ITEM 1' ot C",go MINNESOTA �� DEPARTMENT INFORMATION Request for City Council Action ��!��*D�.l�E���jE_A|_S -- - --- RECOMMENDATION- Purchase vehicles as recommended by the Public Works Subcommittee for the Utilities Department. ARE YOU SEEKING APPROVAL mF AoowrnxoTr No IS A PUBLIC HEARING REQUIRED? No rICAnom The Public Works Subcommittee, at its May 29 meeting, discussed vehicle needs and options for the Utilities Department. The entire fleet for parks, streets and utilities was reviewed to maximize the existing fleet and tofind cost effective ways toprovide vehicles tothe Utilities Department. After reviewing the current light vehicle fleet, uses in the parks, streets, and utilities departments, and proposed 2013 and 2014 CIP purchases, the Subcommittee made the following recommendations: lThe Street Department pickup programmed to betraded onanew replacement pickup in the 2013OPwill beretained and transferred to the Utilities Department. The new Street Department pickup will bepurchased now so the current vehicle can be transferred to the Utilities Department as soon as possible. The Water and Sewer funds will reimburse the Capital Equipment Revolving fund for the value of the transferred vehicle, approximately $9,000. The new vehicle will be funded by the Capital Equipment Revolving fund as stated /n the C|P. 2. The Street Department pickup replacement programmed inthe ZOl4 C|Pwill beaccelerated and purchased now. Like the 2Ol3purchase noted above, the existing vehicle will not be traded and instead will be retained and transferred to the Utilities Department. Again, the Water and Sewer funds will reimburse the Capital Equipment Revolving fund for the value of thetranafenedvehldeendtheCapita|Equ1pmentRevoiv/ngfuudvvU|payforthenevvvaNc|e. 3. A third pickup will be purchased now in lieu of purchasing a new chassis for the crane which was programmed |nthe 2Ol4C|P. This will beathree quarter ton equipped with asnow plow. The Water and Sewer funds will pay for this vehicle. The vehicles will all be purchased from the State contract as outlined below: 4. Two of the new pickups will be purchased now from inventory currently available through the REQUESTOR. Lori Johnson, City Administrator MEETING DATE: June 5, 2013 ORIGINATING r-PARTMENT. Administration PRESENTER(s): Lori Johnson, City Administrator REVIEWED BY: ITEM #.' . 1 ��!��*D�.l�E���jE_A|_S -- - --- RECOMMENDATION- Purchase vehicles as recommended by the Public Works Subcommittee for the Utilities Department. ARE YOU SEEKING APPROVAL mF AoowrnxoTr No IS A PUBLIC HEARING REQUIRED? No rICAnom The Public Works Subcommittee, at its May 29 meeting, discussed vehicle needs and options for the Utilities Department. The entire fleet for parks, streets and utilities was reviewed to maximize the existing fleet and tofind cost effective ways toprovide vehicles tothe Utilities Department. After reviewing the current light vehicle fleet, uses in the parks, streets, and utilities departments, and proposed 2013 and 2014 CIP purchases, the Subcommittee made the following recommendations: lThe Street Department pickup programmed to betraded onanew replacement pickup in the 2013OPwill beretained and transferred to the Utilities Department. The new Street Department pickup will bepurchased now so the current vehicle can be transferred to the Utilities Department as soon as possible. The Water and Sewer funds will reimburse the Capital Equipment Revolving fund for the value of the transferred vehicle, approximately $9,000. The new vehicle will be funded by the Capital Equipment Revolving fund as stated /n the C|P. 2. The Street Department pickup replacement programmed inthe ZOl4 C|Pwill beaccelerated and purchased now. Like the 2Ol3purchase noted above, the existing vehicle will not be traded and instead will be retained and transferred to the Utilities Department. Again, the Water and Sewer funds will reimburse the Capital Equipment Revolving fund for the value of thetranafenedvehldeendtheCapita|Equ1pmentRevoiv/ngfuudvvU|payforthenevvvaNc|e. 3. A third pickup will be purchased now in lieu of purchasing a new chassis for the crane which was programmed |nthe 2Ol4C|P. This will beathree quarter ton equipped with asnow plow. The Water and Sewer funds will pay for this vehicle. The vehicles will all be purchased from the State contract as outlined below: 4. Two of the new pickups will be purchased now from inventory currently available through the State contract. The cost to purchase existing vehicles bapproximately $2,000 more than ordering a vehicle; however, because the vehicles are needed as soon as possible, the additional cost |sacceptable. 