ITEM 3.7 Boondox Special Eventf CITY or ot MINNESOTA •Q=1:7.91 : V1 I :ILI 11 a ILI I tral .li-Nf ilre�II Request for City Council Action ............ ...... ....�............�.._....__..__...�..__""'._.______�____._-"" ....................... .............v.............._-.............._.......,.... 0R If ATING DEPARTMENT: 111119111099032; ... ....... ......_...................... ,...�...�+......... ... ... ..,....... ............. ..... .... :.�.�..:....:...: �...: .._.._. ..._.�...._..____.____._.._____..___.___..____._..._...._......._..............._...._....�..._.............�.......... ......... .�..... _. ....... .. ,... REQUE TOR, MEETING DATE: Planning City Planner Licht 28 May 2013 PRE E TER( ); REVIEWED BY: ITEM H: City Planner Licht City Administrator Johnson 3.7 - Boondox Special Event AGENDA ITEM DETAILS RECOMMENDATION, City staff recommends approval of a Special Event Permit for Boondox to have an outdoor music evert or 29 June 2013. ARE YOU SEEKING APPROVAL OF A CONTRACT? Is A PUBLIC H EARI NG REQUIRED? No No BACKGROUND/JUSTIFICATION: Boondox Bar and Grille is proposing to have an outdoor music event in the outdoor volleyball area of the property on 29 June 2013 from :O PM to 11:0013M. Details regarding the event are attached for reference. City staff has discussed the event with the Wright County Sheriffs office relative to additional security reeds. Boondox Bar and Grille is planning on staffing the front entrance with two people and two people in the outdoor area in addition to wait staff. The Wright Counter Sheriffs office has been asked to provide recommendations as to the minimum number of security staff required for the event as well as the need for licensed Sheriffs Deputies to be present. Deputy Brian Johnson indicates most cities will require one or two off-duty deputies to be present at an event of this scale. The City will require the provision of security people as a condition of the special agent permit as determined by the WrightCounty Sherriffs, office. All security staff required by the City will be paid for by Boondox Bar and Grille. SUPPORTING DOCUMENTS: X ATTACHED n NONE A. Special Event Application B. Special Event Permit IOTI0N: (Please word motion as you would 11ke It to appear In the minutes.) Motion to approve a special evert permit for Boondox Bar and Grille on 29 June 2013 es presented, BUDGET INFORMATION FUNDING,. BUDGETED: a YES NA 0 NO ACTION TAKEN A APPROVED AS REQUESTED ❑ DENIED ❑ TABLED o OTHER (List changes) COMMENTS: # w " /-:; ��� �l��ed� ]]77�/ ,r. ; Cute Complete. �Ti 7 [f{ � Received y: .0 §e p 0 mn*1 .'QxA SPECIAL EVENT APPLICATION In t ru c t I ons: Written application for speoiai event permits must be made at least thirty days i n advance of the event's proposed date, This application period shalf not begin to run until a complete application has been filed with the City. A fee, its the amount set by the City's fee schedule, shall be paid to the City along with the completed application form. Fallure to provide a complete ap iioation or to pay the fee, as herein required, is suf cleat reason to deny the special evert permit. Property Information Property Identification Number (PID#): Street Address; Wo c>k_AT,,�6 Applicant Information a I � > b r Business lr Address: Al2 1. +# + + i Code a ���� 6 city: tey; Sta terJ. 9�) e_,W,�j :: 1 -6 66 e- M a i 1: -Je Telephone. * �2 -? 2 %�,-,-57' Property Owner Informat on if other than appllcant): Name. BusinessTare.- 64� Address: A�ilo city., 1 �.