04-11-17 Public Safety Commission Minutes Otsego Safety Committee April 11, 2017, Meeting Minutes Call to Order. Public Safety Vice Chair Mark Driste called the meeting to order at 6:30 pm Roll Call: Councilmembers: Jason Warenhime. Mark Driste, Tina Driste, Jim Breitbach, Greg Hubbard, Bill Abderhalden, Deb Schreiner, Wright County Sherriff (2 officers), Elk River Ambulance. 1._____Approve agenda. Commissioner J. Breitbach motioned to approve agenda as written. Seconded by Commissioner M. Driste. All in favor. Motion carried. 2._____Approve meeting minutes. 2.1 March 14, 2017 #5 Elections need corrections ( noted) Commissioner M. Driste motioned to approve minutes as written. Seconded by Commissioner B. Abderhalden. All in favor. Motion carried. 3._____Open Forum. No items 4._____Public Safety Police/Fire/Ambulance Updates. Albertville: absent Elk River: absent Roger: absent Sherriff: mental health calls increased—no rhyme or reason. REMINDER – lock your vehicles & call with suspicious activity. Almost fully staffed. Elk River Ambulance: Reviewed response times. Seconded mental health call – increased activity. Meeting to discuss 24/7 coverage not resolved yet- next meeting in October. 5._____Old Business. CERT Discussion: need to advertise- Deb wrote an article- she will send to ECM Press for print. Need 15 ppl to get program rolling—July 11th we will decide to proceed or not based on interest. Deb – 5 individuals from church, Jason received call, Chuck has a list of a few volunteers 6._____New Business. Road Clean-Up Scheduled for Tuesday, May 9th, 2017 short meeting @ 6 pm; clean-up to begin at 6:30 pm. 7._____City Council Meeting Update. No update available 9._____City Council Meeting Assignments. April 24- Paul May 8- Paul 10.____Adjourn. Commissioner J. Breitbach motioned to adjourn. Seconded by Commissioner B. Abderhalden. All in favor. Motion carried. Adjourned at 7:02 pm. Next meeting ROAD CLEAN-UP -- May 9, 2017 @ 6:00pm short meeting then clean-up to begin @ 6:30 pm Written by: Tina Driste, Commission Secretary