92-16RESOLUTION N0. 92-16 BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of Otsego as follows: WHEREAS, a request to modify the Long Range Urban Services Area boundary line shown in the Comprehensive Plan was submitted to the City of Otsego; and WHEREAS, on February 5, 1992, the Otsego Planning Commission at a regularly scheduled meeting with all Planning Commission members present, unanimously agreed to recommend to the City Council that the Long Range Urban Service Area boundary line be moved 1320 feet to the west along Nashua Avenue from County Road 39, 660 feet south of 70th Street and 660 feet south of County Road 37 from Nashua to T.H. 101. WHEREAS, the Otsego Planning Commission found that the boundary line adjust- ment should occur for the following reasons: 1. Provide the land owners to the west of Nashua and south of County Road 37 the opportunity for increased development densities. (4 per 40 verses 1 per 40) "2. Promote residential clustering in areas with limited agricultural potential. 3. Permit land owners on both sides of the affected streets equal opportunity to develop their property. 4. . Promote land use compatability and harmonious land development which will protect property values. 5. Provide the framework for orderly transition in land use. 6. Permit similiar uses to front on the same street. 7. Recognizes the availability,of improved roadways. 8. Maintains the existing zoning. Page 1 9. Maintains the policy of maintaining the agricultural base of the City of Otsego. WHEREAS, on March 25, 1992, at a regularly scheduled meeting, the Planning Commission voted to rescind its recommendation of February 5, 1992 by a 5 to 2 vote; and WHEREAS, the Planning Commission now recommends that the Long Range Service Area boundary line be adjusted 1320 feet to the West along Nashua Avenue from County Road 39 to the South line of the North Half of the Northwest Quarter of Section 20, Township 131, Range 23, Wright County; and WHEREAS, the Planning Commission found the following: 1. The affected land owners did not want the opportunity for increased development. 2. Residential clustering need not be promoted in the affected area. 3. Land owners on the west side of Nashua and south of 70th Street do not want equal opportunity with the land owners on the east of Nashua Aveune and north of 70th Street to develope their property. -4. Agricultural interests must be protected at all costs. 5. All land west of Nashua Avenue and south of 10th Street is valuable land for agricultural purposes. 6. Dissimilar uses shall be encouraged along Nashua and 70th Street. 7. . No transition in land use shall be permitted west of Nashua and south of 70th Street. RECOMMENDATION THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED THAT the recommendation of the Planning Commission fails to recognize the spirit as well as letter of the Otsego Comprehension Plan;. Page 2 BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the recommendation of the Planning Commission fails to consider the short-term and long-term interests of all the residents of the City of Otsego; BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the recommendation of the Planning Commission to adjust the westerly boundary of the Long Range Urban Service Area 1320 feet to the west from County Road 39 to the south line of the North Half of the Northwest Quarter of Section 20, is hereby rejected. Adopted by the City Council of the City of Otsego, Wright County, Minnesota this 13_= day of April, 1992. ATTEST; .. .,kt-Per^au -t, ty er '3 OTS1=G0 Page 3 CITY OF OTSEGO Orman res e, ayor