04-11-17 Heritage Preservation Commission Minutes4-11-17 Otsego Heritage Preservation Commission Minutes Present: Zonja Matushenko, Chris Wilson, Toni Seroshek, Gail Anderson Council Liaison Corey Tanner Meeting called to order at 7:05pm. Agenda changed to eliminate new park name under item No.5 and to replace it with: Otsego Festival. Minutes of the last meeting were approved. Park signs are being worked on by Dan Licht and his staff per Corey. No other news has been received from the AVID project of recording Seniors' stories and histories by high school students. Festival focus by OHPC was chosen: "History, Her story, Your Story". Our goal is to collect stories from now as well as from anytime in Otsego's history which is about ordinary people doing, seeing, taking pictures of everyday activities or scenes. Today's stories make tomorrow's history. Zonja wrote an article we all endorsed for the next issue of Otsego View which introduces this concept. We asked Council members to write a story of their own Otsego history. We have received stories from Corey Tanner and Jessica Stockamp. We will run an example of an Otsego story in the issue following the introduction to the concept of "History, Her story, Your Story" in the next issue. We will accept pictures related to the story also. We hope to make this a regular feature in the Otsego View. Our collections will be featured at the Prairie Festival and may be made public. We wish to make oral recordings of Otsego's "Your Story," in a booth or place attendees can record an incident or memorable event which happened to Otsego's residents. We also discussed the City has a “warming house" it purchased for the City which might work as a recording location. Zonja will contact Tami Loff to see how stories could be submitted electronically or by mail to the City to our attention. Corey has been researching an old court record and he will submit a report soon about what he has learned. Meeting adjourned at 8pm. Next meeting is scheduled for 7pm on May 9, 2017. Gail Anderson, Recorder