ITEM 1 Kadler Avenue Industrial Park & TIF DistrictYj CITY OF se o MINNESOTA TO: Mayor and City Council FROM: Adam Flaherty, Finance Director DATE: April 10, 2017 SUBJECT: Kadler Avenue Industrial Park & TIF District At the March 6, 2017 Special City Council meeting, the Council directed staff to explore the concept of a Tax Increment Financing (TIF) District as a tool for the combination of constructing Kadler Avenue and development of Bury Industrial Park. City staff has been working with Northland Securities, Inc., over the past few weeks to develop debt and TIF projections. Jessica Green and Rusty Fifield are present to review these projections with the City Council. They are also available to answer any other potential questions related to either the bonding or TIF segments of this potential project. Materials Attached for Discussion 1) Estimated TIF Calculation — Phase 1 Only 2) Comprehensive Project Cash Flow — Phase 1 Only 3) Estimated TIF Calculation — All Three Phases 4) Comprehensive Project Cash Flow — All Three Phases 5) TIF Calendar of Events Project Discussion Topics Pros - Allows for growth in commercial/industrial tax base. - Job growth. - Creates shovel -ready sites for +/- 80 acres of industrial development - Development generates WAC/SAC to reimburse utility investment. Cons - City is taking on risk for repayment of GO Bond for construction of Kadler o Special Assessments & Increment are dependent upon successful developer. o Repayment of debt is backed by full faith and credit of City (property taxes). City of Otsego 113400 90' Street NE, Otsego, MN 55330 1 Tel. (763) 441-4414 Fax (763) 441-9163 Open Aspects of Project Street Construction Authorize preparation of design and specifications for road and utilities. Bidding Process Construction Assessments - Call for and hold Public Improvement Hearing - Obtain waiver from developer - Call for and hold Assessment Hearing (need to verify with City Attorney) - Certification to Wright County Bonding - Reimbursement Resolution approval by City Council (depends on timing of project) - Set Sale Resolution approval by City Council - Official Statement and Rating Call - Bond Sale - Sale Authorization Resolution approval by City Council Tax Increment Financing District - See attached calendar of events Developer - Submit necessary planning applications - Staff, Planning Commission and City Council review process - Development agreement Decisions 1) Tax Increment Financing a. Yes or No b. How to appropriate the increment generated 2) Kadler Avenue Plans and Specifications a. Authorize now b. Wait until developer submits plans 3) Timing of Construction a. Complete bidding process ASAP, reject bids if necessary b. Wait until 2018 and go to bidding process early in season City of Otsego 113400 90t' Street NE, Otsego, MN 55330 1 Tel. (763) 441-4414 Fax (763) 441-9163 PRELIMINARY - For Discussion Only City of Otsego Tax Increment Financing District No. New (Economic Development) Kadler Development Projected Tax Increment Cash Flow Key Asssumptions 1 Taxable market value (TMV) annual growth assumption = 0,00%. 2 Assume Pay 2017 Tax Year. 3 Base Taxable Market Value= $804,700 PID 118-800-274100 118-800-274101 4 Assumption for New Taxable Market Value = $4,391,752 based on 60,710 SF at $87.16 per SF. Includes land and building valuation ((NEED)SF office and (NEED)SF production space). 5 Present value is based on semi-annual payments. 