ITEM 5.1 Kadler Avex �, OtSezTY F o MINNESOTA V DEPARTMENT INFORMATION Request for City Council Action ORIGINATING DEPARTMENT REQUESTOR: MEETING DATE: Public Works City Engineer Wagner June 26, 2017 PRESENTER(s) REVIEWED BY: ITEM #: City Engineer Wagner City Administrator Flaherty 5.1 AGENDA ITEM DETAILS RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends approval of Resolution 17-54 Accepting Plans and Specifications for the Kadler Avenue Street Improvements from 70th Street North %2 mile and 73rd Street from Kadler Avenue west to end of cul- de-sac, and Authorize Advertisement for Bids. ARE YOU SEEKING APPROVAL OF A CONTRACT? IS A PUBLIC HEARING REQUIRED? No Already held May 22, 2017 BACKGROUND/JUSTIFICATION: To facilitate the development of an industrial park proposed to be located on two 40 acre parcels directly north of the West 1-94 Industrial park, public improvements must be constructed. The property owner petitioned the City Council and paid for a feasibility report which provided a preliminary examination of the public improvements necessary. These improvements include a typical industrial type street with watermain, sanitary main and storm sewer, and the plans are included as supporting documentation. At the special meeting held April 10th, 2017, City Council passed a Resolution for preparation of Plan and Specifications for the street improvement for Kadler Avenue NE from 70th Street NE north %2 miles. A development agreement with an adjacent property owner is being prepared which assesses a portion of the Kadler Avenue project and all of the 73rd Street Project costs. Tax Increment Financing will be used as a method for the City of Otsego to pay back a general obligation bond needed to fund the City's portion of the project. The City has both accepted the feasibility report by resolution and held a public hearing on May 22, 2017 regarding the assessment in accordance with MN Statute 429. Bids for the project will be opened on July 18tH 2017. The bids will be presented to the City Council at the July 24th meeting for consideration. The Council will also be presented the following for consideration: 1) Development Application (Planning Commission Meeting is July 17th) 2) Development Agreement (Including Assessments) A 16" trunk watermain under Kadler Avenue along the entire length of the project is included but will be paid separately from the Water Utility Fund. Estimated Construction Cost for all of our within budget amounts: Kadler Avenue $829,850 73rd Street $272,820 Trunk Watermain $261,767 The only concern is wetland banking cost may cause the project to exceed estimates. A TEP meeting will be held soon. From there, the quantity of wetland filled and needed to be mitigated at 2:1 will be determined. We will determine if the mitigation of BWSR Bank eligible. If not, the City will need to purchase wetland bank credits from a 3rd party at market rate. SUPPORTING DOCUMENTS ATTACHED: • Plans and Specifications for the Kadler Avenue and 73rd Street Improvements — Handed out at meeting • Estimate of Project Cost • Resolution 2017-54 POSSIBLE MOTION PLEASE WORD MOTION AS YOU WOULD LIKE ITTO