ITEM 6.5 A 70th St noise studyRequest for Ot��Ty �F � City Council Action MINNESOTA DEPARTMENT INFORMATION ORIGINATING DEPARTMENT; REOUESTOR: MEETING DATE: Engineering City Engineer Wagner May 13, 2013 PRESENTER(s): REVIEWED BY: ITEM #: City Engineer Wagner City Administrator Johnson 6,5 A Ar nA ITEM nPUIS RECOMMENDATION: Authorize completion of a Noise Study by SBP Associates for 70" St, ARE YOU SEEKING APPROVAL OF A CONTRACT? IS A PUBLIC HEARING REQUIRED? Yes, No. BACKGROUNDIJUSTIFICATION: During MNDOT's review of the Project Memorandum they determined a noise study is required at the west end of the project near McAllister Ave. A noise study is required if a street is constructed where no street existed and there is a house within close enough distance, If noise levels are at such a level some remedial work may be required, Hakanson Anderson has requested quotes from two firms to perform the Noise Study needed to meet the FHWA and MNOOT standards, SBP Associates out of St, Louis Park quoted a price of $2,250, AEC Consultants out of Minneapolis quoted a price of $9,000, SBP Associates has provided the City of Otsego with a noise study when Quaday Avenue was completed near The Pointe and it was approved by MNDOT and FHWA so as they are lower we recommend approval of the contract to provide the Noise Study. The work is expected to be completed in 3 to 4 weeks. SUPPORTING DOCUMENTS: x ATTACHED o NONE SBP Associated Bid Proposal AEC Consultants Bid Proposal Proposal request POSSIBLE MOTION Please word motion as you would like it to appeal in the minutes. Authorize entering into a contract with SBP Associates to complete a Noise Study for 701h Street in the amount of $2,250, BUDGET INFORMATION FUNDING: BUDGETED: x YES Federal Aid and MSA o NO ACTION TAKEN o APPROVED A5 REQUESTED c DENIED o TABLED o OTHER (tisk changes) COMMENTS: SBP AssocIATES, INci PO Box St Lois Ni k, N1 a..§illi Phuiw 964.94[x -15W May 8, 7013 Mr, Roger Wagner, Otsego City Engineer Hakanson Anderson 3601 Thurston Avenue Anoka, MN 55303 Dear Mr. Wagner; Re: Proposal for 70th street Noise Study Thank you for contacting SBP Associates, Inc,(SBP) for assistance with a noise impact and mitigation study for the proposed 701h Street project in Otsego, Minnesota, This letter presents our proposaIto conduct the required study. A, Project Understanding MnDOT has determined that there is one receptor location at 7009 McAllister Avenue that needs to be evaluated for noise impacts from the proposed project consistent with FHWA and MnDOT policies, The policies require determination of existing, and design year build and no - build noise levels at the receptor location. If noise thresholds are exceeded, a noise barrier cost - reasonableness study must be conducted. B, Proposed Tasks Existing Noise Levels — Noise Monitoring In order to define existing noise levels, SBP proposes to conduct noise monitoring on or near the receptor property, SBP expects to monitor for two periods of at least 30 minutes each on a weekday morning or afternoon. Monitoring will be conducted consistent with FHWA, MnDOT, and MPCA requirements, Design Year Noise Levels -- Noise Modeling SBP will use the MINNOISE transportation noise model to determine design -year noise impacts at the receptor location. Modeling will be conducted consistent with FHWA and MnDOT requirements Noise Mitigation Cost -Reasonableness Stud Should the noise analysis show a noise impact at the receptor location, SBP will conduct a noise barrier cost reasonableness analysis consistent with MnDOT and FHWA requirements. Rem SRP will prepare a report that includes the results of the noise monitoring, modeling, and noise barrier cost -reasonableness analysis, The report format and content will be consistent with FHWA and MnDOT requirements. C, Proposed Costs SRP proposes to conduct the above tasks on a fixed price of $2,250. If no noise mitigation cost reasonableness analysis is required, the tasks will be conducted for a fixed price of $1,750, Additional tasks will be conducted at a labor rate of $120 per hour, The proposed costs assume any necessary traffic and mapping information will be provided by the City of Otsego Thank you for contacting SBP for assistance with this project. Please feel free to contact me a 952-920- 1500 with any questions regarding this proposal, Mi ENVIRONMENTAL NoisE & IMPAIRMENT fj i, ye)s e ,1, �.t P 1,trr,liti t u� t Q iS� t ib ) i ,7 = I6,....a ONO �� —., rs �� �w h �.. LIABILITY IEDICTIVE ]MPUTER MULATICINS ANALYSIS aRV'ICES AEROACCIUgTIC ENGINEERING CONSULTANTS, LLC 9014 ❑LSON MEMORIAL HIGHWAY / #210 MINNEAPOLIS, MN 55427-4712 UNITED STATES [IF AMERICA PH13NE: 763.355.2030, FAX; 7634544.1 149 AEC -69660A OMPUTER ACOUSTIC SIMULATION & ANALYSIS (CASA) yr f 1 140 Figure 1 Acouslic Data & Precise GPS Location Acquisition Figure 2 Acoustic Test Data For Calibration of CASA Model I EMU y` v.nrrr�rwwiww��•r♦ ti//Y•M:,» j„^. - •,y� Figure 3 Typical Results Tables Generated By CASA U Creating noise maps based on prediction using real data and/or projected 0 Identifying of prominent noise sources 0 Proposing and showing the effect of noise reduction solutions prior to implementation 0 Ranking noise sources by SPL Q Monitoring and controlling the noise environment of a geographical area 0 Industry can ensure compliance with environmental legislation 0 Identify and provide solutions to noise problems Basle Concept; CASA is used to make an electronic model of the acoustic environment of a geographical area, for the prediction and control of outdoor noise. CASA software improves upon traditional calculation techniques, by allowing easy change and re -calculation of the mathematical model, giving the client the chance to compare a number of different scenarios. Noise level prediction is a widely used tool for predicting the noise impact of changes in the noise environment, such as land development, changes to machinery or building use. This technique is also used to plan or design environments, where noise management is necessary, In complex environments, it can be difficult with traditional techniques to see exactly how much each noise source contributes to the overall noise picture. CASA can do this by ranking the individual noise sources to clearly show the importance of each source, The effect of noise reduction can also be studied by introducing a reduction to the emission of a source (or groups of sources). CASA makes available immediate "what if' results, for example, "what if all exhaust ventilators are reduced by 6 0" Moreover, color -coded sound pressure contours (see front) visualize the situation in an easy to understand way. Quite often with traditional measurements, it is not possible to accurately measure the noise emission from a single factory or road due to the existence of other noise sources which cannot be shut off, for example a neighboring factory. In such cases, sound power levels can be measured and the results assigned to a factory group created in the CASA model. CASA then takes account of the contribution from the various noise sources, and is able to "switch off' specific sources allowing easy identification and isolation of a noise source, and indications of potential noise problems. The result of calculations can be shown as a suite of result tables (see Figure 3) and/or as graphical presentations (see front). CASA can quickly verify that the model represents reality and identify noise problems, by comparing predicted values to legal limits. AEROACOUSTIC ENGINEERING CONSULTANTS, LLC ®01 4 OLSON MEMORIAL HIGHWAY I #2113 MINNEAPOLIS, MN 55427-4712 PH13NE: 763.355-2030, €AX 763-544-1149 WESSITE: WWW,AECNONOISE.CAM AEC -69903A Let a qualified AEC engineer assist you to establish an effective protocol and implementation schedule. Let our 30 years of experience with NOISE make your job easier. Predictorr" — LimAT"" Software Suite Type 7810 version 9.0 Powerful and Intuitive Environmental