03-27-17 City Council MinutesOTSEGO CITY COUNCIL MEETING
MARCH 27, 2017
7:00 PM
Call to Order.
Mayor Stockamp called the meeting to order at 7:04 PM.
Roll Call:
Mayor Jessica Stockamp; Councilmembers: Vern Heidner, Jason Warehime and Corey Tanner.
Councilmember Tom Darkenwald arrived at 7:27 PM. Staff: Adam Flaherty, Interim City
Administrator/Finance Director; Ron Wagner, City Engineer; Andy MacArthur, City Attorney; and
Tami Loff, City Clerk.
Pledge of Allegiance: Mayor Stockamp led in the Pledge of Allegiance.
1. Open Forum.
Special Presentation: The Bank of EIk River Donation.
Parks and Recreation Director Ross Demant introduced The Bank of EIk River Representatives;
Chief Financial Officer LeRoy Lindenfelser, President John Babcock and Otsego Bank Manager
Greg Schultz. Mr. Lindenfelser presented a $4,500 cash donation for the summer
entertainment and $1,000 in-kind donation advertising from The Bank of Elk River. The Mayor
and City Council thanked The Bank of EIk River for their support.
Joe Harff, 12127 NE 95th Street NE, stated concern with a neighbor who has a lot of junk on
their property. He also said there is a property on Parrish Avenue that has 10-15 cars. Mayor
Stockamp explained the code enforcement procedure, which is done on a per complaint basis.
Mr. Harff left the address with the City Clerk to be added to the list for the code enforcement
officer to follow up with.
2. Consider Agenda Approval.
Interim City Administrator/Finance Director Flaherty requested to add Items 5.3 Resolution
2017-28 A Resolution reaffirming City Authority to Manage Public Rights -of -Way; 5.4 Resolution
2017-29 Supporting Local Decision -Making Authority; and 5.5 Osseo Construction Hours
CM Heidner motioned to approve as amended. Seconded by CM Tanner. All in favor.
Motion carried 4-0.
3. Consent Agenda. (Non -controversial items).
3.1 Approve Claims List.
3.2 Approve City Council Meeting Minutes.
A. March 13, 2017 Meeting.
B. March 20, 2017 Special Meeting.
3.3 Approve Resolution 2017-24 accepting The Bank of EIk River Donation.
3.4 Approve Hire of Seasonal Park Employee.
3.5 Approve 2017 Herbicide Application Contract.
3.6 Approve Wellhead Protection Plan Report.
3.7 Approve Estoppel Letter for Mattamy.
3.8 Water Tower 2 Logo Light Repair.
3.9 Well #8 Repairs and Maintenance.
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CM Heidner motioned to approve as written. Seconded by CM Tanner. All in favor.
Motion carried 4-0.
4. Public Works:
4.1 Award Bids.
A. 2017 Street Maintenance Project.
City Engineer Wagner presented the staff report.
CM Warehime motioned to approve Resolution 2017-25 Accepting Bids and
Awarding Contract for City Project No. 17-01, 2017 Otsego Street Maintenance
Project to ASTECH, Inc. in the amount of $144,726.90. Seconded by CM Heidner. All
in favor. Motion carried.
B. Wokson Hills & Autumn Woods Renewal Project.
City Engineer Wagner presented the staff report.
CM Heidner motioned to approve Resolution 2017-26 Accepting Bids for the Wokson
Hills and Autumn Woods Additions Street Improvements to North Valley, Inc. of
Nowthen, MN in the amount of $178,680.27. Seconded by CM Warehime. All in
favor. Motion carried.
4.2 Approval of Resolution 2017-27 Accepting Plans and Specifications for the 85th Street
Improvements from Page Avenue to 84th Street and Authorize Advertisement for Bids.
City Engineer Wagner presented the staff report which included plans for the street
improvement of 85th Street from Page Avenue to 84th Street.
Joe Harff, 12127 NE 95th Street NE, asked if the road will be made to allow larger scale
equipment/traffic. City Engineer Wagner said yes this road will be wide and stronger than
CM Warehime motioned to approve Resolution 2017-27 Accepting Plans and
Specifications for the 85th Street Improvements from Page Avenue to 84th Street
and Authorize Advertisements for Bids. Seconded by CM Heidner. All in favor.