�� �t�te: �f� Zip Code, Te P hon6 45w � l F ax-7 Description of vent n separate pages, please respond to the items below to describe the event in reference to Section 7-6-5 of the City Code: A. Details regarding the location of the event including a site pima Identify the days and hours during which the event may be held. C. Detail provisions made for av ilab! 11tof potable gator and restroom f cliltles and trash containers, D. Describe measures to be taken for security and crowd management including use of barricades and/or fencing. Page 1 of F identify available off-street r i and describe traffic control measures. G. Verify that the following emergency services have been notified of the special event; a, Wright County Sheriff a separate spacial event application required), b. Fire Department, 0. Ambulance. H. State whether alcohol is to be served or sold at the event, provide documentation of required licenses and describe measures to ensure no safe or consumption occurs by people under 21 years of age. Provide documentation of adequate insurance, inClUding ii ility arid/or Dram insurance as may be applicable. J. Identify use of any signs, banners or other advertising or promotional materials. K. identify tise of any additional or temporary outdoor lighting sources. L. identify any Sources of outdoor noise and use of equipment to amplify sound. M. Describe any temporary construction including but not limited to stages, shelters, fences, stairs, ramps or other structures. J. Provide a plan for post event clean-up of the site and surrounding area, removal of advertising or promotional materials and trash disposal. r S ubrnnt docur ent ti n of adequate insurance, including Ila bility and/or Dramin Surance as may be applicable. P. The City Council and/or City stag may request any additional information deemed necessary to consider the special event permit application. Signature of Applicant and PropertyOwner: 1, the undersigned, hereby apply for the considerations described above and declare that the information and materials submitted in support of this application are in compliance with adopted City policy and ordinance requirements ents and are complete to the best of my knowledge. l dge. i understand that this application will be processed i c or an e with esta ished City review procedures at such time as it is determined to be complete Applicant: Date: Property Owner: Date: Page Boondox Bax and Grine 100 Park Ave N Otsego, MN 55330 Special Event Application Ar 1. htie 29, 2013 from 3;00 pin to 11:00 pni C. We w ill have 2 poitable Biffs, The event will taste pkice Av ithia our property Ii mits a nd witliill our chain fenced area. D. Wo w it have securityat the front entranco acid Ilse back, as Nvell as outs We the band area. We dont expect dditl nal parking Will bo heeded. Our x ain parking in the frau , back lots and the oliurch Bret packing will be adequate. 0, a, N , 1`o I No H. Yes, alcohol iii[ be served, Standard operations of people who are bu in alcohol will be sided. L J. Just on our parking lot sign or on the building and inside: K. A101V9 L, Standard band amplifiers. A The onty item we will have is a stage for the fared, NI The night of tho eventand the next day our staff w iI I be elean ing, The next day approx 1 mate ly to 6 people$ A e l t7'w7�i 3�7R": � d 911MOM5 l m IN H OO8 JL UN4e10,1YtK7"Vt lutgRi L4X 9 F � Cir K%I 4 N 3A V 14SId Lid 0) 0 (�l ol s 4-0 s�...+ +.fie \ # V +F t i# ti ` w..� w 00 1 LIP, L � � *i+ {,� � #��+ yam%% S.r 46-0 r� 40 • cu F tF a ca LLI a� F 0 a vz� 8 0 W 2 -0 :3 �j CL C) CL ice. o 44 1 _ q6 fLll 9 z _ -Z 0 1 �f (D 4)Lu U. 0 0 It t.'j to- Q o o U) 44 x -0 C LL 0 4-J w 'Lo v 0 0 0 Co c) En > (� D i `F }0 �... 1YY # o * y# r 1 >0 ��+ L a # # Lo 4 .. 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If SUBROGATION IS WAIVED, sll joat to tho Corms and oondiflons of the pollcy, certain policies may requiro an ondorsomont. A statement on this cortificate does not confer rights to the certificate holder in lieu of w(ch iondersomont s , +� +� � �+1tQtil I i t 763-441-0361 I"AOT fflr Integrity C 3r 3 Group Fax: 763-447-6826 X70 d Avo. li011 o FAX 4l oto i MAIL ADDRE : Ells Rive' MN 55330 Brian Bohnsack 111SIU RN1 AFFORNN0 COV9 PAO 1~ IM N INSURER A;Auto -Owners I na u ra no a 18908 88079431 INSURED Boondox Bar & Grille Grover Company DBA 9108 Park 1'�e/� No 1N UftE e: ��.7�a� i M ED ir-XP (My One PVW) Otsego, 66330 INSURIER0; INSURER 13;, ENSURER F a COVERAGES ERTIPI ATE NUMBER: REVISION NUMBER: