2 - Fund Balance TransferCity of Otsego Fund Balance Policy General Fund Transfer 2017 1^ 2017 General Fund Budget Minimum Fund Balance 2016 Ending Fund Balance Excess Calculation 5,040,565 Resolution 2016-102 Comments 2,268,254 The City's Fund Balance states that the minimum General Fund Balance should be 45% of the subsequent year budget. 3,646,202 Per Audited Financial Statements (172,408) Less: Fund Balance from Insurance Reserve Fund (#204) - Grouped with General for Financial Reporting (20,000) Less: Fund Balance from Educational Programming Fund (#215) - Grouped with General for Financial Reporting (110,973) Less: Nonspendable Fund Balance - Financial Reporting Requirement - Funds actually have alredy been expended. 3,342,821 Fund Balance Available (Unassigned) 1,074,567 Council Approved -June XX, 2017 U:\Budget\2018\Calculation of Fund Balance Policy Transfers 2017