ITEM 3.6 Special Meeting to Tour the ParksTy 0F 0 ot C) e:, MINNESOTA DEPARTMENT T l F F I IATI Request for City Council Action. ........................ ... ...................... .... ...._............... ..... _._... _....................... ORGI iATil DEP t T +4EI T: RE UEST R: ING }ATE: Administration City Clerk Luff May 28, 2013 PRE E iTE s : REVIEWED BY. ITEM : Consent Agenda City Administrator Johnson 3.6 -Set a Special Meeting AGENDA ITEM DETAILS ............................ . .... ........................................ .... .. ..... . . ........... . ................. ...................................................... . ......... . .. ............ .. .... .... I ...... ... ....... . ............ ......... ........ ....... . ... .. ... ... .. .. . .. .. . .. ..... 1 E MME i DATION: Approve setting a special City Council meeting June 5, 2013 at 6:00 PM to tour the Otsego City Parrs, ARE YOU SEE KIN G AP PROVAL OF A CO NTRADT IS A PUBL[D H EARING REQUI ED N/A NA BAC KGROUi D/JUSTIFI ATI 1: The Otsego City Council will gather at Otsego City Hall, 13400 90th Street to tale a bus tour of the Otsego City Parks on Wednesday, June 5, 2013 at 0.00 PM. An invitation has been extended to the Commission Chairs. SUPPORTING DOCUMENTS: q ATTACHED X NONE MOTION: (Please word motion as you would lite it to appear In the minutes. Motion t set a special City Council June 5, 2013 at 6:00 PM to tour the Otsego City Parks. BUDGET INFORMATION FUNDING: BUDGETED: o YES N/A a NO ACTION TAKEN u APPROVED AS REQUESTED COMMENTS: a DENIED a TABLED D OTHER (List changes)