ITEM 3.2C 5.13.2013 Minutes1'r E M 3. 2 C: OTSEGO CITY COUNCIL MEETING OTSE O PRAIRIE CENTER May 1, 2013 7:00 P Call to Order. r. Mayor Jessica Stockarnp called the meeting to order at 7:00 Pik. Doll Call: Mayor Jessica Stocka p; Councilmem rs: Vern H ldn r, Jason Warehime,. Doug Schroeder and Torn Carnrald. Staff: Lori Johnson, City Administrator; Daniel Licht, City Planner; Ron Wagner,. city Engineer; Andy MacArthur,, City Attorney; Keith Triplett, City Assessor and Tam! L. fF, City Clerk. Pledge of Allegiance: Mayor St ck r p led in the Pledge of Allegiance. 1. Board of Review continued from April 22, 2013. City Assessor Triplett reviewed the information gathered for comparison on properly 118-500- 361300. 18- - 3 1300. Mayor Stockar p asked how this parcel could be split. City Planner Licht said with city server and grater approximately 16 lots plus the current house. CM Darkenwald asked ghat we have It valued at. City Assessor Triplett said $2,365,000 and he is recommending th valuation stay the same and Mr. Talbot's appraisal carne In at $1,355,000. CM Darkenwald asked City Assessor Triplett if he spoke to the appraiser. City Assessor Triplett said no. Cly Heidner motioned to accept the Assessor's valuation for parcel 118-500-361300. Seconded by CM Schroeder, All In favor. Notion carried= City Assessor Triplett stated three additional properties are being questioned by fir. Ron T uch tt ; 118-098-001010 (9175 Quaday Ave NE/9201 Quaday Ave NE)', 118-239.001030 and 118-239-001040, City Assessor Triplett is recommending th City Council forward these iters to the County for recommendation. CM Dari enwald motioned to forward the three properties mentioned above to the County for their recommendation, Seconded by Mayor Stockamp. All In favor. Motion carried. CM Darkenwaid .motioned to close the hoard of Review at 7:17 PM,, seconded by CN Warehlme, All In favor. Notion carried. . Open Forum. Special Presentation: C ntr Car Health-MonticelloAdministrator; Try Ellen Wllsl ntr C r Health -Monticello Representative Heather Eld m and Administrator Nary Ellen Wells gave a hospital update, Because of the change in status this will be his. Eid m's last Hospital update. CM Darkenwald thanked ids. Eidrn for her past updates and the City Council agredt Randy Carron, 12860 83rd Street fE, questioned if two applications of dust control would be applied to 83rd this year. City Administrator said one application is on the agenda this evening for consideration and that the other will be discussed at the next Public Works Subcommittee Meeting. Mary v l ri s, 13400 7& Street NE, said he spoke with Bill W yt s who was surveying the property and he has a reap showing the removal of the 13-14 25 year old pine trees on his property. lir. Valerius said that was not included in the plans presented earlier. City Engineer Wagner said that the city will need 110 ft. right-of-way for the road and bike patio and that he will have to I ok at the plans and see why the trees would be in jeopardy, City Engineer Wagner said the city is trying to take as little property as possible. City Attorney MacArthur said Bill W ytas is the appraiser from Nagle not Hakanson Anderson, City Administrator Johnson said City staff will bring back an update to the City Council on May 28. mayor Stockamp asked that it also be forwarded to Mr. Val rius. fir. l al rius also commented that the dust has been bad with the construction work,. 3. Consider acienda approval, City Administrator Johnson requested to remove adoption of Resolution 13-23 and the use policy from item 4.12; and add as item 5,4; leaving item 4.12 as approve purchase of the Electronic Devices for City Council and Department Staff. CM Heidner motioned to approve as amended. Seconded by CM Schroeder. All in favor. Motion carried. 4, Consent Agenda, ikon -controversial items). 4,1 Approve Claims Lis. 4.2 Approve City Council fleeting Minutes, A. April 22, 2013 Meeting. B, April 22,, 2013 Special Meeting. 4.3 Approval to proceed with the Zoning Ordinance and Subdivision Ordinance update. 4,4 Approve 2013 Dust Coating. 4.5 Liquor violations, A. Resolution 3-1Riverview Llgrett. B. Resolution tion 13-19 Napa valley. 4,6 Resolution 3-0 for the Otsego Prairie Festival. 4,7 Approve amendment to the Pour wine and Bistro Premises Permit. 4,.8 Pay Estimates/bequests. A, Approve Pay Estimate #3 for Repair of various Buildings, ,9 Approve Resolution 13-21 River Ridge Preliminary Plat extension. 4,10 Approve Resolution 13-22 for the use of the official City Lego on signs for the 2013 r ckwoods JamFest special event. 4.11 Approve seasonal streets and parks staffing. 4.12 Approve purchase of electronic devices for City Council and Department artment Heads. 4.13 Approve additional funding for playground wood chips. 