ITEM 1AUtilities Department Vehicles
Public Works Subcommittee:
1. Prices
a. Y2ton State contract $23,890 (told it was a 12 week read time for delivery)
b. Y2 ton off the lot "`fleet" $25,600
. Tori not priced but intended to be purchased off the State contract
2. Recommendation
a. Purchase two tons off the lot
b. Purchase tori offState contract
Confirmed inventory and Price information after PW Meeting:
1, Availability
a. Y tons available off the lot and through State contract
b. % ton State contract has expired (duo to model year availability
2. Prices
a. Y2ton State contract Ford F150 $23,890
b. Y ton off the lot "fleet" Ford F150 $25,600
. Y2ton off the lot "fleet" Chevrolet $28,,595
ton off the lot `fleet" Ford Flo $24,500
e. ton off the lot "fleet" Chevrolet $30,749
Revised option for purchase duo to % ton not being available through the State contract until a new
contract is negotiated no sot date for the new contract).
I. Y2 ton off the lot Ford F150 $25,600
2. Y2ton off the State contract $23,890(de Iivery time red aced to nine weeks)
3. 4 tori off the lot Ford F2 $24500
Total $73,990
This option reduces chance of the ton increasing in price with the new State contract and
takes advantage of a good off the lot price for the 3 ton.
Not : Prices do not 1ncI ud e tax, license, fees, and approximately $ 500 for required safety e q u ipment.
plow will be purchased for the % tori at a cost of approximately $6500.
June 5,, 2013