ITEM 3.4B PSC 4.11.2017 MinutesOtsego Safety Committee April 11, 2017, Meeting Minutes Call to Order. ITEM 3.413 Public Safety Vice Chair Mark Driste called the meeting to order at 6:30 pm Roll Call: Councilmembers: Jason Warenhime. Mark Driste, Tina Driste, Jim Breitbach, Greg Hubbard, Bill Abderhalden, Deb Schreiner, Wright County Sherriff (2 officers), Elk River Ambulance. 1. Approve agenda. Commissioner J. Breitbach motioned to approve agenda as written. Seconded by Commissioner M. Driste. All in favor. Motion carried. 2. Approve meeting minutes. 2.1 March 14, 2017 #5 Elections need corrections ( noted) Commissioner M. Driste motioned to approve minutes as written. Seconded by Commissioner B. Abderhalden. All in favor. Motion carried. 3. Open Forum. No items 4. Public Safety Police/Fire/Ambulance Updates. Albertville: absent Elk River: absent Roger: absent Sherriff: mental health calls increased—no rhyme or reason. REMINDER — lock your vehicles & call with suspicious activity. Almost fully staffed. Elk River Ambulance: Reviewed response times. Seconded mental health call — increased activity. Meeting to discuss 24/7 coverage not resolved yet- next meeting in October. Old Business. CERT Discussion: need to advertise- Deb wrote an article- she will send to ECM Press for print. Need 15 ppl to get program rolling—July 11th we will decide to proceed or not based on interest. Deb — 5 individuals from church, Jason received call, Chuck has a list of a few volunteers 6. New Business. Road Clean -Up Scheduled for Tuesday, May 9th, 2017 short meeting @ 6 pm; clean-up to begin at 6:30 pm. 7. City Council Meeting Update. No update available 9. City Council Meeting Assignments. April 24- Paul May 8- Paul ITEM 3.4B 10. Adjourn. Commissioner J. Breitbach motioned to adjourn. Seconded by Commissioner B. Abderhalden. All in favor. Motion carried. Adjourned at 7:02 pm. Next meeting ROAD CLEAN-UP -- May 9, 2017 @ 6:OOpm short meeting then clean-up to begin @ 6:30 pm Written by: Tina Driste, Commission Secretary