6 Present value is calculated based on semi-annual payments, stated rate in the schedule above, and beginning on the following date of. 8/1/2018 7 Tax capacity is calculated based on first $150,000 of TMV at 1.S% and TMV above the $150,000 at 2.0%. NORTHLAND Economic Development TIF District SECURITIES 1/3/2017 0.36% 100.00% 2.74% 100.00% 2.749/o Assumed Estimated Less Est. TIF To Pay TIF Value Taxes Taxable Market New Tax Base Tax Captured Tax Original Tax State Estimated Tax Present Value of City Project Present District Payable i a z� s z Estimated Tax Value of TIF Year Value Capacity , Capacity Capacity Tax Rate Increment Fee Increment 516 and Financing Year Year Increment to City Before State Fee Costs 1 2019 2020 2,329,787 45,846 (14,594) 31,252 114.774% 35,869 (129) 35,740 33,618 35,740 33,618 2 2020 2021 2,329,787 45,846 (14,594) 31,252 114.774% 35,869 (129) 35,740 66,333 35,740 66,333 3 2021 2022 2,961,697 57,734 (14,594) 43,140 114.774% 49,513 (178) 49,335 110,281 49,335 110,281 4 2022 2023 4,391,752 85,585 (14,594) 70,991 114.774% 81,479 (293) 81,186 180,660 81,186 180,660 5 2023 2024 4,391,752 85,585 (14,594) 70,991 114.774% 81,479 (293) 81,186 249,149 81,186 249,149 6 2024 2025 4,391,752 85,585 (14,594) 70,991 114.774% 81,479 (293) 81,186 315,800 81,186 315,800 7 2025 2026 4,391,752 85,585 (14,594) 70,991 114.774% 81,479 (293) 81,186 380,661 81,186 380,661 8 2026 2027 4,391,752 85,585 (14,594) 70,991 114.774% 81,479 (293) 81,186 443,781 81,186 443,781 9 2027 2028 4,391,752 85,585 (14,594) 70,991 114.774% 81,479 (293) 81,186 505,206 81,186 505,206 4,241,752 TOTAL = 610,125 (2,196) 607,931 607,931 Key Asssumptions 1 Taxable market value (TMV) annual growth assumption = 0,00%. 2 Assume Pay 2017 Tax Year. 3 Base Taxable Market Value= $804,700 PID 118-800-274100 118-800-274101 4 Assumption for New Taxable Market Value = $4,391,752 based on 60,710 SF at $87.16 per SF. Includes land and building valuation ((NEED)SF office and (NEED)SF production space). 5 Present value is based on semi-annual payments. 6 Present value is calculated based on semi-annual payments, stated rate in the schedule above, and beginning on the following date of. 8/1/2018 7 Tax capacity is calculated based on first $150,000 of TMV at 1.S% and TMV above the $150,000 at 2.0%. NORTHLAND Economic Development TIF District SECURITIES 1/3/2017 City of Otsego, Minnesota $1,170,000 General Obligation Improvement Bonds, Series 2017A (Preliminary AA, NBQ rates as of 4/3/17, Plus 5 BPS) 105% Levy Less: Less: Equals: Special Assessment TIF City Net Levy Collection Date Total P+I CIF 105% Levy Revenues* Revenues* Levy Year Year 02/01/2018 18,496.67 (18,496.67) - - - - - 02/01/2019 107,745.00 - 113,132.25 59,422.18 53,710.07 2017 2018 02/01/2020 106,825.00 - 112,166.25 59,422.18 35,740.00 17,004.07 2018 2019 02/01/2021 105,785.00 - 111,074.25 59,422.20 35,740.00 15,912.05 2019 2020 02/01/2022 104,585.00- 109,814.25 59,422.18 35,740.00 14,652.07 2020 2021 02j01/2023 103,225.00 - 108,386.25 .......... 59,422.19 --1- . - -- .............. . .. . .................... 35,740.00 13,224.06 -- ---- - ------ 2021 . ....... .... ............... 2022 02/01/2024 101,665.00 - 106,748.25 59,422.19 35,740.00 11,586.06 2022 2023 02/01/2025 99,945.00 - 104,94225 59,422.19 35,740.00 9,780.06 2023 2024 02/01/2026 98,105.00 - 103,01025 59,422.18 35,740.00 7,848.07 2024 2025 02/01/2027 96,145.00 - -l-, ............ 100,952.25 59,422.20 ..... . 35,740.00 5,790.05 2025 2026 02/01/2028 89,025.00 - . . . . .................... 