Noise Calculation and Mapping The Predictor— LimA software suite is an extremely efficient software package for environmental noise projects, The suite bundles the intuitive Predictor software and flexible LIM software in one powerful, integrated state-of-the-art package that provides the best solution for whichever project you have. Predictor and VmA use the state-of-the-art LOA calculation cores with huge capacity and high calculation speed so that you get results quickly while reducing your investment in computing power. Predictor has a fast learning curve, enabling you to work efficiently, even for infrequent use. Modelling is easy with its intuitive and unique multi -model view and unlimited undolredo functionality. Being powerful and intuitive with macros for automated model changes, you can model real life quickly, easily and accurately, even in complex situations. LimA is highly configurable. Its openness eases integration with external data sets, calculation components and other systems. It includes powerful macro functionality with automated data manipulation and advanced geometric handling for modelling without the need to use other software such as Geographical Information Systems (GIS). LOP Depending on the task, you can use the tool that suits you and the task best for efficient, powerful environmental noise calculation and analysis. Together, the suite allows you to do most of your projects quickly and easily, with the intuitive functionality of Predictor and the flexibility of LimA, In addition, the LOA system provides you with the tools to do in-depth specialist work and fully integrate environmental noise calculations in other systems, Uses, Features and Benefits Uses Environmental noise mapping, management, action planning and impact assessment Fulfillment of European Commission directives such as Environmental Noise OireOve (20021491EC) in accordance wilh Guidelines on Revised Interim Computation Methods (20001013IEC) Fulfillment of the IPPC Directive (2008111EC) and similar Educational purposes Integration in other (GISlmanagemeni) systems Features and Benefits o Fast learning curve, even for infrequent use F Accurate and intuitive modelling, also for complex situations Fast calculations, among the fastest on the market Time saving integrated bookkeeping for model data and resuits Powerful result analysis and what if scenarios Integration in environmental management, traffic management and Geographical Information Systems (GIS) as noise - calculation core Automated Reverse Engineering and Instant Noise Maps using measurements Make use of automated work flows (including calculation, plots, etc.) Gruel & Per.4w, The Software Suite The powerful Predictor— LimA software suite bundles the intuitive Predictor software and the flexible LimA software in one state-of-the-art software package. In the suite, Predictor and LimA can be used as stand- alone applications, or as one integrated application by using the LimA-Link option in Predictor, Because Predictor and LimA both use the same fast LIM calculation cores, there is no difference in calculation speed or calculation capacity, The suite offers three basic implementations'. 1. Predictor: For most projects. With the intuitive and powerful Predictor user interface, projects that require the calculation standards supported by Predictor, can be handled quickly and easily, 2, LimA stand alone: For calculation standards not supported by Predictor, Next to the calculation standards supported by Predictor, LimA also supports German and Fast European standards, 3. LImA integrated in other (GIS) systems; For implementing environmental noise calculation and analysis functionality in other systems. Fast and Accurate Calculations Big. i The method of projection ensures correct segmentation (in 3D) of the source into sections with the same propagation conditions. The resells of the method are less sensitive to small changes in receiver point position. Both of these factors give more realistic results Fast Calculations — Among the Fastest on the Market Predictor and LimA use LimNs state-of•the•art calculation cores, which have been independently proven to be the fastest calculation cores available for Calculation of Road and Traffic Noise (CRTN) calculations. The LimA calculation cores have a huge capacity and high calculation speed so that you get results quickly while reducing your investment in computing power. Accurate Calculations -- Unique 3G Geometry Analysis The 'method of projection' used by Predictor and LimA is widely seen as the most accurate approach to source segmentation in environmental acoustics. 5tapelfeldt introduced it to the market with UmA in 1989, and since then it has been included in all major commercial calculation software. Unlike other software, however, Predictor and LimA also apply this method for reflection analysis, so that this is also analysed in 31). Another unique feature is the geometry analysis for lateral diffraction -- this allows you to find the shortest sound path in complex 3D situations, .-a'y�:ti'•�°+_ i � � I � r %� of Predictor Software f=eatures and Benefits Fig. 2 Left: rhe unique Model Manager is the central point for all data access in a Predictor project Right; The intuitive molli-model vie iv enables you to have several models open at the same time Fast Learning Curve, Even for Infrequent Use Predictor has the most intuitive interface available. More than any other noise calculation software, Predictor has been designed according to the Windows software design guide, helping you to be familiar with it from the very start, Predictor's intuitive interface and well organised project structure is designed to guide and support you, so you can spend your time more efficiently and focus on the project and not on the software. All scenarios and action plans are maintained within one Predictor project. This enables you to focus on your work and not spend valuable time searching for the correct files on the network, Accurate and Straightforward Modelling, also for Complex Situations Predictor's intuitive functionality, including powerful (GIS) import and 2D/3D edit options, will enable you to handle all kind of projects in an efficient manner, Complex situations with undulating terrain, flyovers, bridges and indoor/outdoor calculations, or large projects with hundreds of thousands of objects, can be set up just as easily and straightforwardly as a simple noise map for an industry or a stretch of road, Predictor also supports the use of macros for efficient automation of geometrical processing. Timesaving Integrated Bookkeeping for Model Data and Results Any noise calculation project comprises both input data and results, requiring a consistency between the two at all times, so that the results you report are what you modelled. To ensure this consistency, Predictor monitors the results at all times and new input data are validated immediately at entry time. This is unlike any other noise calculation software. Results that are invalid due to modifications in the input data are automatically set to be recalculated. This unique and automated validation feature not only reduces recalculation time but, more importantly, ensures that results are always up-to-date and consistent with the input data, Reported results are, therefore, always reproducible, saving valuable time and leading to higher quality. Powerful Result Analysis and What -if Scenarios By using intuitive tables, Predictor ranks the individual noise sources (or groups of noise sources) on demand, clearly showing the importance of each source (or group of sources). This functionality enables rapid troubleshooting and notifications on noise reduction activities. The effects of noise reduction can also be studied by introducing a reduction to the emission of a source (or groups), Predictor immediately makes available "what -it" results, for example, 'What if the speed of traffic is increased from 10 kmlh to 100 kmfh?" Or, "What happens if all exhaust ventilators are reduced by 6 67" What -if analysis is provided without you having to start a new calculation. In addition, colour-coded, sound pressure contours visualise the situation in an easy to understand way and with the multi -model view, scenarios can easily be compared, 0 INN4 Akow,c HMKaw1 3#�1�i�1 kLVJ' AStFII �F�� jjl'K��4R $P+�iincU�1 liQr4clwFl . k, Lar ISO %IIITifWaltva:I61vui ry �n1 ISO %13 lajwo�.Wucl krq I -A 7i1n4Pai1ofr,*WoKusom jF474d33�Ras�k:"c,d����n R #SFS 3k 11]jP..0►1C►r�, rf�e1�1,[Lr+� dr�uo OKI RA.AM. tire 04 ul�H9#v41YsYc.IMtry,¢I!