6 - Capital Projects Cash FlowsCity of Otsego Pavement Management Fund Cash Flow Summary Revised: June 5, 2017 Revenues Property Taxes Property Taxes (Extra Allocation) Intergovernmental (MSA) Intergovernmental (LGA) Special Assessments (Actual) Special Assessments (Levied) Special Assessments (Future) Investment Interest Miscellaneous Transfers In Total Expenses Engineering Other Charges & Services Capital Outlay Capital Outlay (CIP-Maintenance) Capital Outlay (CIP-Renewal) Transfers Out Total Cash Balance- Beginning Balance Sheet Effects Revenues Expenditures Cash Balance - Ending 2,500,000 2,000,000 1,500,000 1,000,000 500,000 1 685,560 814,869 5.00% 5.00% 5.00% 5.00% 5.00% 5.00% 5.00% 5.00% 5.00% 5.00% Actual Budgeted I - - - - Projection - Capital Improvement Plan - - - - 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023 2024 2025 2026 2027 $ 339,200 $ 356,160 $ 373,968 $ 392,666 $ 412,300 $ 432,915 $ 454,560 $ 477,288 $ 501,153 $ 526,211 $ 552,521 $ 580,147 - 119,800 - - - - - - - - - - 186,893 196,495 197,477 198,465 199,457 200,454 201,457 202,464 203,476 204,494 205,516 206,544 127,590 129,104 130,778 130,778 130,778 130,778 130,778 130,778 130,778 130,778 130,778 130,778 29,393 - - - - - - - - - - - - 13,310 12,990 12,669 12,348 12,027 11,707 11,386 11,065 10,744 5,333 - - - 14,324 45,185 77,564 84,582 86,196 93,966 143,629 226,586 242,328 252,619 2,484 (532,150) - - - - - - - - - - 685,560 814,869 729,537 779,763 832,447 860,756 884,698 915,882 990,101 1,098,812 1,136,476 1,170,088 26,007 - - - - - - - - - - - 2,046 504,097 - - - - - - - - - - - - 400,768 773,977 470,932 1,237,436 402,759 502,549 290,205 393,894 652,578 439,905 370,527 307,473 1,007,178 1,413,590 783,713 293,272 238,941 1,458,143 1,330,701 327,310 251,024 649,630 532,150 708,241 1,781,155 1,884,522 2,021,149 696,031 741,490 1,748,348 1,724,595 979,888 690,929 1,020,157 340,814 470,794 577,422 (474,196) (1,578,954) (2,767,656) (2,602,931) (2,459,723) (3,292,188) (4,026,682) (3,907,758) (3,462,211) (23,430) 685,560 814,869 729,537 779,763 832,447 860,756 884,698 915,882 990,101 1,098,812 1,136,476 1,170,088 (532,150) (708,241) (1,781,155) (1,884,522) (2,021,149) (696,031) (741,490) (1,748,348) (1,724,595) (979,888) (690,929) (1,020,157) $ 470,794 $ 577,422 $ (474,196) $ (1,578,954) $ (2,767,656) $ (2,602,931) $ (2,459,723) $ (3,292,188) $ (4,026,682) $ (3,907,758) $ (3,462,211) $ (3,312,280) Pavement Management Fund (201) 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023 2024 2025 2026 2027 ACIP - Maintenance ACIP - Renewal Revenues U:\Budget\2018\Cash Flows\Capital Funds 201 -Pavement Management City of Otsego Pavement Management Fund Cash Flow Summary Revised: June 5, 2017 Revenues Property Taxes Property Taxes (Extra Allocation) Intergovernmental (MSA) Intergovernmental (LGA) Special Assessments (Actual) Special Assessments (Levied) Special Assessments (Future) Investment Interest Miscellaneous Transfers In Total Expenses Engineering Other Charges & Services Capital Outlay Capital Outlay (CIP-Maintenance) Capital Outlay (CIP-Renewal) Transfers Out Total Cash Balance- Beginning Balance Sheet Effects Revenues Expenditures Cash Balance - Ending 2,500,000 