ITEM 3.5 Ordinance 13-13CITY 0F 0 Ot§e MINNESOTA DEPARTMENT INFORMATION Request for City Council Action 6A'I' INATING DEO i Tf 1E 1T. ...... :..-- ..................... RE UE TOR: ....... ---.._-.-..,------- -........._-.,.._-..,....................................... ..... ... ............. .......... .....-....................-........... MEETING DATE: Planning City Planner Licht 18 May 2013 PRE E 1TEREVIEWED BY: ITEM #-. pity Planner Licht City Admin istrator .Johnson 3.5 —Second Hand Goods AGENDA ITEM DETAILS RECOMMENDATION: City staff recommends approval of an ordinance amending the City Code to provide a licensing exemption for second hand goods dealers doing business in clothing and household goods. ARE YOU SEEKING APPROVAL of A CONTRACT? I «A PUBLIC HEARING REQUIRED BA ROU DIJU TIFI Tloll: The City has been contacted regarding a bridal shop considering locating within ars existing commercial building. The business sells new bridal clothing and accessories but will also buy and sell used items or offer consignment items as part of their operation. Chapter 7, Section '13 of the City Code regulatessecond (nand goods dealers. Although the primary focus of this section is operational requirements for pawn shops and precious metals dealers, second hand goods stores such as this bridal shop would be within the definition of second hand goods dealers subject to the regulations and requiring issuance of n annual license. Section 7-13-5 of the City Code provides exceptions to the licensing requirements for various uses such s private party sales, garage sales, auctions, used car sales, trade-ins for new merchandise (arid not the primary business), recycling and goods valued at less than $15.00. These exceptions aro close in character to that which would occur at this business or businesses .such as thrift stores. City staff is proposing ars amendmentto Section 7-13-5 of the City Code to expand and clarify tht uses such as these be exempt from the licensing requirements. with or without the licensing requirements, any second hard goods dealer remains subject to the requirements of the Zoning ordinance, which address the zoning district these uses are allowed in as well as related activities like signs or outdoor sale and display. The draft amendment makes businesses involved in buying, selling or consigning second hand goods such as clothing, shoes, housewares, household goods, decor and/or furniture, but excluding electronic devices or precious metals unless exempt by Section 7-13-5.A of this Section, either as incidental to or as the primary business activity. SUPPORTING TII DOCUMENTS: ci ATTACHED a ONE A. Draft ordinance B. Ordinance 2013-13 C. Summary of Ordinance 2013-13 POSSIBLE MOTION ...................... ....... ....... .................... ...v .......................... :...... ............ ....... _........nn. .................... _..--..._.._......- .....__._...... - --._...__._.....:....._..._.._...._............_.._._....:.... ..... _................ .......... ..... .... ................... .... ....... ...... ............... ........ .... ... ............ ....... ... ... ...... .... .... .... ....... ..... .... ......... ... .... ......... ......... .... .............. Please vi rd motion as you would lila It to appear in the minutes, Motion to approve ordinance 2013-13 amending the City Code regarding second hand goods dealer license exceptions and approval of publication in summary fora. BUDGET INFORMATION FUNDING: BUDGETED: ❑ YES A NO ACTION TAKE a APPROVED AS REQUESTED ❑ DEFIED ❑ TABLED n OTHER (Last changes) COMMENTS: : ORDINANCE NO.: 2013-13 CITY OF OTSEGO COUNTY OF WRIGHT, MINNESOTA N ORDINANCE AMENDING THE CITY CODE RELATED TO SECOND HAND GOODS REGULATIONS. THE CITE' COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF OTSEGO DOES HEREBY ORDAIN: : Section 1, Section 7--13- f the City Cede is hereby amended to read as follows: 7-13-5: EXCEPTIONS TO LICENSE REQUIREMENT: A. The following transactions involving precious metal shall net require a at i donlomlicense under this Section: Transactions at occasional "garage" or "yard" sales, or estate sales or auctions held at the decedent's residence, except that precious metal dealers must comply with the requirements of Minnesota to Statutes 325F.73 to 325F.744 for these transactions. 2. Transactions regulated by Minnesota Statutes § 80A. 3, Transactions regulated by the Federal Commodity Futures Commission Act, . Transactions involving the purchase of precious metal grindings, filings, slag, sweeps, serails or dust from an industrial manufacturer, dental lab, dentist or agent thereof. 