ITEM 6.5 B Intersection updatesil 0 if- C 1 -1,`0" us 0 MINNESOTA g nFPARTMFNT INFORMATION Request for xo%'t^^ Council Action ORIGINATING DEPARTMENT: REQUESTOR: MEETING DATE'. Engineering City Engineer Wagner May 13, 2013 PRESENTER(s): REVIEWED BY. ITEM #: —City Engineer Wagner City Administrator Johnson 6.5 B AGENDA ITEM DETAILS Approve Cooperative Agreement between the City and the Co ARE YOU SEEKING APPROVAL opxCONTRACT? ISxPUBLIC HEARING REQUIRED? No. 1. Changes to the Cooperative Agreement between the City and the County have been completed. The County added language to clarify curb and gutter within roundabout will be 2/3 county 1/3 City. The County added the language requested regarding the County adding work would be done at County expense. They did riot see the need tochange curb and gutter costs outs|dethe roundabout orcity utilities work atCity cost within the project. Both are fairly moot points as the existing concrete curb is in good shape and should not need to be replaced and there are no city utilities in this area of[SAH 37. 2. Bill VVavtasofNagel and Assoc. has visited some property owners and is working from West to East. 3. The Wright County Engineer hospreparedamennobon1eexpla|n1ngtheCoun+«sprefenmnce1n roundabout location. | have attached that memo along with Option IA. SUPPORTING DOCUMENTS: xATTAoHEo omowE w Cooperative Agreement between the City and the County m Memo 0 Map of Roundabout Option 1A POSSIBLE MOTION _Please word motion as you would like it to appear In the minutes'.Motion to approve Cooperative Agreement No. 13-52 between the City and Wright County. BUDGET INFORMATION '------ -- ---------- FUNDING: BUDGETED. auoosrED. x,Eu | Federal Aid and MSAoNO � ACTION TAKEN c) APPROVED AS REQUESTED DENIED TABLED n OTHER (List changes) cowMsmre AGREEMENT N, 13-52 WRIGHT COUNTY TY DEPARTMENT CSF HIGHWAYS FUNDING PARTICIPATION AND CONSTRUCTION AGREEMENT BETWEEN THE COUNTY CSF WRIGHT and THE CITY OF OTSEGO For CONSTRUCTION OF IMPROVEMENTS FOR: 701h Street & CAH 3 P 217-112-002 SP 086-637-033 RECONSTRUCTION AND BIKE/PEDESTRIAN TRAIL IMPROVEMENTS (From the intersection of 70'x' Street to east of Olean Avenue NE in Otsego) May 3, 2013 V14 Page Ii COOPERATIVE AGREEMENT THIS AGREEMENT, made and entered into by and between the County of Wright, Minnesota, acting by and through its County Board of Commissioners hereinafter referred to as the "County" and the City of Otsego, Minnesota, acting by and through its City Council, hereinafter referred to as the "City". WITNESS TO: WHEREAS, the City of Otsego has received federal funding for the improvement ofmm��et., from Lambert Avenue to Odean Avenue NE, to be constructed in FY 2016, and \WHEREAS the ChxofOtsego intends 10construct and forward fund the improvement of7nmStreet from Lambert Avenue to Odean Avenue NE in 2014, and WHEREAS, the County of Wright has received federal funding for the improvement of CSAH 37, from Oakwood Avenue to Trunk Highway (TH) 101, to be constructed in FY 2017,, and WHEREAS, the City and County have mutually agreed that kis in the best interest ofthe public that the City's 7nmStreet project |nc|uderecoDSbuctlngasegnmentof CSAH37(from the intersection nf7«mStreet /& CSAH 3 7 to just east of Odea n Avenue N Q, a nd WHE�AS,, Pla nsend specifications wiUbe pre pa red by the City forthe improvement ofmmStreet in Otsego, and said construction plans are designated as SP 217-112-002. The project includes, but is not limited to, pavement removal and replacement, highway construction, highway drainage uona ruction,cbvtraUconstrucUon,uti|bv|mprovements,, and other miscellaneous improvements within the corporate limits ofOtsego, and WHEREAS, a Cooperative Agreement between the County and the City outlines the responsibilities and �nanc�|commbmen1sfor the segment o[[SAH37that vU)beincluded i the C|tv�7nmStreet project, NOVVTHERER]RE,|TKSMUTUALLYAGREEDANOUNOER5TOODTHAT: Article One The City shall construct or cause to be constructed a project meeting state aid standards and federal aid standards of highway construction, utility, drainage, and other miscellaneous improvementsupon oralong CSAH 37 within the City limits in accordance with the approved plans and specifications as prepared by the City,and onfi|ea1the off ice ofthe CountyEng lneer. The City of Otsego consultant Project Engineer shall be responsible for preparing all paperwork necessary to complete the project using the Delegated Contract Process (D[P) for federally funded projects. This includes sending all noces aryfommu1od1eappoopdateN1nDOToff ice(d,|naccordance with the latest version