ITEM 7.1 Huelife proposal0 CITY tSe F o MINNESOTA DEPARTMENT INFORMATION Request for City Council Action ORIGINATING DEPARTMENT REQUESTOR: MEETING DATE: Administration City Administrator/ Finance Director Flaherty May 8, 2017 PRESENTER(s) REVIEWED BY: ITEM #: City Administrator/ Finance Director Flaherty session, there are two new council members as well as some significant changes to City staff. 7.1 AGENDA ITEM DETAILS RECOMMENDATION: City staff is recommending that the City Council review the attached proposal from HueLife to facilitate a strategic planning process for the City. ARE YOU SEEKING APPROVAL OF A CONTRACT? IS A PUBLIC HEARING REQUIRED? No No BACKG RO U N D/J USTI F I CATI O N: The most recent facilitated strategic planning session for the City was in 2012. The City has been rapidly growing and experienced a number of significant changes since that time. Since the last strategic planning session, there are two new council members as well as some significant changes to City staff. With all the growth that has occurred since 2012, it is important that the City have an updated strategic plan. Having defined goals and objectives will ensure that the Council and staff are focusing their efforts and directing resources to the highest priorities. The discussion at this meeting will be to review the proposal, ask questions and determine if the City would request anything additional within the proposal. SUPPORTING DOCUMENTS ATTACHED: • Strategic Plan Facilitation and Onboarding Proposal POSSIBLE MOTION PLEASE WORD MOTION AS YOU WOULD LIKE ITTO APPEAR IN THE MINUTES: No action is required at this meeting. Staff would only request direction on whether this is a process the Council would like to pursue at this time, or whether it should be tabled into the future. BUDGET INFORMATION FUNDING: BUDGETED: 101-41100-801 The cost for facilitation and development of a strategic plan was not specifically budgeted. The City Council Contingency account has a budget of $39,625 that could be used for such services. Project Introduction The City of Otsego is a rapidly changing community with significant growth and demands on staff and council. The City recently hired its finance director to take on the additional role of City Administrator. The City desires to ensure that the new team focuses on priorities and has the foundation and support to succeed. The City understands a strategic plan and implementation plan will help focus direction and resources in the most effective way possible. An onboarding component will be built into the process to help the new administrator. Scope and Outcomes A retreat will be conducted for the purposes of constructing a strategic direction of the City and to ensure the focus is where it should be for the next year or two. There will also be emphasis placed on the group getting to know each other better (team building). 1. Create vision and strategic directions 2. Identify goals and actions to support the vision and directions 3. Develop priorities for 2017/18 4. Build relationships (Insights Session*) *Insights Session (OPTION - to help everyone get to know each other a bit better. Other Cities such as St. Cloud, Rosemount, Maple Plain and many others have found this to be highly impactful) The Insights Discovery Personal Profile is a personal development tool which gives individuals an engaging, reinforcing and transformational insight into themselves and others. Team effectiveness: Insights emphasis on neutral language and the most respectful interpretation allows members to communicate more effectively and efficiently, which promotes collaboration and teamwork, improved productivity, and increased trust and engagement. Critical issues can be raised and managed in a respectful and effective way. Other benefits The Insights session is also designed to have a positive impact on: Leadership Development Change Management Group Engagement Developing and retaining talent Improving "Customer" Experience Increasing Agility Increased Productivity Strategic Questions Strategic questions will be the focal point of the retreat. Some of the following may be useful in accomplishing the outcomes described above. These will likely be modified after further discussions with key stakeholders. 1. What efforts would yield the greatest results for the City? 2. What types of development are most needed in the community? 3. What trends are establishing themselves that the City should be capitalizing on right now? 4. What structure will provide the best, most effective way of governing for the citizens? 5. What will success look like? 6. What actions are needed right now to ensure the strategic plan is actualized? 7. What teams need to be formed to ensure success? i,trategic Plan Facilitation and Onboarding Proposal 11 3:00 PM Introductions Welcome by Mayor Review agenda and expectations 3:30 PM Insights Discovery Workshop What impact our personal preferences (personalities) have on our team and the or anization? 6:00 PM Dinner 6:30 PM Strategic Planning Process Overview Setting the context for strategic thinking 7:00 PM Visioning Exercise: Otsego 2022 What do we hope to accomplish by Practical Vision for the City 2022 as a result of our efforts today? 9:00 PM Adjourn 8:00 AM Reconvene and Review (Breakfast) 8:15 AM Success Impediments What is blocking us from moving Underlying Contradictions that hold us back toward our vision? 