2,000,000 1,500,000 1,000,000 500,000 N 26,007 68.46% 16.67% 14.29% 12.50% 11.11% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% Actual Budgeted I Projection - Capital Improvement Plan 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023 2024 2025 2026 2027 $ 339,200 $ 356,160 $ 600,000 $ 700,000 $ 800,000 $ 900,000 $ 1,000,000 $ 1,000,000 $ 1,000,000 $ 1,000,000 $ 1,000,000 $ 1,000,000 - 119,800 - - - - - - - - - - 186,893 196,495 197,477 198,465 199,457 200,454 201,457 202,464 203,476 204,494 205,516 206,544 127,590 129,104 130,778 130,778 130,778 130,778 130,778 130,778 130,778 130,778 130,778 130,778 29,393 - - - - - - - - - - - - 13,310 12,990 12,669 12,348 12,027 11,707 11,386 11,065 10,744 5,333 - - - 14,324 45,185 77,564 84,582 86,196 93,966 143,629 226,586 242,328 252,619 2,484 $ 470,794 $ - - - - - - - - - - 2,058,558 1,074,567 - - - - - - - - - - 685,560 1,889,436 955,569 1,087,097 1,220,147 1,327,841 1,430,138 1,438,594 1,488,948 1,572,602 1,583,955 1,589,941 26,007 2,046 504,097 - - - - - - - - - - - - 400,768 773,977 470,932 1,237,436 402,759 502,549 290,205 393,894 652,578 439,905 370,527 307,473 1,007,178 1,413,590 783,713 293,272 238,941 1,458,143 1,330,701 327,310 251,024 649,630 532,150 708,241 1,781,155 1,884,522 2,021,149 696,031 741,490 1,748,348 1,724,595 979,888 690,929 1,020,157 340,814 470,794 1,651,989 826,403 28,978 (772,023) (140,213) 548,435 238,681 3,034 595,748 1,488,774 (23,430) 685,560 1,889,436 955,569 1,087,097 1,220,147 1,327,841 1,430,138 1,438,594 1,488,948 1,572,602 1,583,955 1,589,941 (532,150) (708,241) (1,781,155) (1,884,522) (2,021,149) (696,031) (741,490) (1,748,348) (1,724,595) (979,888) (690,929) (1,020,157) $ 470,794 $ 1,651,989 $ 826,403 $ 28,978 $ (772,023) $ (140,213) $ 548,435 $ 238,681 $ 3,034 $ 595,748 $ 1,488,774 $ 2,058,558 Pavement Management Fund (201) 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023 2024 2025 2026 2027 ACIP - Maintenance ACIP - Renewal --*--Revenues U:\Budget\2018\Cash Flows\Capital Funds 201-V2 City of Otsego Pavement Management Fund - Maintenance Projects Cash Flow Summary Revised: June 5, 2017 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% Forecast I Projection - Capital Improvement Plan 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023 2024 2025 2026 2027 Revenues Property Taxes $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - Intergovernmental (MSA) 196,495 197,477 198,465 199,457 200,454 201,457 202,464 203,476 204,494 205,516 206,544 Investment Interest - - - - - - - - - - - Transfers In 621,321 - - - - - - - - - - Total 817,816 197,477 198,465 199,457 200,454 201,457 202,464 203,476 204,494 205,516 206,544 Expenses Engineering - - - - - - - - - - - Other Charges & Services Capital Outlay - - - - - - - - - - - Capital Outlay (CIP-Maintenance) 400,768 773,977 470,932 1,237,436 402,759 502,549 290,205 393,894 652,578 439,905 370,527 Transfers Out - - - - - - - - - - - Total 400,768 773,977 470,932 1,237,436 402,759 502,549 290,205 393,894 652,578 439,905 370,527 Cash Balance - Beginning - 417,048 (159,452) (431,919) (1,469,897) (1,672,202) (1,973,294) (2,061,035) (2,251,453) (2,699,537) (2,933,926) Balance Sheet Effects