08-23RESOLUTION NO. 2008-23 CITY OF OTSEGO COUNTY OF WRIGHT, MINNESOTA A RESOLUTION APPROVING THE PERMANENT INTERFUND ACCOUNTING TRANSFERS WHEREAS, the following accounting transfers have been made at December 31, 2007 to properly reflect the financing of various projects and related activities of the City, and WHEREAS, the accounting transfers require the approval of the City Council by a resolution and to properly document this financing and approval, WHEREAS, the complete schedule of all accounting transfers, including those included in the 2007 budget and those previously discussed during the year, are summarized on the attached, NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF OTSEGO, MINNESOTA THAT THE ACCOUNTING TRANSFERS BE APPROVED. Adopted by the council this 28th day of April, 2008. Motioned By: CM Vern Heidner Seconded By:CM Jessica Stockamp All in Favor: Mayor Larry Fournier; CM Vern Heidner, CM Jessica Stockamp and CM Tom Darkenwald Opposed: NONE ABSENT: CM Mark Thorsted 4rryuier, Mayor ra�,-Ho 4n Clerk City c go Schep Transfers For The Year Ended December 31, 2007 1 Transferred Transferred Fund From To Description Building Inspection 250 82,000.00 **' Budgeted Operating Transfer General 101 82,000.00 Budgeted Operating Transfer General 101 154,000.00 """ Budgeted for Capital Equipment Capital Equipment Revolving 206 154,000.00 needs primarily for Public Works General 101 40,000.00 ""` Budgeted transfer for City's share of 1999 Bituminous Overlay Debt Service 316 40,000.00 the capital improvement project General 101 120,193.00 **"*"" "' To transfer to carryover monies Park & Trail Management Special Reve 201 ""**"""'*" 120,193.00 to establish fund Community Development & Building Se 250 187,757.83 xxxxxxx To transfer resources for Revolving Capital Improvements 414 xxxxxxx xxxAAAx 187,757.83 future development Municipal Building Fund 402 200,782.03 xxx)om To combine resources Otsego Municipal Building Fund 441 X00000a AAAAMA 200,782.03 Quaday Capital Improvement Project 426 198,753.61 xxx)o= To close portion of the Quaday Debt Service 365 xxxxxxx Auuxxxx 198,753.61 capital improvement project to debt service MSA Capital Projects 403 9,326.66 xxxxxxx To finance 2007 capital Maclver/70th Street 427 xxxxxxx xnAwux 9,326.66 costs of MacIver Water 601 318,881.36 xxxxxxx To eliminate operating cash Sewer 602 X000000c AAAAxxx 318,881.36 deficit Waterfront East/Missippi Shores 414 14,015.97 xxxxxxx To finance 2007 capital Revolving Capital Improvements 475 X000000c xxxxxxx 14,015.97 costs of WFE/Miss. Shores Revolving Capital Improvements 414 42,247.42 x0000= To finance 2007 engineering/ 194/CSAH 37 480 X000000c xxAwux 42,247.42 preliminary costs Revolving Capital Improvements 414 8,690.42 x0000= To record transfer to finance 194 Industrial Park 490 XXX)) c AAAXY" 8,690.42 projects costs in 2007 SE Utilities Project 444 82,947.19 xxx)o= To combine remaining balance of the 2006 Street Improvement Fund 485 X000000c AAAAAAA 82,947.19 SE and Queens Ave. project MSA Road Collector Fund 403 299,850.00 x000000c To finance City share of CSAH 42 2006 Street Improvement Fund 485 xxxxxxx AAAAAJL% 299,850.00 project costs General 101 177,540.63 r0000= To reclassify budgeted payment PW Bldg Lease Bond 385 xxxxxxx 177,540.63 for 2007 debt service costs X000000c (This is a reclassification to X000)ooc comply with accounting for EDA(PW) bond) Totals 1,936,986.12 1,936,986.12 The transfer was approved as part of the 2007 budget. ******** The transfer was approved March 10, 2008 Resolution 2008-09 xxx The transfer will be approved by Council resolution on April 28, 2008. 1