12-13-16 Heritage Preservation Commission Minutes12-13-16 Otsego Heritage Preservation Commission
Present: Toni Seroshek, Chris Wilson, Zonja Matushenko, Gail Anderson.
Mayor: Jessica Stockamp
Meeting called to order at 7:08. Minutes of the last meeting were approved after
correcting spelling of our guest to Kristen Larson and changing the date of the
current to December 13, 2016.
Park Signs: Toni will have some drafts to present re: current Otsego City parks at
the next meeting.
AVID project: Chris mentioned a TV segment on CBS Sunday Morning showing a
student who is interviewing WWII veterans before they are all gone. She will
contact Kristen Larson with the site.
Guardian Angels longtime Otsego residents:
Cory Tanner had contacted Zonja about a coworker’s grandmother, Sarah
Connett, who has memories of the early 1900’s in Otsego township from visiting
her grandmother Peavy who lived in the old MacDonald house in Otsego.
Chris, Toni and Gail had interviewed her in Anoka a couple of years ago, and Toni
and Gail went back a couple of times to continue the conversation. It is taped but
not transcribed. Zonja had not known that and wanted to make sure that the
person requesting a meeting knew we had visited her and made recordings. We
will clarify this when Cory and his coworker come to a meeting in January or
February 2017. Another potential contact is former member of OHPC Norm
Schwanbeck and his wife who just moved to Guardian Angels in Elk River.
Archiving: Zonja wanted to know if the digitization of our remaining books is still
in line for scanning in the City process of transferring paper records to laser fiche.
She speaks to the clear advantage of someone being able to look online if seeking
family history, etc.
Meeting adjourned at 7:50pm.
Gail Anderson, Recorder