ofthe DCp checkUst(http://www.dot.state.mn.us/stateaid/Proj Del iv/dcp/D[PCHECKL|ST —2011.pdf). The projectmustbeoonstTuctedinaccondanCem//thfedena|andsiatea|drequ1nements,/nc|ud1ng testing |n accordance with the latest ed1tlon of the K4nDOT 5chedu|e ofMate ria b Contno| (http://www.dot.state.mn.us/materiaIs/lab.htmI ). The County Engineer shall becopied onall correspondence sent bmthe City ofOtsego Project Engineer ±oMnDOT. Page 12 '^/ � . Article Two It is agreed that upon completion of and acceptance of the work as to quantity and quality by the County, the County Engineer shall determine the actual amount that the County will reirnburse the City in accordance with the following funding participation schedule: 1. CSAH 37 Sepment of the 701' Street fin provements — SP 217-112-002m This participation is based on the fact that the County would have been constructing the segment of CSAH 37 (that will be included in the City's 70th Street Project) in 2017, and it is in the public's best interest to include that segment in the City"s project in 2014: Funding Participation (CSAH 37 Segment of Prolect)o County Grading/ Removals 100% 0% Turf Establishment 100% 0% Bituminous Pavement 100% 0% Bile Pedestrian Trail 0% (F) 100% (F) Curb & Gutter (except for roundabout) 0% 100% Roundabout (including throats & curb) 67% 33% Driveway Restoration (Agg, Bit,, Conc, etc.) 100% 0% Retaining Walls (if needed for trail) 0% 100% Right -of -Way — Roundabout (Permanent & Temporary) 67%(* H) 33%(* H) R igh t -of -Way — City Trail (Permanent & Temporary) 0%(* H) 100%(* H) Right -of -Way — Highway (Permanent & Temporary) 100%(* H) (*H) Permanent Street Lighting (Roundabout) 67% 33% Storm Sewer (*A) (*A) City Owned Utility Work (Sanitary,, Watermain, etc.) 0%(* B) 100%(* B) Signing/Striping 100%(* E) 0%(* E) Engineering Services C) Q Mobilization and Traffic Control D) D) Wetland Mitigation G) (*G) (*) See Notes V14 Page 13 2. NOTES: A. If there is any storin sewer included in the project, the State Aid Hydraulics Engineer will determine the County/City cost split for storm sewer costs, based on contributing areas of flow. The County will cover costs that are determined bvthe State tobaState Aid eligible (fortheseQmentofihe project along [SAH 87). Upon completion of the project, the City of Otsego will maintain the storm sewer system along CSAH 37 (if any), provided, however, that this paragraph shall not commit the City to replacing or relocating any portion of said storm sewer made necessary as a result of a future reconstruction of CSAH 37 (excluding highway culverts and driveway culverts). B. Sanitary Sewer and/or waterma|nimprovements, including all adjustments ofcastings and/or gate valves, will be at no cost to the County. [ The City will provide engineering services for surveying, ��constmction,construction /nspocUomteadng, andadm1n|strat(onofthe project. The CouotywU|not part|dpate|nany engineering costs incurred by the City that are necessary for the City to assess their portion of the project costs (Feasibility Studies, hearings, legal expenses, etc). The County will reimburse the City for engineering services for the County's portion of the project based upon the following table. The final reimbursement will be computed using the appropriate % below times the County's portion only of the final actual contract construction cost. From $ O thru$1OUOOO upto18% ofCounty's Portion Over 100000 thru2SO/JOO uptol39& ofCount/sPortion Over 250.,OOO thru500,OOO upto11% ofCounb/sPortion Ove r 500-POOD thru Indefinite up to 10% of County's Portion D Mo bi|iza tioncosts fortheCountyaeto be spi it based onthe ratio of Courty constmctioncosts versus the entire project construction costs. Traffic Control costs shall be bid as two (2) separate pay items for the City work and the County portion of the work (since some of the City work is brand new alignment). E. Maintenance of the any/all crosswalk pavement markings, upon completion of the project, will be the responsibility of the City. F. The City bthe sole owner of the Bike/Pedestrian Trail constructed under this project and is/will be responsible and liable for all aspects of ownership. This includes, but is not limited to, future maintenance and repair/replacement costs. G. The City will be responsible for wetland mitigation costs associated with impacts due tothe trail/sidewalk improvement . H. The City shall beresponsible for acquiring all R/VVrequired for the project. This includes, as required by the County Engineer, preparation of a R/W plat in accordance with the County Surveyor's Standendsondeasement[anQuageapproved bvthe CountySurveyo/sOffice (fortheCSAH37 segment). The City will be responsible for initial payment of all R/W acquisition costs, and the County will reimburse to the City those costs associated with the segment of CSAH 37 (from the intersection of 70th Street) to the eastern limits of the project (Odean Avenue area), with the exception ofthe R/VVfor the trail (City rost). The costs tobereimbursed bythe County include all typical right of way acquisition expenses (certified appraisals, review appraisals, witness fee� court ordered commissioner hearings, court ordered rnediation,, condemnation, and legal costs) included . 