ITEM 1MEMO To: Otsego City Council From: Richard Fursman Ed.D. Date: April 6, 2017 Subject: Hiring of City Administrator Mayor and Council: On April 10, the council will deliberate the hiring of a new City Administrator. Five candidates were interviewed for the position on 3/31 and 4/1 by the council and members of the staff. After careful deliberations, the council elected to reflect further on the information available and reconvene on April 10, to make a decision. I would like to recommend that the council also strongly consider acting administrator, Adam Flaherty for the position. I have reviewed the organization and the impact that Mr. Flaherty has had on the staff and elected officials. He has improved moral, gained trust, and shown he is capable of learning the nuances of the position quickly. He has the knowledge and temperament to lead the organization effectively and confidently. Please take Mr. Flaherty into serious consideration when weighing options of hiring. Thank you, Richard Fursman