ITEM 6.1 Lefebvre Creek ParkP",Ots11 Fo MINNESOTA g DEPARTMENT INFORMATION Request for City Council Action ORIGINATING DEPARTMENT REQUESTOR: MEETING DATE: Parks & Recreation Parks and Recreation Director Demant May 22, 2017 PRESENTER(s) REVIEWED BY: ITEM #: Parks and Recreation Director Demant City Administrator/ Finance Director Flaherty 6.1 AGENDA ITEM DETAILS RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommending proceeding with the preparation of plans and specifications and solicitation of bids for the construction of Lefebvre Creek park. ARE YOU SEEKING APPROVAL OF A CONTRACT? IS A PUBLIC HEARING REQUIRED? No No BACKGROUND/JUSTIFICATION: The Future Parks and Trails Plan identifies development of a greenway corridor along Lefebvre Creek from Padgett Avenue & 75th Street to the west of Quaday Avenue. The main focus of the corridor project is to protect the natural and environmental aspects of the area. Phase 1 of this plan is to construction Lefebvre Creek Park and the corresponding trail section for which will begin at the intersection of Padgett Avenue & 75th Street and head south and ultimately following Lefebvre Creek to the East stopping at Parell Avenue. Phase 2 of the project designates acquisition of a neighborhood park adjacent to the natural environment lake and extension of the greenway corridor from Parell Avenue to 78th Street west of Quaday Avenue when the abutting property to the east is subdivided. The timeframe for subdivision of the property to the east of Boulder Creek will be determined by private action. Parks and Recreation Commissioners reviewed an initial concept plan for the Lefebvre Creek Park, which is situated in the Boulder Creek Development, at their August 12, 2016 meeting. That review included adding amenities and features to make the park safer and more natural. The developer was initially going to build the park in exchange for park dedication credit. After discussions between City staff and the developer, it was determined that the City would assume responsibility for any additional public park and trail improvements within Boulder Creek and Boulder Creek 2 d Addition. City staff presented a proposal from SRF Consulting Group to the Otsego City Council at their January 23, 2017 meeting which outlined providing park development services for Lefebvre Creek Park. The Council voted unanimously to approve the proposal; those services included meetings with the Commission, Council, and Staff, developing conceptual designs, preparing plans and specifications for the selected park concept, and administration of the bid process. The Parks and Recreation Commission has met with Tim Wold from SRF Consulting Group and created a concept design that incorporated the natural features of the current location of the park and addressed potential needs of the surrounding neighborhood. This park is considered a 'neighborhood park' under the City's comprehensive plan, and while the park amenities are able to serve the entire community the proposed amenities are geared specifically for a one-half mile service radius. The proposed amenities include a trail and playground with pre -cast and traditional features, shelter, garbage receptacles, irrigated green space, drinking fountain, and a mister station where kids can enjoy the benefits of cooling off without getting too wet. The 2017 Capital improvement Plan included $315,000 for park improvements and trail construction. The current cost estimate is $402,328.48, with the increased estimate being due to the additional amenities which have been included in the park due to the additional development phases in Boulder Creek and Crimson Ponds. Those additional amenities include a park shelter, park furnishings, and additional structure that are required for the playground container. The proposed funding source for Lefebvre Creek Park is to come from the Park Dedication Fund #203. This funding does have adequate funding to support the additional estimated costs. The proposed trail running from Lefebvre Creek Park to 75th Street NE. is to be complete by the developer with the construction costs to be credited against their park dedication fees. Construction oversight and testing is being proposed to be completed by a combination of City Staff and representatives from Hakanson Anderson. Park Construction $338,429.70 Construction Oversight & Testing $2,000 Trail from Lefebvre Creek park to 75th $61,898.78 TOTAL $402,328.48 SUPPORTING DOCUMENTS ATTACHED: • Lefebvre Creek Concept Design • Hakanson Anderson Trail Estimate • SRF Consulting Group Park Estimate POSSIBLE MOTION PLEASE WORD MOTION AS YOU WOULD LIKE IT TO APPEAR IN THEM IN UTES: Motion to approve SRF to proceed with plans and