ITEM 4.2IN94►T&W I) 0 tseF CITY O MISOTA TO: Otsego Parks and Recreation Commission FROM: Ross Demant, Parks and Recreation Director DATE: April 11, 2017 RE: Dog Park Lighting Background: Lighting in the dog park was originally brought forward by a resident and dog park patron in September, 2016. At that time, the resident requested additional lighting at the park due the increase in use of the dog park and safety concerns with areas of the dog park that have insufficient lighting. After a recommendation from the Parks and Recreation Commission, this item was brought forward during the Capital Improvement Plan (CIP) process. Out of these discussions, installation of lighting at the dog park was recommended to be included in the CIP and completed in 2017 with a budget amount of $12,000. Staff has researched different lighting options for the dog park and has come up with three. The three options are as follows: The first option would be to install a light pole in the middle of the dog park and tie into the electric from the existing lights in the park. This option would provide the needed lighting for the park; however this option would be the most expensive with an estimated cost of about $8,000. The placement of this light is represented by the green "X". The second option would be to install solar powered lighting on the east end of the park. This option would also provide the needed lighting in the park. With this option there may be an issue with the solar panels receiving enough sun especially in the winter months when the lights would be potentially utilized the most. The cost for this option is estimated at $6,000 and would depend on the quality and lumens of the light fixtures. The placement of these lights is represented by the blue "X's". The third option would include installing additional lighting on the existing pole that is currently in the parking lot. This option would provide the least amount of park disturbance while possibly providing sufficient lighting for the users of the park. Staff is currently working on getting a cost estimate for this option. The placement of this light is represented by the red "X". Requested Action: Staff is requesting that the Parks and Recreation Commission review the material included in this memo and provide a recommendation regarding which option staff should pursue to provide lighting in the dog park. 2