ITEM 6.3 A & B LaBeaux AveGETS' 0� Ot e 0 MINN880TA g DEPARTMENT INFORMATION Request for City Council Action .......--- - .._v._..--- - ---.:._............ry .....v.: -.....................................v............................... ..N._..... R ATIN DEPAF TI TENT: E UE T : MEETING DATE: Legal City Attorney Andy MacArthur May 13, 2013 PI E Ei TE# s): REVIEWED BY: ITEM #:0 City Attorney City Adlministrat r Jo h nson 613, A & B AGENDA ITEM DETAILS RECOMMENDATION: Council approval of ordering an appraisal from Nagefl Appraisal & Consulting for the proposed cul de sac on the Siavic property, Additionally, staff is requesting the order of owners and encumbrance reports for properties along LaB aux Avenue for purposes of obtaining drainage and utility easements. ARE YOU SEEKING APPROVAL OF A CONTRACT? IS A PUBLIC H EARING REQUI ED? Yes. No. BAoKo ul DMU TIFI TI N: The City is contemplating an Improvement Project which would page LaBoau Avenue from 75th Street to 80th Street and would assess a portion of the cost to the benefited property owners along LaB a lx Avenue which is essentially a frontage road on Wright County Highway 19. The assessment hearing for the project is scheduled for the second meeting in Jure, ,dune 24. In order to proceed with the project it is necessary to obtain a portion of the Slavic property for purposes of constructing a cul de sac. The City Engineer has spoken with the Slavics about this ratter. i order to obtain fair compensation for thproperty, Citystaff is recommending that the ity orderan appraisal of the property prior to the assessment hearing. City staff recommend that the City Council authorize the ordering of an appraisal from Nagell Appraisal & Consulting who is already doing appraisals in the Cityfor the 70th Street Project. Bill I aytas of fugal[ has agreed that they would do that appraisal for the same amount as the others previously ordered. Additionally, the ditches in front of the houses along LaBeau cAvenue are not within the recorded right f gray of LaBeaux avenue. The City cannot obtain prescriptive rights to facilities for drainage lying outside of a platted road within the City. Therefore, if the ditch work is to be included within the project, and (maintained by the City after the project is done, the City needs to obtain permanent drainage and utility easements from the property owners. In order to insure that the right owners sign and that there are no unknown encumbrances affecting the easement area of each property the City should order owners and encumbrance reports for the affected properties. The cost per report is approximately $100.00. SUPPORTING DOCUMENTS: o ATTACHED NONE MOTION: {Please word motion as you would life it to appearin the minutes. . Motion to Approve ordering appraisal from Nage II Appraisal & Consult! ng for the cu de sac on the Slavic property on LaBeaux Avenue. 2. Motion to approve ordering owners and encumbrance reports for designated properties on LaBeaux Avenue. BUDGET INFORMATION FUNDING: 1A ACTION TAKE APPROVED AS REQUESTED DENIED COMMENT: .. .... ........................... 13UD ETED: o YES n NO oTABLED ❑ OTHER (List changes