ITEM 4.4A 2013 Street Projects=.`,=~ 0 ot MINNESOTfAg nFPARlP0FNl|NMR0qAT|ON Request for Cit~,n!iU Actio , n ORIGINATING DEPARTMENT: REQUESTOR: MEETING DATE: Public Works Ron Wagner, City Engineer May 28t�., 2013 PRESENTER(s), REVIEWED BY: ITEM #: Ron Wagner, City EnEineer Lori Johnson, City Administrator 4.4 A AGE NDA ITEM DETAILS Staff recommends entering into a contract with Pearson Brothers out ofHanover MNfor the 2013 Street Maintenance Project (COP 2O1q'O1). ARE YOU SEEKING APPROVAL oF*CONTRACT? Yes IS A PUBLIC HEARING REQUIRED? No BAC noaoumouuSTI F/opmow: We have reviewed the two bids for the 2013 Street Maintenance Project and recommend entering into a contract with Pearson Brothers. The C|P 2013 estimate was $500,,000 for seal coating the street and an additional $30.,000 for striping. Pearson Brothers was the 1ovv bid with a bid of $537.,271.00. The other bid was from Allied Blacktop out of Maple Grove. Their bid was $569,,604.50. We estimate preparation of plans and specifications, contract administration and construction observation to be $20..000. Therefore the low bid plus engineering is approximately $30,000 overC|P budget orapproximately S96. All of the streets will receive a seal coat followed by a fog seal. For the majority of the streets we will be able touse salvaged chips from previous years bosave money. The fog seal over the top ofaseal coat ls fairly new to Otsego but it has worked well in neighboring cities by preventing rock loss both immediately after the seal is place and during the next several years due to snow plowing. We believe the extra cost is worth the better performance of the seal. Staff recommends removal ofIsland View Estates Arrowhead Estates, and Kad|erAve. from C8AH39to 101't St. Staff has reviewed these streets and determined "skin," patching would be more appropriate due to the magnitude of the cupping ofthe existing cracks. The rock loss within Prairie Creek and Pheasant Ridge also warrants seal coat in addition to the fog which was planned. These changes will increase the cost of the project to an estimated $563,000. With the additional $20,000 in estimated overhead costs, the project would be $53,O0] over the C|P budget or 10%. /t is staffs opinion the extra cost is warranted and will reduce the future seal coats as rock will be retained The other option is to remove Kittredge Crossings and Dara Glen from this year's project. This would save an estimated $52.,000 and the project would be at the CIP budget. Albertville has been contacted regarding their cost share for 7 01h Street between CSAH 19 and MacIver Avenue and indicated they will pay there proportional amount which is estimated to be $10.,000. The 2013 Seal Coat