<LNW(A •-.-.,",. V MOO Accurate and Straightforward Modelling, also for Complex Situations Predictor's intuitive functionality, including powerful (GIS) import and 2D/3D edit options, will enable you to handle all kind of projects in an efficient manner, Complex situations with undulating terrain, flyovers, bridges and indoor/outdoor calculations, or large projects with hundreds of thousands of objects, can be set up just as easily and straightforwardly as a simple noise map for an industry or a stretch of road, Predictor also supports the use of macros for efficient automation of geometrical processing. Timesaving Integrated Bookkeeping for Model Data and Results Any noise calculation project comprises both input data and results, requiring a consistency between the two at all times, so that the results you report are what you modelled. To ensure this consistency, Predictor monitors the results at all times and new input data are validated immediately at entry time. This is unlike any other noise calculation software. Results that are invalid due to modifications in the input data are automatically set to be recalculated. This unique and automated validation feature not only reduces recalculation time but, more importantly, ensures that results are always up-to-date and consistent with the input data, Reported results are, therefore, always reproducible, saving valuable time and leading to higher quality. Powerful Result Analysis and What -if Scenarios By using intuitive tables, Predictor ranks the individual noise sources (or groups of noise sources) on demand, clearly showing the importance of each source (or group of sources). This functionality enables rapid troubleshooting and notifications on noise reduction activities. The effects of noise reduction can also be studied by introducing a reduction to the emission of a source (or groups), Predictor immediately makes available "what -it" results, for example, 'What if the speed of traffic is increased from 10 kmlh to 100 kmfh?" Or, "What happens if all exhaust ventilators are reduced by 6 67" What -if analysis is provided without you having to start a new calculation. In addition, colour-coded, sound pressure contours visualise the situation in an easy to understand way and with the multi -model view, scenarios can easily be compared, 0 Predictor User interface Examples Fig. 3 Left: Model view with I J 4 lo 'U Rf-lg- multi-layer DXF background as soap /A option for items (buildings, roads 6 etcj, enabhng faster modellifig Right: Model view of Arnhem, Holland, wilh 70000 buildings and 2500 roads on a satellite image as V background Fig. 4 Left, 2D Cross section with noise contours of a shooting range with 3D source direcfivity and hanging barriers Right: 2D Cross section With noise contours of road with a cantilever barrier Fig. 5 Left; 3D view of Blanes in Spain with terrain model, Items such as buildings are mapped on top of the terrain model making it easy to create real- life models from input data Right: 3D vimv with vertical contours on the facades of buildings Fig, 6 Left: Wind turbine database with option to calculate the sound povier level based on the IEC 61400.11 standard, The equivalent sound power level at turbine height is calculated based on various parameters, including turbine height, cut -in speed, cut-out speed, etc Right: 30 model with noise Contours from Wind turbines 0 1� I 'Til V M k M 1% IWA4-1!vu lilt I*, W 3N tq I.,))444 LimA Software Features and Benefits Software Concept LimNs software design has been built upon an open structure that provides a high level of customisation. Different tasks are handled by different modules and can, therefore, be delegated to other processors or machines. Also, the geometry manipulation tools, which are provided in the graphical user interface, can be used for parallel background processing for large projects with millions of objects that need to be handled, While a single model file may be limited in its size, depending on the operating system, it is no problem for LimA to deal with model data stored in thousands of files, LimA modules run under Windows desktop and server systems, either 32- or 64-bit, Flexibility With the LimA concept, many different regulations for environmental acoustic analysis are supported, In addition, it offers the chance to use the user -defined model data for other purposes, for example, solar radiation or air pollution analysis. Efficiency in setting up large data models is ensured by a range of externt al data formats, which are supported in both importing and exporting, among them CItyGML, the INSPIRE conforming standard of the Open Geospalial Consortium, Inc. (00), A comprehensive set of data manipulation tools help to refine raw data that cannot be directly used for acoustic analysis, To customise data, you can introduce your own object types, define new attributes and configure online help and input selection. Even introducing a customised DLL for manipulating attribute content based on user input is possible. Extensibility LimNs software architecture and its extremely fast calculation speed make it the preferred software for integration with other tools. LimA modules can run behind external software with interface tools to other solutions. Tools and funclionalily include: LimAl": Plug-in tool for ArcGIS6 On -demand noise mapping Day, Evening, Night (oDEN): Server based user interface for noise calculation via the Internet GKZ Organizer: Provides automated processing of noise maps, starting with collecting model data from Web Service, then calculates noise and exposure, prepares results graphics and finally reports MapWindow GIS: An Open Source GIS tool, It can be used to set up LimA models, display results and organise calculation requests Linux support: Nearly all LimA modules are available for Linux -based operating systems Macro Ability LImANs user interface supports menu driven interaction as well as command line input. Individual commands can be combined to powerful "one line" sequences or wrillen to macro files, thus allowing use in any project. Commands support a range of functionalities; Geometry manipulation Attribute manipulation { Handling of variables i External file I10 Search loops, IF and WHILE constructions, calling of other macros Where more complex data manipulation is needed, it is good practice to design the intended workflow first by writing a macro and applying it to the model data. This ensures a clear and documented overview over the whole process, avoids tedious work, and, if needed, the job can be redone by a simple button click, For large amounts of data, this approach is far more efficient than conventional Windows techniques. Workflows Macros may call up processes by other LimA or third party software, wail for results and then continue their job. Thus, workflows can organise the whole noise mapping task including uploading data via the Web Feature Service; pre-processing model data; calculating grid, fagade and QA values; converting results into graphics and statistics; and uploading results. Other workflows may, for instance: compare two alternative fagade calculations; find the worst noise level for each building; mark this position in a graphic and label the noise level and its change; create a tabular list; and