specifications and advertisement for bids for the construction of Lefebvre Creek park. BUDGET INFORMATION FUNDING: BUDGETED: Fund # 203- Park Dedication Yes CITY OF 0 Ot e MINNESOTA 2018 CIP - PROPOSED TRAIL PROJECT Boulder Creek to 75th Street Item Description Mobilization Estimated Quantity I 1 Unit Type LS I Cost $ per Unit 5,000.00 ExtendedTotal I $ Per Unit 5,000.00 Remove Pavement 10 SY $ 15.00 $ 150.00 Mill 11/2" Deep 5 SY $ 10.00 $ 50.00 Curb Removal 15 LF $ 25.00 $ 375.00 Common Excavation 305 CY $ 8.00 $ 2,440.00 Soil Corrections/Muck Excavation 375 CY $ 10.00 $ 3,750.00 Common Borrow 580 CY $ 10.00 $ 5,800.00 Topsoil Borrow 100 CY $ 25.00 $ 2,500.00 9" Thick Class 5 Agg Base 365 Tons $ 18.00 $ 6,570.00 3" Thick Bit Path 115 Tons $ 100.00 $ 11,500.00 Curb and Gutter 15 LF $ 45.00 $ 675.00 Concrete Pedestrian Ramp 1 LS $ 2,500.00 $ 2,500.00 Storm Sewer 1 LS $ 2,500.00 $ 2,500.00 Erosion Control 1 LS $ 5,000.00 $ 5,000.00 Signage 2 EA $ 250.00 $ 500.00 Striping 126 SF $ 1.75 $ 220.50 Restoration Construction Total 0.2 1 Acre 1 $ 7,500.00 $ 1,500.00 Wetland Deliniation 1 LS $ 2,000.00 $ 2,000.00 Overhead Cost)Project Total (2016 Project Total (2018 Cost) 15% $ 7,654.58 60,685.08 Only City Portion of Trail ( North -575 LF)Hakanson Anderson LeFebvre Creek Park Preliminary Cost Estimate Otsego, MN LeFebvre Creek Park Preliminary Cost Estimate - revised May 17, 2017 City of Otseqo SRF Consulting Group, Inc. Project No. 10147 5/17/2017 Survey and Staking $6,000.00 Earthwork $22,500.00 -Site Grading/Erosion Control $20,000 -Rock Construction Access $2,500 Play Area $185,474.00 -Play Equipment, Wood Fiber Mulch, and Installation $90,000 -Concrete Walks and Pads $8,676 -Concrete Curbing $11,968 -Play Container Drainage System $5,500 -Poured-in-Place Play Surfacing $10,530 -Shelter and Installation $24,045 -Shelter Footings $8,000 -Shelter Light, Outlet, Conduit, and Circuitry $9,500 -Landscaping $4,955 -Grill $800 -Game Tables $6,000 -Picnic Tables $4,000 -Trash Receptacle $1,500 Rest Area $25,305.00 -Tower Mister $8,500 -Water Service from Existing Stub $4,000 -Drinking Fountain $6,500 -Concrete Walks and Pads $1,110 -Dog Waste Bag Dispenser $500 -Benches $3,200 -Landscaping $1,495 $7,435.00 Shoot -Around Court -Bituminous Pavement $4,160 -Basketball Outfit (standard, goal, backboard) $3,000 -Landscaping $275 Landscaping/Turf Establishment $35,600.00 -Seed and Sod $13,650 -Coniferous and Deciduous Trees $21,950 Irrigation System $40,000.00 Estimated Subtotal $322,314.00 5% Construction Contingency $16,115.70 Total Estimated Construction Costs $338,429.70 0x50/ — )(2)< 79.8 iu) -- 1 X p 60X50 60X50 W � 0 50x50 / Wo 60X50 - Q I Wei(% Trailside Rest Area 4 6oxso (87 0 -2 Benches 874 p ! _ W �60x50 \ - Misting Tower Wd \ - Landscape Plantings / I 40 7874 2j _ I - I X 888. AL MM Open Green % Space Park I. D. Sign with +5� % Landscape Plantings r, o r / (8781 Bluffer Adjacent -wo - I Resideokial Properties 1 , c 6oxso - W5 0 875 2� i \ 60 k50 Wo I (50 so+s -0-1-66 6oxso (8j1 r0 0 4 0p %/ so� J / / oo 50X50 (e�� � 5050 I / 'SOD x �(eto (87R� R 7 �� R l� LEFEBVRE CREEK PARK CITY OF OTSEGO Ll :49 Consulting Group, Inc. 6oxso Wo \\S�s Pre V. 10'icnic Area Open Green Space e� 'LCI 60X50 F 77 •�6�0/X50 60X50 RO WO 60X50 Wo - 60X50 Wo 7O Bj507)-- 'j (878.0) _ (875.7 X874.7) - - (8752) 875 3 875 0 0x50/ — )(2)< 79.8 iu) -- 1 X p 60X50 60X50 W � 0 50x50 / Wo 60X50 - Q I Wei(% Trailside Rest Area 4 6oxso (87 0 -2 Benches 874 p ! _ W �60x50 \ - Misting Tower Wd \ - Landscape Plantings / I 40 7874 2j _ I - I X 888. AL MM Open Green % Space Park I. D. Sign with +5� % Landscape Plantings r, o r / (8781 Bluffer Adjacent -wo - I Resideokial Properties 1 , c 6oxso - W5 0 875 2� i \ 60 k50 Wo I (50 so+s -0-1-66 6oxso (8j1 r0 0 4 0p %/ so� J / / oo 50X50 (e�� � 5050 I / 'SOD x �(eto (87R� R 7 �� R l� LEFEBVRE CREEK PARK CITY OF OTSEGO Ll :49 Consulting Group, Inc. 6oxso Wo \\S�s Pre V. 10'icnic Area Open Green Space e� I I Trail Lightng, Typ. Existing10' Wide Bituminous Trail, Typ. K-5 24' Picnic Shelter Overlook with Pergola Existing Storm Pond Bench, Typ. —Accessible Pi I Table W (875_2) (875.2) (875.7) WD 60X0 WO Wo - WO I, 60X50 6oxso 6ox50 \ i 60X50 X 40 80 PREFERRED CONCEPT S�1e m Feec 011111 PROJECT NO. 10147 DATE: APRIL 18, 2017 I 60X50 F 77 •�6�0/X50 60X50 RO WO 60X50 Wo - 60X50 Wo 7O Bj507)-- 'j (878.0) _ (875.7 X874.7) - - (8752) 875 3 875 0 874.5 874.0 - I I Trail Lightng, Typ. Existing10' Wide Bituminous Trail, Typ. K-5 24' Picnic Shelter Overlook with Pergola Existing Storm Pond Bench, Typ. —Accessible Pi I Table W (875_2) (875.2) (875.7) WD 60X0 WO Wo - WO I, 60X50 6oxso 6ox50 \ i 60X50 X 40 80 PREFERRED CONCEPT S�1e m Feec 011111 PROJECT NO. 10147 DATE: APRIL 18, 2017