ITEM 5.3 Adopting Performance Measurement Program40 CITY OF 0 Ot MINNESOTA DEPARTMENT INFORMATION Request for City Council Action . , v .:. _: Y:............................ .... . . ._ __ n RI INKtf DEPAI TMENT: : n_::.: _ .:...., . w, n.., w_. v r. _ . _ ... n..___..._.._.._......__... ____ __ _ ____ __ . _ :: REQUESTOR: w n__v__.N.N_ r, v.n_ __n __ . _ _.... __. _ _ __ _... . . ..... . MEETING DATE: Finance Gary Groen, Finance Director May 13, 2013 PI ESEI TEF ): REVIEWED Br. ITEM Lori Johnson, City Administrator Lori Johnson, City Administrator S. AGENDA ITEM DETAILS RECOMMENDATION: I recommend the City of Otsego voluntarily participate in the Performance Measurement System program through the Office of the State Auditor. ARE YOU SEEKING II APPROVAL OF A CONTRACT? IS A PUBLIC HEARING RE U ]RED? No No BACISGR U[ DIJUBTIFIDATI In 2010, the Legislature created the Council on Local Results and Innovation. In 2012the Council created a comprehensive performance measurement system for cities to implement. The performance measurement system requirements were clarified in 2013 with the hopes of increasing participation. The program is administered through the office ofthe State Auditor. The program requires a resolution to implement a minimum of tern performance measures. The ten measures must include at least one measure from each of the six categories as listed on the attached standard measures worksheet. The performance measures will be developed by the staff and approved by the City Council, making sure the performance Measures are consistent with the City's strategic plans and goals. The surrey can be placed on theCity's website and publicized in the Otsego View. The results will be compiled at the end of November ember and included with the budget presentation for public input in December. The report is submitted to the office of the State Auditor. The City is reimbursed $.14 per capital t defray some of the cost of this project, The Administrative Subcommittee reviewed this item at its May 8, 2013 meeting and recommends that the City participates, SUPPORTING DOCUMENTS, ATTACHED u NONE Standard Measures for Cities office of the State Auditor Performance Measurement Program information POSSIBLE MOTION .. ... ::.n.n...:...,.._._...n:.....:....:.............................._n...........................,.........,..................n................._._._..._....:..._:..._.::..:....:......:.:...:....................................... .._........ ................. ............ ............ ..... .................................. .... ........... _......... ...... .............. . le ss word r""......o..tro....n a......you would like it t� ap....n.....p.ear in #�e minutes. Motion t approve Resolution 2013-26 approving the City participation in the Office of the State Auditors voluntary 2013 Performance Measurement Program and reporting the results of the adopted measures. BUDGET INFORMATION FUNDING: BUDGETED: a YES Costs are reimbursed - $.14 per capita or approximately $1,900 NO ACTT! TAKE! APPROVED AS REQ UESTBD ❑ DENIED TABLED THE (List changes) COMMENTS: The Program �n 2 010, tie Legislature created tine CoUncil on Loc released standard sed of � I suits Irrr�ova tirr, I€� br� 011, theCoen Performance ce eas�rres for counties and tern erfor a � � �� that Willaid rdetst te�parrsr and state and Hca rice rreare fort es ar�d cities i proved« Derv' elected officials � determining tefficacy of counties ��rr�i� created crprtre��e performance meas tri Crary of � �, the �� the Council Levied the performance measurement ate for cities and counties to implement, I measures and clarified the system requirements to increase Participation in the program. Participation by Cities and Counties Participation in the standard measures PrOgram choose # participate � the standard cityor or�ty ivoluntary. Co�ntie and it�es r dar � easures program rust Officially adopt and itr� that perforr ance measLrres and system developed the � pie ent the tern ism p Council. Benefits county or city that etas to participate in tieLada $ per capita in local ov rmeasuresprogram is eligible for a reimbursemento er r ent aid, riot t exceed $26,000 and i also e em f sections 2to 27. for tapes payablein the following pt froom levy �irits rider � calendar year, �� levy limit are in effect. Reporting Requirements In order to receive the per capita reimbursement ant d levy i�r�tt xerr�pt�onF counties and cities mu t; File a report t i th the Office of the State AuditorJud y y I. Th is report wilI consist of - 1) resolution approved by the city councilor county board declaring that: The itcounty has adopted and implemented tie. ir��m 10 performance measures from each applicable service category � the system developed (PDF format). y the Council err Local Results i#s and Innovation TheCity/county will report the results of the measures to its residents before the end f #fie calendar year the