ITEM 3.9 Drainage Easement-Christ Churchots11.1: o MINNESOTA V DEPARTMENT INFORMATION Request for City Council Action ORIGINATING DEPARTMENT REQUESTOR: MEETING DATE: Public Works City Engineer Wagner June 12, 2017 PRESENTER(s) REVIEWED BY: ITEM #: Consent City Administrator Flaherty 3.9 AGENDA ITEM DETAILS RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends obtaining drainage easement from Christ Church property in the amount not -to -exceed $7,500. ARE YOU SEEKING APPROVAL OF A CONTRACT? IS A PUBLIC HEARING REQUIRED? No No BACKGROUND/J USTI FICATI ON: DNR Pond 86-7W (Praught Pond) located SE of the new round about on CSAH 38 has a natural outlet much higher than the DNR Ordinary High Water Level (OHWL). During extreme rain events or unusual prolonged seasonal wet periods, Praught Pond water elevation rises, flooding farmland but also threatening buildings and drainfields along 67th Circle, which is along the south side of Praughts Pond. The City Staff of Otsego has contacted the DNR to determine: 1. Is an outlet at a lower level warranted? 2. What elevation outlet will be allowed? 3. Where would the outlet water be allowed to drain to? The DNR stated an outlet is appropriate and gave an elevation just above what it considers to be the ordinary high-water level. The outlet to the pond is to go directly to the east to DNR Pond 86-8P, see attached map. It should be noted the existing outlet actually would go south to another DNR controlled Pond 86-302. However, the DNR stated the water quality of the 302 pond is better than either Praught Pond or 86-8P. All of the water from the drainage area included eventually reaches Pond 86-8P with or without the proposed outlet. The proposed outlet controls will reduce the "bounce" of 86-7W and the current extended time above the OHWL. It should be noted, drainage area to the end receiving water DNR Pond 86-813 is roughly the same after the project as it was prior to the project, (0.36%). In order to construct the outlet, the City will need to secure easements between the two ponds. Mr. Praught will see benefit from the stabilization of the pond and has agreed to an easement over a portion of his property. The property to the east between Mr. Praughts land and DNR Pond 86-8P is owned by Christ Church. We have been in contact with representative of the church and negotiated and easement purchase price of $7,500. The easement is approximately 1 acre in size, is along the south side of the property and varies in width from 30' to 50' wide. We had estimated the easement to cost $3,000 based on easement at 10% of value and valuing the land generously at $30,000/acre. The church sees little benefit from the project and has some concerns that the easement will affect saleability. Development into urban residential lots in the future may be more difficult. Urban type development of this area is estimated to be in excess of 10 years in the future. Staff has discussed all the options and has determined agreeing to the $7,500 is in the best interest of the City rather than move forward with a time consuming and costly endeavor of imminent domain to obtain the easement. Therefore, it is staff's recommendation to obtain the easement in an amount not -to -exceed $7,500 from Christ Church. • Easement Exhibit • Project Location Map • Overall Drainage Map POSSIBLE MOTION PLEASE WORD MOTION AS YOU WOULD LIKE IT TO APPEAR IN THE MINUTES: Motion to direct City staff to obtain drainage easement as shown. The easement exhibit for cost not to exceed $7,500. BUDGET INFORMATION FUNDING: BUDGETED: Previous discussions on this project have been focused No on funding coming from: Fund #220 — Out of District Storm Water 3 I w M S rV O I x W (n O W O E � E „3 {{....�� oa \ Y y O r i 05 003 \\ )LKz O V M \ Vl o 0 LOZ O O $a O aoiN lU n'F E orCJ ` • kr r`) CJ mm3 ii x� _ = / Pro z t_8P of orr) o k: (. 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