ITEM 3.11 Sidewalk policyIm 1Ty or ot fgo MINNESOTA DEPA T ENT INFORMATION Request for City Council Action oR lel T66-6& T i[ T :................................... EQUE $TO R MEETING DAT E Public Works Devin Lamson, Public Works June 10, 2013 PRE ENTE s : REVIEWED BY: ITEM #: Kevin Lamson, Public Works Lori Johnson, City Administrator 3.11- Sidewalk Policy AGFA ITFM DETAILS RECOMMENDATION: City staff recommends adoption of Policy .11- Public Sidewalk Policy ARE YOU 8 EEE KING APPROVAL of A CONTRACT? I S A PUBLIC HEARING RE FIRED No N BAnl o ouNDIJUSTlF«ATI N: Staff has recently attended Loss Control Workshops put on by the League of MN Cities. One class in particular focused on the importance of cities to create and adopt a formal sidewalk policy. The LMNC recommends that cities adopt some type of sidewalk policy and designate a department to delegate the responsibility too, Public Works staff gill be responsible for the initial surrey, scheduling of routine inspections and following criteria for repairs and or replacement of a sidewalk section. City staff has drafted a proposed policy based on model language provided by the LMNC and recommendations of the Cit} Engineer and Public Works staff. The proposed draft was presented to the Public Works Sub -Committee and it was the consensus of the committee to recommend that the policy be approved. SUPPORTINGDOCUMENTS: NONE A. Public Sidewalk Policy B. resolution 2013-32 adopting a Public Sidewalk policy MOTION: : (Pleases}cord motion as you would like it to appear In the 1nute .) Motion to adopt Resolution 2013-32 adopting a Public Sidewalk Policy. BUDGET INFORMATION FUNDING: BUDGETED: YES NO ACTION TAKEN ❑ APPROVED AS REQUESTED o DENIED a TABLED ❑ OTHER (List Lange It e h,r, 1# 21b 603 POLICY 82.1 1 PUBLIC SIDEWALK Section 04.08. 0'1 Purpose 04.08.02%. Financial Responsibility 04.08. 03 Sidewalk Specifications 04.08.04 Sidewalk Inspection Procedures 04.88.05 sidewalk repair and Replacement 84.08.06 Sidewalk Maintenance e 04.08.07 Street Accesses 04.08.08 Amendments 04. 8, 'I = PURPOSE: A. The City has required (and continues to require) installation of public sidewalks within the public right-of-way or public easements for new developments-, which vary in age and in quality of condition. Not every mere inequality or irregularity in the surface of the sidewalk rises to the level of a defect. The City recognizes that some sidewalk conditions create unreasonable hazards for pedestrians and other sidewalk users. B. The City has limited employee and financial resources and cannot reasonably replace all sidewalks needing replacement or repair in the sane year the sidewalk is identified as needing replacement and repair. Sidewalk replacement and repair can be costly. Comprehensive sidewalk surveys are expensive and require the use of limited city personnel and ether resources. Under appropriate circumstances, some or all of the cost of sidewalk replacement may he passed to the adjacent property owner. C. Accordingly, the City and its Public works Department must exercise both discretion and professional judgment in determining whether and when sidewalks need to be replaced or repaired. The City expects that its agents, employees, and City officials will exercise discretion in identifying conditions requiring replacement and repair, in the scheduling of replacement and repair and in establishing priorities for replacement and repair. D. This policy is in addition to requirements established by the City Code and other City policies related to sidewalk maintenance, repair and replacement. *08.02: FINANCIAL RESPONSIBILITY: The responsibility for costs associated with repair and replacement of public sidewalks shall be as follows: A. The City shall fund repair of sidewalks when determined by the Public Works Street Supervisor that the defect can be corrected without replacement of an entire panels. B. The cost for replacement of defective sidewalk panels when determined necessary by the Public Works Streets Supervisor shall be one hundred 100 percent assessable to the abutting property in accordance with Section of the Public Improvements Assessment Policy. 04.08.03: SIDEWALK SPECIFICATIONS: The specifications for public sidewalks shall be as adopted by the Engineering Manual. 04.08.04: SIDEWALK INSPECTION PROCEDURES: The Public Works Street Supervisor shall establish procedures for regular sidewalk inspection to include: A. An Initial City wide sidewalk survey to be completed b [DATE] B. A schedule for routine sidewalk inspections on a regular basis. C. Criteria for determining whether a particular sidewalk condition is in need of replacement or repair. D. Sidewalks shall be inspected prior to issuance of a certificate of occupancy related to a building permit for a new principal building or accessory building upon a property. E. If the Public Works Street Supervisor finds that a sidewalk is unsafe, defective or in need of repairs, they shall cause a notice to be served upon the abutting property owner of record and resident aria U.S. Mail stating that the City will undertake repairs or replacement of the sidewalk with costs to be assessed to the property. 04.08.05. SIDEWALK REPAID. AND REPLACEMENT: ., Upon completion of the initial sidewalk survey, the Public Works Street Supervisor shall establish a repair and replacement schedule, which is subject to modification based both on sidewalk conditions and the availability of resources for sidewalk repair and replacement. B. The sidewalk replacement and repair schedule ill: Divide the City into sections or otherwise prioritize replacement of the sidewalks identified as needing replacement or repair so all sidewalks identified in the initial sidewalk survey as needing replacement or repair are replaced or repaired by DATE]. 