5. The third vehicle, a three quarter ton pickup will be ordered through the State contract; the delivery time /sestimated at12weeks. Asnow plow will beinstalled onthis vehicle. The cost of four vehicles was included in the utility operations financial analysis prepared in March when the Council took action bztransition the Utilities Department. Three vehicles are requested etth|at|me. Arecommendation for aforth vehicle will beforthcoming atalater date. Because existing used vehicles will be transferred, the initial vehicle cost will be less than projected. Finally, attached is the information that was provided to the Public Works Subcommittee for discussion. The transfer of used vehicles from streets to utilities and the purchase of new vehicles require clear explanation because several different departments, different CIP year budgets, and different funding sources are mingled together. For that reason additional information and explanation will beprovided atthe meeting. SUPPORTING DOCUMENTS: xoATTAoHEo oNONE m Public Works Subcommittee Memo 0 Vehicle quote POSSIBLE MOTION Please word motion as you would like it to appear In the minutes. Motion to purchase three pickup trucks; two from current inventory off the State Contract and one to be ordered off the State Contract; further move that the Water and Sewer funds reimburse the Capital Equipment Revolving fund for the two existing vehicles that will be transferred to the Utilities DepartmentthattheVVateraInd Sewer fundspay fbrthethirdnevvveh|c|eandplow, andthe Capita | Equipment Revolving fund pay for the two new Street Department trucks. BUDGET INFO-IRMATION Fuwo/wo: Transfer ofexisting vehicles and three quarter Lon Water and Sewer Funds Street department vehicles funded asapproved [nthe C|Pb«the Capital Equipment Revolving fund ACTION TAKEN BUDGETED: xovEo o NO OPpurchases were budgeted. Utilities vehicles planned for aspart oftransition from contract to/n house operation. oAPPROVED xSREQUESTED ooEm|Eo oTABLED ooTHER (List changes) riflowy CITY OF MIN14ESOYA g MEMORANDUM TO: Public Works Subcommittee FROM: Lori Johnson, City Administrator DATE: May 20, 2013 SUBJECT: Public Works Subcommittee Agenda Attached are memos for items 1 thl'OLIgh 4 and 9 on the agenda. Items 5 through 8 are covered In this merno. We need to adjourn the Subcommittee meeting by 4:30 on Wednesday which means we will need to move quickly to cover all of the agenda items. If you feel the dISCUSSIon will take longer than two hours a n d you are available at 2:00, we could start the meeting at 2:00 instead of -2:30. Please let me know if you feel the extra time is needed. 8. Utilities Department Vehicle Anal With the change in operations in the Utilities department, there is a need to provide vehicles for staff use for daily water and wastewater operations. Thus, staff has now thoroughly reviewed the existing fleet of vehicles to determine availability of existing light duty vehicles for the Utilities staff. The review included all light duty Vehicles whether they are currently used by the street or, park department. Additionally, the 2013 CIP'InClUdes the purchase of a pick-up for the street department. Making adjustments to that purchase was included in the analysis. That PUrchase includes trading in the existing vehicle with an estimated value of $9,000; however, that existing vehicle could be transferred to the utilities department instead. A list of current light duty vehicles is attached for YOUr review. There are nine vehicles, excluding the truck with the mounted crane, that are available for use by nine full time and seven seasonal employees. As you can