ITEM 3.3A OHPC 4.9.2013 MinutesV T M Otsego Heritage Preservation Commission — April 9,, 2013 Present: Lisa Fahey, Jamie Plantenberg-Selbitschka, Chris Wilson, Tom Constant, Toni Seroshe[c, John Noll. Mayor Jessica Siockamp, Meeting was called to order at 7:03pm. Minutes for the fast meting were approved. Jamie added Prairie Center reuse update to the agenda. Parc history research and sin progect: Dan will be presenting our grant application to a SHPO committee on 4/11. The request is for $10,560. Getting stuff from old School House/Town_ Hall: Toni, Gail and Jessica brought more treasures from the old school house. Lisa has a table and believes it is from the 1800"s. It is missing a drawer but she will refinish it by the Fall Festival, School/Old Town Hall Ideas, newspaper article: Gail has not received any feedback from the newspaper article. Chris will call Habitat for Humanity to see if They can do anything with the building, Meeting adjourned at 7:41p.m. Tom fixed the cock. Jamie P[antenberg-Selbitschka, 2nd Siring Recorder