project covers 24.9 miles or just over 25% of Otsego's bituminous streets so a larger' portion than average is proposed to be sealed this year. An average year would be 20% based on a 5 year cycle. SUPPORTING DOCUMENTS: X ATTACHED NONE 0 Option I Plan (staffrecomr endation) 0 Option 2 Plan (meets 2013 CIP Budget) 0 Bid Tab Motion: Motion to Award 2013 Otsego Street Maintenance Project and enter into a contract with Pearson Brothers of Hanover MN at the bid amount of $537,271.00 BUDGET INFORMATION BUDGETED' X YES M 201 Pavement Management Fund ACTION TAKEN oNO APPROVED AS REQUESTED ❑ DENIED TABLED o OTHER (List changes) COMMENTS' Engineers Estimate "B" - STRIPING City of Otsego Estimated 2013 Street Maintenance Project C.O.P. #13-01 Description Qua fit y Unit Price Extension OPTION I 2582.501 PAVEMENT MESSAGE (ARROW) - PAINT 77 EACH $29.00 Schedule "A" - FOG & SEAL COAT 2 2582.502 4" DOUBLE SOLID LINE YELLOW - PAINT 27,100 LF $0.14 Estimatod 3 2582.502 Item No. Description Qua tity Unit Price Extension 1 2355.502 BITUMINOUS MATERIAL FOR FOG SEAL- CSS -11-1 41,375 GAL $0,29 $11,998.76 2 2356.505 BITUMINOUS MATERIAL FOR SEAL COAT (CRS -2P) 89,790 GAL $2.99 $26$,472.10 3 2356,XXX SEAL COAT AGGREGATE (FA -2) 268,435 SY $0.73 $195,957.55 4 2 3 56, XXX R ECYC L E D SEAL COAT AG G R E GAT E (FA -2) 145,300 SY $0.48 $69,744.00 Total FOG & SEAL AT $546,172.40 Schedule "B" - STRIPING Estimated Item No. Description Qua fit y Unit Price Extension 1 2582.501 PAVEMENT MESSAGE (ARROW) - PAINT 77 EACH $29.00 $2,233.00 2 2582.502 4" DOUBLE SOLID LINE YELLOW - PAINT 27,100 LF $0.14 $3,794,00 3 2582.502 41" BROKEN LINE YELLOW - PAINT 1,920 LF $0.07 $134.40 4 2582.502 411 SOLID LINE YELLOW - PAINT 9,400 LF $0.07 $658.00 5 2502.502 41J SOLID LINE WHITE - PAINT 66,000 LF $0.08 $5,280.00 6 25B2,502 4" BROKEN LINE WHITE - PAINT 230 i LF $0.08 $18.40 7 2582.502 12" SOLID LINE WHITE - PAINT 590 LF $1.60 $944.00 8 �582.502 24" SOLID LINE WHITE - PAINT 351 LF $3.20 $1,123.20 9- 25B2.502 24" SOLID LINE YELLOW - PAINT 60 LF $3.20 $192.00 10 2582,503 CROSSWALK MARKING (31X61 BLOCKS) - PAINT 1,080 SF $1.60 $1,728.00 11 2563.601 TRAFFIC CONTROL 1 LS $1,00D.00 $1,000.00 Total STRIPING $171105.00 Bid Schedule "A" SEAL COAT $546,172.40 Bid Schedule "B" STRWINO $17,105.00 TOTAL ALL SCHEDULES $5630277.40 OT387-2013 Engl-inmate Eng. Est (REVISED IN LD KITT) 1. 5/2112013 11:21 AM EVISIO I hcpa`l Ceti P/ n f aiz.C.2,3. ecn;!C-J?CA� C'frdC-CrtAns rc#sL* Er pre; i3*q I bl ere cr Urd!r /T7/ a -,j & .trj p -rill ,*M a d- "/ L. C 2 r' al 6-2'r e i- r U,-:C4xf ti-..& (4 A'T s ta e 5 C ta- Co's s,;Vrj A0.11A La i I a.,.E-1. p F. 1,,,,' 1 Ea g;n e o i s a r, d Lard Sur.