Revenues 817,816 197,477 198,465 199,457 200,454 201,457 202,464 203,476 204,494 205,516 206,544 Expenditures (400,768) (773,977) (470,932) (1,237,436) (402,759) (502,549) (290,205) (393,894) (652,578) (439,905) (370,527) Cash Balance - Ending $ 417,048 $ (159,452) $ (431,919) $ (1,469,897) $ (1,672,202) $ (1,973,294) $ (2,061,035) $ (2,251,453) $ (2,699,537) $ (2,933,926) $ (3,097,909) Average Annual Levy Need Maintenance 309,791 Beginning Cash 470,794 Assessments 249,182 Available Transfer 1,074,567 Rural 151,525 2017 Tax Levy 475,960 710,497 Less: Renewal Portion (1,000,000) Less: Rural Portion (400,000) Less: Maintenance Portion (621,321) Remaining U:\Budget\2018\Cash Flows\Capital Funds XXX -Maintenance City of Otsego 834,941 585,173 (644,465) (428,347) (214,264) (2,215) (1,250,344) (2,321,065) (2,305,135) (2,201,964) Balance Sheet Effects Pavement Management Fund - Assessment Projects Revenues 1,142,414 158,091 183,952 216,118 214,083 212,049 210,014 259,980 343,240 Cash Flow Summary 359,777 Expenditures (307,473) (407,859) (1,413,590) - - - (1,458,143) (1,330,701) (327,310) (251,024) (649,630) Cash Balance - Ending $ 834,941 $ 585,173 $ Revised: June 5, 2017 (2,215) $ (1,250,344) $ (2,321,065) $ 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% Forecast Projection - Capital Improvement Plan Average Annual Levy Need 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023 2024 2025 2026 2027 Revenues 249,182 Available Transfer 1,074,567 Rural 151,525 2017 Tax Levy 475,960 Property Taxes $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - Intergovernmental (LGA) 129,104 130,778 130,778 130,778 130,778 130,778 130,778 130,778 130,778 130,778 130,778 Special Assessments (Levied) 13,310 12,989 12,669 12,348 12,027 11,707 11,386 11,065 10,744 5,333 - Special Assessments (Future) - 14,324 40,505 72,992 71,278 69,564 67,850 118,137 201,718 218,084 228,999 Investment Interest - - - - - - - - - - - Transfers In 1,000,000 - - - - - - - - - - Total 1,142,414 158,091 183,952 216,118 214,083 212,049 210,014 259,980 343,240 354,195 359,777 Expenses Engineering Other Charges & Services Capital Outlay - - - - - - - - Capital Outlay (CIP-Renewal) 307,473 407,859 1,413,590 1,458,143 1,330,701 327,310 251,024 649,630 Transfers Out - - - - - - - - Total 307,473 407,859 1,413,590 1,458,143 1,330,701 327,310 251,024 649,630 Cash Balance - Beginning - 834,941 585,173 (644,465) (428,347) (214,264) (2,215) (1,250,344) (2,321,065) (2,305,135) (2,201,964) Balance Sheet Effects Revenues 1,142,414 158,091 183,952 216,118 214,083 212,049 210,014 259,980 343,240 354,195 359,777 Expenditures (307,473) (407,859) (1,413,590) - - - (1,458,143) (1,330,701) (327,310) (251,024) (649,630) Cash Balance - Ending $ 834,941 $ 585,173 $ (644,465) $ (428,347) $ (214,264) $ (2,215) $ (1,250,344) $ (2,321,065) $ (2,305,135) $ (2,201,964) $ (2,491,817) Average Annual Levy Need Maintenance 309,791 Beginning Cash 470,794 Assessments 249,182 Available Transfer 1,074,567 Rural 151,525 2017 Tax Levy 475,960 710,497 Less: Renewal Portion (1,000,000) Less: Rural Portion (400,000) Less: Maintenance Portion (621,321) Remaining U:\Budget\2018\Cash Flows\Capital Funds XXX -Assessments