see, all of the existing nine vehicles are currently used from spring until fall when seasonal employees are working and several are also used for snow plowing. Of course, employees working together on projects ride together when possible and 2 other vehicles are used for various projects. Most of the time though all of the light duty vehicles are in use or are needed at some point during the day, Often there are multiple projects going in different areas of the City; thus, it is most efficient if the employee(s) assigned to each project can go directly to the job site in a vehicle with the equipment needed. DLIe to the physical size of the City, travel time between job sites often negatively impacts the efficiency of ride sharing. Also attached is a inerno from Brad Belair, Ross Dernant, and Kurt Neidermeler outlining the light duty vehicle assignments, usage, and needs in their respective departments. The street and park departments are functioning with the current vehicles and are not requesting additional vehicles. The utilities department, however, as was noted in earlier discussions is in need of vehicles for the lead utility operator beginning on May 29 and for two operators beginning on approximately June 24. A forth employee would require access to a vehicle in the future. These vehicle costs were included in the financial analysis of an in-house utilities department. The only vehicle currently available for daily utilities department use is the 2002 truck with the crane. That vehicle will work in the short term, but as was stated earlier, because of its well - used condition and the expense to replace the chassis and remount the crane, it isn't recommended as a long-term daily use vehicle. it Is most cost effective to keep that vehicle in working order for as long as possible by limiting its Use. Retaining the street pick-up that was planned to be traded in 2013 would meet the need for one of the utilities employees. The Water and Wastewater Funds would reimburse the Capital Equipment Revolving Fund for the value of the vehicle. To meet the need for the other utilities vehicles, there are several options: 1. The 2014 CIF budgeted purchase of a $50,000 chassis to remount the existing crane could be reallocated and accelerated to 2013 and instead be used to purchase two utilities department vehicles. As noted above, the crane truck does not need to be replaced in the next year or two if the current crane truck is used mainly when the crane is needed and if a plow is mounted on one of the utilities vehicles as this vehicle was part of the snow plowing fleet Until the end of this plow season when it was taken out of the fleet d u e to its condition. Funding for these purchases would change from the Capital Equipment Revolving Fund to the Water and Wastewater Funds. 2. The 2014 CIP budgeted purchase of a $35,000 one ton truck for the street depart ment could be accelerated with the trade in retained for the utilities department. Again, the Water and Wastewater Funds would pay for the trade in. 3. Two vehicles (new or used) could be added to the fleet, purchased now for the utilities department with Water and Wastewater reserves instead of accelerating the 2014 purchases. 4. Tandem and personal vehicles could be used by the streets and parks departments to accommodate the need for utilities staff to complete their rounds and to travel between facilities. The use of personal vehicles is not recommended for insurance and liability reasons. Obviously, the tandems are purchased for plowing and hauling and are not well suited to most summer projects. To minimize the cost now and when the vehicles are due for replacement, purchasing all new vehicles is not recommended. Itis recommended that the 2013 trade in be retained. Staff is requesting input on how to proceed to have vehicles available for utilities operations. 