4.14 Approve amended Background Check Ordinance. 4,15 Approve hire of Lead Utilities System Operator. CM Heidner motioned to approve as amended. Seconded by CM Schroeder. All in favor. Motion carried. Administration. ,1 Update on Code Enforcement -Patric C City Planner Licht presented the staff report. CII Heidner asked that staff starting copying the envelopes with postage date for the record. City Planner Licht stated City staff has already implemented that change. CM warehi e asked if anyone has inspected Mr. nnelly's property to make sure cleaned up. City Planner Licht said yes, it has been cleaned up. 5,2 Consideration of petition to pave ,dal er Avenue and ordering feasibilily report. Resolution 13-4 and Resolution 13-25. 2 City Planner Licht presented the staff report. City staff received a petition signed by five property owners abutting J Ig r Avenue and log Street requesting preparation of a feasibility study to determine the cost to improve these gravel roads with a paved surfacer Mayor Stockamp asked if the residents have been informed that they will be responsible for the costs of the feasibility study. City Planner richt said yes. CM Heidnr said he has spoken with some and he is not sure they know the cost of the study. City Planner Licht said a copy of the City staff report has been mailed to the property owners. CM Heidner questioned the wording on the Resolution. City Planner Licht said the city would be just approving the feasibility study not ordering the project. M Darkenwald motioned to adopt Resolution 2013-14 and Resolution 201.3-42 specifically noting that it is just approving the feasibility report right now. Seconded by CM Wrehirrre. All in favor, Motion carried. .3 Consider Resolution 13.26 adopting Performance Measurement Pre ram. City Administrator Johnson reviewed staff report. M Schroeder motioned to approve Resolution 2013-26 approving the city participation in the office of the State Auditors voluntary 2013 Performance Measurement Program and reporting the results of the adopted measures. Seconded by Mayor Sto k mp. All in favor, Motion carried. 5.4 Resolution 13-23 ado tin Council Electronic Communication Polis and use acireement, City Administrator Johnson reviewed the recommended changes. CM Heidner motioned to approve use agreement of electronic devices. Seconded by CM Schroeder. All in favor, Motion carried. M Schroeder .motioned to approve Resolution 13-23 adopting a Council Electronic Communication Policy. Seconded by CM Heidner. All in favor. Motion carried; . Public Works. .1 Consider approvinci Plans and Specs for Soccer Fields and authorize requests for quotes. City Engineer Wagner presented the staff report. City Engineer Wagner said they would request quotes for next Wednesday and award the quote at the next City Council meeting. C C rkenw ld asked if City Engineer Wagner is the person charge of this project. City Engineer Wagner said yes he is. M Schroeder motioned to approve Plans and Specifications for the Soccer Fields Grading Project and authorizing request for quotes. Seconded by CM W rehime= All in favor. Notion carried. 6,2 Consider Resolution 13-27 rovin Plans an -d -....Specs for Needham m Aire Drainacle Improvement and authorize requests for quotes. City Engineer Wagner presented the staff report. CM Heidner asked if fir. Goenner has done the drainage improvement on his land as previously discussed. City Engineer Wagner said he had seat a letter and has not heard back from Mr. Donner. City Administrator Johnson said City staff will send a reminder letter. The City Council agreed. CM Schroeder recommended stating in the letter Nor, oenner's project must coincide with the timing of the city project. M Schroeder motioned to approve Resolution 2013-27 approving Plans and Specifications for Needham Avenue Storm water Improvement Project and Authorizing Requests for quotes. Seconded by CM w rehime. All in favor. Motion carried. 3 LaBeaux Avenue Drainacie Improvement Project: A. Authorize an appraisal of the Slavik roe for a cul-de-sac on the Labeau Avenue Project, B. Authorize owners and encumbrance reports for drainage easements, , City Attorney MacArthur presented the staff report for iters A and B. CM Warehirre questioned the fund the $100 would come from. The City Council agreed to core out of the Otsego Creek fund. City Attorney MacArthur spode about getting easements from property owners, Mayor Stockamp said that the project is funded by the Otsego Creek Fund but should be noted if they do not sigma easements over there may not be funds available for the project. City Council agreed. CM ar enwald motioned to approve ordering an appraisal from Nagell Appraisal & Consulting for the cul-de-sac on the Slavic property on LaBeaux. seconded by CM larehim . All in favor Motion carried. CM Darenrald motioned to approve ordering owners and encumbrance reports for designated properties on LaBeaux Avenue= Seconded by CNS Warehir e. All in favor. Notion carried. C. Consider Resolution 13-28 Approving Plans and Specs for Lx Ave Drainacie ins movement and authorize advertisement for bids. City Engineer Wagner presented the staff report. CM War him a .motioned to approve Resolution 2013-28 approving Plans and Specifications for LaBeaux Avenue Improvement,. Seconded by CM Heidner. All in favor. Notion carried. 