-eyc rz I lakanson 3CO f Thut.5lon Ave_ Anoka. Alinnesoij 53,joj Il do763-42 7-58CO FAX 75-7-427-0520 Anersn 6Vp%*.v h.90-1 . ticcorn 56'_i CITY OF 0 TSEG 0 FOG AND SEAL COAT 6 2013 S TREE T MA IN TE -NA NCE PROJEC T OVERALL PLAN C1TYPROJECT NUMBER: 13-01 C/ TY OF 0 TSE G 0., MINNESOTA 21 �s-zz., Enginoers Estimate Item No. 2682.501 Description PAVEMENT MESSAGE (ARROW) - PAINT 4" DOUBLE SOLID LINE YELLOW - PAINT 4" BROKEN LINE YELLOW - PAINT 411 SOLID LINE YELLOW - PAINT 4" SOLID LINE WHITE - PAINT 4" BROKEN LINE WHITE - PAINT 12" SOLID LINE WHITE - PAINT 2411 SOLID LINE WHITE - PAINT 2411 SOLID LINE YELLOW - PAINT CROSSWALK MARKING 3'X0"BLOCKS1,080 TRAFFIC CONTROL Estimated Qua Itity 77 EACH 27,100 LF 1920 LF 9,400 LF 66,000 LF 230 LF 590 LF 351 LF 60 LF SF I LS City of Otsego Ext enslo.n $21233.00 $3,794.00 $134.40 $658-00 $5,280-00 $18.40 $944.00 $1,123.20 $192.00 $1,728.00 $1,000.00 2 2582.502 2013 Street Maintenance Project 2582.502 4 C.O.P. #13-01 5 2582.602 6 7 OPTION 2 8 9 10 2582.502 2582.502 2582.503 11 Schedule "A" - FOG & SEAL COAT Estimated Item No. Description Qua MY Unit Price Extension 1 2355,502 BITUMINOUS MATERIAL FOR FOG SEAL - CSS -1H 361965 GAL $0.29 $101719.85 2 2356.505 BITUMINOUS MATERIAL FOR SEAL COAT (CRS -2P) 79,650 GAL $2.99 $238,153.50 3 235 .XXX SEAL COAT AGGREGATE (1~A-2) 224,350 SY $G.73 $163,775,.50 4 235 .XC RECYCLED SEAL COAT AGGREGATE (FA -2) 14513001 SY $0.48 $69,744.00 Total FOG & SEAL COAT $482,392.85 Schedule "B" - STRIPING 1 Item No. 2682.501 Description PAVEMENT MESSAGE (ARROW) - PAINT 4" DOUBLE SOLID LINE YELLOW - PAINT 4" BROKEN LINE YELLOW - PAINT 411 SOLID LINE YELLOW - PAINT 4" SOLID LINE WHITE - PAINT 4" BROKEN LINE WHITE - PAINT 12" SOLID LINE WHITE - PAINT 2411 SOLID LINE WHITE - PAINT 2411 SOLID LINE YELLOW - PAINT CROSSWALK MARKING 3'X0"BLOCKS1,080 TRAFFIC CONTROL Estimated Qua Itity 77 EACH 27,100 LF 1920 LF 9,400 LF 66,000 LF 230 LF 590 LF 351 LF 60 LF SF I LS Unit Price $29.00 $0.14 $0.07 $0.07 $0,08 $0.08 $1.60 $3.20 $3.20 $1.60 $1,000-00 Ext enslo.n $21233.00 $3,794.00 $134.40 $658-00 $5,280-00 $18.40 $944.00 $1,123.20 $192.00 $1,728.00 $1,000.00 2 2582.502 3 2582.502 4 2582.502 5 2582.602 6 7 2582.502 2582.502 8 9 10 2582.502 2582.502 2582.503 11 2563.601 Total STRIPING $17,105-00 Bid SchedUle "A" SEAL COAT $4821392.85 Bid Schedule "B" STRIPING $17,105-00 TOTAL ALL SCHEDULES $499,497�85 OT 87-2013 EngEstiniale 5121/2013 11.21 AM Eng. Est (REVISED WO KITT) lrCfa'}/Ccr<ff b°rariris i0an. E�+ec; CcarC,7. crfarC4 K*S cf$--Gy�ma W. �} c Mfr'artcdb�ern&cru.