3 Light Duty Vehicles May 2{13 ` PW 18 2006 Chevy extended cab Streets Brad 10 PW 2 2002 Ford F350 with Crane Float Streets Used in past to plow snow Utilities Crane mounted for pulling lift station pumps Total of 10 light duty vehicles for streets and parks staff of mine full time and seven seasonal employees. Use of truck with crane i is limited due to condition, specialized use, and cost to replace. if light duty vehicles are not available, less efficient tandem trucks are used or the supervisors use their personal vehicles. The highest need In the spring to fall is for light duty vehicles. Tandems are needed ocassionally for sweeping, hauling, and heavyconstruction projects. Vehicle Description Department Assigned to Use I PW 38 2006 Pard F450 w dump/plow Parks Seasonal Crew Park maintenance summer Snow Plow Fleet Cul de sac and trail plowing 2 PW 50 2€13 GNIC 1 ton w/plow+ Parks Pat Park maintenance summer Snow Plow Fleet Cul de sac and trail plowing 3 BD 19 2006 extended cab Parks Ross 4 131) 17 2006 extended cake Streets Kevin 5 PW 04 2005 Ford F350 w dump 'p►low Streets Streets Crew General rnaintance summer Snow Plow Fleet Cul de sac and trial plowing PW 06 2005 extended cab Streets Steve Meter reading, hydrant flushing, general utilities maint. ' 7 PW 07 2012 l=ord F350 w/plow Streets Crew General maintenance summer, pull trailers I Snow Plow Fleet Curl de sac and trial plowing 8 PW 17 2005 Chevy Parks Seasonal crew Parr maintenance, pull trailers, water trees Pat Ice rink f looding winter PW 18 2006 Chevy extended cab Streets Brad 10 PW 2 2002 Ford F350 with Crane Float Streets Used in past to plow snow Utilities Crane mounted for pulling lift station pumps Total of 10 light duty vehicles for streets and parks staff of mine full time and seven seasonal employees. Use of truck with crane i is limited due to condition, specialized use, and cost to replace. if light duty vehicles are not available, less efficient tandem trucks are used or the supervisors use their personal vehicles. The highest need In the spring to fall is for light duty vehicles. Tandems are needed ocassionally for sweeping, hauling, and heavyconstruction projects. ot CITY OF e 141UNESOTA g TO: Public Works Sub -Committee FROM: Brad Bel air Street supervisor Ross Demant Park and Recreation Manager Kurt Nelderrneler DATE: May 22, 2013 RE: Light Duty Vehicle Needs Background: The Street Department staffs seven (7) full time employees and two (2) seasonal employees who are assigned duties performing street, fleet, facility, and utility maintenance. Light duty vehicles assigned to the Street Department are needed on a daily basis for responding to citizen concerns, field inspections, routine maintenance, service calls and meter reading, and snow removal. Light duty vehicles are typically pickup trucks with open boxes and trailer hitches but may also be equipped with dump bodies and snow plows, The Street Department is currently assigned five (5) light duty vehicles. To continue to meet the needs of the Street Department I recommend replacing one light duty vehicle as presented in the 2013 CIP and retain the trade in for use in the Utility Department. The Parks Department currently has 6 summer staff (2 full time and 5 seasonal). The full time staff is assigned the Parks I Ton without the dump box to store a majority of the park specific tools and equipment. Typically 2 seasonal use tine 3/4 ton to pull the trim mowers and to haul black dirt and wood mulch. Two seasonal will be assigned the I ton for general park maintenance,, tree mulching, tree watering (one seasonal), and ball field maintenance. The 1/2 ton is driven primarily by the Parks and Recreation Manager and can be made available to seasonal staff as needed. The City of Otsego will staff a Utilities Department to replace contract operators July If 2013, Staff replacement is estimated at four members with an additional seasonal employee. Four wheel drive extended cab 4x4s are recommended to offer room for job specific apparel, safety equipment, lab equipment and documents, Vehicles should be equipped with traffic management lighting and tool boxes for routine and emergency repairs and response. To support staff and responsibilities a minimum of four vehicles is recommended. 0 1/2 ton East WWTF — Daily use including outside rounds,, equipment transport,, customer visits & emergency response. o 1/2 ton WestWV�TF — Daily use including outside rounds, equipment transport, customer visits & emergency response. 