9a�m|4 —�' . ^°~ in the acquisition of County State Aid Highway 37 right ofway. Nenevent that condemnation is required, the County shall pay any final award as determined by the commissioners or by the Court. The right of way acquisition shall be in the form of Permanent Highway Easement, subject to review and approval nfthe County Right ofWay Agent. The County reserves the right \oreview and approve the offers for right of way acquisition (for the CSAH 37 segment), prior to offers being made to landowners, as these offers would impact future Right of Way negotiations for the future CSAH 37project easttoTH1O1. The City is the sole owner ofall retaining wall constructed under this project (ifneeded)and|a/wiU beresponsible and liable for all aspects ofownership. This includes, but bnot limited to, future maintenance and repair/replacement costs. J. The County is the sole owner of the segment of C5AH 37 constructed in the City's project, including all centerline culverts and ditches located in the CSAH 37 right-of-way. K.A Permit brequired for any/all City facilities (s��water,, trail., etc.)that will be constructed within the CSAH 37 right-of-way (and the County will waive the permit fee). The City sha|iprepareaoreimi naryestimate ofconstrucdoncost forthe City prepered p1ansfor the project. The preliminary cost estimate shall identify both the City's share rand County's share of costfor the project based upon this funding agreement, This preliminary construction cost estimate will beattached tnthis agreement and identified as Exhibit A (to be attached when completed by the City). It is intended that the work outlined above in Article Three is to be done by a contractor on a unit price basis through acontract duly let bvthe City. Atsuch time asthe City awards acontract, the City will prepare a new estimate of the County's share of the construction cost based on the unit prices bid by the City's contractor. A copy of such revised cost estimate will be forwarded to the County Highway Engineer. Article Three The City shall be responsible for all field inspection of materials (including required testing at intervals outlined in the latest MOOT Materials Control Schedule, which must be included in the projectpnoposa|>, quantities, and contractor performance (including submittal of Change in Construction Status fornns, and all other required forms, to be submitted to the MnDOTDistrict 3 State Aid Engineer,, with cop/ss to the County) for the road improvement project. Weekly Construction Diary forms should be submitted to the County. There will be no inspection cost to the County, beyond the engineering reimbursement as outlined in Article Two, Section 2(C), unless the County requests inspection services beyond the standard requirements and testing procedures for norma/State Aid/Federal Aid funded projects. Article Four Upon award of the contract, the County"s portion of the contractshall be computed based upon the contract unit bid prices, Upon receipt of written request from the City the County shall forward to the City, within 3Odays, 5O%oftheir portion ofthe cost. Upon notice bythe City that the contract is 5O%complete, the County shall forward anadditional 2S%oftheir portion ofthe cost. Upon notice bvthe City that the contract b 75% complete,, the County shall forward an additional 20% of their portion of the cost, and the remaining 5% upon completion ofthe work. ' Whenever it appears the cost of the County participation construction covered under this Agreement is about to exceed the Counb/sporion ofthe contract'theCity sho||nodf»the OzuntyEngineer|nm/r1dngprior to performance ofthe additional County cost participation construction. Notification shall include aneai|mate|n V H Page 15 the amount ofadditional funds necessary to complete the County cost participation construction including engineering costs and reason(s) why the current amount encumbered will be exceeded, The County shall, upon its