9:45 AM Break 10:00 AM Strategic Directions What are specific actions we need Focus our intentions and energy to take to address the blocks and move us toward the Vision? Noon Lunch Break 12:30 PM Implementation Strategy What are the specific, measurable, • Generate Actions toward the Vision accomplishments for the first • Identify milestones and measures year? Develop Roadmap to Implementation 2:00 Roles and Responsibilities Reflection Onboarding process Conversation about Roles and Responsibilities 3:00 Closing Reflection & Adjourn Design and Execution The steps for implementing the planning process: ❑ Design Drafting. The purpose of design drafting is to ensure the understanding of the current situation, to establish the outcomes and objectives of the session, and to select topical questions for session workshops that are relevant and energizing for the group. ❑ Process Design. We will customize our approach and select appropriate tools and methods to meet the needs articulated in the design conference. ❑ Prepare Materials. We will prepare a variety of materials to stimulate the imagination, encourage participation, inspire critical thinking, and expand the context. ❑ Goal Setting Retreat. We will facilitate a two-day retreat. ❑ Prepare Documentation. We will prepare documentation of the workshops and provide final report within three weeks after the retreat. Strategic Plan Facilitation and Onoarding Proposal 2 Facilitation Methods We will use two methods of facilitation during the retreat. The Strategic Planning portion will use a method developed by the Institute of Cultural Affairs (ICA) and is now trademarked as TOP'S. The organizational questions that come into play will be facilitated with process consulting elements. Both process methods are described below. (Customized to your needs) The Technology of Participation (ToP®) is a constellation of life understandings and group facilitation methods for transformation at personal, leadership, organizational and community levels. It is based on natural thinking processes and has been evolving since the late 1950s, extensively tested and refined in community and organizational settings around the world. Originally known as `ICA Methods' it has been honed since the mid 1980's into an effective group of tools and processes for working with organizations and communities known as ToP. The methods most often used in similar situations are Focused Conversation, Consensus Workshop, Action Planning, Strategic Planning and Focused Implementation. Process Consulting is a powerful tool which is used to enhance group effectiveness, shorten meeting times, and address conflict. It helps teams to work together more effectively, and its effects can last long after the consultant has departed. The benefits of process consulting are usually: shorter meetings, more productive meetings, better decisions, increased feelings of participation or potency, greater satisfaction with the team or meetings. Process consulting is carefully intervening in a group or team to help it to accomplish its goals. The consultant does not try to help the team as an expert; instead, the consultant helps the team to help itself. Process consulting also requires a client who is aware of their problems, and who is willing to listen and change some habits if needed. In some ways, process consulting is as difficult for the client as it is for the consultant, because they must put aside any natural defensiveness and temporarily yield their authority in some ways. However, the rewards far outweigh the efforts and risks. How We Facilitate A fundamental assumption is that everyone has a contribution to make and that sharing the experience and knowledge of all participants is a valuable part of the planning session. The facilitator's role is to select appropriate tools and methods, manage participation, facilitate knowledge and idea sharing and guide the group in the decision making process. Strategic Plan Facilitation and Onboarding Proposal Roles and Responsibilities The role of Huelife, LLC is to: • Develop, customize and facilitate goal -setting retreat ■ Provide a safe, welcoming, inclusive and productive event • Produce documentation and professional report • Set-up and tear -down meeting room • The role of the City is to: • Select participants • Assist with pre -retreat meetings • Assist with agenda formation • Provide all information having a bearing on the project /process • Schedule meeting room • Provide food and snacks Anticipated Participants Having key stakeholders present is the best way to ensure the plan will be appropriate, workable, and received enthusiastically. There are several different groups who have active interests in the future success of the City. We design our process so 10-15 participants can be accommodated comfortably. The following represent a partial list of those who should be invited to the retreat. • City Council ✓ Key Staff (including consulting staff) Strategic Plan Facilitation and Onboarding Proposal I I Organization and Individual Backgrounds Huelife, 11c. Richard and Irina Fursman founded Brimeyer Fursman when they merged Global Synergy Group (GSG) and The Brimeyer Group in 2007. The name changed in 2016 to Huelife. The mission of the company has remains the same. "Help Individuals, Organizations and Communities Grow, Change and Perform with Character and Purpose." As organizations face change through phases of growth or decline, shifts in