ITEM 4.3 Soccer Fieldsego C1TY OF Ot MINNESOTA DEPARTMENT INFORMATION Request for City Council Action . ... .. .............. :_ ______n__ _______ I E �1 AT1l DEPART EI T: .............. _.. ....... EQUE T : MEETING DATE: Public Works Fon Wagner, r, Cit r Engineer May 291h12013 PI E ELATE (s): REVIEWED BY' ITEM #: Ron Wagner., r, City Engineer Lori Johnson, City Administrator 4.3 AGENDA ITEM DETAILS RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends awarding contract to F hn of Albertville in the amount of $79,517.00 for grading the Soccer Fields west of City Hall and creating a gravel parking lot. ARE YOU SEEKING APPROVAL OF A CONTRACT? T? I PU B L IC HEA I NG REQUIRE D? Yes No BA KGROUNDIJUSTIFI TI N: Quotes were opened on May "a t 1:00 pry. Four quotes were received and are as follows, lowest to highest. Fehr Companies $79.,517.00 Barth Pine Aggregate $92,535.00 Colb It Contracting $97,440.00 Rachel Contracting $98,,124.00 The contractors sent request for quotes were chosen kir staff for work they have previously completed in a timely and complete manner and with minimal changes to the cost, therefore any of these contractors can complete the project. Therefore we recommend awarding the project to the lowest quote, Felnn Companies. The lowest quote and the engineers estimate were under $x.00,000 so advertisement for bids was not necessary. SUPPORTING DOCUMENTS: X ATTACHED NONE 0 Cote tabulation Motion: Motion for the City of Otsego to award a contract for 2013 Soccer Field Grading Project (COP 13-05) in the amount of $79,5x.7.00 to Folin Companies. BUDGET INFORMATION 111 21 mlxm= p! p 1 mg 11 ill l�!� 1 11 11 ig p1pillp! g�p 1 i . . .. .... ...... . FUNDING: BUDGETED: x YES TRSA Grant o NO 203 Park Development CTION TAKEN ...... .... . .............. ...... . .... . .. . ..... .. . ........ . . ........... ...... .... .... . ........ ... ... ..... . . .... ...... ... ... APPROVED AS REQUESTED d DENIED a TABLED o OTHER (List changes) COMMENTS: 1 w w co Ja O Ch v (n o CD w c o tri cv a a v ry a C� z 0. t�l3 a o to U-� o o � 0 Q a] � N ear 0 ai >, o D U ' cs 0 0 o o [p a o 10 0 m 0 c° Z w C:O A a o 0 cTj to H LLI s ° w- tz O cy '4 l4n CO O U L "I n M V- I t# civ m 0 I� tai Z C.) cv c� a0 €- � c o Ld tn Q i3C Lo a to to to u7 ta ca i IOL o � z G1 �UJ a o a U. C3r-- g C7 u7 Q muQ t- o D f2 0 m 04 0 a 69�0 L. o CL c }LO # a ck� CL CY 0 t I �4 w0 C o o T- u� Ct o 6 o C� LZ C MIz 0 ms 613 a m 1 z P m n M .93a 0 w w co Ja a c� C� z 0. >, o U ' cs a c° C:O a o 0 cTj to H s ° w- o cy '4 l4n CO z P m n M .93a 0