approval ofthe additional County cost participation construc1|on,agree that this action will have the effect of amending this Agreement so as to include the County's share of the costs of the additional construction, Should the City cause the performance of additional contract construction which would otherwise qualify for County cost participation covered under this Agreement, but for which the County has not previously encumbered funds, that additional contract construction is done at the City's expense. Should the County cause the performance of additional contract construction which would qualify for County cost participation under this Agreement, and whether or not the County has previously encumbered funds, that additional contract construction is done at the County's expense. Should the City encounter hazardous materials, unsafe conditions, or unexpected matters or subsurface conditions within the County right-of-way, the City will immediately contact the County, which shall be soley responsible for removal, remediation, or abatement of the condition at no expense to the City (excluding the additional right-of-vvayfor the City traU). |fsuch above mentioned conditions are encountered during the course of construction operations, then the normal protocol for unforeseen conditions identified in the latest ed|tiunofthe N1nDOT Standordsfor CmostructionshaUapp|y. The City shall provide to the County Engineer an as built plan of the roadway improvements. The as built plans shall be submitted to the Cou nty within six months of the final completion date of the project. The City shall keep records and accounts that enable it to provide the County with the following prior to final payment tothe City bythe County: 1. Copies ofthe City contractor's | covering all contract construction. 2. Copies of the endorsed and canceled City warrart(s)or paying for final contract construction., or computer documentation of the warrant(s) issued certified by an appropriate City official that final construction contract payment has been made. 3. Copies of all construction contract change orders and/or supplemental agreements. 4. O 'na|signedeesement(s) for an»/aU acquisitionnecesoaryforthe S A certification form signed by the City's Engineer in charge of the contract construction attesting to the a. Satisfactory performance and completion of all contract construction in accordance with County and State Aid approved City plans, specifications and/or special provisions. bAcceptance and approval ofall materials furnished for the County cost participation construction covered under this Agreement relative to compliance of those materials to K4nDOT s current edition of the "Standard Specifications for Construction'. c. Full payment by the City to its contractor for all contract construction. Vt-f Article Five The County hereby grants the City an irrevocable right of entry and right of trespass onto the County right of way (for the segment of CSAH 37 in the project), whether recorded or prescriptive, to undertake the construction and related tasks set forth in this Agreement. The County hereby verifies to the City that it has legal rights over the property necessary for construction, outside of the new right of way to be acquired. Article Six The City shall be responsible for all snow and ice removal on the Bike/Pedestrian Trail and other boulevard related maintenance outside the curb or street area. The County shall be responsible for routine snow ice maintenance within the curb to curb area of the highway. Retaining walls if needed) constructed asp art of the project will become the property of the City. Future maintenance/repairs of the retaining galls shall be the responsibility and cost of the City. The City is the sole owner of the Bike/Pedestrian destrian Trail constructed under this project. Future maintenance/repairs of the Bike/Pedestrian Trail shall be the responsibility and cost of the City. The City shall be responsible for coordinating any/all relocations of utilities required by locating the Bike/Pedestrian Trail within the CSAH 37 right-of-way; and responsible for any casts associated with arsY such utility relocations (legal and otherwise). Article Seven The City small Indemnify, save and hold harmless the County and all of its agents and employees of any form against any and all claims, demands, actions or causes of action of whatever nature or character arising out of or by reason of the execution or performance of the work provided for herein to be performed by the City. y TheCounty shall indemnify, save and hold harmless the City and