0 1/2 ton Supervisory — Daily use including outside rounds, equipment transport, customer visits & emergency response. 0'3/4 ton /plo r — Daily use including outside rounds, equipment transport, customer visits & emergency response. This vehicle will conduct plowing for the Wastewater Treatment Facilities, Well Houses, Lift Stations., Water Towers and Booster Station. A seasonal employee will have access to these vehicles when not in use or teamed with another member during projects requiring multiple personnel. PA 1) E/�LER VIN IPTFXlEFSDFC57666 Ma. FIS,NT 4X4 SUPERCA13 145 31195:00 28934:00 "CA13 '4 SUP �A Y� MODEL Y� R 2013 MODEL RAR CZ- OXFORD UHITE ,CS GRAS' CL 0/ 0/4C CS MOTH 40/20/40 INCLUDED 01; THIS VEHIM9 EQUIPIMT GROUP 101A 23100D XL 8ERIES powm EQUIP Kma CjRoup XT4 PLUS PACKAGE CRUISE CONTROL MY KEY XL DECOR GROUP COMMNICATI O','T SYNC VOICE ACTIVATED SYSTEMS S'XLECT -SHIFT TRANSMISSION OPTIONAL EOUIPMENT -SINGLE CD If/ SYNC 13ZSIC -17" GREY STYLED STEEL, WHEELS 99F S. OL V8 FFV MIGZVE 1000,00 853 1; 00 446 ELECTRONIC 6 -SPD AUTO 1 Nc TIC -P235/7.9R17 BSW ALL -TERRAIN X19 3.55 RATIO REGULAR AXL2 73504 GV -W -R PACISA G9 36 GPLLLON FUEL TANK 153 FRONT LICE14SE PLATE BRACKET Nc 4111 MITE BLOCK HEATER INc! 11C C CLOTH 40/20/40 ruc 11c" TOTAL OPTIOITS 3310,00 2822,00 TOTAL VEHICLE & OPT10119 34505:00 31756'00 DESTINATION & DELIVERY 995100 9.95,100 TOTAL BEFORE I)TSCOU1.1TS 35500:00 327-51100 VOLSPECIAL ADDED D18COMIMI I I 101A EQUIPMENT GROUP P1 750100- 640,00 - TOTAL SAVINGS 7515'00- 60,loo- TOTAL FOR VEHICLE 34750100 1 FUNn CHARGE F 140140 ADVERTISI140 ASSESSMENT i506t00 S111PPIU0 'I'MIGHT 5241 LBS. T,OT - AL - 34750:00 32757,440 1w, r I., C112 60 r I I This I rivoica may not reflect the final r05 t Of th,'; VC 11100 41 vie',y of thu OssibifltY Of fU tUIP roba te S, al!o-,:+a rice z. disco n ts and 1 'ICO 1) Evo aWafda fron) Ford M, otor Company t 0 t 11 a d 0 Q I e r. SOA to ---I S h -p to ff, c�fli e r tN-u i above) Ship Through Invo,i-ce & Un't!denbfl6w N10. F-in:nJ Asserribly Pont :L3?TFX 1E FSDFC5 7666 DEARBORN Order Type Ramp Code 2 RA2K Dale kiv. Pre red Rem Number 05 07 13 58-F202 I I -- Fin a nce ConW, ny 8 n 1,0:TB—n1j) WELLS FARGO BANKt Tctal Haldl)ack Invoice Tatai A & Z Plan D Plan X Plan 757. 31514.40 31614.40 3290IV37 1012 3240 This Invoice lo be used for the billing of vehicles only Dea!er-'s Copy Batch ID Price Level I) 1-e 0 71 1340 Tiansq Days -11002,4 Midway Ford Commercial Fleet and Government Sales 2777 N. Snelling Ave. Roseville MN 55113 T1 03 X1 E Contract # 54363 2013 F-150 Super Cab 4x4 6.5'Box XL T-500RXI Travis Swanson 651-343-5212 tswanso n (@,ro s evi I I e m i dw ford. c o m Fax # 651-6., 0 Vehicle will include the following required OEM equipment if not part of standard base pads e. Automatic Transmission 40/20140 Seat Matching Full Size Spare Tire Rubber Floor AM/FM/ Radio 4 -Wheel ABS Brakes Dual Front Air Bags Tilt Wheel Air Conditioning Bumpers w/Rear Step Options Code Price Select Exterior Colors Select 5.OL V8 99F $853 x Blue Jeans Metallic N1 101A Package $11969 x Vermillion Red E4 Tuxedo Black Metallic. UH Sterling Grey Metallic Ui Ingot Silver Metallic Ux Oxford White YZ Option Total Base Price 3.7 Liter Options PriGe Totals Extended Warranty Transit Impr Excise Tax Tax Exempt Lic Other Document fee Sub total per vehicle Number of Vehicles Grand Total for all units Acceptance Signature interior t;oiors Steel only (color for XL Extended Service Contracts Cost Select F150 4x2 Premium Care 5yr/75000 $11160 F150 44 Premium Care 5yr/75000 $12240 (Other time and milage options available) $22822 (some restrictions apply, see dealer) I Print Name and Title Date Totals You must have a active FIN code to participate in this $21,047.92 Purchase contract - FIN code # $2,822.00 Purchase Order required prior to order placement Payment due upon agreed vehicle acceptance, 1 5 % added $20.00 after 30 days. Name of Organization 23,889.92 Address 23)889.92 City, State, Zip Contact Person/ Phone # Contact's e-mail address and fax # Midway Ford Acceptance Signature Date W