5. Transactions involving the purchase of photographic film such as lithographic and x-ray film or silver residue or flake covered in lithographic and x-ray filen processing, 6. Transactions involving coins or bullion In ingots. . Transactions in which the second hand item containing precious metal is exchanged for a new item containing precious metal and the value of the 1 new Remexceeds the value of second hand item. t Transactions between precious metal dealers if both dealers are licensed under Minnesota Statutes § 325F,733, or if the seller's business is located outside of the state and the item is shipped from outside the state to a dealer licensed under Minnesota Statutes § 325F.733. 9. Resale transactions by an antique dealer of second hand items containing precious metal if the items aro resold at retail in an unaltered condition except for repair, and the antique dealer paid less than to thousand fire hundred dollars ($2,5 00.00)for all second hand items containing precious metals purchased by said antique dealer within any twelve 2 consecutive month period, B. The following transactions involving second land goods shall not require a econd n a lar' license under this section: , The sale of second hand goods where all of the following are present: a. The sale is held on property occupied as a residential dwelling by the seller or owned, rented or leased by a charitable or political organization. b. The items offered for sale are owned by the occupant. C. That no sale exceeds a period of seventy-two 2) consecutive hours. d. That no more than two sales are held in any twelve (1 2) consecutive month period at any residential dwelling. . That none of the items offered for sale have been purchased for resale or received on consignment for purpose of resale. 2. The sale of goods at an auction held by a licensed auctioneer. 3. The sale of recyclable material including, but not limited to, motor oil, aluminum, iron, glass, plastic and paper, 1 . Private occasional sales of second hand goods. 5. The sale of used motor vehicles. 2 6. The sale of any item for less than fifteen dollars ($15.00) In cash, merchandise or services for merchandise received provided: a; The total amount paid any single Jerson for resold merchandise does not exceed forty-five dollars ($45,00) within any sixty (60) day period; or b. Merchandise has not been received for resale from any single person more than three tines within any sixty o day period regardless of the total value of said transactions. 7. The business of burring or selling only those second hand goods taken as pert of full payment for new goods of greater value and where such business is incidental to and not the primary business of a person. 8. Goods sold at an exhibition. g. The business of buying,selling or const nl second hand Dods such as clothing,shoes housewares household goods,decor and/or furniture but excluding electronic devices and precious metals either as incidental to or as the primary business activity= Section 2. This ordinance shall become effective immediately upon its passage and publication. MOTION : SECOND Y; ALL IN Flo THOSE OPPOSED: 2013 ADOPTED by the City Council of the City of Otsego this 28th day of May, CITY of OTSEGO Jessica L. stoamp, Mayor ATTEST, T m i Luff, City Clerk ORDINANCE NO.: 2013-13 CITY OF OTSEGO COUNTY OF WRIGHT, MINNESOTA H ORDINANCE AMENDING THE CITY CODE RELATED To SECOND HAND GOODS REGULATIONS. THE CITY COUNCIL of THE CITY OF OTSEGO DOES HEREBYORDAIN: sec i n 1, Section --13-5 of the City Code is hereby amended to read as follows: -13-5 EXCEPTIONS To LICENSE REQUIREMENT: A. The following transactions involving precious metal shall not require a license under this Sections. Transactions at occasional "garage" or "yard" sales, or estate sales or auctions held at the decedent's residence, except that precious metal dealers must comply with the requirements of Minnesota Statutes 32F.3 to 32F.744 for these transactions. 2. Transactions regulated by Minnesota Statutes § 80A. 3. Transactions regulated by the Federal Commodity Futures Commission Act. . Transactions involving the purchase of precious metal grindings, filings, slag, sweeps, scraps or dust from an industrial manufacturer, dental lab, dentist or agent thereof. 