all of its agents and employees of any form against any and all claims, demands, actions or causes of action of whatever nature or character arising out of or by reason of the execution of performance of the work provided for herein to be performed by the County. y Articie Eight It is further agreed that any and all full-time employees of the County and all other employees of the County engaged in the performance by any work or services required or provided for herein to beerformed b P y the County shall be considered employees of the County only and not of the City and that any and all claims that may or might arise under Workmen's Compensation Act of the Mate of Minnesota on behalf of said employees while so engaged and any and all claims made by any third parties as a consequence of any act or omission on the part of said County employees while so engaged on any of the work or services provided to be rendered herein small be the sole obligation and responsibility of the County. It is further agreed that any, and all full -tine employees of the City and all ether employees of the City engaged in the performance by any work or services required or provided for herein to be performed by the City shall be considered employees of the City only and not of the County and that any and all claims that may or right arise under Workmen's Compensation Act of the Mate of Minnesota on behalf of said employees whil e so engaged and any and all claims made by any third parties as a consequence of any act oromission on the part of said City employees which so engaged on any of the work or ser=vices provided to be rendered herein shall be the sole obligation and responsibility of the City. �IH Page 17 Article Nine Before this agreement shall become binding and effective it shall be approved by the City Council of Otsego a nd it sha I I a Iso be a p proved by the Co u nty Boa rd a nd su ch ot he r office rs as la w rn ay provide. IN TESTIMONY WHEREOF the parties have duly executed this agreement by their duly authorized officers and caused their respective seals to be hereunto affixed. COUNTY OF WRIGHT Recomm endedyor Approva |: County Engineer APPROVED -1 Chair, County Board County Attorney County Coordinator Date CITY OF OTSEGO City Engineer, Otsego Mayor,, City of Otsego City Attorney, City of Otsego City Administrator, City of Otsego Ron Wa2ner From: Virgil Hawkins <V1rgU.HawWns@co ' ht.mnus> Sent: Friday, May 03,2Ol3IS2PM To: Ron Wagner Cc: Uohnson@d.ot ego.mn.us; Chad Hausmann; Mork Doie)den; wN)ngbel\@hrgeen.com Subject: Re: Roundabout Options Attachments: 20130422102505744.pdf Good afternoon Ron, VVeappreciate both you and Bill KUngbeHmeeting with usthis past Monday todiscuss the Roundabout options for the intersection of 70th Street and CSAH 37, As we indicated at the meeting, the County's preferred option is Option 1A, for reasons of safety - both now and future traffic volumes. As was the consensus at our meeting OD Monday, the other options presented were problematic with high speed curves approaching the roundabouts onsome legs which were a great cause ofconcern for traffic safety, Option lAprovided for eproper, safer high speed approach for all legs ofthe roundabout. Access to the SW quadrant, with Option 1A, could be accommodated from both the west and the north (with proper spaclng/cortroU.Option IAalso provides for ofuture access to the north (for future development). Please let me know ifyou have any questions orwish todiscuss further, Thanks, Virgil. Virgil G.Havvkns,P.E. County Highway E 'neer Wright County Highway Department 19O1Highway 25North Buffalo, MN 55313 7E3'682-7388 763-682-7313 (fax) ROUNDABOUT .4 - A. IL 54? N OPTION 1 A A N N. AV- L %7 , r A0. N IL ......... - - - - - - - - - - .......... .......... ............... I - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 7 c-7 i A�- -rr %j - A-1 7L_ -7 -17 + -- - _: gamma ZU;. > �]? N %%x N op, .1 r Jk ti 37, V dc- -T. 0 pj - - - - - - - - - - - - . % +' 17 r iL C3 1 01 y' Fjf x r lit Ir. Z d- I I "Flu I. hereby c-orMy 11hal IhTs plon, spscific<ifion, or ort was by me or under my clTracl su I.; prepared ' su ad thol I am a duly Lfcanzed Professional We lows of the Slate of Wnriazota. Dom $I. FIML Dik" By. C Hakanson Anderson Civil Engineers and Land Surveyors 3601 Thurston Ave., Anoka, Minnesota 55303 BML 763-427-5860 FAX 763-427-0520 __WKWAINX-J. WAGI, PT UR Date XX/XXZXX Lie. No, 260521 riD -f, I RJW www.hakonson—cinderson.com CITY OF MINNESOTA ROUNDABOUT LAYOUT PLAN SHEET S.A.P. 217-112-002 x 70TH STREET / CSAH 37 CITY OF OTSEGOo MINNESOTA ZZ x SHEETS OT388