ITEM 3.4C Parks 4.18.2017 MinutesITEM 3_4C OTSEGO PARKS AND RECREATION OTSEGO PRAIRIE CENTER April 18, 2017 7:00 PM Call to Order. Chair Angie Dehn called the meeting to order at 7:05 PM. Roll Call: Chair Angie Dehn; Commissioners: Jim Breitbach, Derrick Stark, Angela Hilde, Cara Husak, Kitty Baltos and Travis Rittenbach. Absent: Commissioner Doug Cassady City Council: Mayor Jessica Stockamp Staff: Ross Demant, Parks and Recreation Director, Nick Jacobs, Parks Maintenance II, Amy Stemler, Recreation Lead and Connie Schwecke, Recreation Administrative Assistant. Others: Charles Vonberg 1. Open Forum. 2. Consider Agenda Approval. Commissioner Breitbach motioned to approve the agenda. Seconded by Chair Dehn. All in favor. Motion carried. 3. Consider Meeting Minutes. 3.1 March 21, 2017 Regular Meeting Minutes. Commissioner Stark motioned to approve minutes as written. Seconded by Commissioner Baltos. All in favor. Motion carried. 4. Unfinished Business. 4.1 Lefebvre Creek Park Plan Parks and Recreation Director Demant reviewed the staff report. Tim Wold from SRF Consulting Group presented the updated Lefebvre Creek Park plan with the park amenities. Commissioners agreed on the natural pallet colors for the playground equipment and choose the color Surrey Beige for the shelter post and Patricia Bronze for the shelter roof. Commissioner Baltos motioned to recommend to the City Council to proceed with park concept plan and specifications for Lefebvre Creek Park. Seconded by Commissioner Rittenbach . All in favor. Motion carried 4.2 Prairie Park Dog Park Lighting_ Parks and Recreation Director Demant reviewed the staff report. Commissioner Dehn requested a push button to turn on the electric light at the entrance gate. Commission Breitbach stated he would prefer to have the light pole on the outside of the dog park. After discussion, the commissioners recommended the electric lighting option one with moving the light pole to the outside fence line of the dog park. Parks and Recreation Director Demant stated he would relocate light pole placement and the costs to the May meeting. 5. New Business. 5.1 Elections of Officers. Commissioner Breitbach nominated Angie Dehn as Chair for 2016/2017. Vote 4-3. Motion carried. Commissioner Breitbach nominated Derrick Stark as Vice -Chair for 2016/2017. All in favor. Motion carried. 6. Parks and Recreation Director Update. Parks and Recreation Director Demant updated the commissioners on the Northwood Park Grand Opening. Mr. Demant thanked the commissioners for helping at the 2017 Otsego Egg Hunt. Commissioners had the following suggestions for next year Egg Hunt: More directional signage. Information table. Second Easter Bunny for pictures. Baskets to hand out (find a business to sponsor). All dogs need to be leashed during PAWS events. 7. City Council Reports. Mayor Stockamp gave an update to the commissioners. 8. Adjourn. Commissioner Breitbach motioned to adjourn. Seconded by Commissioner Husak . All in favor. Motion carried. Adjourned at 8:15 P.M. Written by Connie Schwecke, Parks and Recreation Administrative Assistant OTSEGO PARKS AND RECREATION Work Session OTSEGO PRAIRIE CENTER April 18, 2017 6:00 PM Call to Order. Chair Angie Dehn called the meeting to order at 6:00 PM. Roll Call: Chair Angie Dehn; Commissioners: Jim Breitbach, Derrick Stark, Angela Hilde, Cara Husak, Kitty Baltos and Travis Rittenbach. Absent: Commissioner Doug Cassady City Council: Mayor Jessica Stockamp Staff: Ross Demant, Parks and Recreation Director, Nick Jacobs, Pars Maintenance II, Amy Stemler, Recreation Lead and Connie Schwecke, Recreation Administrative Assistant. Others: Charles Vonberg 1 Otsego Parks and Recreation Department's Goal Setting. Parks and Recreation Director Demant reviewed the 2016 Parks and Recreation Goals and Policies and also presented the 2017 Goals and Policies. Chair Dehn recommended working with the Crow River Senior Center when planning senior trips. Commissioner Baltos questioned if the City's Comprehensive Plan requires land acquisition for future park development. Parks and Recreation Director Demant stated that yes the City is to look at the community needs first and then prioritize to acquire parcels of land that would be most beneficial for park development. Commissioner Husak recommended updating the City's website by contracting with a website design company. Ms. Husak also stated this company would be able to provide necessary training to city staff. After discussion, the commissioners agreed to precede with the 2017 Parks and Recreation Goal's and Policies as written. Commissioners also recommended that staff bring the Department's goals to the Council and that no meeting would be necessary between the Council and Commission. 2. Adjourn. Commissioner Baltos motioned to adjourn. Seconded by Commissioner Stark. All in favor. Motion carried. Adjourned at 7:01 P.M. Written by Connie Schwecke, Parks and Recreation Administrative Assistant