-dertT/drecl sl ere`s-.rra'dthx#f RAY - amaduff LcenselFdreres %,tnafE,7grcerBY - � 1��� Eng aeersandLandSvn-errors CITY OF OSTEO FO AND SEAL COAT G crtra sfr:e cfAdrr:nescta a3.v Fl a� c`i���]c .3COI ThUtz ton Ave., Aeioxa, minrie5ata 55303 2013 STRE T MAIN TEN NCE PROJECT OVERALL PLAN 76.3-427-58fo FAX 763-427-0520 � ++ � �j 13-01 + T � * �+ �r� h �� � {} � C `IALD J L4 SG:. r7, Wit. r} C� J {: Anclers�Don 1r.4 idd-117iC. Or77 CITY PROJECT N 1II BE r CI TY !' +�7 /r f V f Y CJ J"i r#rj # s . -heti fJ`.'l ES is r0l (n 4-) my f % Lu 6 W mmq� F- 0" 0 IL 0 4-J z r. r. Qu CT). Lf) LO. UY W -O F- 0 C) 0 M CD C) 0 0 0 C) 0 Oi CD C� C) %t 0 C) CJ N C) C) C) (0 C) C) C) CD cc 0 co CO <9 N ca cl LO CF) N- N r- 0) U-> co T- CO N U> N a C) N r- (1) cj) r Qn V- LO (0 0 0 CA C-) U) V) iol C) 0 CD Loa LO V) 0 C3 CD UO CD fo U) 0:) un C: 0 co z CF) ZQ 0 N LO (11) QD z C) CD C) 0 C) C) CD C) 0 Iq ID LU cr) C) C) CD M cq C) IOL Z c CL ly. CL C! 0CD CL 0 0 a- CL 11r: bw 0 C, �.j C) 14 - r- I- OD Ow a 0 C) m CD 0 M 0 < C? C> Q (D N N (0 CD LLF 0CL 0C LU cr) C:) 0 C) (D 0 r C17 w LL) >- N W to CL CL i !a T 1- LIJ LL) 3: V) C9 z LO CV) -1 -0 0 la - :1E Lu D� 0 UtLo, >LI z Lzu wz ULI Q zJ wz z 0C) z 0) Z IIJ LLJ z w 0 W -O F- 0 n C) C) C C) C) CD CD cn C) CD C) -i C� C) %t C:) C3 0 N C) C) C) (0 V-) CO 0) Cl') LO w co N CF) N- N r- C) 0 C) N cr) V) CO Lr; Qn U) V) m C) 0 CD C) Cp 0 N C3 CD CD fo C:) 0:) CF) ZQ 0 N LO (11) z C) CD C) 0 C) C) CD C) 0 Iq ID LU cr) C) C) CD M cq C) IOL Z c CL ly. W C! 0CD CL 0 a- CL 11r: bw 0 (0 LU t 3: z � 0 0 Z) 0 < In W -O F- 0 Li- U- LL LL UL. LL LL LI- tL 0 Z < -j -i -i -i -i -i -1 0 -1 w CY U Qn _0 C) 0 CD C) Cp 0 N C3 CD CD fo C:) 0:) CF) ZQ 0 N LO (11) C) CD LO cn Q 0 0 0 z cl 2 u In U) LL G IS 0 . I t U Qn _0 a fo 0 z < 0 IOL Z C! 0 a- CL 0 (0 LU t 3: z 0 0 0 < In LLF 0CL 0C EL z z 7- ;T �D ?< w LL) >- n- CL CL CL i !a T 1- LIJ LL) 3: OL C9 z -1 -0 0 :1E Lu D� 0 UtLo, >LI z Lzu wz ULI Q zJ wz z 0C) z 0) Z IIJ LLJ z w 0 0 C) _-j 0 0 0 0 Ll - Lu cw w m w w (01) 11 0 ,a OL r I�r z -�,r N: 1. CN IrT Iq fl� (n w 0 Z (D r c �t to (D r- CF) cc V- T- C) CD LO cn Q 0 0 0 z cl 2 u In U) LL G IS 0 . I A CITY OF ot . 90 MINNESOTA DEPARTMENT INFORMATION Request for City Council Action ry .. _. _..v._ _ . N. _. o v. _. _v ., v ...._ v ..._.._ _. _N.n� .n. _ ._............ _ _..... _ .. ..v.. n _ _ . n_.._ _.. _.. , x . _. _ _ .............. . ........ 1-1- 1-.— . .......... 1 _.._.._....L _....._.. n , ry_. _ ____�_ _ ____ __ _____ 1 I.tdUESTOR: -MEETING DATE' Public Works Brad Belair Street Supervisor May 28,20 .3 PRE SENTER(s): REVIEWED BY. ITEM #: Ron Wagner, City Engineer Lori Johnson, City Administrator 4AB Ron Wagner., City Engineer AGENDA ITEM DETAILS . .......... ...... ................. . .. . ..... ----- - .... .... . . .................... ....... ............ .............. . : ......... I ....... .. ................. .......... ; . ...... .. ......... .. . . . ......... : ...... .... ...... ... : .... ......... .............. ........... ......... ...... .... .. ..... :..: ... ................. ............... : ................... .. .... RECOMMENDATION: To continue the efficient maintenance the bituminous streets in the City to high standards staff recommends contracting for annual crack filling. ARE YOU SEEKING APPROVAL OF A CONTRACT? IS A PU BLIC HEAL ING REQ U I RE D? Yes No BA CKG ROUNDIJ USTI F ICATION: The City of Otsego Pavement Management program includes annual crack filling of bituminous streets. Staff has received two quotes for the work from Bargen Inc. and Allied Blacktop Company and recommends contracting with Bargen Inc. in the amount of $57,507'.25. Although the low quote exceeds the estimated CIP budget proposal for 2013 which Is $50,0001 staff recommends completing the project as proposed considering the scope and difficulty of the project. Staff recommends funding the difference from future street maintenance funds. SUPPORTING DOCUMENTS: X ATTACHED u NONE * Quotes from Bar en Inc. and Allied Blacktop Company MOTION: (Please word motion as you would like It to appear In the minutes.) Motion to approve the low quote of $57,507.25 from Bargen Inc. for 2013 crack filling of streets. BUDGET INFORMATION ... ....... .... ..... .. ....... ......... ......... ......... ...... ...... . ............... ........................ . ... ................ I ........... ....... ---------- .................... .. .. ...... ............... . . .............. ... ..... FUNDING: BUDGETED: X YES 2013 CII Project #PW-ST12-060 ri NO Street Maintenance Crack Filling ACTION TAKEN .ARU I.00RM. rr�.,�------.-;F_ . . ..... .. . ..... .. .... . n d I flimie., '(601)..427 `2924 mo'untai'n-Lakel MN 56159' Ma'y 21').2013. C-1-ty-0 Otsego 08,9.�-- Nash va._Ave..� RE Otsego,MN 553 Bra.d, Tha n'k You i o"r-the 0 PPOAu n Ity to explalh the s P_ a It -Poo seryl.ces -.Out f (rM r.$.aril-to OU, y It -t -1'-� (00fit"th' k. .. M, a, 000--fot. r -y-s r 0 S a t.yo W.. rods� [wo U Id. like" -We''kpi a! n the -P'r'o_c1bd tire'8- our"IS&VIC Ctewvses., A Or. A.- rout out s ---fhk:are 40 feet _a Pa rt:and closor. R, rout. out cracks 1.1/4`Wide -by i". deep�_for cracks: that are .45.— 8 . o -fee tApart eit y vv. e u Y_ L h Wo. W- rs t1an co wil I be Lised to c lean out -any remal . n-Ing.do'bris an as a sec nd' cle ani 1� pro �ed. tj re, a hea" d/or c racks wl ll' e. file th rioe-quarters 't"o f U' 11 G, after -a coQ1.1 ng. perliod, - the -rac'ks:-are -f 1l d a. secon d time Wng: a -bandin'g" a.pplic:afor :H:: tW d 'S.''Ot I 1do a' y, all of a N . PS 410wo,�O., 6, !do 6f. -v:Wh-ef0- It -Wil' -RY's resPonslblllty_WW�op :, S. l , rant, ,ter a -the sealant:hat wqvill use mo -rd qxceeOs- th 1-n n -e sPt.a.