ITEM 1_memoItem 1 I) 0 tseF CITY O MISOTA TO: Otsego Parks and Recreation Commission FROM: Ross Demant, Parks and Recreation Director DATE: April 12, 2017 RE: Departmental Goals and Action Steps Background: The City Council, Parks and Recreation Commission and City Staff initially completec setting the initial goals and action steps for the Parks and Recreation Department in February, 2016. Those goals and action steps were reviewed and updated with the Parks and Recreation Commission at their meeting in June, 2016. A majority of those initial goals have been met, and those that are still in progress are reflected with a list of proposed goals and action steps for 2017. Commissioners and Staff will meet during a scheduled work session on April 18th at 6 p.m. to review these goals. There are four goals that are outlined in the City's Comprehensive Plan. Within each goal are policies which are in bold in the chart below. These policies provide guidelines how the City is to achieve each of the Department's four goals. Action items are listed next and are what the City Council, Parks and Recreation Commission and City Staff will identify as the best approach for achieving the Department's short and long term goals. Action items are what the Parks and Recreation Commission and Staff will be discussing on April 18. Goal #1 Planning for the parks and trails system shall be a dynamic process that organizes and addresses recreation activities in a comprehensive manner. DEPARTMENT POLICIES/ ACTION YEAR/ STATUS The Parks and Recreation Department shall provide comprehensive park and recreation programs and facilities for all residents and groups of the community. RECREATION Continue to serve the aging population with social, 2017 ACTION ITEM recreational, and healthy opportunities. A. Create an area at Prairie Center were the seniors can feel a greater sense of ownership. B. Continue to create programs and events that are interesting and engaging. Review and evaluate all programs to keep abreast of changing times and new ideas. RECREATION Survey the community to see what programs and 2017 ACTION ITEM facilities they would like to see offered A. Gather data for the NRPA and from the Community to ensure the department is staying current with trends and offering programs that continue to meet the community's needs. B. Select certain programs throughout the year and send surveys to those participants asking questions about their experience. Support private recreational programs and Ongoing facilities that offer opportunities to the community, RECREATION Continue to partner with area businesses to provide 2017 ACTION ITEM quality recreation programs. Continue to work with TRSA, ROYBA, and NW 2017 Diamonds through identifying areas at Prairie Park that could be improved through collaboration. Coordinate recreation programs and related facilities wherever practical with other providers, both public and private such as the School District, Community Education, civil organizations, health clubs, neighboring cities, athletic associations, cultural arts organizations, etc. Work with Community Education to create a 2017 partnership agreement that would be mutually beneficial. Advertise City park facilities and recreation Ongoing programs through the City newsletter, brochures, newspapers, webpage, informational signs and other available media. RECREATION Update the website to allow for better flow of 2017 ACTION ITEM information to get to the public. A. Create QR Codes to allow people to scan and access different areas on the website. B. Move a majority of information from the RecDesk site to the City's Web page. C. Create a Facebook page and related website design specifically for Prairie Park. Goal #2 Acquire lands for development of a park and trail system to fulfill the long- term needs of the present and projected population of the community. DEPARTMENT POLICIES/ ACTIONS YEAR/ Park development shall minimize impacts upon STATUS RECREATION Acquire land for parks through dedication, ACTION ITEM purchase, eminent domain or donation Analyze data from the NRPA and community survey 2017 to identify community needs. A. Once data collection is complete identify potential property that would meet the needs identified from the data collection. appropriate scale, design, color, and 2017 Pursue grants and other alternative funding Ongoing PARKS sources for the acquisition and development of 2017 ACTION ITEM ark and trail facilities. PARKS Continue to identify different grant funding 2017 ACTION ITEM opportunities for park development and expansion. Goal #3 Develop a comprehensive system of safe, aesthetically pleasing parks, greenways and trails located throughout the community in a manner compatible with surrounding land uses that provide a variety of facilities to all the residents of Otsego. DEPARTMENT POLICIES/ GOALS YEAR/ STATUS Park development shall minimize impacts upon 2017 adjacent land uses through provision for but not limited, to the following: a. Appropriate location and orientation of activity areas and buildings b. Screening and landscaping site design elements c. Structures are to be designed with appropriate scale, design, color, and constructed of quality materials. PARKS Construct Norin Landing, and Lefebvre Creek Park 2017 ACTION ITEM following the guidelines laid out in the Goal #4 The Parks and Recreation Department will provide for the efficient maintenance and operation of clean, orderly, controlled, safe and attractive park lands and recreation facilities. DEPARTMENT Comprehensive Plan for neighborhood parks. YEAR/ Establish consistent design elements for park and STATUS trail facilities (Buildings, play equipment, landscape plantings, signage, fixtures, etc.) that promote community identity and recognition of public facilities. PARKS Install signage for Wilson Preserve that better 2017 ACTION ITEM identifies the park and walking trails. PARKS Start the process of designing and installing trail 2017 ACTION ITEM signage that would be located strategically throughout the City. Start the process of designing and installing 2017 signage at Prairie Park. Goal #4 The Parks and Recreation Department will provide for the efficient maintenance and operation of clean, orderly, controlled, safe and attractive park lands and recreation facilities. DEPARTMENT POLICIES/ GOALS YEAR/ STATUS Parks and recreation facilities will be maintained according to generally accepted standards of performance and comply with all applicable safety requirements. PARKS Continue to update and keep current the park 2017 ACTION ITEM inventory and maintenance information on Excel. PARKS Implement a more current recycle program. 2017 ACTION ITEM A. Provide better recycle opportunities at parks. B. Provide information to the public on recycling and advertise the City's efforts to increase accessibility to the program. Update the Splash Pad policy to reflect current 2017 testing and cleaning standards. Requested Action: Staff is requesting that the Parks and Recreation Commission review the material included in this memo and provide a recommendation regarding the Parks and Recreation 2017 goals. Enclosures: List of the Parks and Recreation Department's Goals and Policies that are listed in the City's Comprehensive Plan 4