focus or mission, we assist by helping create successful strategies for change. Facilitators Irina Fursman Irina is co-owner of Huelife, Ilc., and is the primary architect of the various group facilitations of the company. Irina is a national certified facilitator and facilitator trainer. She received her certifications from the Institute of Cultural Affairs. Irina was born, raised, and educated in Russia and Ukraine where she earned her Bachelor Degree of Education and Masters of Science Degree in Mathematics and Computer Science before moving to the United States in 2002. She also worked professionally in Ukraine, as a currency broker and as a professor of mathematics at Simferopol Technical College. Irina has facilitated various types of meetings for Cities, Non -profits, NGOs, and Private Businesses. In addition to facilitating sessions, Irina also trains in the art and science of facilitation. Irina has presented nationally and internationally on the subject of citizen engagement, strategic planning and sustainable development. Dr. Richard Fursman Ed.D. Richard is a seasoned strategic planning and work environment facilitator. He has facilitated various types of strategic planning retreats throughout Minnesota and the Midwest as well as with Cities and Universities in Ukraine. He has done numerous organizational studies and executive recruitments as well. Richard has over 20 years of senior management experience in local government as a department head and City Manager. He is an Adjunct Faculty Member at the University of St. Thomas where he teaches Master's level Courses in Leadership. He earned his Doctorate in Organization Development and Bachelor of Arts in Economics from the University of St. Thomas and his Master of Arts degree in Urban and Regional Affairs from Mankato State University. Dates: Retreat: June Report: Following retreat. Fees $4,000 + expenses (mileage, copies) (Insights? If Insights is used, there is a charge of $85 per participant for their profile, color printing, and binding) Strategic Plan Facilitation and Onboarding Proposal 1 5 Organization Development & Community Engagement Clients (2010- 2017) Partial list City of Detroit Lakes Strategic Planning (2017) City of Cottage Grove Strategic Planning (2016-17) City of Rosemount Strategic Planning (2017) City of Bloomington: Citizen Dialogue (x2) 2016 Osseo School District Strategic Planning and community outreach (2015 - 2017) City of Country of Ukraine - Peace Summit (July 4/5, 2014) Kiev, Ukraine (250 Participants) City of Brooklyn Park, MINNESOTA- Organization Alignment, Strategic Planning, Employee and Civic Engagement (2009 - 2013) Geneseo, ILLINOIS- School District - Community Engagement Workshops (2012) City of West Des Moines, IOWA - Strategic Planning (2011-14) NAUKMA University, Kiev, Ukraine - Reorganization of Economics Department (2010) Barron County, WISCONSIN - Countywide Visioning Process (2010) City of Electra, TEXAS - Strategic Planning, Community Engagement (2012) City of Canton, SOUTH DAKITA - Strategic Planning (2010 - 2014) City of Norfolk, NEBRASKA - City Strategic Planning (2010) Medtronic, Boston, MASSACHUSETTS and MPLS. MN - HR Department Training (2012) Hinckley Casino - HR Department - Facilitation Training (2012) Hennepin County, MINNESOTA - Supervisory Training and Employee Engagement Workshops, Facilitation Training (2012-2014) City of Shakopee, MINNESOTA - Strategic Planning and Governance (2013) City of Chaska, MINNESOTA - City Strategic Planning (2009 - 2017) City of Vasilkiv, Ukraine - Organization Analysis (2010) City of Eveleth, MINNESOTA, Economic Development Authority Strategic Planning (2010, 2017)) City of Falcon Heights: MINNESOTA Human Rights Commission Action Planning (2010) Edina Schools: Early Family Education (2016-17) City of Oak Park Heights, MINNESOTA- Board Governance Session (2011) City of Victoria, MINNESOTA: City Council Goal Setting (2011 - 2013) City of Roseville, MINNESOTA: Human Rights Commission, Board Development (2011) City of Medina, MINNESOTA - Leadership Transition Program (2011) City of Boryspil, Ukraine - Civic Engagement and Strategic Planning (2011) City of Wyoming, MINNESOTA - Strategic Planning (2013) City of Worthington, MINNESOTA - Community Engagement & Strategic Planning (2011-13) City of Montrose, MINNESOTA - Strategic Planning (2011- 2013) City of Crystal, MINNESOTA - Employee Effectiveness and Team Building (2011-2017) Hennepin County, MINNESOTA - Medical Center, HR Department Formation (2011) Ramsey County, MINNESOTA - Health Department, Action Planning (2011) City of Robbinsdale, MINNESOTA - Strategic Planning, (2012, 2013, 2014, 2017) City of Hopkins, MINNESOTA - Civic Engagement (2012) City of Golden Valley, MINNESOTA - Human Rights Com Participatory Assessment (2013) City of Oelwein, IOWA - Strategic Planning (2013) City of Cloquet, MINNESOTA - Strategic Planning and Governance (2012-2014) City of Prairie City, IOWA - Strategic Planning and Governance (2012) City of St. Cloud, MINESOTA - Economic Development Authority Strategic Planning, City Council Governance and Team Building Session, City Strategic Planning (2011-2017) City of Champlin, MINNESOTA - Strategic Planning (2013) City of Wayzata, MINNESOTA - Strategic Planning (2013) City of Willmar, MINNESOTA -Organization Analysis (2014) Winona County, MINNESOTA - Team Development Workshops (2014) Strategic Plan Facilitation and Onboarding Proposal 11