-_ St.a.to..S pe c. Odl- - 713,.2 ---an.. owa _-0. _M #3 ong.. o at -Ic: F :-d an -k No "A ng''Crack�Wjll.biq-0 ah- doNeOds.and] 'Mols-tiote"u�In IY 6U 'k N I a:.f�vo I Utl n''o, r .4�e _Q pour pW ing spray" PP. op S material -des'tgned: to%. re pair gide- e- cra.C'_ks,.: of holes, ruttin a n d de Presse d broken-uP areas jn lt� fs:also Idea 1"for -u se. aroond m nhA-si -.gtitters -and- -' p alt d8ih5'- "WNh:;�Ppife- d" r- NOvo.'G�p 1pad: 40A ring; we- Abet: rei--�ktant, -Oura�fi r p op b . 1h a.- ,orn.po pmQma _. v _tI.Q: nq r -to c MpvetoO'p -0-a5 li�xplalhed. Prk"'d Our'- pr c ­e: nc 1 Matp�.041,= 8'0 8b 1q... 'take. s a 00.10W th :P 1.0, TWM 5: Owne r agree s0' )at a I 1--paym e nts - re qy Ire d , un der th I's. Conac"t shall be due.. an d payable within 3 o:. ays of ,datoofinyoke. OWtierforth:eragrees'that'B,argc4-o-I I. ,'may. (harge: 10tere-st. 4t,tbe a phip rite of '0 19'htgo unle-�s..b le­5�0­- -6r�eQt4g4,1s:-rqqq1r­edW_aid OY I _ _h'. aiiys'u hi -d tk� q h de, r- t%'Cohtf-4�t W� k. h 1�- hot p -,.p P Withl'n0 9f 1OVol d - Q , . tOk ''yt�i''hts�ire..no'tm�de-whe-n.d. -Jntere,5t,-costs_qJnc1d' ntalto collection and If pa q e at ortiey'5 a ortollec"t: n -ed Bargee Inc. J�er> (if ny att"orney-15-reialne 6-1' lo )'..shall beadd -to th.e. unpaid balancet -!so -top rk ro-- j � -nui paymots.. re rve -WO e th.o�-rlghtt. W."fhout. P op�jty-J�qq O-Wnqo� ..to hop . -�If -Ownerd',�5 1 `7 _Wdu !his Pro p osa I/Contract. may b e: with d rawn by.: Ba rcptkhIn dj or . - y , su ct. aysata nt1m eble-to gen Inc:} I -n ot-.a ceed v Accepta rtce of pro p:os al', 7-'Th.e A ove -PH ces Spec' Mcatin s. and - con diflons.are -:satlsfa ctory and are: hereby -do the work a� sp-0- -C-1-ft6d, 'This pro 'thdrawn if- not ac �eptq d acce- pked_., You .81-0 -AufhoH20 to e D -ate -d -a c�:epla n c e.. (If.appllcabl' ... ... ..... ........ ..................... .. . ...... .. . ........ TWnk.-yowfor-the op p or u nity -to prde - yo u Wth Inform atlon_.-o n.... - asph A:: paveme Ot main tena nce needs - Irt ,I .4 -am confid ni� u`wl 11 14n d th-e prod' cts. u s d,t r S t your commun ty e I at -yo. I U edan hewo`kman 'hip--O'f -our crew "he highp;A. qup�ltyi- I IOQMO�.,w, rd. In q� r or t ...510q.6 -rely, qrry. :...e BAREN, I NC - Th'.:. Project for city of Otsego " Gracie Repair 0 OUr Mf�'sl . OA ,,,Nqgm fe" Is. ed itiffil t Wow1� Qvrprilllar ypilrpqw- is: OTO: `*00M 0 AW roohi,11*040-do,. :.qua it AIM,ex*10,�jEll wvlqv, OW th4010 C11SWAIONWi0lill " vo : I tthe alos vah rCCq w t. le.. f0i 11 e=. The'CUStolln' r 1resposible for notify1lig the.pUbllhot. we will! be'.-workfna In.