APPEAR IN THE MINUTES: Motion to approve Resolution 2017-54 Accepting Plans and Specifications for the Kadler Avenue and 73rd Street Improvement Project and to Authorize Advertisement for Bids. RI IIIrFT IAIF(1RMATI(1N FUNDING: BUDGETED: The City will be issuing bonds to finance this project, No with repayment sources including: special assessments, property taxes and tax increments. KADLERAVENUE IMPROVEMENT PROJECT CITY PROJECT R17-04 CITY OF OTSEGO, WRIGHT COUNTY, MN Kadler Ave 73rd Str¢et TOTAL Item Estimated Kadler Ave Estimated 73rd Street Estimated TOTAL No. Scec. Ref Description Unit Unit Price Quantity Cost Extenston 4uantlty Cost Extension 4uantlty Cost Extensloi Id Schedule "B" - Sanitary Sewer Unit Unit Price Kadler Ave Kadler Ave Cost Extension 73rd Street 73rd Street cost Extension TOTAL TOTAL cost Extension Ito. 2501.515 15 RC P' a 2501.515 18' RC P' a EACH EACH 3500.00 5550.00 Estimated Kadler Ave Estimated 73rd Street Estimated TOTAL No, Spec. Ref DescdpBon Unit Unit Price Quantity Cost Extension Quantity Cost Extenslon Quantity Cost Extenslc . 32 Connect0 ExisS P!22 EA $1,500.00 0 $ - 1 $ 1500.00 1 $ 1,500.0 33 ConneGto Existi Manhole wl OuWd. Drop EA $5000.00 1 $ 5WO.D0 0 S - 1 5 S,WO.0 342506.522 Casti Assambi EA $1,50000 3 $ 4,500.00 3 $ 4500.00 6. S 9,000.0 35 2506,522 Raise Sanity Structure EA $2500.00 3 $ 7.5W.00 3 $ 7500.00 6 $ 15000.0 36 8' PVC SDR 26 S -Ra Solder Pi 20'30' De th LF $35.0 103 $ 3,605.00 448 $ 15680.00 551 $ 19,285.0 37 17 PVC SDR 26 Sanity Sewer PI 30.37 Depth) LF $100.00 0 $ - 0 $ - 0 $ - 38 Standard Mantrola 0-1O depth) EACH $4,000.00 0 $ 3 $ 12WO.00 3 $ 12,000.0 39 Extra De th VF $225.00 o $ - 31 $ 6,975.00 31 3 6,975.0 AM- Old Schedule"0•'- Sanitary Sewer $1,500.00 0 $ - $20,605.00 $48,155.00 0 $68,760.00 Bid Schedule "C" -Storm Sewer Item N. Spee. Ref Description Unit Unit Price Kadler Ave Estimated Quantity Kadler Ave Cost Extension 73rd Street Estimated 4uantlty 73rd Street cost Extension TOTAL Estimated Quantity TOTAL cost Extension 40 41 2501.515 15 RC P' a 2501.515 18' RC P' a EACH EACH 3500.00 5550.00 3 0 S 1,500.00 $ - 0 1 $ - 00 3 1 $ 1,500.00 S 55OW 42 2501.515 21" RC Pip. EACH $600.00 0 S - 0 1,268,071 0 S - 43. 2501.515 24' RC P' a EACH $750.00 3 S 2,250.00 1 00 4 $ 3,000.00 44 2501.515 30' RC P' a EACH 5750.00 0 5 - 0 0 S - 45 2501.661 18" RC Pip. Culvert Design 3006 CLV dr(vawa s LF $35.00 0 S - 0 E�7 0 $ - 46 2501.569 21" RC Safe EACH $700.00 1 S 700.00 0 1 $ 700.00 47 2501.002 Outlet Structure EACH $3,DOO.00 3 $ 9,000.00 0 3 $ 9000.00 48 2501.502 Safa Guard for 2l'Pi EACH $1250.00 0 S - 0 0 $49 .2501.002 Trash Guard Por 24"Pi EACH $1500.00 3 S 4,500.00 1 0 4 $ BOOOOO 50 2501.002 Tmsh Guard for 30°Pi EACH $1,500.00 0 $ - 0 0 S - 51 2502541 4' Pert PVC Pi Drain LF $7.00 142 5 994.00 95 S 665.0 237 S 1659.00 52 2503.541 17 RC PipeSewer Design3005 CL alt depths) LF $3200 0 $ - 95 $ 3,040.00 95 $ 31040.00 53 2503.541 15' RC Pi . Sawa, Dad n 30W CL V ag de ihs LF $36.00 263 $ 9,468.00 0 $ - 263 $ %46B.00 54 2503.541 18'RC Pi Sewer Des n3006 CL(all de the LF. $38.00 0. S - 348 S 13,224.00 348 $ 13,224.00 55 2503.541 24' HOPE Pipe Sewer all de the