D THIS IS TO CERTIFY THAT THE POLICIES OF INSURANCE E LI TEr BELOW HAV HC5N ISSUED TO THE I SURC-D HAl D ABOVE FOR THE POLI Y PERIOD INDICATED; NOTWIT14STANDING ANY RI~( UKMENT, TERM OR O I 1TIOM OF ANY CONTRACT OR OTHER DOCUMENT WITH I ESPE T TO WHICH THIS CERTIFICATE foiff BE ISSUED OR MAY PERTAIN, THE IN$URANOE- AFFORDED BY THE POLICIES DC -80=r -t) HERHIN 18 SUBJECT To ALL 711E THR S, EXCLUSIONS AN D CONDITIONSF SUCH POLICIES. LIMITS SHOWN MAY HAVE BE F.N REDUCED BY PAID OLAIMS. NS FR F INSURAN L Y f J D AXP t��LY l�t��� �IAl1U[} A��� LIMITS GENERAL LIABILITY EACH OCCURRENIC1,000# 0 A M IAS. FERAL LfABILITY 88079431 0710112012 071011120 3 -70;m�g T-0 RE fit E. �, SEs E a tr r 3001,00 M ED ir-XP (My One PVW) CLMISM)E [X] OCCUR # O AL 4 AQV INJURY 1100000 GENERAL A RE ATE 2SO00,000 PRODUCTS - COM PIDPAG 2,000000 U11L A130RECAT LIM IT APPL I US PCR: PQLjQY0 M F-1 LOO MMOR I L 19ILITY Fa SINGLINT SIL II~ JURY{Fra n AWAUT SODIL 114JURY(Rara ld ftl) or ate# ALWAXIED SCHEDULED AUTO$ AUTOS HIREDAUTOS AUTOS I� BASLLA LIAR X OCCUR ,CH= RREN 10001,000 AGGREGATE 11000000 A EXCESS LtAB CLAtiIME $05064800 07/01120120710112013 DED Ki-TEWfOlS AND EMPL i ERS" ILITY Y1 14 ANY P OPHJETO ART ERX-EXECU F FIC ERT4 FJA 8 E R VX40 W DE D?(Man daloryIn fill) NIA 08079437 0710112012 0710112013 TORY LIMITS IER rn.L EACH AIDENT 100$000 F.L.INSEAS E- EAEMK YE100100i ,L. DISEASE - POtI Y OMIT OOs O qes dwdba kms �IPT10H OF PERATIONS lo►�r Liquor Liablilty OBD7 4 1 07101120"12 0710112013 A jre ate 110005000 Occuranco I,40 j, 0 G910HIPTION OF OPERATIONS i L ATIONS IWHI M (AU10h ACORD 101, Addltlonll Rema*s 6ohedulo, It nlor6 quo Is taquI(od) CERTIFICATE HOLDER SAMPLE - SHOULD ANY OF THE A130W OE RIB ED POLICIES BE CANOELLED 13EF RE RTiF1 A E THEEXPIRATION ATION DATE V RI O , NOTICE WALL s DELIVERED 114 SAMPLE CERTIFICATE ACCORDANCE VATH INE P LI PROVISIONS. Cert1floato Requostos can bo einalied to AUTHORIZED REPRESENTARVO ja ckle lntegrl xp rieriee.eoiii f faxed 763-441-6826 1988.2010 AGORD C ORO RATION. All ri hts r s arved. ACORD 26 (2010106) Titin ACORD name and logo are registered marks of ACORD My Of ot 0 minutJ T SPECIAL EVENT PERMIT APPLICANT: Boondox Bar and Grille APPLICATION: TION: bequest for approval of special event permit for Eoondox to have outdoor music on 29 June 2013 from 3:OOPM to 11 :00PM. CITY COUNCIL MEETING: 28 May 2013 FINDINGS: Based upon review of the application and evidence received, the city council of the City of Otsego now makes the following findings of fact: A. Requests guests for special event permits are subject to the provisions of chapter 7, Section 5 of the City Code. B. The event application dated April 8, 2013 submitted by Boondox Bar and Grille i incorporated herein. C2 The Request uest for Council Action prepared by the city Planner, The Planning Company LLC, is incorporated herein. DECISION: Based on the foregoing information and applicable ordinances, the application is hereby APPROVED subject to the following conditions: I. The outdoor music shall be allowed only on 29 June 2013 from 3: PI I to 1 1:00PM. 2. Any modifications to the submitted site plan for activities on and off site shall be subject to review and approval of City staff. 3; The applicant small provide at their cost a minimum of two 2 off-duty licensed peace officers in addition to the four employees of the business as stated in the application. Event security, traffic control and emergency medical service shall be subject to review and approval of the Wright County Sheriff and City staff. 4. On -sale liquor shall comply with Chapter 7, Section 3 of the City Code and any violations thereof shell be enforced subject to Section 7-3-11 of the City Code; 5. All event signs shall comply with Section 37 of the Zoning Ordinance including issuance of a sign permit. MOTION BY: SECOND B; ALL IN FAVOR: THOSE OPPOSED; Attest: ADOPTED by the City Council f the City of Otsego this 28th day of May, 2013. Tami Lo f, City Clerk 2 CITY OF OTSEGO B: r Jessica L. Stockamp, Mayor