2. Tae into consideration and weigh the following factors: a. Sidewalk location and amount of pedestrian traffic. b. Proximity of sidewalk identified as needing replacement or repair to other sidewalks also needing replacement or repair. C. The nature and severity of the condition needing replacement or repair. d. The City's budget for replacement or repair of sidewalks. e. Whether, or to what extent, the cost of repair can be recovered from adjacent property owners. f. Availability of employees, equipment, and other resources for sidewalk replacement or repair. g. Public safety. h. History of prior accidents or complaints. i. Schedules of independent contractors and work necessary to prepare bids and bid specifications if work is to be performed by independent contractors. C. A sidewalk shall be deemed defective and repaired or replaced at the direction of the Public Works Streets Supervisor when any of the following conditions are found to exist; . Vertical separation of more than one inch. 2. Horizontal separation of more than one 1inch. 3. Holes or depressions of three 3 inches or more in diameter and more than one 1 inch in depth. . Spalling over fifty 50percent of a single panel of the side walk with one (1) or more depressions of more than one 1inch. 5. A single panel of sidewalk cracked in such a manner that no part has a piece great than one square foot or is cracked in such a manner that it constitutes a potential danger to the public. 6. A sidewalk with any part missing to the full depth of the panel. 3 . A deviation on the staked and constructed grade of one-half (1/2) inch or more as to any sidewalk newly constructed. 04,08,06: SIDEWALK ALK M INT I ICE; A. City employees will be responsible for removing snow, icer dirt, rubbish or other obstructions from sidewalks that abut City -owned properties. B. Adjacent property owners, including other public entities, are responsible for removing snow, ice, dirt, rubbish or other obstructions from sidewalks that abut their property in accordance with Section 5-7-2 of the City Code. 04.08.07: STREET ACCESSES: A. Maintenance, repair and/or replacement of street accesses within the public right-of-way shall be the responsibility of the owner of the property for which the driveway provides access to. B. The Public Works Streets Supervisor shall have the authority to prescribe the ,manner and extent of or repairs or replacement to street accesses when it is determined by them that the condition of the driveway is a potential danger to the public. C. The property owner shall be given notice to repair or replace the street access in accordance with the specifications of the Engineering Manual within thirty(30) days. D. If after 3 days the property owner has not taken action to repair or replace the defective street access, the City may initiate action to complete the work deemed necessary by the Public Works Streets Supervisor to restore the street access with all costs to be billed to the property owner, and if unpaid, assessed to the property in accordance with the City Code and City -policy. 04-08,.08: AMENDMENTS: A. The City Council may mend this policy at any time. Modifications of the policy shall be effective on the date said modifications are approved by City council resolution. B. The policy will be reviewed periodically by City staff, the Parks and Recreation Commission and/or City Council. The City Clerk will keep on file comments and complaints received regarding this policy. Any review will consider comments and complaints since the last review and any other factors affecting the policy or its implementation. RESOLUTION NO.: 2013,,32 CITY OF OTSEGO COUNTY OF WRIGHT, MINNESOTA A RESOLUTION APPROVING A POLICY REGARDING PUBLIC SIDEWALKS. WHEREAS, the City has required (and continues to require) installation ofpublic sidewalks s within the public right-of-way or public easements for new developments, which vary in age and in quality of condition. Not every mere inequality or irregularity in the surface of the sidewalk rises to the level of a defect. The City recognizes that some sidewalk conditions create unreasonable hazards for pedestrians and other sidewalk users; and, WHEREAS, the City has limited employee and financial resources and cannot reasonably replace all sidewalks needing replacement or repair in the same year the sidewalk is identified as needing replacement and repair. Sidewalk replacement and repair can be costly. Comprehensive sidewalk surveys are expensive and require the use of limited city personnel and other resources. Under appropriate circumstances, some or all of the cost of sidewalk replacement may be passed to the adjacent property owner; and, IIHEF E. s, the City and its Public Works Department must exercise both discretion and professional judgment in determining whether and when sidewalks need to be replaced or repaired. The City expects that its agents, employees, and City officials will exercise discretion in identifying conditions requiring replacement and repair, in the scheduling of replacement and repair and in establishing priorities for replacement and repair; and, WHEREAS, City staff drafted a policy related to sidewalk maintenance, repair and replacement that is in addition to requirements established by the City Code and other City policies regarding this matter; and, WHEREAS, S, the Public Works Subcommittee at their meeting on May 29, 2013 reviewed the proposed policy and recommends its approval; and, NOW, THEREFORE E BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of Otsego that the policy regarding public sidewalks attached as Exhibit A is hereby adopted. MOTION BY: SECOND Y. ALL IN FAVOR. THOSE OPPOSED: ADOPTED by the City Council of the city of Otsego this '1 th day of June, 2013, CITY of OTSEGO Jessica L. Stockam, Mayor ATTEST: Tami Loff, City Clerk