre et N E, Otsego, M N 553301 Te I, (763) 44 .-44 14 F aX (7 6 3) 441-9163 , I Robert J HIlvala Your Property Tax Values & Classification WR I G H T C 0 U HTY AU D I TOF?JT R EASURER "z 10 SECOND 8 TRE T N.W. R00".1 232 0 BUFFALO, MN 55313-1194 4, 763-682-7572 or 763-682-7584 7 k4":"�"T,cawri hLMD.U3 Property llft 8118-052-004100 Taxpayer ID Number: 222126 PATRIC 1~xi CtONNELLY 8620 PALh1GREN AVENE OTS EGO KIN 55330 You may be eligible for one or eves flea refunds to reduco your property tax. Read the back of this statement~ to find REFUNDS' out how to {ipply. EEXI1�r Property Tai for Taxes Payable in 201 Save f4Dr future reference Description: Sect -22 Twp -121 Range -023 COUNTRY MIDGE Lot -010 Block -004 Taxes Payable Year: 2012 Your Property Tax Values & Classification Fele by August 15. if this box Is cheaed, you owe delinquent lanes and are not eligible, F1 Estimated MarketValue: 177,50+0 Improvements Excluded: 2,3f .76 Homestead Exclusion: 21,300 Taxabia Market Value: 156,241 New Improvements/ 2,363.76 Expired Exclusions': 4. Credits that reduce }vur property taxes Pfoperty Classification: RES HNISTD 2013 161,900 22,740 139,280 RES HMSTD 1. Use this amount on Form MIPR to see if you are eligible for a property tax refund. PLEAS 'ER DTHEBACK OF THISSTATE Y ENT FQEt4%IPORTA"FfINFGRMATIO`J' 2,247.75 Fele by August 15. if this box Is cheaed, you owe delinquent lanes and are not eligible, F1 your address has changed p"case cher% th`s box and . Use these amounts cin Foal, M 1 PR to see if you are eligible for a special refund. 2,3f .76 0 Your Property Tax and Credits 5,384.00h� 3. Your property taxes before credits 2,363.76 2,247.75 4. Credits that reduce }vur property taxes � m A. Agricultural market value credit TOTAL: M B. Ther credlis o 5. Property taxes after credits 2,363.76 2,247.75 roperty Tax by Jurisdiction 877.78 816.1 6. County Wright CovntyAudltcr/Treasurer 7. Cit orToti%n (CITYOF iOTSEGO) 2012 Admin Citations 647.61 643.51 8. state General Tax + Assessment Fee 9. Scfml DIstrict (0728) A. Voler approved levies 684.02 641.29 B. [alter local le+ ies 335.08 338.28 W. Sp al Taxing Districts A. MBL HP 2013 Property Tax + 19.37 8.46 B.C. sment D. 11. Miert-schod voter approved referenda levia s 12. Total property tax before special assessments 2,383.76 2,247.75 Special Assessments on Your Property 13. Special assessments Hnclpal2,928.46 InterestS 267,85 1,652_ 3,136.25 STORM WATER 30939-2 28. #] DFL ACCTS 33130.0 3,107.85 i4. QUR TOTAL. P 1Of�ERTY TA i AIwlD P£CfA� A� BE iEIVTS 4,016.0 5,3U4.UU PAYABLE 2013 2ND HALF PAYMENT STUB PLEAS 1�READ THEBACK OF T I i -S STAI E MENT F 0 R i 1-TORTANTI.FORP.TATON TO AVOID PE14ALTY PAY ON OR BE170RE: OCTOBER i 51:1If your addfess has rhanged pease chck this box and how the changa on tha back of this stuh. � Property 10 Number: R 118-052-004100 SECOND 112 TAX AMOUNT DUE: 2,692.00 Dill Number: 18881 PENALTY: TOTAL: � n C) 0 r-1 1D Number: 222126 z Q > 0 ""DO NOT PAY" hIAKE CHECKS PAYABLE & MAIL TO: 073rn YOUR TAXES HAVE Robert J Hli'vala � BEEN SENT TO YOUR Wright County Auditor/Treasurer mtl ESCROW AGENT 10 Second Street N.W., Room 232 PATRIC M C NNELLY 8620 PALMGREN AVE NE OTSE O MN 55330 CITINI ORTGAGE, INC Buffalo, MN 55313-1194 rn -K lJzt 5 S YC--jr tLL=`:e'er c C't Is V _;1 rEcE r4l Thi --s F: u:pt Is 4ald d rt,_ rk [3 rcl Fr-rriyr -;L PAYABLE 2013 1ST HALF PAYMENT STUB PLEAS 'ER DTHEBACK OF THISSTATE Y ENT FQEt4%IPORTA"FfINFGRMATIO`J' TO AVOID PENALTY PAY ON OR BEFORE: MAY '15Elif your address has changed p"case cher% th`s box and sho;v the ch anga on the bac k of tfirls stu b. 0 Property ID Nuniber. R 118-052-004100FULL 5,384.00h� Bill Number: 18881 FIRST 112 TAX A MOUNT DUE: 2,692.00 � m PENALTY. TOTAL: M ID hlurr�ter: 222126 o "DO NOT PAY"` MAKE CHECKS PAYABLE & MAIL TO: YOUR TAXES HAVE Robert HEva Ia rn BEEN SENT TO YOUR Wright CovntyAudltcr/Treasurer ESCROW AGENT 10 Second Street N.W., Roam 232 � CITiMORTGAGir, INC Buffalo, 1M N 55313-1194 u PATRIC hi CONNELLY 8820 PLiREN AVE NE OTSE O MN 55330 F: eco tlJ-a ss R% _rs Yc.IrE rce."=tis)%.rrr-- ptT7,.sR�-e;t iswrj'iffa--*isrot F.3nued G