02-21-17 PacketITEM 3.1 OTSEGO PARKS AND RECREATION OTSEGO PRAIRIE CENTER January 17, 2017 7:00 PM Call to Order. Chair Angie Dehn called the meeting to order at 7:04 PM.. Roll Call: Chair Angie Dehn; Commissioners: Jim Breitbach, Angela Hilde, Derrick Stark, Doug Cassady and Cara Husak. City Council: Mayor Jessica Stockamp Staff: Ross Demant, Parks and Recreation Director, and Connie Schwecke, Recreation Administrative Assistant. 1. Open Forum. 2. Consider Agenda Approval. Commissioner Breitbach motioned to approve the agenda. Seconded by Commissioner Cassidy. All in favor. Motion carried. 3. Consider Meetin Minutes. 3.1 December 20 2016 Regular Meeting Minutes. Chair Dehn motioned to approve minutes as written. Seconded by Commissioner Hilde. All in favor. Motion carried. 4. Unfinished Business. 5. New Business. Greenway. - - "G�� �C� �E Vr ereuvre [;reek Parks and Recreation Director Demant reviewed the staff report. Commissioner Husak questioned if the park name had been decided. Mayor Stockamp stated the Otsego Heritage Preservation Commission would review the history of the area and present to the commissioners options for park names. Parks and Recreation Commissioners all agreed this park would be a nice amenity for the Boulder Creek Development. Chair Dehn questioned what park dedication fees would be paid by the developer. Parks and Recreation Director Demant stated that Mattamy Homes would be credited for the Park trail but would pay the rest of the park dedication fund. Commissioner Husak questioned the timeline for building the park. Parks and Recreation Director Demant stated the first concept plan should be on the agenda for the February meeting. Commissioner Breitbach asked if it was easier to build the park before all the houses were developed. Parks and Recreation Director stated the access and developing the park wouldn't be affected by the building development. ITEM 3.1 Commissioner Stark motioned to recommend to the City Council approval of SRF Consulting Group Inc. for professional services for park development for Lefebvre Creek Greenway park. Seconded by Commissioner Husak. All in favor. Motion carried. 5.2 Summer Pro rams Overview. Parks and Recreation Director Demant reviewed staff memo and discussed the new summer programs being offered. Mr. Demant also stated there would be a new design layout for the Recreation Guides. 6. Parks and Recreation Director U date. Parks and Recreation Director Demant updated the Commissioners on Norin Landing, Otsego ice rinks and Rogers/Otsego Fastpitch League. 7. City Council Re orts. Mayor Stockamp gave an update to the commissioners. 8. Ad'ourn. Commissioner Hilde motioned to adjourn. Seconded by Commissioner Stark. All in favor. Motion carried. Adjourned at 8:14 P.M. Written by Connie Schwecke. Parks and Recreation Administrative Assistant Item 4.1 otSOF MINNESOTA TO: Otsego Parks and Recreation Commission FROM: Ross Demant, Parks and Recreation Director DATE: February 17, 2017 RE: Lefebvre Creek Greenway Background: Parks and Recreation Commissioners visited the Lefebvre Creek Greenway site during a parks system tour in May of last year. During the tour, staff pointed out the connection that the park will have to the rest of the trial system, connecting with the trail off of 75'h street and potential future park land to the east. The next time commissioners discussed the park was at the August 2016 Parks and Recreation meeting. During that meeting Commissioners reviewed a concept that Mattamy Homes had designed. After review of this design, changes where made to have the trail follow the contours of the creek, include natural play amenities along the trail, and ensure that the green space stays in place. The developer was initially going to build the park in exchange for park dedication credit. After discussions between City staff and the developer it was determined that the City would assume responsibility for any additional public park and trail improvements within Boulder Creek and Boulder Creek 2nd Addition. With the City taking the lead with the planning and construction of Lefebvre Creek Greenway park, City staff recommended using SRF Consulting Group Inc. for professional planning services for the planning phase of park construction. Parks and Recreation Commissioners voted unanimously to recommend to the City Council that SRF provide professional park construction services for Lefebvre Creek Greenway Park. At the January 23, 2017 City Council meeting, the City Council voted unanimously to accept the recommendation from the Parks and Recreation Commission. The next phase of the park planning will be review of new the concepts provided by SRF Consulting Group. The two concepts are similar to the one that Mattamy Homes presented, however the playground has been moved to a central location in the park. cited is the longer distance to the next two closest parks which are Both the City Council and Staff have received several requests from residents that live fication they have close to the proposed park requesting a playground area. The justi and Prairie Park. Although this park is currently listed as a greenwaSchool Knoll Park y, Staff believes that the perception of the community would be that a playground would be constructed at this location because it is also listed as a park. The