LF $30.00 815 $ 24,450.00 0 $ - 815 $ 24 450.00 56 2503.541 24"RC Pi Sawer Dad n3006 CL HI all depths) LF $47.00 000 $ 42,300.00 0 $ - 900 S 42300.00 57 2503.541 27' NO PiusSewar Des 3008 CLIII all de tlrs LF $47.00 0 S - 0 $ - 0 $ - 58 2500.541 3(r RC Pi Sewer Design3008 CLIII all d.lhs LF $55.00 0 S - 0 $ - 0 $ - 59 2506.501 Construct Drain.. Structure Des n4840M EACH 5650.00 8 $ 5,200.00 2 $ 1300.00 10 S 6500:00 00 2508.001 Construe Drzlna eStnture Dad 72-4020 EACH $8 50.00 0 $ - 0 $ - 0 3 - 61 2500.501 Construct D2lna .Stn tura Ded 84-0029 EACH $1200.00 0 S - 0 $ - 0 3 - 62 2506.501 Construct Drains a Structure Des n 2503 EACH $450.00 3 $ 1350.00 2 $ 900.00 5 $ 250.00 63 12515.500 Artiadated lnterbcH Black en CeB,T A Total- Bid Schedule -C" -Storm Sever Sy I sizo. iS 7,750.00 5109,462.00 10 S 1,250.00 523,179.00 72 $ 9,000.00 5132,641.00 Kadler Ave 73rd Street TOTAL rw... Estimated Kadler Ave Estimated 73rd Street Estimated TOTAL Bid Schedule"A"-Streets $699,783 5163,086 5862,889 Bid Schedule"B" - Sanitary Sewer $20,605 548,165 $88,760 Bid Schedule "C" Storm 8- $109,462 $23,179 5132,641 Bid Schedule "D"-Wata-.1. $0 $36,401 538,401 TOTAL CONSTRUCTION COST $829,850 $272,820 $1,102,671 ib% AdMnlstratlon, Legal, 8 Engineering 5124,478 $40,923 $165,401 TOTAL ESTIMATED CONSTRUCTION COST 954,328 5313,743 1,268,071 Kadler Ave Estimated I Kadler Ave Bid Schedule "E"-Watermain(WAC) $261,767 13% Administration, Legal,& Engineering 539,285 TOTAL ESTIMATED CONSTRUCTION COST $301,051 'Assumes all ROW and easanumN vA)] ba dedicated 'M§dand Mitigation costs era NOT Indud.d RESOLUTION NO. 2017-54 RESOLUTION ACCEPTING OF PLANS AND SPECIFICATIONS AND ORDERING ADVERTISEMENT FOR BIDS FOR THE IMPROVEMENT OF KADLER AVENUE FROM 70TH STREET TO % MILE NORTH AND 73RD STREET FROM KADLER AVENUE TO WEST TO END OF CUL-DE-SAC WHEREAS, pursuant to a request from the council, Hakanson Anderson has preared plans and specifications for the improvements of Kadler Avenue from 70t Street to Y2 mile north and 73�d Street from Kadler Avenue to west to end of cul-de-sac, and has presented such plans and specifications to the council for approval; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF OTSEGO, MINNESOTA: 1. Such plans and specifications, dated June 21, 2017, a copy of which is attached hereto and made a part hereof, are hereby approved 2. The City Clerk shall prepare and cause to be inserted online in Quest CDN and within the City of Otsego's website, an advertisement for bids upon the making of such improvement under such approved plans and specifications. The advertisement shall be viewable for (3) three week(s), shall specify the work to be done, shall state that bids will be opened and considered by the council at City Hall located at, 13400 90th Street NE, Otsego, MN 55330. No bids will be considered unless sealed and filed with the clerk and accompanied by a cash deposit, cashier's check, bid bond, or certified check payable to the clerk for 5.0 percent of the amount of each bid Adopted by the council this 26th day of June, 2017. Motioned By: Seconded By: All in Favor: Those Opposed: Jessica Stockamp, Mayor Tami Loff, Clerk