05-09-17 Heritage Preservation Commission Minutes5-9-17 Otsego Heritage Preservation Commission Minutes Present: Toni Seroshek, Chris Wilson, Zonja Matushenko, Gail Anderson, Mayor Jessica Stockamp Meeting called to order at 7:07pm. Minutes of the last meeting were approved. There were no changes to the agenda. Park Signs - Toni has contacted Kelly Farm Site Manager with no response in her attempt to get a picture of the Northwood metal polish container that Chris and Gail saw earlier on a tour of Kelley Farm; this is for Northwood Park sign. She will send the material she has to Dan Licht. AVID project – No one has heard any further news about how the Rogers High School students interviewing seniors in nursing homes has been going. Zonja did notify the AVID Director about our meeting tonight. SHPO – State History Preservation Organization. The Commissioners discussed the news that the MN state governor is recommending that SHPO be placed under control of the executive branch of the State Government rather than the Minnesota Historical Society. We discussed the issue and we unanimously agree that our preference be that the SHPO remain under the Minnesota Historical Society purview so that it has a more neutral orientation and avoids political jockeying. Gail volunteered to contact Michael Koop and ask him if there is any organized response of objection to the idea of this change or what he suggests as an appropriate response and if there is a deadline. Toni did write a letter of objection to the Governor from herself. Newspaper Clippings from the Elk River Star newspaper: Chris has clipped the last month’s news from the Elk River Star News and we all agreed this is a helpful practice to continue so that we are collecting tomorrow’s history today locally. She will continue to clip relevant Otsego news weekly and collect it in our office. Festival Project- Otsego Prairie Festival - September 16, 2017. We discussed our theme of “History, Her Story, Your Story.” We discussed the Otsego View newsletter which has two issues going out before The Festival: beginning of June and beginning of September. We would like to have an example of somebody’s story but so far we only have the stories Corey Tanner and Jessica Stockamp. We want to consider if we should have an older person’s story, such as that of Sarah Connett. Gail will call Carol James and check on Sarah’s status currently. Toni will forward the tapes recorded from Gail, Chris and Toni’s interviews with her to Zonja. After exploring several ideas, the most favorable idea, we agreed, was for Chris Wilson to paint on the canvas she has, provided it is large enough, with Otsego symbols such as the water tower, the old school, etc. which she did in miniature previously for an Otsego map. We will take a group or individual pictures with the canvas as back drop, with the date and place noted, and put all of them on the OHPC website, kind of a “checking in” at the Festival. These will be taken with a digital camera. Persons can also take their own pictures with the backdrop. It would be of utmost importance that the background is securely fastened to the booth. It could be the back wall of the booth, in fact, with heavy weights attached. We would need to give people instructions on how to find their pictures on our website, not using names, so that it doesn’t get too complicated. Chris will bring in the canvas to the next meeting for a sense of size. We are less sure about collecting other people’s stories given the lack of response from those we have asked. Jessica will get Chris’ original small symbols of the City back to Chris. Meeting adjourned at 8:20p.m. Gail Anderson, Secretary