trail that is to run along the creek was finished by Mattamy Homes, the remainder of the trail that will connect to 75th Street will be completed during the construction of the park. SRF has provided some different playground options in regards to playground equipment and shelter material and design. During the playground discussions for Northwood Park, Commissioners recommended playground equipment that was a mix of traditional and natural precast. This was decided due to the cost of pre -cast features like rocks and tree stumps and the multi -functionality of more traditional playground equipment. Once a concept design is chosen and parks features are recommended, staff will bring more specific equipment options and an updated concept design to the March Parks and Recreation Commission meeting. Requested Action: Staff is requesting that the Parks and Recreation Commission review the material included in this memo and provide a recommendation to staff on which features they would like to see in the park. Attachments: • Trail Exhibit • Concept Designs 2 illi lr� p- WWI t--- ?J m L} 0. I � a r vtf': x w�� O aA �nY mkk vtf': x =4 V oF� a z to 9 ry�J rrr�rl r r�rr-'1 try/ �yrr1� ISI � r.l � 1�1 w 0 � U 0 n Item 5.1 0 �TY OF/f/\� V MINNESOTA 9 TO: Parks and Recreation Commission FROM: Ross Demant, Parks and Recreation Director DATE: February 16, 2017 RE: Northwood Community Garden Background: A community garden was included during the planning process for Northwood Park. The size of the garden is 22x46' and also has four 4'x8' raised garden beds. The garden is located on the west side of the park just north of the parking lot. During initial construction discussions for Northwood Park, staff and commissioners felt that due to the type of housing that was going to surround a portion of the park a community garden would be a good amenity for residents that may lack access to proper space to host their own gardens. Staff have been contacted by several residents over the past year inquiring about the process for acquiring a plot. Due to this initial interest, it is recommending that the City adopt a lottery system for assigning garden plots. The recommended lottery method is as follows: o Residents that live within a 1/2 radius of the park that do not have access to a "yard" (i.e. townhouse, apartment, mobile home) will have priority use. o Residents will be able to apply on the Parks and Recreation registration software; this will allow staff to verify that the address and type of property fall within the guidelines of the garden. o Staff will printout the registrations and hold a random drawing for the plots. o If after the initial lottery there are still plots available, all residents of the City of Otsego may be considered for a plot and chosen using the same lottery system. A fee of $20 is being recommended, this fee will be used to deter irrigation costs, tools usage, and staff time. Conclusion: Staff is requesting that Commissioners review the material provided in this memo and recommend that the City Council adopt the procedures and guidelines for Northwood Park Community Garden. Attachments: Northwood Community Garden Guidelines and Policies 2 CITY OF Orsego MINNESOTA NORTHWOOD PARI( COMMUNITY GARDEN GUIDELINES AND POLICY Introduction: The City of Otsego will be hosting a community garden at Northwood Park, 1600, 72nd Street NE. The garden will consist of 10 plots with each plot being 5'x9'. There will also be four raised gardens that will be 4'x8'. Rules and Guidelines: • Residents that live within a % radius of the park that do not have access to a "yard" (i.e. townhouse, apartment, mobile home) will have priority use. • A lottery system will be used to determine which resident receives a garden plot. Advertisement for the lottery will be made public on February 28, 2017, and the lottery drawing will take place on March 28th, 2017. o Residents will be able to apply on the Parks and Recreation registration software; this will allow staff to verify that the address and type of property fall within the guidelines of the garden. o On March 28th Staff will printout the registrations and hold a random drawing for the Plots. o A fee on $20 will be charged for each plot, this fee will not be charged until a resident has received confirmation that they were chosen during the lottery. o If after the initial lottery there are still plots available, all residents of the City of Otsego may be considered for a plot and chosen using the same lottery system. • Basic gardening tools will be available in a locked tool box that will have a coded lock that gardeners will be given at the beginning of the garden season. • Water will be available to gardeners, information on how to use the water system will be made available prior to the gardening season. • The garden will be made available starting mid-May and will vary depending on weather conditions. • Gardeners will need to consider their planting varieties to ensure plants do not encroach onto others plots or over the outside of their own plot. • Due to the size of garden plots herbicides and animal traps of any kind are not allowed, gardeners are expected to provide weekly maintenance of the plots. • Separate waste and compostable receptacles will be made available, please spend the time to sort you garbage.