ITEM 3.2A 5.28.2013 MinutesITEM 3,2^ OTSEGO CITY COUNCIL MEETING OTSEGO PRAIRIE CENTER May 281r 2013 x`:00 PM Call to order. Mayor Jessica Stockamp called the meeting to order at 7:00 PNM. Roll Call: Mayor Jessica a Sto kar p; o n ilmembers: Vern HeEdner, Jason warehime, Doug Schroeder and Tori Darkenwald. Staff: Lori Johnson, City Administrator; Daniel Licht, City Planner; Ron Wagner, City Engineer; Andy MacArthur, City Attorney; Brad Belair, Street Supervisor and Tann! Loff, City Clerk. Pledge -of llegiance: Payor Stockannp led in the Pledge of Allegiance. 1. Open Forum. 1.1 Special Presentation: Christ Church Community Garden- Ron Touchette. Mr. Ron Touchette spoke on behalf of Christ Church regarding the community park space the church recently developed; the church has installed a walking path and benches on their property and plans on having a growing area for gardening. lir. Touchette said he is not asking the city for anything this is just for information to [et the public know they are Invited to use the park's trails and picnic areas. CSI Darkenwald asked the long terra plan of the church and whether the church is still planning on relocating and selling the current property. Mr. Touchette said the long term plan is to relocate on the land they own on County Road 37 but at this time it does not make sense financially. CM warehime asked on parking for the park. fir. Touchette said the park is connected to the church parking lot and they will encourage use of that lot. CM Heidner asked if this change will have an impact on the tax status for this parcel, Mr. Touchette said this is a mission based properly and is non-taxable. Mr. Touchette said he has had conversations with City staff on water connection for irrigation but the connection fees exceed their budget. CM Darkenwald said he looks forward to using the path and CM warehin e thanked Mr. Touchette for coring. The City Council agreed. 2. Consider agenda ap rovalr M H i n r motioned to approve as writtem, Seconded by CM Schroeder, All in favor. Motion carried. r Consent Agenda. Ion -controversial items. .1 Approve Claims List, 3,2 Approve City Council Meeting minutes. A. April 22,, 2013 Board of Review. B. May 1, 2013 Special Meeting. C. May 13, 2013 Meeting. 3.3 Received Commission Meeting Minutes: A. HPC April g, 2013. 3,4 2013 Liquor License Renewals. 3,5 Approve ordinance 13-13 amending City Code to provide licensing exemption for second hand goods. 3,6 Call a Special fleeting June 5 at :00 PM to tour the City Parks. 3,7 Approve Boondox Special Event Permit. M H i ner .motioned to approve as written. Seconded by CM Schroeder*. All in favor. Motion carried. Public Works: A 70th Street Prct� A. Mary Valerius easement and Roundabout Option_ 1C. - City .City Engineer Wagner presented the staff report. CM Warehime asked if the driveway on the north will stay there. City Engineer Wagner said it will be modified 20 or 30 feet to the west. CM H ldn r said he is not in favor f this roundabout option; it still doesn't meet the City Council's requests from previous meetings. CM Darkenwald said he is not in favor of a roundabout at all, CM H idn r asked for a special w rks ssion to review, City Administrator Johnson said the City Council can recess this meeting t the end of agenda items to a worksession to discuss the roundabout. The City Council agreed to recess into a worksession after iters 7. B. Cooperative Agreement. City Engineer Wagner presented the staff report. CM H idn r agreed with the agreement changes. CM H idn r spoke of the County's Policy for cities to take care of the stormwater on County Roads. Wright County Commissioner Mark Dalelden was present and started the policy is 20 years old and at the last transportation meeting the Commissioners did get an approval to revise their current policy and they will be going to all the cities in the county for input within a month. CM H ldn r thanked Mr. Daleiden for looking at the policy and the City Council agreed. Mr. i al ld n said the County doesn't have the equipment to do maintenance on st rmwat r and the city does. CIA Darkenwald said there could be some kind of ars agreement to rent equipment. CM D rk nwald stated although he will be voting in favor- of this agreement he is still against roundabouts on county roads. CM Heidner motioned to enter into Agreement #13-52 with Wright county dated May 1 ,, 2013, Seconded by CM Schroeder* All in favor. Notion carried. *2 VISAS S stem Revisions and Resolution 13-29. City Engineer Wagner presented the staff report. CM H idn r asked if it is easy to change year to year. City Engineer Wagner said it just reeds to be approved by the State Engineer. CM rkr1wld said this change is due to the fact the state has changed the formula on how they allocate MSAS and if we leave the way it, the City would receive less funds. City Engineer Wagner said that is correct. CIA Darlenwald asked City Attorney MacArthur if he could vote on this item. City Attorney MacArthur said yes it is just general policy it would be the same a voting for an Ordinance etc. CM eidner motioned to approve Resolution 2013-29 with option ; establishing, revoking, extending and shortening State Aid routes in the city ofOtsego, Seconded by CIS Schroeder. All in favor,. Motion carried. 