ITEM 4.1ITEM 4.1 40, ase � M IN NES 07A TO: Otsego Parks and Recreation Commission FROM: Ross Demant, Parks and Recreation Director DATE: April 12, 2017 RE: Lefebvre Creek Park Final Concept Review Background: The Parks and Recreation Commission reviewed the Lefebvre Creek Park playground and shelter concepts at their March, 2017 meeting. During the review, Commissioners were given three concepts to review and recommended the concept from Midwest Playscapes with two changes made to the concept. The first was to change the current color of the posts in the concept to an "earth" color, and the second was to move all the swings to the pre -k side and put a precast log features on the poles supporting the swing set. The current concept reflects the changes requested by the Commission, and a picture of the precast pole features is included also. Commissioners also asked to see additional photos and color options of the proposed shelter. Tim Wold from SRF Consulting group will be reviewing the design and color options of the shelter at the April meeting. Requested Action: Staff is requesting that the Parks and Recreation Commission review the material included in this memo and provide a recommendation to the City Council to proceed with creating plans and specifications for Lefebvre Creek Park. Enclosures: Lefebvre Creek Park Playground Concepts Lefebvre Creek Park Overview Lefebvre Creek Park Swing Design Lefebvre Creek Park Shelter Design