Motion carried.
5. Administration:
5.1 Determine City Fund to Account for Vireo Health Donation.
Interim City Administrator/Finance Director Flaherty said City staff is looking for direction from
the City Council on where to account for the donation from Vireo Health.
CM Heidner motioned for an Educational Fund Account to be set up for this
donation. Seconded by CM Warehime. All in favor. Motion carried.
5.2 Approve Claim List for Metro Appliance Recycling.
CM Warehime said he will be abstaining.
Mayor Stockamp motioned to approve the Claim List for Metro Appliance Recycling
in the amount of $121.05 . Seconded by CM Darkenwald. Motion carried 4-0. CM
Warehime abstained.
5.3 Resolution 2017-28 A Resolution reaffirming City Authority to Manage Public Rights -of -
City Attorney MacArthur recommends the adoption of the attached Resolution.
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CM Heidner motioned to approve Resolution 2017-28 A Resolution reaffirming City
Authority to Manage Public Rights -of -Way. Seconded by Mayor Stockamp seconded.
All in favor. Motion carried.
5.4 Resolution 2017-29 Supporting Local Decision -Making Authority.
City Attorney MacArthur recommends the adoption of the attached Resolution.
Mayor Stockamp motioned to approve Resolution 2017-29 Supporting Local
Decision -Making Authority. Seconded by CM Tanner. All in favor. Motion carried.
5.5 Osseo Construction Agreement.
Utility Manager Kurt Neidermeier presented the request from Osseo Construction to extend the
construction hours to the following for the water tower repair and painting; Saturdays from
7:00 am to 7:00 pm, Sundays quite work from 9:00 am to 5:00 pm and All Holidays. After
discussion the City Council concluded as follows.
Mayor Stockamp motioned to approve the construction hours for Osseo
Construction as follows:
Saturdays from 8:00 am to 7:00 pm
Sundays quiet work at the sole discretion of the City from 9:00 am to 5:00 pm.
No Holidays.
Seconded by CM Warehime. All in favor. Motion carried.
CM Heidner requested City staff to explore options for a different approach to the code
enforcement process. The City Council concurred.
6. City Council Reports and Updates.
6.1 Commission Liaison Updates.
A. Heritage Preservation Commission Liaison Mayor Stockamp.
Mayor Stockamp said the Commission is working on gathering history on why residents chose to
live in Otsego.
B. Parks & Recreation Commission Liaison Mayor Stockamp.
Mayor Stockamp said the Commission reviewed the SRF proposal for Lefebvre Creek Greenway
and Park. They are working on their 2017 Goals; and they have their annual park tour coming
up. She also reminded the City Council of Northwood's Park Grand Opening coming up in May.
C. Planning Commission Liaison CM Heidner.
CM Heidner reviewed the applications reviewed by the Planning Commission.
D. Public Safety Commission Liaison CM Warehime.
CM Warehime said the Commission is continuing to advertise for the CERT program and their
next meeting will be the road cleanup of Nashua Avenue.
Mayor Stockamp said she contacted Elk River Mayor John Dietz regarding a joint meeting with
the Elk River City Council to discuss Fire Services, and that both agreed to hold off on this
meeting at the current time.
7. Staff Reports and Updates.
Interim City Administrator/Finance Director Flaherty said that he and the City Engineer will be
attending a Wright County meeting tomorrow on the potential of sales tax to help finance road
improvement projects within the County and he also updated the City Council with new
information regarding the new Otsego E-8 school.
City Clerk Loff said she was contacted by Prime Advertising regarding an Otsego business
adding an insert into the summer edition of the Otsego View. The City Council concurred.
City Engineer Wagner gave an update on a MN Dot meeting he attended.
8. Adjourn.
CM Darkenwald motioned to adjourn. Seconded by CM Warehime. All in favor.
Motion carried. Adjourned at 8:15 PM.
Tami Loff, City Clerk
SVM or Jessica Stockamp
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