07-35RESOLUTION NO. 2007- 35 RESOLUTION APPROVING A COMMITMENT FOR RADIONUCLIDE TREATMENT FOR PROPOSED WELL NO. 8 WHEREAS, the City of Otsego proposes to construct Well No. 8 with water taken from the Mt. Simon aquifer. WHEREAS, the water from Well No. 8 has tested positive for excessive levels of radioactive elements called radionuclides. WHEREAS, the water from proposed Well No. 8 must receive special treatment for the removal of radioactive elements. WHEREAS, pursuant to Council requesting that Hakanson Anderson Associates, Inc. prepare a letter to the Minnesota Department of Health to go forward with construction of Well No. 8 contingent upon use of Well No. 8 after the addition of water treatment facilities to remove and properly dispose of radionuclides. And has presented such letter to the Council for approval; NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF OTSEGO MINNESOTA: Such letter, dated June 11, 2007, a copy of which is attached hereto and made a part hereof, is hereby approved. Adopted by the council this 11th day of June, 2007. Motioned By: CM Vern Heidner Seconded By: CM Jessica Stockamp All in Favor: Mayor Larry Fournier; Councilmembers: Stockamp and Tom Darkenwald. Those Opposed: None Vern Heidner, Jessica ot522ResApprovingCommitmentforRadionuclide