plot and export the results to a shape file. Infrastructure for 5pata`aI Information in tho European community {MPIRE) LhA User Interface and Integration Examples Fig. 7 Left; Model vii with calculated noise contours in a stadium using 3D loudspeaker directivity Right, Model view with estimated sound pourer le vets of unknown sources at three heights for a petrochemical plant using Reverse Engineering Fig. 8 Left; Model view showing coloured buildings, The colours represent the most relevant Noise Emitter Group, for example, a specific road or industrial compound Right, Overview of a 40000 km2 area that was split up in 10x 10 kin tiles for automated data refinement by UmA macros Fig, 9 Left; Example of the ODEN web -based user interface showing 30 LimA model data on a satellite image Right: Example of the UmA"c WAS plug-in tool) user interface showing 3D LimA model data and calculates` contours using external LimA modules Fig.. 10 Left, Madel view with air qualify contours as a result of linking LimA with freeware AusTAL Right; 30 model vimv showing the noise contours on the terrain and the contours of the shadowing sunshine hours on the fagade D l� �' � >l l4 ' !j % ,I 4 A• '41 44 ad "f ' e�'.. 'fir I Iy,. r,aw I,f! G I I #: V I. S• i•. I.x..y p,., ;.Y Yl. tri k; V 5' L��V '1 w'��1rd•'� s ,.yY I� yY�' : 490 I' 1 W 4 f 4 W, 0 }. kri 4A h1' 1414 ��Y rr,_?.��y5�r� 1�eyw wl �' !f � '-a ? ,a >'• I �,If .ill/ �'4ldl��i► IJr'�fK. 1041,"1 a 1�,, I Il�llrr�lrl 14 I't91 +,E, ''�"�'��" �;S r�'{`ri "� � / � °1 ' :••4','r�r' �ilr,I�IttIrV r la Y� ►fir LI -,_. ��,i •, , 5' ;q•�,r"�`'Y11k, I J,�. }rto, � j.11�r1,� I yyrr��+�'� t!•II t +.Iw 4 ( lift '1 , it '�" � Y r F "'• �p ` y »•� - ) lP 'Jj�I1„�,��{� I� ! II U �,I��' � r r I � 110 r IIS •�_�� • , n ,� r Fk.! ,i1 4I.1 o#il i r•' e , I,II t�' �'{' / ''�'irl+h ,�., `II;•� a 'C Ad r L Y n.rl !tarr'+.uW a� ;r,, ;r.. IM I• „ " x :rw d r• 91AN iU dll AF,4 ir[[ 91Ar���i� i L�WIf��r.. •• ,,\ 4 �k �aaY, I _ .git Ylr■rlli�yy M• r��Ylq Yj51. Y :.. �.- � ellWIW'1Y;'.NN i rsl r+la l � JI�M44+f1� �4 1� Jk d� � r4vrrAW s R �a r a , VX4 Room , a : �fAppqu�arsao 4 . R1�NA11rR�"ter NIL 1104 lal� ► r�I�l 1111"4114 oil$ r M14 Configurations and Options Configurations The Predictor— LimA software suite is available in several configurations to match various applications and budgets. All configurations include the intuitive Predictor interface, SourceDB with the Imagine Sound Power database, and Georeference for quickly creating georeference models from aerial photos, All configurations also include dual core support and a model license, allowing modelling with the Predictor system on several linked PCs. See Table 1 for an overview of the following configurations; Predictor -- LimA Plus Type 7810•A, Predictor -. LimA Plus enables you to calculate the majority of models used for environmental impact assessments. LimA-Link is also included for advanced geometrical processing of Predictor models in LimA, Acoustic Determinator is included to ease creation of sources with real life noise data, Predictor —Lima Plus is the ideal mulli-purpose tool for environmental noise mapping and impact assessment and can be used to fulfil the IPPC Directive (2008111EC) Predictor — LimA Advanced Type 7810.13: Predictor — LimA Advanced enables you to calculate noise contours for large models for all methods, The software includes both Acoustic Determinator and Predictor Analyst, LImA-Link is also included for advanced geometrical processing of Predictor models in UmA, Predictor --LlmA Advanced is the ideal mulli-purpose tool for environmental noise mapping, management and impact assessment, It can be used for fulfilment of European Commission directives such as Environmental Noise Directive (20021491EC), in accordance with Guidelines on Revised Interim Computation Methods (20031013113 EC) and the European Commission's Assessment of Exposure to Noise Working Groups Good Practice Guide, as well as fulfilment of the IPPC Directive (2008111EC), Predictor — LIM ISOIBS 52281ENM-link Type 7810-C, Predictor — LimA ISOIBS 52281ENM enables you to calculate standard -sized models, Three calculation methods based on ISO 9013: ISO industry (octaves), ISO industry (113 -octaves) and ISO road (octaves) as well as the British BS 5228 standard and a link to the ENM software from RTA -technology are supported. In the ISO road method, the Dutch SRM 2 source model for road traffic is included. Predictor — LimA ISO/BS 52281ENM is the ideal tool for consultants who are doing assessment and impact studies for industrial noise, and it can be used to fulfil the IPPC Directive (2008111EC) Predictor —LimA XPS Type 7810-1); Predictor LimA XPS enables you to calculate standard -sized models according to the French XPSINMPB (road and rail) EU -interim method for road traffic noise. It is the ideal tool for consultants who are mainly doing assessment and impact studies for road traffic noise, Predictor — LimA Harmonoise Type 7810-E; Predictor.. LimA Harmonoise enables you to calculate noise contours for standard -sized models, according to the Harmonoise Engineering method. It is the ideal tool for authorities, consultants, universities and other educational institutions, who want to use this stale -of -the -art method. It was used by the members of Work Package 3 of the European Harmonoise project for validation of the method Predictor — LImA DAL 32 Type 781 0-F: Predictor -- LimA DAL 32 enables you to calculate standard - sized models, according to the Nordic DAL 32 method. It is the ideal tool for consultants who are doing assessment and impact studies for industrial noise in Nordic countries and can be used to fulfil the IPPC Directive (2008111EC) Predictor— UmA Standard Type 7810-G; Predictor— LimA Standard enables you to calculate standard - sized models for all methods. LimA-Link is included for advanced geometrical processing of Predictor models in LImA. It is ideal for consultants who want a general purpose tool for assessment and impact studies for industrial noise and for road traffic noise and can be used to fulfil the IPPC Directive (2008/1 IEC) Fig, 11 Example of Georeference window showing Google Farlb " bitmap and local and global coordinates for a certain location in Denmark Fig. 12 Example of SourceDB window showing a shipyard in the imagine database with an average sound power level of 72A RN2 Options pr4,Lacwsn'+n I � '� I (enna/w hNi 4 ��1,Ir u...tlri_ �t,Llae.raNr' .Pi . ¢a/rMas11 ryj w.NtlP h4 + Nr �4rraP >M+F r7,uf�r'Pw[PN ����: 4M �1A }[+df OXA:,M rfw,rR � 3. y �i','o n r IM curs 1r.,d,aY_YS� 4s�xRf � 11 e1 4 Mr4�Mii Rl'i'G , lil4 � ' ji *nlllprpY�; I Y:11 4'✓`' 331I1 I 1 rJlwtr{) I ih1+' 41- �i� �1 `I Itla' Ceoreference (Included with all Configurations); Georeference is used to calibrate bitmaps for use on local coordinate systems. Afterthe bitmap is calibrated, it can be used directly in Predictor as a background map. This enables quick creation of impressive models that geometrically fit in with other models and data, ....SourceDB (Included with all Configurations), SourceDB is a convenient software for maintaining databases with 1/3 -octave sound power levels for >, tWo industrial sources. Sources can be points, lines or areas, Additional information like drive type and industry type can added as well as measurement conditions and pictures, Formulas can be stored in the database to calculate the sound power level using a powerful script programming language. With the Copy to Predictor option, sound powers can be used directly in a Predictor model. Thesoftware also includesthe Imagine database. The 1 Imagine database is developed far the European "Improved MethodsfortheAssessmentofiheGeneric Impact of Noise in the Environrnont'I (IMAGINE) project and includes industrial noise sources and supplies data for applications in situations where measurement results cannot be used, The sources range from very specific individual noise sources (for example, a fork lift truck) to sound power levels for types of industry as a whole, For each source, formulas can be found that can be used to predict sound power levels based on power consumption, rpm, etc. Fig, 13 Acoustic Determinator (Included with Example ofAcoustic ''1° J r- 04, MVA • Predictor — LimA Software Types 7810•AI13). Deternrinatorwindow Acoustic Determinator is used to determine the showing the project =�Y `"',"" .