6.4 Consider approving Plans a.n.d.-.Specs for Kadler Ave Drainac�e Improvement and authorize re nests for quotes. City Engineer Wagner presented the staff report. CM Heidner questioned if this project could be paid for out of the In District Fund instead of the out of District fund. City Administrator Johnson said City staff will look into and bring back at the .dune 10 meeting. CM Schroeder motioned to approve Plans and specifications for the [adler Avenue Storm Severer Improvement ent Pr je t and Authorizing request for quotes. Seconded by Cts Darkenwaid. All in favor. motion carried. 6.5 70th Street Project: A. Authorize 70yh Street Noise B �70th Street and CSAH 37 Intersection updates. City Engineer Magner presented the staff report on the noise study. MNDot is requiring a noise study at the west end of the project rear McAllister Avenue; which is required to get the project memorandum approved by MNDot. City staff is recommending SBP Associates. N Darkenwald motioned to authorize entering into a contract with SBP Associates to complete a Noise study for 701" Street in the amount of $2,250. Seconded by CM eid er. All in favor Motion carried. City Engineer Wagner reviewed the updates on the Cooperative Agreement with Wright County and the roundabout design, CM. Heidner had concerns on the storm system in the roundabout and maintenance. City Engineer said there will likely be a storm pond in this area, CM Heidner said there are still items in the agreement that we asked to be changed last meeting, It was agreed that a meeting with our County Commissioner and the County Engineer should be scheduled to further discuss the City's requested changes to the agreement. CM Heidner recommended the whole City Council meet with therm. The City Council agreed and recommended before the May 28 or June 10 meeting if they are available no earlier than 5:00 Pelt City staff will set the meeting. . City Council Reports and Updates. 1 tl ar hire said the Otsego Cleanup for residents last week went well. He doesn't have total numbers but estimates more participation this year. CM Heidner said Nystrom r Associate has stated they are having a parking problem and questioned if there is anything the city can do, City Planner Licht said the owner of that building also owns the building where Goldstone is located so they can cross part. City Planner richt stated it is a management issue. Mayor St ckamp recommended setting a parr tour with the City Council and Commission Chairs to tour the parrs before budget time. The City Council set Jure 5 at 6:00 PM. City staff will schedule a bus for the tour and send invitations to the Commission Chairs. 8. Staff Reports and Updates. City Administrator Johnson gave an update on potential retail business selling new and used clothing and stated there may be a reed for a slight modification to the ordinance. The Council agreed that a change was appropriate. City staff will bring back this item to the May 28 City Council meeting. City Administrator Johnson also stated City staff has begun working on the 2014 budget and that Budget meetings with the Council are scheduled on August 12, August , and September 9. CNS Heidner asked if it was possible for the budget to be available to the Council earlier in the process. City Administrator said yes, but it would be in draft form and would not have completed internal review. CM Heidner agreed that the timeline for receiving the budget was ok as proposed. City Administrator Johnson gave a PeopleServi e contract update. There was discussion on the RiverRider Technical Advisor Board meeting Mayor Stockamp p and Pars and Recreation Manager Ross C errant attended. mayor Stockamp is asking for a joint meeting sometime before July 10 with the Albertville and St. Michael City Council's to discuss increasing RiverRider service to the three cities. City Administrator Johnson said she will contact the Albertville and St. Michael city administrators to schedule a meeting and will bring back meeting a potential date. 91 Adjourn. CM Darkenwaldmotioned to adjourn. Seconded by CM W rehime. All in favor. lotion carried. Adjourned at 9:37 PE ATTEST: Tamar Loff, City Clerk 5 Mayor Jessica Stockamp