dud mailing, posting o the entity's website, or through a � get and levy will discussed and public input allowed publichearingat � d �F forst. document sino�rif�g #� actual results of the e format). p omace measures adopted by the citycottty Pi Performance Measurement • Sample Resolution For Cities/Counties Participating g i~r The First Time MS Word document, 41 Sample Resolution For Cities/Counties In The Second rid dear f ,Progra M Or After S word doe er�t f • Performance Mea Ur s for Cities df, g * Performance Measures for COUntle pd€, 10 • Performance Measurement System Requirerrents f, k Further Questions If you have any questions regarding the program ori an e -mil t perferancemeaure tie report�r�g requirements, see our Fs page or sect @o . tate-mn.LI . htt s:/A.mn-us/default.aspx?pagc=720130214,000 asp, . =2 1 214, Minnesota Council on Local Results and Innovation Performance Measurement-, Svstem The following are steps that must taken by a c'ity/county to effectively ars adopt implement l� � rrt the basic performance measurement system. I. City Council/county board should adopt community goals related to the services that are provided. a, Community goals are typically long -terra to 5 years) and describe the strategic objectives a city/county is seeping to achieve in the future. Examples of community goals include objectives such as a safe community, livable neighborhoods, love takes, and lover unemployment. r ent. ..:. Adopt by official resolution and implement a minimum of 10 performance measures. 3. Establish appropriate outcome and output measures for the performance measures that were adopted. a. outcome measures describe the results of the services provided.. and are used to hello assess whetherthe community goals are being met. Examples include citizens' rating of safety or road condition, overall pavement condition index rating, and percentage of children with no recurrence of maltreatment, b. output measures detail the units produced, goods or service provided, oreo le p � served. An example of public safety services output would be police sheriff or fire response -times. 4t Report the results of the .measures at least annually to the public through publication, direct raffia ,, posting on the city/county website, or a public hearing at which the budget and levy will be discussed and public input will be taken. 5. Rep ort by July I of earch gear to the office of the State Auditorto be eligible for the benefits of participation in the program. The reporting includes your official resolution, and the city/county results of the 10 minimum performance measures adopted and Implemented. To report, go to www.aA1tor,state.mn.us and select "'Porins", and then the Performance Measurement Program menu item. + G M 0 �. 0 {r CL LF 1 t% J p ,C rG . ;wc 3 Tp � /-� Q 4>1- Qj r- 0 0cl.�y L tf y o t+1 V1 CL 0m ' u+ 3:. :3 #� � M iii '+�-• + 0 C) -0 Q t 42 0 iv o cu ice,- 4-1 p `i'. 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[ 0 CL u C) �" r . s 0 _ *r uj y� t40� #� RE, SOLUTION NO: 2013-26 CITY of OTSEGO WRIGHT COUNTY, MINNESOTA A RESOLUTION APPROVING THE CITY'S PARTICIPATION 1 HE OFFICE THE STATE AUDITOR'S VOLUNTARY 2013 PERF ORMAN E MEASURE'MENT PROGRAM AND REPORTING THE RE, SULTS of THE ADOPTED MEASURES WHEREAS, In 2010, the Minnesota Legislature created the Council on Focal Results and Innovation; and WHERE AS, The Council on Local Results and Innovation developed a standard set of performance measures that will aid residents, taxpayers, and state and local elected officials in determining the efficacy of cities in providing services and measure residents' opinion of those services; and WHERE, .S Benefits to the City of Otsego are outlined in MS 6.91 and include eligibility for reimbursement as set by State statute; and WHEREAS, Any city padicipating in the comprehensive performance measurement progr in is also exempt from levy limits for taxes, if levy limits are in effect; and WHEREAS, The City Council of Otsego will adopt and implement at least1 o ofthe performance measures, as developed by the Council on Local Results and Innovation, and a system to use this information to help plan, budget, manage and evaluate programs and processes for optimal future outcomes; and Now THEREFORE, LET IT BE RESOLVED THAT, The City Council of Otsego will report the results of the performance measures to its citizenry y the end of the year through publication, direct nailing, posting on the city's website, or through public hearing at which the budget and levy will be discussed and public input allowed. BE IT FURTHER RE,ESOLVE , The City Council of Otsego will submit to the Office of the State Auditor the actual results ofthe performance measures adopted by the City. 0,1111-19M "01 SECONDED BY. ALL IN FAVOR: THOSE oP SED O ADOPTED the City Council of the City of Otsego the 13"' day of May, 2013 CITY of OSLO Jessica S o kam , Mayo' ami Loff, City Clerk