�' �•+� ���/ sound power levels of industrial noise sources by tree structure and the `� �� �• measuring the sound pressure level according to internal acoustic ISO 3744, ISO 3748 and ISO 8297, as well as eight spreadsheet for dB'+ r _ } • }� r + "" ""' Dutch calculation methods (see Fig. 13). The sound averaging, cumulaling,I...,�I.., ...,, .,r•Itl and spectra weighting ...^�,"1 I' : power levels calculated in Acoustic Determinator „ can be exported to SourceDB or used directly as MI 1 • ~ P,'•.; 1 1.., , ., i. ,P input for a noise source in a Predictor model, {t1Y3ir 1 , , •i ,i fl , . YP• P .. •: li, 1 v. I t , l 11 + t•Rif'PI i °I Acoustic Determinator is also available as separate hs. •r l . �..P product, Type 7810, Fig, 14 Example Predictor Analyst windows showing noise contours from different sources and their accumulation exported to, and shown on, a Web site ' ' Predictor Analyst(IncludedwithPredictor —LimA ' Software Type 7810.0: This module has advanced GIS -like functionality for organising, accumulation, viewing, analysing and publishing (on the Internet) of noise maps (see example in Fig.14), The Analyst module enables you to obtain data that is required •.. according to the EU Environmental Noise Directive, without the need to use an expensive GIS system, Both cumulated and difference maps can be created, All maps can be combined with demographic GIS data files to determine the noise exposure (of people/ r dwellings). Results from different calculation software can be combined together, Predictor Analyst is also available as a separate product, Type 7813, Optional Software Packages LN Aircraft Module BZ -5441; Enables calculation of aircraft noise in accordance with ECAC Doc, 29 and the German AzB method, and allows simulation of a moving point source Calculation Client BZ -5552; Enables Predictor—LImA Advanced Type 7810-B calculation licenses with 2 -core support on two additional workstations within the same network environment as the main Predictor — LimA package, for increased calculation speed of large and very large models 4 -core Support for Predictor — LimA Plus BZ.5703. Enables four cores for calculation on a single PC running Predictor-- LimA Plus Type 7810-A for increased calculation speed 4 -core Support Predictor-- LimA Advanced SZ -5704: Enables four cores for calculation on a single PC running Predictor—LimA Advanced Type 7810-B or Calculation Client BZ -5552 for increased calculation speed of large models t B -core Support BZ -5890; Enables eight cores for calculation on a single PC running Predictor -- LimA Advanced Type 7810-B or Calculation Client BZ -5552, for increased calculation speed of large models F LimA Graphical User Interface BZ -5700: Enables use of LimA on a second computer for the creation and viewing of models and results created using the main Predictor — LimA software suite Customised Versions and Add-ons Upon request, customised versions and add-ons can be developed for all software within the Predictor — LimA software suite, Examples of customer -specific add-ons for LimA; Single file convertors for; ArcGIS, ArcViewo, Arclnfoo, Atlas GIS11, GeoMedia8, Mapinfoo, MOSSIMX, SICAD' SD, SICAD SQD, SoundPLAW (ASCII), VISUO, ESZI and GRANIS LimA5°'; Solar radiation and shadowing analysis AUSTAL, IMMISW, IMMISU: Air quality and meteorological modelling modules Support of Web Feature Services (WFS-T) and Web Coverage Services (WCS), in order to exchange data with external servers via the Internet Automated macros for advanced geometrical handling For more information concerning cuslomised versions and specific add-on's, contact your local Nel & Kjmr representative, Support and Services A valid Prediclor — LimA Software Support and Maintenance Agreement gives you the rights to all Predictor — LimA Software patches and upgrades within the subscription period, ensuring that you have the latest and best supported tools. It is also your security for getting quick and professional help when you need it, saving time and money. If you ever experience a software problem with Predictor — LimA, the agreement entitles you to support from local and, where required, global Predictor-- LimA experts. Bruel & Kjaer guarantees response to your Predictor— LimA problem within two working days after we have received your request. The first year's subscription to Bfuel & Kjwr's Predictor — LimA Software Support and Maintenance Agreement is included in all packages. To optimise your use of Predictor -- LimA, we recommend That you ensure that this agreement is valid at all times, The agreement can be automatically renewed to ensure that you are always covered while saving you money, as renewals cost less than single year agreements. In addition, Hel & Kjaer offers both product (Predictor — LimA) and application (calculation and mapping) training courses to holders of valid agreements at advantageous rates. Courses are held at; the Bruel & Kjeer University (located at the corporate headquarters); national training facilities; on-site at a customer location; and distance learning via webinars, Predictor -- LimA training courses enable you to get the most out of your software. Application training courses are not product -specific and give you an insight into calculation software and applications in general, thus improving your use and understanding of them, See www,bksv,com for more information about training courses. Specifications - Predictor Software PROJECT File; Open, close, zip, inslalldemonstration project,lisl recent used projecls Model Manager: Areas, versions, models Import: Items from SHPIMIFIDXFfTXT1GMF; measurements from Sound Level Meter Types 226012250; models from Predictor projects Export: Items to SHP1MIF1fXT1GMF0L (Google Farth); results to SHPIDXFI7XTIKML; model to Predictor project MODEL. Model Information: Method, make final option, model boundaries Sources: Wind turbine, point source, line source, area source, emitting (made, emitting roof, moving point source, road, railway Objects; Barrier (including cantilever option), bridge, building, foliage region, ground region, housing region, induslrial site Ground Model: Height line, height point Calculation Points: Receiver, horizontal grid, vertical grid, contour point Miscellaneous: DIV point, DIV line, DIV area, address point, GPS point Groups: Unlimited nested grouping structure for sources Periods: Time periods forday, evening, nightaad compound (Lden) period EDIT Undo/redo, delete, copy/paslelpasle special (as other item), snap (with offset to items or DXF background), move, rotate, rescale and simplify Mulli-edit, polyFnelpolygon edit (addlinsertlremove node, swap nodes, break)joinlconnecl) Search and select (on item attributes), select (ak, from active group, invert, group, ungroup, window, within user -defined area) Batch create items (parallel ilemslcontour poinls around sources/ receivers on facades) Impart from SourceDB (sound power database), Import from Acoustic Delerminator Type 7816p, LimA-Link (exportlimporl), add receiver or source from measurement VIEWING AND VERIFICATION { Display options, backgrounds (SHPIMIF/DXFIDWGIBMP/JPG), Georeference (bi(map calibration) Specifications - LmA Software PROJECT Customised project selling s, based on configurable template Bookkeeping of user actions in user related log files as well as central project log TO Selectable sub -sets of objects and regulations Support of automated merge of data setup or modified by several people in parallel Customisable