-- out, ama. Y.. p 01 Odvem,ent,mai ntenahe8. cati bia -wremely- dasty. a-nd'dirty, work and we. stroiigly encourage the ic to ke ep t h eir per$.0ml prop e r tya t -o s t ro og 0 15"ton ce - a WOY -POM our- - WQr,k zo p e, Ih I'$ -w III -avold any possIbi &.conicernsfor dust, .0� 75 5-b-fpef-OWqy-frQm thl� -.ori.-.ori.An-Insurance- rr� . m i 1s qdm o&. A. recgn q nd'eO. Ois qnW. �:o gWd bgwork M .:Reim arkAvenue o7 . Rout Sea Land oY,, overhand 5 $6)17,6.00. a. 40-11f 5-tmetw�-. '.and 80' yer nd -50 .2QYo R6.pt SOal o b;� .121 #3-. MaCiver Avenue NE, R' Lit, `1 -ove rba n d:: i. I, .82 -25 3 % RO ut �k S001 -and 6 67o -overb p hd #5'-- Pheasant %(reekFarms -50% Routk'5ea1-_-and.­'bYo-:oyerband 49 z -1-8 6 5 70 5 o% Roitt -N $01 a nd 5,,- QX ove rba ...040. 05 Kittfldg 0 K44t 5,�� I tid 5'0% W b " d at - i. OAO-�O 8 rrg. o . Yo -Rout &.seal a oyerband 6' n d 40'. %- .5 -40 gio Pheasant R149. 6''id'. 'A' o u t & Baal a n d -4.:Od-`-,- -.o v e, r a n $11-66-9,20. #tj .0� 9m. Queens Ave. % Rout& Seal and,t rand ...3'0Ove 3)9.9 -i #j�. Rq-ndoh h.AV6:0-.N.E` e .8hd 70 ': tb 0'440 Nmv Qqp for cupped'crac.k�s 0 10 -a C v' 0" A V 0. n 4 R w upp ,cTac s Ta r $V607'25- x:crac, h" t t 1:*l The to 61 p rice for Nuv o Gnp Is $7� 428,_ o5 0 Alred Biacktop I'11one; 763.425.0575 .......pa763.424.d791 1-0503. - 89th- A.venue�N.o�'thx-66Maple:-Grove..MN � www..alliedbl'-a--c"'kt"'opmn,com C��ael<sea l Prbpo Date: May 28, 2013 city of Otsego 1.3400 90th Vreat N. L Otsego, MN 66830 project: 2.p13 Sfreet Crick Seal 'Program Phone (763)2.364176- Fax: (763)441-9163 Qe11;-- (703)230705.04 ..bb ­'l' [,QtsMq We- hereb-'-submit the fo![owin g 8pecif loatio n s: acid Uotatioh far the foifowin g �.ongRLd1nal :and Transverse wor1j4"ki: cKs We .a d''wider ill-beroute, dried and.cleaned-with a hot air. Woo f 'roodairwand, andfilled -a' -with 3723' series ho# elas.tom,edo crack seal M -fefl�al:�CRArCQa i , 5.3 6) , The - - material: will be - applied 1 2- ....... m�que1tars-ipp6d with. 6 double'acketed: boiler and an I-,nternal -and odea,rn 'I thermostat. toroventscordhIng -and - overheating, Prevlo'us ly sealed etaPoks which.have�.re-opened. will 40 cleaned dried and. re -sealed. Approximate. Lineal Foo#age; 56,000 Approximate Pound8.;.:,-21,000R"ut $1'e.ZV X 111 Ap�(i�ator 4YOlt Yes :Wa Pest_-$w,e-,epReq�ired7: No. Note, Applldcitai`wand to - be used ipx'ql usive ly whon %ofu. ro -pooling of the product may be an issue., prom Overbond will -bi§ pregent-afte'' sealant '. hps beon'o'p lied. T-raffjomU$t%.'be kept o n r -P k" - 0"frul,fil the material has prope'riyovrod.- -7hls.. go." '- t6ily � takes-.