Destination of Innovation_Monticello:0 4 Join the many businesses that have confidently invested in Monticello, a destination for innovation and leading Minnesota tech community. ! WELCOMES�-i-� - Y'U.. Monticello Community Snapshot Destination for Innovation 1 of the Few Cities in U.S. 12,759 filif f with Multiple Fiber Optic Providers Monticello to Home and Business ' Population -----------------------------' $192,500 10,370 4693 Median Home Value Acres of Re ionalParkland Households 9 $ 69,647 Source: ESR1Business Analyst Online ; IncoomeHousehold Mississippi River Access Taxes: The Cost of Doing Business in... *Based on I Million Dollar Industrial Property Valuation Source: 2014 Wright and Sherburne County Assessor's Office $42,000 $40,000 $38,000 $36,000 $34,000 $32,000 4. How to Get Here Air: Located 51 miles north west of the abt Minneapolis/St. Paul International Airport 23 miles from the St. Cloud Regional Air[ Passenger Rail/Light Rail: Connected to North Star passenger rail line that runs to the Twin Cities and connecting LRT lines. Interstate/Highway: Monticello is located off of Interstate Highway 94 and Highway 25, and 2 miles from Highway 10. Rail: The BNSF rail line is a class 1 freight railroad that connects north to St. Cloud and South to the Twin Cities. Education 32 years Median Age ------------------------ 2 9 City Parks Miles ofi-eir ■ Associates degree Some College ■ High school graduate ■ Bachelor's degree nPostgraduate degree 2040 Source: American Community Survey (2007-2011) Population Growth Projections for Wright County Total Population Percent Change 2010 2020 2030 2040 2010-2020 2010-2040 124,700 147,422 171,416 193,679 18.2% 55.3% Wright County had the fastest growing labor force in Minnesota from 2002 to 2012 at +22.6%. Neighboring Sherburne County was the 4th fastest labor force growth at + 18.5% Source: Positively Minnesota To St. Cloud - 30 Miles To Minneapolis - 38 Miles Destination for Innovation AMont�cel�o Wright County Percent of Population Employment Profile Employed CITY OF Mont�cl �... o Destination for Innovation Assistance may include: • Acquisition of land • Preparation of sites for development • Construction or reconstruction of public improvements • Removal of polluted lands as needed • Tax increment financing, or other financial tools available to the city • Fiber subsidy available • Site preparation (platting) • Revolving loan Helpful Links: Local Assistance Programs Tax Increment Financing (TIF) Assistance for land write-down and or site improvements for qualified businesses. Greater Monticello Enterprise Fund Below Prime Interest Rate Loan. Regional Assistance Programs Wright County Enterprise Fund A county funding course to assist industrial businesses with financing real property acquisition and development, machinery and equipment or working capital. Minnesota Investment Fund Low interest loans to industrial, manufacturing and technology businesses. Small Business Development Loan Program This loan is through the Minnesota Agricultural and Economic Development Board who issues industrial development bonds. Small Business Administration (SBA) Assistance with SBA loans. Building Business in Monticello- http://www.buildingbusinessinmonticello.com Greater MSP- http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player embedded&v=JDH5il6FFiM The City of Monticello's Economic Development Authority provides comprehensive services to prospective and existing businesses by assisting with site and building information, financial assistance, and guidance through the regulatory and development process.