93,476.25 . .... . . .......... . ........ 59,422,18 35,740.00 (1,685.93) . . 2026 . ... ..... . .... ...... — 2027 02/01/2029 86,925.00 - 91,271.25 59,422,19 31,849.06 2027 2028 02/01/2030 84,712.50 - 88,948.13 59,422.19 29,525.94 2028 2029 02/01/2031 82,387.50 - 86,506.88 59,422.19 27,084.69 2029 2030 02/01/2032 79,987.50 - 83,986.88 59,422.19 24,564.69 2030 2031 02/01/203377,512.50 - 81,388.13 .... .............. 59,422.18 21,965.95 2031 2032 Total $1,443,071.67 (18496.67) $1495,803.75 $891,332.81 $321,660.00 $282,810.94 *Assumes $647,079.55 in principal spread in even payments for a term of 15 years with an interest rate of 4.25%, which is 1.5% over the average coupon. GO Improvement 2017A-15 1 SINGLE PURPOSE 1 4/5/2017 1 221 PM Northland Securities, Inc. Public Finance Page 3 PRELIMINARY - For Discussion Only City of Otsego Tax Increment Financing District No. New (Economic Development) Kadler Development Projected Tax Increment Cash Flow TIF District Year Value Year Taxes. Payable Year Taxable Market i s Value New Tax i � Capacity ' Base Tax a Capacity Captured Tax Capacity Assumed Original z Tax Rate Estimated Tax Increment Before State Fee 0.36% Less State Fee 100.00% Estimated Tax Increment 2.74% Present Value of Estimated Tax s 6 Increment 100.00% Est. TIF To Pay City Project and Financing Costs 2.74% Present Value of TIF to City 1 2019 2020 2,329,787 45,846 (14,594) 31,252 114.774% 35,869 (129) 35,740 33,618 35,740 33,618 2 2020 2021 2,329,787 45,846 (14,594) 31,252 114.774% 35,869 (129) 35,740 66,333 35,740 66,333 3 2021 2022 2,329,787 45,846 (14,594) 31,252 114.774%0 35,869 (129) 35,740 98,171 35,740 98,171 4 2022 2023 2,329,787 45,846 (14,594) 31,252 114.774% 35,869 (129) 35,740 129,153 35,740 129,153 5 2023 2024 2,329,787 45,846 (14,594) 31,252 114.774% 35,869 (129) 35,740 159,304 35,740 159,304 6 2024 2025 2,329,787 45,846 (14,594) 31,252 114.774% 35,869 (129) 35,740 188,645 35,740 188,645 7 2025 2026 2,329,787 45,846 (14,594) 31,252 114.774% 35,869 (129) 35,740 217,198 35,740 217,198 8 2026 2027 2,329,787 45,846 (14,594) 31,252 114.774% 35,869 (129) 35,740 244,985 35,740 244,985 9 2027 2028 2,329,787 45,846 (14,594) 31,252 114.774% 35,869 (129) 35,740 272,026 35,740 272,026 2,179,787 TOTAL = 322,821 (1,162) 321,660 321,660 Key Asssumptions 1 Taxable market value (TMV) annual growth assumption = 0.00%. 2 Assume Pay 2017 Tax Year. 3 Base Taxable Market Value= $804,700 PID 118-800-274100 118-800-274101 4 Assumption for New Taxable Market Value = $2,329,787 based on 26,730 SF at $87.16 per SF. Includes land and building valuation ((NEED)SF office and (NEED)SF production space). 5 Present value is based on semi-annual payments. 6 Present value is calculated based on semi-annual payments, stated rate in the schedule above, and beginning on the following date of. 8/1/2018 7 Tax capacity is calculated based on first $150,000 of TMV at 1.5% and TMV above the $150,000 at 2.0%. .mak. Economic Development TIF District NORTHLAND se1/3/201SECURITIES of Otsezo, Minnesota $1,170,000 General Obligation Improvement Bonds, Series 2017A (Preliminary AA, NBQ rates as of 4/3/17, Plus 5 BPS) 105% Levy Less: Less: Equals: Special Assessment TIF City Net Levy Collection Date Total P+1 OF 105% Levy Revenues* Revenues* Levy Year Year 02/01/2018 18,496.67 (18,496.67) - - - - - 02/01/2019 107,745.00 - 113,13225 59,422.18 53,710.07 2017 2018 02/01/2020 106,825.00 - 112,166.25 59,422.18 35,740.00 17,004.07 2018 2019 02/01/2021 105,785.00 - 111,074.25 59,422.20 35,740.00 15,912.05 2019 2020 02/01/2022 ......................................................................................._....._....... 