City of Otsego Pavement Management Fund - Rural Section Projects Cash Flow Summary V Revised: June 5, 2017 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% Forecast I Projection - Capital Improvement Plan 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023 2024 2025 2026 2027 5 Revenues Property Taxes Investment Interest Transfers In Total Expenses Engineering Other Charges & Services Capital Outlay Capital Outlay (CIP-Renewal) Transfers Out Total Cash Balance - Beginning Balance Sheet Effects Revenues Expenditures Cash Balance - Ending 400,000 400,000 599,319 783,713 293,272 238,941 599,319 783,713 293,272 238,941 2017 Tax Levy 475,960 710,497 Less: Renewal Portion (1,000,000) Less: Rural Portion (400,000) - 400,000 (199,319) (199,319) (983,032) (1,276,304) (1,515,245) (1,515,245) (1,515,245) (1,515,245) (1,515,245) 400,000 - - (599,319) (783,713) (293,272) (238,941) $ 400,000 $ (199,319) $ (199,319) $ (983,032) $ (1,276,304) $ (1,515,245) $ (1,515,245) $ (1,515,245) $ (1,515,245) $ (1,515,245) $ (1,515,245) Average Annual Levy Need Maintenance 309,791 Beginning Cash 470,794 Assessments 249,182 Available Transfer 1,074,567 Rural 151,525 2017 Tax Levy 475,960 710,497 Less: Renewal Portion (1,000,000) Less: Rural Portion (400,000) Less: Maintenance Portion (621,321) Remaining U:\Budget\2018\Cash Flows\Capital Funds XXX -Rural City of Otsego Capital Equipment Revolving Fund Cash Flow Summary I' I!J Revised: June 5, 2017 3.00% 3.00% 3.00% 3.00% 3.00% 3.00% 3.00% 3.00% 3.00% 3.00% Actual Budgeted I Projection - Capital Improvement Plan 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023 2024 2025 2026 2027 Revenues Property Taxes Investment Interest Sales of Fixed Assets Sales of Fixed Assets (Est.) Utility Fund Contributions Transfers In Total Expenses Capital Outlay - Streets Capital Outlay - Parks Capital Outlay (Fleet CIP) Transfers Out Total Cash Balance - Beginning Balance Sheet Effects Revenues Expenditures Cash Balance - Ending $ 168,000 $ 235,200 $ 242,256 $ 249,524 $ 257,009 $ 264,720 $ 272,661 $ 280,841 $ 289,266 $ 297,944 $ 306,883 $ 316,089 3,998 - - - - - - - - - - - 31,160 - - 77,400 - - - - - - 47,000 80,000 47,000 35,000 400,000 48,000 460,212 - - - - - - - - - - - 663,370 359,600 322,256 249,524 304,009 264,720 272,661 315,841 289,266 697,944 354,883 316,089 332,546 19,424 - - - - - - - - - - - 388,946 368,587 552,700 368,100 454,600 382,320 376,600 152,095 786,800 667,290 351,970 388,946 368,587 552,700 368,100 454,600 382,320 376,600 152,095 786,800 667,290 302,318 613,718 584,372 538,041 234,865 170,774 (19,106) (128,765) (189,524) (52,353) (141,208) (453,616) 663,370 359,600 322,256 249,524 304,009 264,720 272,661 315,841 289,266 697,944 354,883 316,089 (351,970) (388,946) (368,587) (552,700) (368,100) (454,600) (382,320) (376,600) (152,095) (786,800) (667,290) - $ 613,718 $ 584,372 $ 538,041 $ 234,865 $ 170,774 $ (19,106) $ (128,765) $ (189,524) $ (52,353) $ (141,208) $ (453,616) $ (137,526) 1,000,000 800,000 600,000 400,000 200,000 (200,000) (400,000) (600,000) Capital Equipment Revolving Fund (206) � Expenses � Revenues -4--Cash Balance - Ending U:\13udget\2018\Cash Flows\Cape a Funds 206 -Capital Equipment