ITEM 3.3B PSC 5.9.2017 MinutesITEM 3.36 Otsego Safety Committee May 9, 2017 -- Meeting Minutes Call to Order. Public Safety Chair Chuck Schauss called the meeting to order at 6:36 pm Roll Call: Mayor: Jessica Stockarnp, Councilmembers: Jason Warenhime. Chuck Schauss, Mark Driste, Tina Driste, Paul Fields, Jim Breitbach, Greg Hubbard, Deb Schreiner, Wright County Sheriff GUESTS: Janet (CERT history), Troy- resident 1. Approve agenda. Commissioner G. Hubbard motioned to approve agenda as written. Seconded by Commissioner I Breitbach. All in favor. Motion carried. 2. Approve meeting minutes. 2.1 April 11, 2017 Commissioner G. Hubbard motioned to approve minutes as written. Seconded by Commissioner C. Schauss. All in favor. Motion carried. 3. Open Forum. Sheriff/Mayor Stockamp discussed increased vandalism; City Council voted to change the park hours to Sunrise to sunset, not posted yet. 4. Public Safety Police/Fire/Ambulance U dates. ates. Albertville: absent Elk River: absent Roger: absent. Sherriff: continued discussion about vandalism and there was a car vs. bus accident with injuries that happened earlier today 5.. Old Business. CERT discussion: there are many people interested in serving on the CERT team, there should be more than 15 individuals. CM Warenhime invited Janet to discuss her experience with CERT. Janet will talk in the future with Commissioner C. Schauss & exchange materials about starting a CERT team. Janet is interested in serving on the team, possibly heading it up. 7. New Business. No new business — road clean-up scheduled for this evening 8. City Council Meeting Update. No update available 9. City Council Meeting Assignments. May 22- Paul June 12 — Paul 10. Adjourn. Commissioner J. Breitbach motioned to adjourn. Seconded by Commissioner C. Schauss. All in favor. Motion carried. Adjourned at 6:52 pm. Road clean-up conducted Next meeting June 13, 2017, 6:30 pm Written by: Tina Driste, Commission Secretary