ITEM 2.1ITEM 2_y Planning Commission Meeting April 17, 2017 Page 1 OTSEGO PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING OTSEGO CITY HALL April 17, 2017 7:00 PM Call to Order. Chair Black called the meeting to order at 7:00 PM. Roll Call: Chair Pam Black; Commissioners: David Thompson, Roger Mord, Steve Schuck, Richard Nichols and Jim Kolles; Absent: Commissioners Alan Offerman and Aaron Stritesky; City Council: Councilmember Vern Heidner. Staff: Daniel Licht, City Planner and Sandy Lindenfelser, Administrative Assistant. 1. Announcements: No announcements. 2. Consider the following minutes: 2.1 March 20, 2017 Planning Commission Meeting_ Commissioner Schuck motioned to approve as written. Seconded by Commissioner Thompson. All in favor. Motion carried. 3. Public Hearin_ items: tems: 3.1 Arbor Creek 5t" Addition: A. Zoning Map Amendment Rezoning from A-1 District to R-4 District. B. Preliminary plat C. Final Plat. D. Vacation of Existing Drainage and Utility Easements. City Planner Licht presented the Planning Report. Applicant Tate Backster, 11460 Robinson Drive NW, Coon Rapids was present. Mr. Backster said that this phase will have the same product and same sale prices as prior phases. Administrative Assistant Lindenfelser attested that all proper noticing, posting and publishing has been completed. Chair Black opened the Public Hearing at 7:05 PM There were no comments from the public. Planning Commission Meeting April 17, 2017 Page 2 Commissioner Thompson asked about the three properties that will be facing 80th Street NE and why the driveways wouldn't be able face south and into a cul de sac. City Planner Licht explained that 80th Street NE will come in one block east with 79th Street NE being extended and Marlowe Avenue to the north will eventually be vacated. City Planner Licht said all existing rural lots will continue to face 80th Street NE Commissioner Thompson asked about the increase in traffic due to the school. City Planner Licht explained that they have widened 80th Street as well as put in turn lanes in front of the school. Commissioner Nichols if the large dirt piles along 80th street are just stockpiled or what are they for. City Planner Licht said they are stockpiled and will be graded in accordance with the grading plan. Chair Black asked for comments from the public. After no public comments, Chair Black closed the Public Hearing at 7:14 PM. Commissioner Thomson asked about the required setbacks of the cul du sac. City Planner Licht said it is 35' from the Right of Way and 20' from the rear lot line. Commissioner Nichols motioned to approve a Zoning Map amendment rezoning the Subject site from A-1 District to R-4 District based on the finding that the request is consistent with the criteria outlined in Section 20-3-2.F of the Zoning Ordinance. Seconded by Commissioner Schuck. All in favor. Motion Carried. Commissioner Nichols motioned to approve a preliminary plat and final plat of Arbor Creek St" Addition, subject to the conditions listed in the planning report. Seconded by Commissioner Mord. All in favor. Motion carried. 3.2 Amendment of the Zoning Ordinance Regarding Waste Water Treatment Facilities. City Planner Licht presented the Planning Report. Administrative Assistant Lindenfelser attested that all proper noticing, posting and publishing has been completed. Chair Black opened the Public Hearing at 7:20 PM Planning Commission Meeting April 17, 2017 Page 3 Chair Black asked for comments from the public. After no public comments, Chair Black closed the Public Hearing at 7:22 PM. Commissioner Nichols asked if there was going to be a need for an additional treatment facility in the future. City Planner Licht explained that this master study is to make sure both facilities are large enough for expansion and eventual buildout of the City. Commissioner Thompson motioned to recommend approval of a Zoning Ordinance Amendment regarding Waste Water Treatment Facilities. Seconded by Commissioner Kolles. All in favor. Motion carried. 5. Update on City Council Actions. CM Heidner had no updates. 6 Update on future Planning Commission Agenda items. City Planner Licht said Guardian Angels has not moved forward at this time, but will be meeting with City Council on April 24, 2017 at a special meeting regarding financial assistance. City Planner Licht said there will be a meeting on May 1St, 2017 noting a development application from Lennar for single family lots for Martin Farms has been received. City Planner Licht also noted that he 85th Street and MacIver Avenue project is on the City's website. 7. Adjourn. Commissioner Thompson motioned to adjourn. Seconded by Commissioner Schuck. All in favor. Motion carried. Adjourned at 7:31PM. Pam Black, Chair ATTEST: Sandy Lindenfelser, Administrative Assistant