104,585.00 - 109,814.25 _._...._.........._.._._—...—_... 59,422.18 49,335.00 ------- 1,057.07 -............._....----.._..__. 2020 2021 02/01/2023 103,225.00 - 108,386.25 59,422.19 81,186.00 (32,221.94) 2021 2022 02/01/2024 101,665.00 - 106,748.25 59,422.19 81,186.00 (33,859.94) 2022 2023 02/01/2025 99,945.00 - 104,942.25 59,422.19 81,186.00 (35,665.94) 2023 2024 02/01/2026 98,105.00 - 103,010.25 59,422.18 81,186.00 (37,597.93) 2024 2025 02/01/2027 96,145.00- 100,952.25 59,422.20 81,186.00 (39,655.95) 2025 2026 02/01/2028 89,025.00 93,476.25 59,422.18 81,186.00 (47,131.93) 2026 2027 02/01/2029 86,925.00 91,271.25 59,422.19 31,849.06 2027 2028 02/01/2030 84,712.50 - 88,948.13 59,422.19 29,525.94 2028 2029 02/01/2031 82,387.50 - 86,506.88 59,422.19 27,084.69 2029 2030 02/01/2032 79,987.50 - 83,986.88 59,422.19 24,564.69 2030 2031 02/01/2033 _....._.........._...._._ 77,512.50 .............................._.._...._..._..... 81,388.13 59,422.18 .................. __...... ---- ...... 21,965.95 _..... _.__..._....__..__..__.._....... 2031 — 2032 Total $1,443,071.67 (18,496.67) $1,495,803.75 $891,332.81 $607,931.00 (3,460.06) *Assumes $647,079.55 in principal spread in even payments for a term of 15 years with an interest rate of 4.25%, which is 1.5% over the average coupon. GO Improvement 2017A-15 1 SINGLE PURPOSE 1 4/5/2017 1 221 PM Northland Securities, Inc. Public Finance Page 3 PRELIMINARY- For Discussion Only City of Otsego Establishment of Development District #TBD Establishment of Tax Increment Financing District No. TBD Economic Development TIF District Kadler Development Public Hearing on June 12 S M r W T F S 1 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 10 11 12 13 S M T W T F S 22 23 24 June 19 Request certification by County Northland submits to County 25 26 27 28 29 30 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 7 8 9 10 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 19 20 21 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 April 24 City Council calls for public hearing Northland prepares resolution 30 S r M T W T F S 1 2 3 4 5 6 May 3 Draft TIF Plan distributed for review Northland prepares and distributes 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 May 12 Last day plan and fiscal implications to County and School District Northland submits via email 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 May 24 Last day for notice to newspaper City provides information to Elk River Star News 28 29 30 31 May 27 Actual publication date S M T W T F S 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 June 12 City Council Hearing Date -Approval of TIF Plan and Develpoment Agreement Northland prepares background memo and resolution 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 June 19 Request certification by County Northland submits to County 25 26 27 28 29 30 S S M T W T F 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 July 10 Submit plan to State Northland submits to State 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 Notes: 1. City will submit notices to the newspaper for publication. 2. Cost incurred priorto June 12 will not be eligible for reimbursement from TIF. Economic Development TIF District �O��RND 4/4/2017