ITEM 4.1ITEM 4.1 I) 0 tseF CITY O MISOTA TO: Otsego Parks and Recreation Commission FROM: Ross Demant, Parks and Recreation Director DATE: May 11, 2017 RE: Lefebvre Creek Park Budget Review Background: The Parks and Recreation Commission reviewed and made a recommendation to the City Council on Lefebvre Creek park amenities. Once that recommendation was made, Tim Wold from SRF Consulting put together a cost estimate, staff reviewed the cost estimates and the concept design. After reviewing the concept design, staff is recommending that the shelter be moved from the north end of the playground to the south end, which would allow for viewing of both the playground and pond. This would then allow for the overlook area to be removed which would be a cost savings of approximately $39,000. The cost of the trail lighting is also being removed due to the park being in the Wright -Hennepin Electric service district. Wright -Hennepin will install the lights at no initial cost to the City. Once the lights are installed the City will be charged a $14 service fee per light standard as part of a service agreement. With removal of the overlook and cost to install the lights the budget is estimated as follows: $338,429.80 Park Construction (Includes the 5% Contingency) $62,505.63 Trail Extension from the park to 75th Street NE $400,935.43 TOTAL Requested Action: Staff is requesting that the Parks and Recreation Commission review the material included in this memo and provide a recommendation to staff on how they would like to proceed with the Lefebvre Creek Park amenities.