ITEM 3.10C OHP 2.14.2017 MinutesITEM 3 -10C -- 2-14-17 _10C 2-14-17 Otsego Heritage Preservation Commission Present: Toni Seroshek, Chris Wilson, Gail Anderson, Zonja Matushenko Liaison with Council: MayorJessica Stockamp Toni called the meeting to order at 7:05pm. We approved the December minutes. We added to the Agenda: New Park naming and a history article for the summer newsletter. Park Signs: Toni composed a couple of park signs explanations for Northwood Park and Carrick's Waterfront Landing; we still need photos to go with those. She read a general background on Otsego by Elaine Norin which would most appropriately be placed at the District 10 school house/former City Hall on Nashua and State Highway 39. New Park Name: The latest park going to be constructed is in the Mattamy development, Boulder Creek. The Park will be built along the LeFebvre Creek which goes into the Darkenwald Lake. This Park will hook up to 75th. We will think about options and make a decision next meeting with consideration of LeFebvre Creek Park as a favorite. Lefebvres is a family which has lived in Otsego for a long time and has considerable history in the area. AVID program: No updates from Kristen Larson currently. Consult with Principal of New School: Kari Sampson, Principal of the new Otsego E-8 school being constructed on 80th' attended our meeting. She talked about the recommendations which have been received regarding names for the school, colors and mascots. She wanted to check in to see what historical comments we had on any of them. Some of our. favorites were Pleasant Grove School due to Pleasant Grove being the first name Otsego had, and Otsego Creek School because the Otsego Creek has been a permanent geographic marker for the area. The Commission approved gifting the new school with a set of Otsego history books. Theme of study for this year by OHPC: Making History Now The new School is a new page of history; we would like to know the history of the first school of this era, Otsego Elementary, also. Two questions Zonja suggested we ask: "Why did you move to Otsego?" "Are you curious about what this area will be like in 10 or 20 years? What do you think it will be like?" We feel location was and is critical and that the River is transformative. We imagine a tent at the Prairie Fest where we have a camera set up to record the answers of people to these questions. First we will ask the Council and Commissioners and City employees and then use their answers as fodder to inspire the wider public. This is what our special article in the summer issue of the Otsego newsletter will be about. The copy is due April 24. Next meeting will be Tuesday, March 14 at 7pm at the Prairie Center. Gail Anderson, Recorder 3-14-17 Otsego Heritage Preservation Commission Members Present: Chris Wilson, Toni Seroshek, Zonja Matushenko Mayor Jessica Stockamp; Guest Jim Stockamp Meeting was called to order at 7:06pm. Minutes for the last meeting were approved. Change in agenda: The guest for tonight's meeting, Kristen Larson, AVID Teacher at Rogers Highs School, had to cancel her attendance tonight but will come to a future meeting to inform us of the students' progress toward interviews with Otsego and other senior citizens of their own histories. Park Signs: Toni has written or is writing information for signs for the following Parks: Norin Landing, Zimmer Farm, Northwood, and Carrick's Waterfront Parks. New Park in Boulder Creek subdivision: Chris moved to suggest Lefebvre Creek Park for their new pop-up park. The motion was seconded and passed unanimously. Officers' Election: Chair Toni called for nominations for officers. The Commissioners moved, seconded and passed keeping the same officers for this year as last year. Chair: Toni Seroshek; Vice -Chair: Zonja Matushenko; Secretary: Gail Anderson and Chocolatier: Chris Wilson. Jim Stockamp was invited to apply for a Commissioner's position on the Board and he has agreed to do so. Jessica will obtain the form for him to complete and it will be submitted to the City Council. Otsego View: We strongly endorsed the new format of the Otsego View. We plan to submit an article (due April 24) on our theme for the year in the next issue which is: What is your Family History? Why are you here (in Otsego)? What would you like later generations of Otsego residents to know about living in Otsego right now? What is your "origin story?" We are thinking not genecology or a lengthy history but vignettes or short stories of Otsego life and what it is like to be an Otsego resident at this time. Zonja had prepared a summary of thoughts we had discussed last meeting. We asked Jessica to ask the Commission to write their own origin stories, as we Commissioners will, to further refine the process. We agreed that all that is happening now in Otsego is our future history. What do we need to capture and preserve so that it will not be lost? We considered taking family stories at the Otsego Festival and having examples of some, with pictures, at the event. Meeting adjourned at 8:15pm. Next meeting is scheduled for Tuesday, April 11 at 7pm. Gail Anderson, Secretary