template files prose/ dialog menus depending on intended task Automated workflows support fully automated processing of complex tasked " Semi-aulomaled workflows can guide user action User -defined DLL will support any kind of object attribute manipulation (for example, design emission model based on new object "bus lane" with extra attributes) Tracking of model modifications, using allribules such as User, Date, Period of validity, Origin of data, Modification index INPUT Digitize data on screen or on tableau " Attribute input supports database link, text lisl link (using Ideni of up to 64 characters) Command loops help to e4icienlly edit large number of objects (for example, add 3 m heightlo all bulldingsof height 12 m in a certain region) More than 40 "Geometry Processing Features" (simple ones such as °move polygon" or complex ones such as "concatenate facade segments into buildings") Zoom (inlouthvindowlprevious/seleclionlex(enls/pan) Mulli-model view, 3D view with edit option, cross-section view, measure distance view Table of item attributes, list of selected items, list of attributes Check model, check links, remove duplicates Select background model, compare foreground and back ground model (items) CALCULATION Balch calculation, selective calculation (hor. gridslvert, gridsl receivers, contour points), test calculation (with export to SHP for displaying propagation paths), ground model calculation Calculation sellings; meteorological correction, ground attenuation, optimization (fetching radius, dynamic error margin), air absorption, order of reflection, result storage (sourcelgroupltolal) Server settings for Calculation Client BZ -5552 RESULTS AND SCENARIO COMPARISONS Table of results, table of comparisons (resultslconlrol values), table of control, control values, group reductions Contours(transparenYcumulaiedldifference), result labels, active period, active group Building results (on address points) REPORTING Print Results: From all result tables with interactive preview of selected receivers, number of sources, ranking, columns, groups and group reductions (Printer/PDFIRTFIXLSIBMPIJPGMIMF) Print Items: With re -usable item profiles (Printer/PDF/RTF/XLSIBMPI JPGIWMF) Print Model: Willi interactive preview and re -usable print letup}ales (Printer/PDF) TOOLS Windcalalogue, SourceDB, Georeference, Acoustic gelerminalor Type 7816k, Predictor Analyst Type 7813r Supporting the most complex terrain modelling features (conlour lines, embankments, escarpment edges, terrain cons(ruclion lines (reshaping lerrain, e.g., along planed road), regular or irregular grid) Macros: Support complex geometry processing (e.g,, "create embankment along a number of adjacent non -parallel 3D railway tracks" or "pass on attribute information to matching objecls") Open data Structure; For background or project related database for; i Meteorological data Emission Spectra " Reflection and transmission loss " Directivity including frequency related and omni -directional (51 10 degree resolution) directivity of loudspeakers ImporVExport: Vectorlatiribute data from OXF (AuIoCAD' ), SHAPE (GIS), measurement data from Sound Level Meters Types 226012250, TNM (FHWA), KML (Google Earth), Predictor models VIEWING AND VERIFICATION Bilmaps in fore- or background Colour and pen coding according to attributes Automated guidance to objects recognised as critical during model setup in calculalion core " 3D OpenGL viewing wilh moving camera on track or automated collection of screenshols for sensitive positions Video slyle display of changes in noise maps (for example, bypass of aircraft) Automated statistics on objects and atlribule content Manipulation of objects can be automatically reported to any text file CALCULATION Uncerlalnly analysis with respecl to a range of influences Supports: Wide range of regulations; octaves and 113 -octaves + Optimizing barriers (also grouped barriers) with respect to interaction of 24 emission allribules to calculate hourly data for a whole day screening effects Generale separate result columns to document influence of groups of + Non-slalionary sources (checking for worth or best position) sources + Finding optimal positions for a source with respect to surround User control of result quality while tuning speed settlements (rind suitable wind park position) + Server concept for up to 250 LimA servers in a nelwork environment Create "logical" noise maps, showing the areas where certain sources Scalable report Iables offer deep insight into calculation, separately or "noise emitter groups" contribute the dominant noise level showing detailed geomelryparameters of the sound path for each + Instant Noise Map, using measurement to automatically adjust a noise reflection and listing the relevant reflectors. Also supporting visual check map During each calculation a model file is crealed which keeps track of the REPORTING AND EXPORT data haw it has been used after all internal processing } Create plots in HPGL or EMF format Wide range of analysis features, including; + Export results to KML ' Create all kinds of 5talislics wilh built-in general statistics tools Reverse Engineering defines source levels from measurements in ' Analysis of quality of results, depending on calculation parameters, complex environment wilh respect to background noise, multiple according to DIN 45687 unknown sources octaves supported) ENM-link Fixing quolas to optimize industrial land use next to settlements Configuration Overview Table Overview of Prediclor- LlmA Sofiviare Suite Type 7890 configurations Al = for Predlctor and LimA: ISO 9613, DAL 32, Harmonoise, CRTN, RMR — SRM2, NMPB — 2008, XPS 31-133, BS 0228; for Predictor only: TNM, PNM -link; and for LimA system only: MSZ 15036, RLS 90, DIN 16005, RVS 3.02, UT2.1-- 302, VRI 2714 - 2720 - 2571, OAL 28, SCHALL 03, AKUSTIK 04, TRANSRAPID, OAL 20, CRN, MSZ 2904, VBUS, VBUSch, VBUF and VBUI t Size per model wilhoul 1i11ng: Advanced - 200 000 emitters and 1000 000 obstacle or terrain edges; Plus -12000 emittors and 60 000 obstacle edges and 1000 000 obstacle or terrain edges; Standard -4000 emlftars and 20 000 obstacle edges and 1000 000 obstacle or terrain edges 1 For additional cores, contact your local Mel & Kjaar representative Recommended PC for Predictor — LimA Software Suite Type 7810 Microsoft Windowso 7, 64-bit Windows° is recommended as it For calculation of large Advanced models, liling is recommended in improves stability, memory management and performance combination with Calculation Client add-ons and/or the multi -core option At least 1 GB of free disk space, plus disk space used as a working area for multi -processor computers Type Type Type Type Type Type Type 7810•B 7810•A 7810.0 7810-C 7810-D 7810.E 7810-F ISO 96131 Calculation Method All* All All' BS 52281 XPS Harmonolse DAL ENM-link Model Sizet Advanced Plus Standard Standard Standard Standard Standard Predictor Software (incl, Windcatalogue, f SourceDB and Georeference) LImA•Link J ✓ _ _ _ LImA Software Acoustic Determinator (Type 7816) 0 0 O 0 0 Predictor Analyst (Type 7813) 0 0 0 0 O 0 LIrnA Aircraft Module BZ•5441 0 0 0 - - - - LimA Graphic User Interface BZ -5700 0 0 0 - - - LlmAarc ArcGIS Plug-in WT -9686 0 0 0 - - 4 -core Support for Predictor-LimA Plus 0- BZ•5703 4 -core Support for Predictor-LimA 0 Advanced BZ•5704 8 -core Support$ BZ.5890 0 - - - - Calculation Client BZ•5552 0 - - - Key, V included not Included 0 optional add-on Al = for Predlctor and LimA: ISO 9613, DAL 32, Harmonoise, CRTN, RMR — SRM2, NMPB — 2008, XPS 31-133, BS 0228; for Predictor only: TNM, PNM -link; and for LimA system only: MSZ 15036, RLS 90, DIN 16005, RVS 3.02, UT2.1-- 302, VRI 2714 - 2720 - 2571, OAL 28, SCHALL 03, AKUSTIK 04, TRANSRAPID, OAL 20, CRN, MSZ 2904, VBUS, VBUSch, VBUF and VBUI t Size per model wilhoul 1i11ng: Advanced - 200 000 emitters and 1000 000 obstacle or terrain edges; Plus -12000 emittors and 60 000 obstacle edges