- b... -tw -d 20.minutes. ro -an Issue, a ne . e . pion 10;an _ WhenAroffic control is .erbloOlng agent wl!! be a P01 le'di -if routing process draws .9rQund water moisturo'to the surface, this 00ntroo(or Wi1f.postponeOrdahcel project un#i! theIssueIs resolved. A:$_850.00 romobjll2afion fee to be charged. if orow"Js ' 'shut dowh We to Moisture from spriRk(er system, noIS6ord..i...h.. ohces1v ohlole traffic, o. r othercooporotibn :issues. This cbhtractor offers a one year guarantee on workmanshl -and M6t WIS. be -j- ed hone Wpilar ook toconstruc t Qn. This co.ntraoto r to work With mnoe: ,to deteimlqe4ohedwIe lho(willbe least disrupfive, we generaIly haye p 2 week turnaround after accepta.p.ce of. proposW - Previously sealed. aeidkg: that. have failed. or re -crooked wlif n''Qt'be routed, we _16to fn Ej�cor� '- noe With.the -above specifications, for the " 'M ptdo6s` 4, to fij rnish material and labor,- cQmp.. a 0 Crack Seal Total; $ 70-1390*60 Paynibn�: t6riMp 30 days, Note:. ibis propos 81 . may- be Withdrawn if 00'00p AthIn .30 0, ys, All'mt rlafls:guara 1W n to b.e as spe6ifl''ed. A'l-wq�R.-to be domple'Nd In a Wotkmanlike manneramoordl'ng to 6fa,ft.6rd p'(qdtic6s. A I a0MemPnWn(1ngent_- up : on s . trikos, ac4Iden 6tr-delaY� bOYdnd buttb*,01- Allied Bl,�chjop 0-i-ompany.to okes Arry ptoper Insurence lnclud�ng W r Aut hodg'od S1 . gCi ___ et M 7.7 P "' a n t Acce ptann ce of P ropos o 1: :The above prices, 6pOlOcati0ft Wid �O:Jhd!066 are satisfactory and are hereby accepted. You'aro A'01hofted" W dO t . he w6rk as, specifled, Payment wil I - bo mado' as Wilned aboo. Date of A 0 00' Signature', -nolloott Any P -mon, o --- r co'mpany supply"n"' labor Or M f00W 1. nal property may file a Il 9 0prqvPme4ttoyovr"perso Ur proportbot if 141 person.or'company� Is not Paid ir­the CoWWOO'n't, Mlqn6sola- law you .hare the rl�hf to _' :.. � U.n" 0 Or .. ay peirsongWho o 0116d 1por 68(erials for this kwovem'W -d1te:c1!y ond deduct.0PtblUht.-f(qM Oij.t- qqM(&ct price, or at old the amounts due tM froM -V-s :until 120 d4p after wmplefl:'On of the Improvem eht amts giVe yop a lien WAIVe r sign by persons Who- supptled ahy la"bor or it for thO Improyem ent and who gave you, ti" e� 'noflce' M Development Lineal Ft. Pounds C,;;ost Mississippi Pines 31.900 19560 $5,226.04 Kadler 3,6g0 1,430 $4,790,60 Kittredge. Crossings 5,140 2,009 $6$730.1-5 80'Ah/Marlowe/88rd 91400 3'.. 67Q V-1,959,60 Pleasant Creek Farms 21400 96Q $x;182,50 M',_rt1n. Farms west of ��1lacket�ze 4�7Q� 1,850 $6,197B.50 Martin Farms east of Mackenzie 3,40 It -3-3.0 $4,4551-P60 70th Street 10600 640 $2,137.60 NELMARK 81900 1,1556. $51209,25 Park 260. '(OD $335.0O QuantCe[le 900 360 $1,2Q6,00 751h Street 1,440 570 ..$i 1000,50 Pheasant Ridge 4-1-80G 1,885 -$6'1314675 PTO'100:-Qrisok x1500 $5,025.a0 Queens Ave nue 11900 70 $2,56275 Randolpii 700 27Q $9Q4.50 River Rend 1,7Q0 670 .12t244,50 Total:.'$'70,390.60 f