4.3 Consider awarding bid for Soccer Fields. City Engineer Wagner presented the staff report. City staff is recommending the low quote from Fehn Companies. CM Darkenwald said he will be abstaining from this item due to a business relationship with Fehn. CM Schroeder motioned for the city of Otsego to acrd a contract for 2013 soccer Field Grading Project (COP 13- in the amount of $79,517.00 to Fehn companies. Seconded by CM Heidner. [lotion carried 4-0. CM Darkenwalld abstailnedl 4,4 2013 Street Projects.. A. Consider awrding_iids for seal cotirg9 City Engineer Wagner r presented the staff report presenting options I and 2. CM D rk n ald asked if there is money in the fns to go over the budgeted. City Administrator Johnson said yes. CM Schroeder motioned to award 2013 Otsego Street Maintenance Project and enter into a contract with Pearson Brothers of Hanover, MN at the bid amount of $537,271,00 Seconded by Mayor Stockamp. All in favon Motion carried. , B. Consider awarding bids for crack s lim. City Engineer Wagner presented the staff report. CM Schroeder asked why there is quite difference in the two proposals and questioned whether it is based on the sane linear feet. Street Supervisor Belair said City staff requested in a lump sure bid; the bidders quoted the same segments of streets and he feels the bids are competitive, fair bids. Street Supervisor Bel it also said the City will do daily inspections of the work and that the City has the final say f when the project is complete and acceptable. M Schroeder motioned to approve the Never quote In the amount of $57,507.25 from Bargen Inc. for 2013 crack filling of streets. Seconded by CM Warehime. All in favor. Motion carried. 1 Community Develoo.rent. .1 Consider Prospect Pointe Final Plat and Resolution 13-30 approvingDevelopment Agreement. City Planner Licht presented the staff report. Applicant Tor Koerwitz thanked the city for the cooperation. He said on page 8 of the [developers Agreement it stated a five year assessment term and he is asking the City to consider seven years. CM Darkenwald asked if the City Inas done seven years in the past. City Planner Licht said yes it has for commercial development, CM iarkenrald stated he would be inclined to accept a seven year tern. CM Heidner said also on page 9 of the Developers Agreement would reed to be changed to 2020 if a seven year term is approved. M Da rkenwald motioned to approve the final plat for the Pre pe tPernte Addition as outlined in the Findings of Fact and Resolution 2013-30 approving a Development Agreement with the change from five year assessment tern to seven years,, Seconded by CM Heldner. All In favon Motion carried. City Council Reports and dates. CM Schroeder said he received a call from e concerned citizen this weekend regarding construction debris at Kittredge Park. Cid Schroeder thanked Street Supervisor Bei it for handling it on a holiday weekend. CM Heidnr asked when the [idler Avenue drainage platy will be on the agenda. City Administrator Johnson said it is on the Jure 10 City Council meeting. 7, Staff Reports and Updates. 7.1 Soccer Field Ground Brekirtg . City Administrator Johnson gave an update on the soccer field ground breaking to be held on June 5, 2013 at 5.,,45 PM. The City Council and City staff will gather at the soccer fields. City Administrator Johnson said the Parks and Recreation Manager has invited TRSA and the Parks and Recreation Commissioners,, 3 M Darkenwaid motioned to recess into a worksession at 8:21 PSI to review the 7011, Street Intersection. Seconded by CM Warehime, All in favor. Motion carried. Mayor Jessica Stockamp reconvened the meeting at 8:27 PM - 1. 70th Street Intersection. CM Heidner has concern with the current roundabout option. He wants to direct the traffic away from 70th Street by making it more difficult to exit on 70th Street. He believes that will cause traffic to stay on County Road 37. CM Darkenwald stated be doesn't like a roundabout on a County road. There was discussion on design options. City Engineer Wagner reviewed the reasoning behind option 1C. Commissioner Daleiden said will work with the County Engineer tomorrow on the City Councils concerns and get back to the City. The City Council thanked Commissioner C alei en for staying for the discussion on this iter. . Adjourn. CM Darkenwald motioned to adjourn. Seconded by CM Schroeder. All in gore Motion carried, Adjourned at 91.109 PME Mayor Jessica Stockamp AT1" ST: 'fin! Loll, City Clerk