and 1000 000 obstacle or terrain edges; Standard -4000 emlftars and 20 000 obstacle edges and 1000 000 obstacle or terrain edges 1 For additional cores, contact your local Mel & Kjaar representative Recommended PC for Predictor — LimA Software Suite Type 7810 Microsoft Windowso 7, 64-bit Windows° is recommended as it For calculation of large Advanced models, liling is recommended in improves stability, memory management and performance combination with Calculation Client add-ons and/or the multi -core option At least 1 GB of free disk space, plus disk space used as a working area for multi -processor computers Ordering Information Type 7810-A Predictor - LimA Plus Type 7810.9 Prediclor— LimA Advanced Type 7810-C 'Predictor — LimA ISO 9613 Type 7810-D Predictor — LimA NMPB Type 7810-E Predictor — LimA Harmonoise Type 7810-F Predictor— LimA DAL 32 Type 7810-G Predictor — LimA Standard All Predictor— UmA Software Suite Type 7810 configurations include the following accessories: Program protection key (Hasp key) License file(s) via e-mail Inslallalion Manual Predictor — UmA Software Suite Software Maintenance, Upgrade and Support Agreement for first 12 months after purchase OPTIONAL SOFTWARE BZ -5703 4 -core Support for Predictor -- LimA Plus Bt5704 4 -core Support for Predictor — LImA Advanced BZ -5890 8 -core Support for Predictor -- LimA Advanced BZ -5441 LimA Aircraft Module BZ -5700 LimA Module 5 (Graphic User Interface) WT -9686 LimAar` ArcGIS Plug-in (add-on) All the above license packages include: License flea via e-mail BZ -5552 Predictor — LimA Galculallon Client License Pack Includes: Program protection keys (2) License files via e-mail Type 7813 Predictor Analyst Software Type 7816 Acoustic Delerminalor Software AVAILABLE ACCESSORIES Type 2250 Hand-held Analyzer Type 2260 Investigator", 2 -channel Sound Level Meter Type 2270 Hand-held Analyzer SERVICES 7810-A-MS1 Predictor— LImA Pius, Support and Upgrade Agreement (1 year) 7810 -A -M82 7810-AI7812-B Version 8 Upgrade including 7810 -A -MS 1 7810 -B -MS 1 Predictor — UmA Advanced, Support and Upgrade Agreement (I year) 7810-13-MS2 7810-617812-C Version 8 Upgrade including 7810,B.MS1 7810•C•MS1 Predictor— UmA ISO 9613, Support and Upgrade Agreement (1 year) 7810-C-MS2 7810-C Version 8 Upgrade including 7810 -C -MS 1 7810 -D -MS 1 Predictor — LimA NMPB, Support and Upgrade Agreement (1 year) 7810-D-MS2 7810-0 Version 8 Upgrade including 7810-D-MS1 7810 -E -MS 1 Predictor — LImA Harmonoise, Support and Upgrade Agreement (1 year) 7810-E-MS2 7810-E Version 8 Upgrade including 7810 -E -MS 1 7810 -F -MSI Predictor- UmA DAL 32, Support and Upgrade Agreement (I year) 7810-F-MS27810-F Version 8 Upgrade including 7810-F-MS1 7810 -G -MS 1 Predictor — LimA Standard, Support and Upgrade Agreement (1 year) 7810-G-MS2 7810 -G17812 -A Version 8 including 7810 -0 -MS 1 7810-X-100 Upgrade for version 9 from 7810-CIDIEI1' to 7810-A, including 7810 -A -MS 1 7810•X•200 Upgrade for version 9 from 7810-A to 7810.8, including 7810-134S1 7810-X-300 Upgrade for version 9 from 7810-G to 7810-A, including 7810-A-MS1 BZ -5441 -MS 1 UmA Aircraft Module, Support and Upgrade Agreement (1 year) BZ-5441-MS2 BZ•5441 Version 5 Upgrade incl, BZ -5441 -MS 1 BZ -5552 -MS 1 Predictor — LimA Calculation Client, Support and Upgrade Agreement (I year) BZ-5552-MS2 BZ -5552 Version 8 Upgrade including BZ -5552 -MSI BZ -5700 -MS 1 LimA Module 5 (Graphic User Interface), Support and Upgrade Agreement (1 year) BZ -5703 -MSI Support and Upgrade Agreement (1 year) for BZ -5703 B7-5703-MS2 BZ -5703 Version 8 Upgrade including BZ -5703 -MSI BZ•5704•MS 1 Support and Upgrade Agreement (1 year) for BZ -5704 BZ-5704-MS2 BZ -5704 Version 8 Upgrade including BZ-5704-MS1 BZ -5890 -MS 1 Support and Upgrade Agreement (1 year) for BZ -5890 BZ-5890-MS2 BZ -5890 Version 8 Upgrade including BZ -5890 -MSI N Predictor -- LimA training courses 0 Calcolation and mapping training courses I q r {Q TRADEMARKS Predictor and Invesligator are Trademarks of Brue%Kjaer Sound & Vbration Measurement NS • SourceDB and Georeference are Trademarks of DG MR • AutoCAD is a registered trademark of Aulodesk, Inc. • ArcView, ArcGIS and Arclnfo are registered trademarks and Atlast GIS is a Trademark of Environmenlal Systems Research Institute, Inc, � GeoMedia is a registered trademark of Intergraph Corporation • Google Earth is a trademark of Google Inc, in the United Stales and/or other countries • Intel is a registered trademark and Core is a trademark of Intel Corporation or its subsidiaries in the United States and/or other countries • LimA is a trademark of Stapelfeldl Ingenieurgesellschaft mbH in Germany • Mapinfo is a registered trademark of Map Info, Corporation , Microsoft, Windows Vista and Windows are registered Trademarks of Microsoft Corporation in the United States and/or other countries - OGC is a reglstered trademark of Open Spatial Consortium, Inc, - OpenGL is a registered trademark of Silicon Graphics, Inc. - SICAD is a registered trademark of SICAD Geomatics GmbH & Co, - SoundPLAN is a registered trademark of Braunstein + Berndt GmbH • VISUM Is a registered trademark of Planung Transport Verkehr AG = HEADQUARTERS, Net & Kjaor Sound & Vibration Measurement AI8 , DK -2850 Narum - Denmark Telephone, +45 22412000 • Fax; +45 4580 1405 - www,bksv com - Infoldbksv.com Local representatives and service organisations woriN,Aa Bru"el & Na x - Community I EPA Noise Testing, Analysis & Predictive Simulation Services Immediate Test Results On Site Aeroacoustic Engineering Consultants, LLC (AEC) has over 30 years experience in the testing and control of environmental, industrial, architectural and blowerlfan/HVAC systems noise and aeroacoustics, We can provide accurate testing, diagnostics, remediation, recommendations, certification, validation and vibration analysis. We conduct all testing, vibration, trend analysis, fault and failure predictions, Our engineers utilize current, state-of-the-art instrumentation analyzers and recorders (ANSIIISO calibration standards) for problem analysis and solution (compliance) certification, Our pMable instrumentation supplies you with immediate test results in the engineering units dictated by governing standards, Immediate determination of test status eliminates costly retesting. No more "after -the -fact shocks" with conventional procedures, If deficiencies or abnormalities are discovered, diagnostics can be initiated while instrumentation is in place - no need for a secondary project and added expense. Custom test protocols are easily accommodated with flexible programming. AEC proprietary, post processing programs drive powerful computer models for diagnostics, simulation or 3D graphics, Actual test duration can be as short as 111000th of a second or time averaged as required by specific standards. In situ, ambient anomalies are automatically measured and normalized (compensated) in test results. AEC Experts Can Assist You In Developing a Test Protocol to Satisfy Any or All Regulatory Requirements AMA CEN FAA IAMFES NFPA ANSI CEQ FAR IEC NFS API CHP FDA IEEE NMTBA APPA DIN FHWA IFC OECD ARI DOD FICON ISA ONAC ASA DoJ FTA ISO ONORM AHRAE DVA CMP MAGA OSHA ASTM EEC CSA NCA SAE BOCA EPA HMTBA NEMA SBC BSI EX -IM HUD NEN SS ' = W AEROACOUSTIC ENGINEERING CONSULTANTS, LLC 8414 Olson Memorial Highway 1 #210 Minneapolis, MN 66427.4712 Tel: 763-365.2030 Fax: 763.644.1149 United Stales of America ``a,tY'� "•', �' www.aeononoise.com AEC -29603A W dY• 1' UBC ,� UNE USDAw{ Y� Ir 1 I�f Kiri til' .ti, WB{ R WHO Y Y �ANp , A HOST I I ❑ F 1 4F�4'rr� ,- OTHERS o ' = W AEROACOUSTIC ENGINEERING CONSULTANTS, LLC 8414 Olson Memorial Highway 1 #210 Minneapolis, MN 66427.4712 Tel: 763-365.2030 Fax: 763.644.1149 United Stales of America ``a,tY'� "•', �' www.aeononoise.com AEC -29603A Instrumentation Meets All Worldwide N IS Acoustic Standards Attention: Architects, Engineers, Inspectors, Managers, Quality Control, Safety. We can