Wright Country Local option Sales TaxRoadway Segment Miles Estimated Cost Location Comments CSAH 9 Waverly Lake $ 1,000,000 City of Waverly CSAH 18 CSAH 22 to Maciver 1.0 $ 2,000,000 City of St. Michael Reconstruct to State Aid Standards County Road 119 CSAH 35 to Jamison 1.4 $ 2,000,000 City of St. Michael Reconstruct to address safety concerns and traffic CSAH 37 TH25 to CSAH 19 9.2 $ 13,000,000 Monticello Twp. Reconstruction to meet State Aid standards. Proposed to build in 2 or 3 stages. Fenning Ave (future CR?)CSAH 37 to Monticello 2.0 $ 3,000,000 Monticello Twp. After swap of raodways with Township, reconstruct to State-Aid standards. CSAH 39 CSAH42 – O’Dean 1.3 $ 6,000,000 City of Otsego Expansion to addres safety and traffic growth. Short Term Subtotal= $ 27,000,000 CSAH 36 I-94 to 101 2.3 $ 9,000,000 City of St. Michael Reconstruction to address traffic growth. County Road 137 I-94 to 70th St.3.2 $ 4,500,000 Albertville/Otsego Reconstruction to address safety and traffic growth from I-94 to the 70th St. roundabout. CSAH 39 O’Dean – CSAH 19 3.6 $ 9,000,000 City of Otsego Expansion to addres safety and traffic growth. Proposed to build in stages. CSAH 35 Jamison to 1-Way Pairs 1.6 $ 3,500,000 City of St. Michael Expansion to addres safety and traffic growth. Proposed to build in stages. CSAH 6 TH12 to N. City Limits 1.0 $ 1,500,000 City of Howard Lake Reconstruction to meet State Aid standards and address safety concerns in urban area. CSAH 30 Delano City Limits to CSAH 13 1.3 $ 2,000,000 Delano/Franklin Twp. Reconstruct to State Aid Standards Mid-Term Subtotal= $ 29,500,000 CSAH 19 Hanover to TH241 3.5 $ 12,000,000 St. Micheal/Hanover Reconstruction to address traffic growth and safety concerns. Proposed to build in stages. CSAH 35 CSAH 9 to CR 109 1.6 $ 3,000,000 Chatham Twp. CSAH 32 TH 55 Intersection 0.5 $ 1,500,000 City of Rockford Project would coincide with City development of the property in the area of the TH55/CSAH 32 intersection. CSAH 36 TH101 to 42 2.4 $ 5,000,000 City of St. Michael Reconstruction to meet State Aid standards. Potentially build in stages starting at I-94 ramps. Long-Term Subtotal= $ 21,500,000 Grand Total= $ 78,000,000.00 Wright County Local Option Sales Tax: Candidate Projects (Draft) March 3rd, 2017 Short Term Projects (1-5 years) Mid Term Projects (6-10 years) Long Term Projects (10+ years)