5. Transactions involving the purchase of photographic fila such as lithographic and x-ray film or silver residue or flare covered in lithographic and x-ray fila processing. 6. Transactions involving coins or bullion In ingots. . Transactions in which the second hand item containing precious metal is exchanged for a neer item containing precious metal and the value of the new item exceeds the value of the second hand iter. 1 8. Transactions between precious metal dealers if both dealers are licensed under Minnesota Statutes § 3251=.733, or if the seller's business is located outside of the state and the item is shipped from outside the state to a dealer licensed under Minnesota statutes § 325.733. . Resale transactions by an antique dealer of second hand items containing precious metal if the items are resold at retail in an unaltered condition except for repair, and the antique dealer paid less than two thousand fire hundred dollars ($2,500.00) for all second hand items containing precious metals purchased by said antique dealer within any twelve 2 consecutive month period. B. The following transactions involving second hand goods shall not require a license under this section: 1, The sale of second hand goods where all of the following are present a. The sale is held on property occupied as a residential dwelling by the seller or owned, rented or leased by a charitable or political organization. b. The items offered for sale are owned by the occupant. C. That no sale exceeds a period of seventy-two 2) consecutive hours. d. That no more than two sales are held in any twelve 12 consecutive month period at any residential dwelling. e. That none of the items offered for sale have been purchased for resale or received on consignment for purpose of resale. 2. The sale of goods at an auction held by a licensed auctioneer. 3. The sale of recyclable material including, but not limited to, rotor oil, aluminum, Iron, glass, plastic and paper. 4. Private occasional sales of second hand goods. . The sale of used motor vehicles. 6. The sale of any item for less than fifteen dollars $15.00) in cash, merchandise or services for merchandise received provided* a. The total amount paid any single person for resold merchandise does not exceed forty-five dollars ($45,00) within any sixty 6 day period; or b. Merchandise has not been received for resale from any single person more than three times within any sixty day period regardless of the total value of said transactions. 7. The business of buying or selling only those second hand goods taken as part of full payment for new goods of greater value and where such lousiness is incidental to and not the primary business of a person. 8. Goods sold at an exhibition. 9. The business of burring, selling or consigning second hand goods such as clothing, shoes, housewares, household goods, decor and/or furniture, but excluding electronic devices or precious metals unless exempt by Section 7-13-5.A of this Section, either as incidental to or as the primary business activity. Section 2. This Ordinance shall become effective immediately upon its passage and publication. MOTION Y SECOND Y, ALL IN FAVOR: THOSE OPPOSED: 2013. ADOPTED y the City Council of the City of Otsego this 28th day of May, 3 CITY of OTSEGO Jessica L. Sfoam, Mayor ATTEST: Tauri Loff$ City Clergy SUMMARY ORDINANCE NO.: 2013-13 CITY OF OTSEGO COUNTY OF WRIGHT, MINNESOTA AN ORDINANCE AMENDING THE CITY CODE RELATED To SECOND D HAND GOODS REGDLATIo sM THE CITY COUNCIL F THE CITY OF OTSEGO DOES HEREBY ORDAIN: Section 1. Section 7-13-5 of the City Code is hereby amended to add provision exempting the business of buying, selling or consigning second hand goods such as clothing, shoes, housewares, household goods, decor and/or furniture, but excluding electronic devices or precious metals unless exempt by Section 7-13-5.A of this Section, either as incidental to or as the primary business activity. Section 2. This Ordinance shall become effective immediately upon its passage and publication. MOTION BY; SECOND BY: ALL IN FAVOR: THOSE OPPOSED: ADOPTED by the City Council of the City of Otsego this 28th day of May, 2013. CITY of OTSEGO BY: Jessica L. sto l amp, Mayor yor ATTEST; Tani Lof, , City Clerk Pursuant to Minnesota Statutes 412.191, subd. 4 and 331A.01, Subd. 0, this Ordinance is published in summary form. Complete copies of the ordinance are available for inspection by contacting the Zoning Administrator/City Clerk, Otsego City [-fall, 8899 Nashua Avenue, Otsego, Minnesota 55330 during regular office hours. 1