provide analysis for acoustics, electroacoustics, noise and vibration in the field. All field measurement locations are verified utilizing a GPS system, as required. �f Community Noise Surveys. Property line testing, V Environmental impact analysis and statements. Computerized environmental noise modeling of proposed and existing facilities. �l Sound level contour plotting. Aeroacoustic and aerodynamic source modeling. Environmental impact and assessment reports. +1 Ln Calculations. FFT for Acoustics and Vibration. Environmental taktmaximal noise measurements. Sound intensity measurements. Power -Gen and packaged power noise assessment. V Predictive simulation of acoustic remediation. V And various other tests. The analyzers user -interactive menus and flexible AEC programming enable us to present the full potential of a computational acoustics laboratory in the field, Let a qualified AEC engineer assist you to establish an effective protocol and fest schedule, Let our 30 years of experience with NOISE make your job easier, AT AEROACOUSTIC ENGINEERING CONSULTANTS, LLC 8014 Olson Memorial Highway/#210 Minneapolis, MN 66427.4712 Tei; 76N55.2030, Fax; 763.644.1149 United States of America www.aecnonoise.com :, NM rye N RMU N W�„d N k I I I I I t li I, I I f ---- i ------I E (All) Evot 1 916197 7:46:45 AM 10:04:241 0.01 67,81-- U,21 owl 0 --------------- aswolaSI�u•oIc slaw ------------------------------------- -----------------------.-------------- ----... ------------------------_------- -________------ U • IN I I I I I I LS 'W J --_-L-- LU •KI LSI • 45 I I I I I I Ix 355 I I I I I I --- -------- T ---°-_�----�--- I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I - ------------ I---f---���_-F--- I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I # f4 A B6 9U 1 F] —LM Omit aa:$Ml Lacon WnON1190 AEC -29604 Ron Wagner From: Larry Hansen <larry.hansen@aecnonoise.com> Sent; Wednesday, May 08, 20131;47 PM To; Ron Wagner Subject: Otsego, MN Highway/Road Acoustic 3-D Simulation & Noise Prediction // AEC Engineering Proposal Dumber E01-8162 Attachments; AEC-69900A-69903A,PDF; Predictor (printed),pdf; AEC-29603A-29604,pdf Ron, this is a copy of what was sent yesterday. Our Tech -guy was able to trim that Predictor 10 -meg file dawn to something manageable! Dear Mr. Wagner; Thank you for your RFQ letter dated 01 May 2013, Aeroacoustic Engineering Consultants, LLC. (AEC) is pleased to respond to the Otsego/Hakanson Anderson (OHA) request for proposal with AEC Quotation Number E01-8162, as follows. AEC has been providing aeroacoustic (combined science of acoustics and aerodynamics) computer simulations/engineering services to international governmental agencies and the industrial community since 1972, As such, AEC has a vast background of experience that can be applied to accurately simulate, identify and predict a client's noise issues. A few of AEC's more recent national and international commissions include infrastructure acoustic modeling for the Island of Mustique, highway acoustic modeling for the City of San Francisco, aeroacoustic modeling for the 3M Company Acoustics Division, U,S. National Geospatial Intelligence Agency (including a host of other secured agency properties), aeroacoustic predictions for British Petroleum Americas, Microsoft International Properties Group, , o , etc. It is the interpretation of the 01 May 2013 RFQ that the City of Otsego, MN is desirous of three-dimensional (3-1)) computer modeling of a proposed street/roadway/highway that is in the design phase and has not been constructed` As such, the desired model will generate tabular and graphical acoustic projections based on specified surface type, vehicular mix, velocity (speed] and average daily traffic (ADT). AEC assumes that the 3-D computer model will be for acoustics only and will not incorporate computational fluid dynamic CFD) modeling or acoustic simulations under variable or adverse weather conditions, Further, AEC assumes that a properly scaled topographical model is available from OHA depicting the proposed street construction in an electronic format, This OHA design topographical model does contain receptor building/structure scaled elevations. For 3-D predictive computer modeling, AEC is fully licensed, authorized and factory trained by Bruel & Kjaer for the Predictor international software (see attached), AEC's perceived scope of work will be to install the OHA furnished electronic formatted 3-D model into the Predictor software suite, calibrate model and run predictive projections based on OHA stated conditions, AEC will provide one (1) set of tabular acoustic projections data and scaled graphic depictions of same. Alternate scenarios, variations and/or remediation analysis/recommendations will be quoted upon request. Deliverables; AEC proposed scope of work terminates with a written report summarizing acoustic performance projections to receptor locations) supported by Predictor tabular acoustic data and scaled graphics. Furnished by OHA; It is assumed, proposed street/roadway/highway design drawings, local wind rose/prevailing- history, site 3-D topographical map in DWG or DXF format, specified surface type, vehicular mix, velocity (speed) and average daily traffic �ADTj will be furnished to AEC on a no charge basis. AEC travel & Expenses: At this juncture, no AEC travel nor site visits are anticipated but would be quoted as required and upon OHA request. Site Acoustic/Meteorological Testing: At this juncture, no AEC acoustic or local meteorological testing at the proposed work site or receptor location is anticipated AEC will quote these engineering services upon OHA request, Quotation: AEC offers the above aeroacoustic engineering services (engineering services only, no hardware nor aeroacoustic systems), with no AEC trips nor job site visits, for the lot price sum: $9,000,00 FCB Minneapolis, MN 55427, Delivery: Approximately three (3) weeks after receipt of electronic drawing files and authorization to proceed, Terms: One-third (1/3) retainer with purchase order or authorization to proceed; balance due (2/3j upon submission of written summary and supporting documentation, Thank you for the opportunity to submit our engineering services proposal for your consideration, Please feel free to contact me with any questions or concerns, Regards, Larry Hansen Aeroacoustic Engineering Consultants, LLC 8014 Olson Memorial Highway I #210 Minneapolis, MN 55427.4712 United States of America Direct Dial: 763-546-8565 Mobile: 612-220-7026 Main Office: 763-355-2030 Facsimile: 763-544-1149 Time Zane: -0500 UTC/GMT; Central Daylight (USA) E-mail: larry.hansenagaecnonoise.com Web Site: www,aecnonoise,com May 1, 2013 SPI3 Associates RO, Box 16587 St, Louis Park, MN 55416 RE, Request for Quotes To whom It May Concern, We are requesting quotes to complete a noise impact and mitigation study in compliance with FHwA, The purpose of the study would be to determine if a proposed street will affect the noise levels to an existing receptor in the area of the project, MnDOT has determined there is a i'eceptor located north of the proposed street, 701" Street, which needs to be evaluated, The address is 7009 McAllister Avenue NE, Otsego, MN 55330 Attached are our preliminary plans and exhibits showing the proposed project and locations of the receptor relative to the project. We would like a quote to present to Otsego Council on May 13`', for possible approval Therefore the Quote must be received by us via mail or email by May 8"', 2013, A time line for completion must be included. The proposed street has an initial ADT of 3,300 and a 20 year ADT of 13, 750, The speed limit is proposed to be 55 mph and the proposed surface is asphalt. If you have any questions, you may contact me by phone at 763-427-5860 or my email at ronwc haa-mc,com. Sincerely, Hakanson Anderson Ronald J. Wagner, Otsego City Engineer TYPICAL SECTION - 70TH STREET AND TRAIL NO SCALE