ITEM 3.1ITEM 3_1
November 21, 2016
7:00 PM
Call to Order.
Chair Black called the meeting to order at 7:00 PM.
Roll Call: Vice Chair David Thompson; Commissioners: Roger Mord, Steve Schuck, Alan
Offerman'Aaron Stritesky and Jim Kolles Absent: Chair Pam Black, and Commissioner
Richard Nichols; City Council: Councilmember Tom Darkenwald. Staff: Daniel Licht, City
Planner; and Sandy Lindenfelser, Administrative Assistant.
1. Announcements:
No announcements.
2. Consider the following minutes:
2.1 October 17, 2016 Planning Commission Meeting.
Commissioner Schuck motioned to approve as written. Seconded by
Commissioner Stritesky. All in favor. Motion carried.
3. Public Hearing items:
3.1 Riverwood Senior Concept Plan:
A. PUD Concept Plan for redevelopment and expansion of up to 202
senior housing dwelling units.
City Planner Licht presented the Planning Report.
Applicant was present.
Administrative Assistant Lindenfelser attested that all the proper noticing, posting and
publishing has been completed.
Vice Chair Thompson opened the Public Hearing at 7:13 PM.
Stewart Turnquist, 11020 95th Street NE said he owns the property adjacent to the
conference center. Mr. Turnquist thinks this is a great opportunity and great plans for
this area and has it all, starting with the independent living, assisted living and then to
the memory care. Mr. Turnquist raised issue with the dangerous access, but is
optimistic that an agreement can be reached between him and the developer to allow
for the entrance to this facility be moved. Mr. Turnquist requests a privacy fence be
installed along the west portion of his driveway to allow for some privacy. Mr.
Turnquist also asked about the existing garage on property is being identified as a
Paul Moriarty, 10940 95th Street NE asked how many people were notified of this
meeting. City Planner Licht said notice is sent within a 350 foot radius of the property
in question. Mr. Moriarty said it looks like the development will be on top of the bluff or
below it, and is wondering if there will be new development in addition to what is
already there. City Planner Licht said that there will be up to an additional 80 units and
that there will be no building below the bluff. Mr. Moriarty asked if the traffic issue was
discussed and what stipulations may occur as far as stop lights being installed and how
is it going to affect the surrounding residents. City Planner Licht said the plan is to
realign the access. Mr. Moriarty asked about the septic issues. City Planner Licht
explained that development would be connected to city sewer and water due to the
failed septic and need for fire suppression.
Commissioner Thompson asked what kind of traffic controls would be installed for CSAH
19. City Planner Licht said this is Wright County jurisdiction and that moving the
driveway would also have to be subject to Wright County decision.
Commissioner Shuck asked if the extension of the water and sewer would only be
enough for this development and if in the future would we be having to tear this up to
allow for other connections? City Planner Licht said there is only capacity within the
existing sewer infrastructure for 140 units so no other connections would be possible.
Commissioner Offerman asked if it was an option to fix the septic system on the site.
City Planner Licht stated that because of the soil conditions on the property and
intensity of the use, sanitary sewer service is needed.
Commissioner Shuck asked is the reason the septic failed due to an environmental
reason and lack of maintaining the system correctly. City Planner Licht said the reason
is due to operation, maintenance, and the condition of the property.
Commissioner Offerman asked if the three houses north of the bluff line that are
identified on the concept plant abide by the Wild and Scenic setbacks. City Planner
Licht said that the buildings would need to be relocated to comply with Wild and Scenic
District setback requirements. Commissioner Offerman said this is a good reuse for
this property in general, but would this development effect the City's decision regarding
another senior housing use proposed in in this area? City Planner Licht said the City
can consider the two developments separately without creating a precedence.
Commissioner Mord asked about the off street parking. City Planner Licht said that the
Zoning Ordinance requires senior housing uses to provide one off-street parking stall
per two dwelling units with proof -of -parking for one parking stall per dwelling unit. City
Planner Licht noted that more recent parking studies show a lower demand for off-
street parking for senior housing uses that City staff recommends using for the
proposed development.
Commissioner Thompson questioned the number of parking stalls vs units. City Planner
Licht said the Zoning Ordinance requires one stall per unit, noting parking studies
indicate 1 to 2 per unit.
Mr. Moriarty asked if these houses along the bluff line were going in all at once or in
phases. Jim Horvath of Riverwood Holdings LLC said phase one would be the
conversion of the three existing buildings and construction of a new assisted living
building. Phase two would include construction of a new independent living building
that would connect with the other buildings and detached villa homes. Upon approval,
this renovation of the existing buildings would happen right away.
Mr. Moriarty asked if there was anything contingent upon the installation of street
lights. City Planner Licht said that the access is contingent upon the Wright County
approval and that they would take this into consideration upon the use for traffic.
Commissioner Offerman asked if there was a need to address Mr. Turnquist at this
time. City Planner Licht said the condition to add the privacy fence would may be
added at this time.
Commissioner Mord asked about the intersection and when would this go to Wright
County for review. City Planner Licht said once the developer has direction from the
Planning Commission and City Council, the access issue will need to be resolved before
application for a PUD Development Stage Plan.
Mr. Horvath clarified that the building shown on the concept plan as a duplex is used
for storage and would continue to be used as such.
Commissioner Kolles asked if the water and sewer lines will run within the CSAH 39
right-of-way and will this be a problem with the property owners where it is coming
through? City Planner Licht said this will be a forcemain so it won't be going very deep
and any property affected would have to be restored as it was prior to the installation.
Vice Chair Thompson closed the public hearing at 7:38 PM.
Commissioner Stritesky motioned to recommend City Council support the
proposed concept plan subject to the following conditions. Seconded by
Commissioner Offerman. All in favor. Motion carried.
4. Update on City Council actions.
CM Darkenwald updated the Commissioners on City Council actions since their last
5 Update on future Planning Commission Agenda items.
City Planner Licht said there are no future agenda items at this time.
6. Adjourn.
Commissioner Shuck motioned to adjourn. Seconded by Commissioner
Offerman. All in favor. Motion carried. Adjourned at 7:48 PM.
Dave Thompson, Vice Chair
Sandy Lindenfelser, Administrative Assistant